10 The Caneoimit iChampion, cee., Ju, ]mi High standards mark succes of special needs parks program Dy Jane Muller "If yoa have lahi egreitofihindi-taisg oenathte cameoelier puseedr iiisindards aed sandards il ceonly lecadchliret iltele=^ aIePe dcleiat la esiltaltaie theacceesfal, .sit ieepogacsle cOtist. Mertal m.t=gpleled a twayea lachutse ai iltotisaggeee seesai J MDettyes frleeds eMaily. Sites trdnCDa as Parkaancd RecreatioInt l idrl eaiipaygrraied, Camp tesetima mwram whlcit qaalfetiti a Deparlmentl s apeelel especled standardsalapon Mildaca day camp aed itelefls ail and the citdree a prograte seee pegrsi e- ritrem leaders, a pre-seittal priigrett ai exprfiee wi lie a t a anl cd t1MBflD cerdita a e-rinaier week eg traiting RetB adwi acitiel. lastg on fr hosite w rtais te Yrk Meereeti Devlne uenion as arranged One of te leaders wite chlden. University fer lier tird lTe 24-year-ed cm- prir le te sIenaltofte fleata heimeesi unit 0f te asdicapped ai four Years wiwitl mi ordittater lete firsi af pregram. Marees speelal nsud pregasu la chlidrasesrle elnele u lie ledleit itre iy ete ieparuntsa ieGllsWdctci iespeclal seede aiotaBiacitelo of Aria degree tee ws te rganie a 25 Itcidicappdchitldrait lalerself pecil, nes reglns et pca dicis programt for pliyslcally wh i tilaite part lenlias impalred iearing svno ihcm naeileuain andd elly Iad-seiieesai di- wmitcitgieulier a peill rsm Geergelewe ced "'naalways llned ln cepd chitdrfolretlimes diilgte edgeIl e dligmt Acion wiere c similar tom," shitsad. A15 h- tdraii ummter for interviews nhidre witeare a lndI& peae,'s'y 'a"- "I liane wrked mt hIeL loci In ceecersisO speellr appd.ladAtepnemaielP areed eraie prograe sie paut, se- ihasdicapa. Rachit ldld rie leaders ara froiHalles HiDi s er foarkaadrveceatio. ouelias lad te apeeflr as pitolgrapied as deîieliy a srngpontan c rues fr ou otcit-ers todier datf le : parainirageleg mel. inte pregrami 'rliey doennysiledsMaret ie01tlel kgMilos really leaerestsalli a "Talde mt ulextra mr. Ieir rcin- e ietve-lt ne ig asammar acelînlilea iefere. Weil. l andsî ed huituneilmaeaifte pregrasis pregras cend Id iRe th M-aee, mite lete "Il mas isleae, buti mat Ite ; as le de $accello. su a ltlmora people in moda oftheentusism tey eedd ilte eomietitly iteowein mede ailit uliulesi itey seeed l," mere. Tliey uie Mauree slrue t leaiotu te specili s site promolea e Inte 10 Mire eld. eepu ielat eîîeatlcepors. apactal nsepi'grUs Site saaheI lha Titeyaeneyceln i liaItl leaders, laexesaselyrparticipants le speeillpole.,, antdaeee msate ibmMn esl ens plased mitite depart- suds ara superviusu aralc m100ga a ue lio eeae oalcd meela eesmuseel e pr cultaiflite Urne and nsaed te alter Mueee'sepele apd cilda hautdieapped clden' -are always eegagitd l m e eel etied i spe i ped cldren in~ Sbm cesemenedil me srt of actlntycily amer proleg inthe eldîsesiai feM rild ti ame 2 Seesie Wrd, Milles aeared le indiduieli mr POrmieuainme fr noidti umr Parka aed erostialle il leegatiles. Supervisor fur lie bord lele ail te pegais mort oser l iya l te wleler pylal e elyONEC sudreem cncnlelg toe con- l ieete imtlapartment eide ond50 cretdof te sud fo tut eIarafcapat of r ofod.e. hou",ufam.a itis pregram, le lie ex- do . Ttegeieene OfadltS-ol.O89 r(otiudfotPoé itelp Ae nets 2y5puanaand apaivieet asaisese1orelii- frieslieprograme spLeiachdes i Otaderso .rf. MIo. abîNdo rs.omhn, e - chlleee mlniret.ns. are hal sbie Mat anarig asuer umerforbadicppd bilra tbau Teus m iti st a-ricipalre is eneai_______ îees nc , cln t, Gire, Sbndis super.chiln Pr i n ectio aDearineednt is iaigrad tcraclilis epartolee gramn. Last week ha and a buload of ailier clildran want f or a orie aed te programe semmer programs. GREENHOSEean for t8774M. sIn aI Kelso as prt of the agenda for Camp Mildaamileie.Eîdse fut n'th~ie sels. mp. Av.,MItn. Fr le ouyan TE -RS 555VLY3 SU r m HOLIDAY IN FLORIDA TOUR aasted itclsplit, SECAL VALUE FI Z Isy roadloumsd SEC VALUE FOR TO'UWLR s,cnittemfoes SUMMER DISCOUNT PRICES NOMECOMORT OLLR? '*'ih freplece 2 Brad eestadem r t by e w o _1la h ours, ftajîn uth. LeC@t$idet Madira Beach, Flsride, Sue id. mCmON pame*eued lot, enClsesi Mpithr e mu ai hoe adsas iuni ofaiS. -' -~MJL NLanse riqired: Peshawrg. BIndeami nembins tes. Califor pal. j 1725.Fer AmmareionsCor 1.20aater 1 P.m. nformmitfon cmi -- - - - 52.S3ondi, - Fift monr;ntm8644M o; r «74MS SimCaW'RKlSHOP Wre seuep.. or wookeds ,eanou«aitle, jale Wmot Rarsnew officers The RotaryClub of Mlton imducted Bob Farai centre back), as ita new president t a meeting last weak. Officers shown on the stepa of the Kermighan-Martin House, a town- owned facility beside the miii pond whch Rotary p lana ta develop as a community centre are (left ta riht) Frank Claments, George Jenkins, John Ostier, Ermae Davidson, Bill Hamilton and George Kendrick. Missng are Don Caughill and Hugi McLeod. Lynx ~~ 1 înaeh..o 5M mi LE'liUn> m y mil a M ii'i a ns~ Drap nan Ri hntDrCooRE -a- CAL EtNI2RATES % nCiwmtimiof 1h. TOWN 0F MILTON PROCLAMATION Wa hereby proclaim the month of Auguel, 1981 as "Sportahirt Month min the Town of Milton. G.A. Krantz, Mayor. INSURANCE DIRCT@RMY INUAC A METOPOL LNSFI)C ALLTHEArgNIES (ILTON) LTD. CHOICE 17 WaiOiDrive- Suite 7 lu 25 Min tiet, Mftfl P RSHRRYWESPECIALIZE 87-71 PE1SR SHER KNIGHT INSURANCE FWB IZRADINUAC AGENCY LIMITED Mi I itn n Don Knght A(IC. 8784459 SM Ma eStreut ECM lin ruIN& 78204 arleedees, laige. lt. forsS5eîmenlr - 2,M Sq. et S-450a RETAIL FOR SALE COMMERCIAL lm Bq it go set m uime ln-Mil- 'rt imeltion.O Mr Sode aImil eataeished entrens and Townr sanrs. Acanenîard. sroadlenn rhrneatn wlirlesg desin home, onpool-sied let 1s chrerajjrbuilt in i maraIe area. $s9,900 rpetlri roder dock, st tiniesino den rjh punrnîati aoallabje. 677-506, o air cendiiner, Ferao MILTON--pear KCiao cnertiorns euls secuded 3 acres, rivuer, 4 Sedrouos, firetijihe, tatolîn rour, lbrary, garage, saille dean, panmceet toVry ttrative merjgae. SIjhSile or ruilaSM.I1274-4790. MjUIT CSES eelle 4PRIVATE LOT 4 eedcnn îlI-bnck bangalna. Ienated on qaietcourt clnce te scirens and shopping. Thshoe h aia t tînjjnd garage- A e taonined 'crps dearistaim. Ownr n ili- ingtno hali iattnrnrt- age. No egents lu"se. AghinO M500. PFone 878.25tor57sibfl 87m29 Osa Mortgae brick bungalow, ac rnnrn. pansd prita drnrt,ni jeloel, trued aardon, iMisi snriidoden pan- ment. rer aill hnld one opn ongae MILTON fudatde&"nha4C led- s3 Bin-" iot ankiilit 2 tfutl sMain tioo laite, tîml ntea it E.tr a Li tireetana. 2 net ld 1-pc. t quaililabit taiore mie, mnoerir eas.Inex celleti satdan. lm- moit olowio - CiaAnne. Ung Miller Rou1 iEtas', Umiemi y pca oedsdo are eln 4 kt ncat fMlo ak n era dto e ed r anwihii * avs dc cIn ed pecal o bo&n tor are eln 4 ' sI hreoMtntl0 s an ti. e wFnlrlorater u sýerîgnll SîNuculon pamiau TOSSY SALES LTD. 1-275WU4 INDUSTRIAL UNITS FOR RENT Armstrong Ave. 24lIsq. t. Purtunit Forlnorrnmiietr mjC Jeait Liisi Private - 4 Bedroom Semni oluCu"ha.is eaed lila ai, ieeiad .s.d0"hoecou: Sase-M7153 bas stn Aokintuîe.aol ulr a c fla. iTeIos, Itrdae hai rme bedrmoms. Attachori garago as vieil secig itthiles, mabe Ihis hoase a fUe rat. Fall tomeroent. Pies kit- place t10 une. Soned gond 10 yoa? Titen call me, hwashr. Wajk-nnt in lirge, MARGARET PIEWLOVE ai 842-1920 nr 844- knltlnakjiga eeluiedagvr 0437. ue tres înd shrubs. Certrel CmM* S OlaitTRat Coffl@myffhh an eppnintrnant tnnVI"a. raIl 351 Cimmi IL, Osis 87&M3 8__ 42-1920