Is someonesetg Hafton bears free? -Ministry wants to know There have bhouamre tacked nokta dain aibis IBsme thyd up. Lins, t a bhume cOn>province unulli Sto e rthuulydlkety then aterie ienithe clvert &as osar Barrie, hoe henvier and litaclama thes lhoy wuldo't i- b =atdt uuu utosau ini thettu -log uftmsrounio "eih nthe = npIt uhore tho move lhom. trap are ot ta close once However, hoth routes, moutd bho wro down foru tho mlniatcy. rur" ara ofta Atan tuaeftur ui M ire rsniiola muid aou mdaoy son roaiia Une Of Threhesus es Cambrdge office the hear ta lnîde. onpecially the Bruce, irnesmalking on con- Backland notes people ani duhe rnXa=al mre ausua ta the mi& .a bgr. lie siBM Ul= NUIO.uWsy u&Wiby a =.W. h %esdiY=andneun't even hove any lb. minltry hou no wn oang maY for crete. do heep exotlc peta and minisltry of s atri Hrer idsata r soij .sedt# «- i W s ca.iR5 lse uam trapu; on hund. To tnap a iesoere tire heure are heurs ta travel, ho aaid. The oniy place thon ind thoy are tan resoesolà heglnnlarg ta -,0bousmesntorat iunsu or e al re*W riln C he let feu moveesuatu ley hurthey'd huve ta cnming tram. Buciand 'The province lu licened ta teep heure ta moch hother and set ener If seeseon, atOfgiU be aria ihng »mulu Us Même o b.,Virsm ai. n rot oestalring ise rlng docs clvert trapua nnied there are huritansupchuas dtehebustibisarea in the Arican thom tirou ather thon asoo a sttng tv fuys s a Mrs n ouada Unstatmachmifru, rig thehure asd ram Northern Ontario.the Bruce aren uhich mny hoe helng rd Lion Safari ami they destroy ttem. If the hurs free. her and cube uure smutdheaifft.Cuesseý5 eW uhMa ebabasé riW = tue inuhus ea :: Thistime of yeur hoe usycnuld lhocoming daun oue hby snehn7 . aresi mhosing an. province ever finda ot Reuluaata nýboh he ht Bu aaffnted rsu Auuety et calmus Mdacq .Ha theuet huit wold ltely iter alngf hu Niagara Houver, t lh. ve Therehnhaeeun onomeonhahearu ami snt Nusagueey aiduto.lBues usni cuirsuvu doi a use pebahly koirs.d pasadi=lty ho ead iipjrad in Encerpoent uhichletecatch a hieur ta reports ni heurs a nsetting theon iree thon leamsa oue ien Buc B ofta uhees sou. b, ciliÈsslism e a.bur aussie t int du héMO ur , aol hesrn rlrm cvcd rdlrieif il housheren caping anyuhere dupey tlrholicer.ed heuris h.mnth. A hur mtattry ni nataraeluuldarg for a b tan hea uCroseuasConoc a esud"ffiley rcivd putrefied met wuld ho they migttlho comlng pen-reared. A Par- ether. and if someon t or the remaining boucs vuan k allaer Il et- reunnaces Cambride Ecueoa-ilrta Tm.Bsua sl i d eathe mitla aontthdu mo, and tdu doors on from a tage, waampy rnared heur wuld ihely imply ettirlg liem go seined. A MMetrlnd Coifmunity NWspaper-Serving the Community for 120 Vear VOLUME 120 - NUMBER It MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29,1981 32 PAGES - M CENTS Tra 0- tEnla. . wI o to court Site F zoned dump nttom m usn-s saima out Purkfllhe pataoinction. StrY Pg- 3 Guelph Lina aw:nUs-mt:w ho u akoita Iout va c a idta nubor oi daaguuslpart. alanlGOuelph LUne talamarpasuage ai a resolullon b, aftmanfomeilManay evenig Stary Pg 3 Sh.a been watchlng la virS patlh t on Senivrs me look ut a wmmavhs du trany ualvhei Milonjraufrvia hamitta toa uling tow ci28.» popl. Soryan piture PI. 5. Pf tgrebultv Ia*apd u euusdittcirePembeus M- 11ý Ekc* am pitude P9 6 Ue Mutan ruient uni husinessanuhutmakdlthlrdaniag- - e- quii Whsler Stry and prfie Pg.C.- Troubied teena s 'u A summur xpersonce 'it uneker hon taund dmd taok afwin with taon- agr ad hrdn Yuth Homo late hichlagnudvaluahie training fardh uture. ltary and pthre Pg. GCI. SECTION ONE Principals get power .......I Inthe Cortsa.............3 Editorral, Golumn .... ..... . 4 - Our Readers Wrte . . ....5 Sport lhirthiviuth . .... . . ..0 SECTION TWO Chminfied Advertiaaig Bi taB3 Real satet, Reltac' Choce Ba1toB8. SECTON TUBEK SpraNeus uni Vieus .... 0 CI E >r Viii W Ifl anUw v Naumoney, n study ..........C Teyended unawimlflig t Kelua lut week instead of canaelng, as Entertuinnuent.... . ...GCO, i Y Haltan 4-H Clubneas ......CIO cildren invoivnd in Mountsberg Wildife Centres Summer Pragraco faund ninds too iigit. Erie Ciristiensen (front), 10, of Kilbride and Spocini supplementa: Dominion, K- Rupert Grdon, 10 of Waterdawn tried ta keep tiis vassel an a straigitt Mut, Lennu. course but did flot find success in titeir brave venture. The fternoon of Edith Shrpes Phitonoit nifte cnoeing nas meant ta wrap Up an overnigitt camp at Kelsa but tite Weet: Peoplie uho try to run rom group itad to be content ta swîm csteaud theneives, nver matre il Keep GO bus-petistion A poiion ns nom hing circuated ta Miltan celligor GO Tranilta oretata Ita enpresu hon service ta Toontoavenu fler Go Train service le commenced. Bill ouai ni 1le Baldwin Ct., lu one ni 32 ulin hase igned Oe poiioti ni ho tli The Champion enpechod conceination ni due hon lu goln o tacuone tit uni others greul prohiomu. Based on information h and otees have gleanei rou the Go ommuter Bulletin, M. Komal saldit il ml cot hlm an extra Miltos Positvr-Cal liar-ts iau nunncd Mitas ltetr carriers and rural route centractrs wmdlihodelivrini ancir itemn aso nidlae aeurlly, Canada Penion plan, ani War Veluranas Allowance There utSeho ondelveryni provincial goverumot choes mîdu hthin mail Mc Hart sai. Thouo uho nrmualiy emeeve dueir mal ai the post office thaugh general deivery or pstal bon onu pIck up choques ut S. patia UnimiChure, 1in MaSi. in O;rahuon sMil etusen9a au, uni 4 pm. "yiu, Thosiy, ani aiy. ".Anyase vhs muy hune chagoal thete mailnggudiresun tPaî et few eshu l travel imte. urronlly te hourda Oe expreun uai Wodmard Ave. aniti tatou hlmdilrnclly to Tornto anid us UniversitlyAve, ta Iis office in tho Bell Canada Building. By tatlng the train ho sai ho ml arrive ai Union Staion uni mot etheunit ta ort, oneifila sinclemont seathur, take Oie suhmuy wminet milcot Oe etra $1l.30 Ether may, ho sai, mil coulhhu ime ne money. commonity and you wish to pick ap youa cheque, I woutd nugigest you contact the post office in that aren ta find ont uhere chteques are heing ditrlbuted in that centre,- hic. Hart uald., Proper indentiftcattan ulill he requented frem anyonnecondglin ta ptckup a cheque. mc. Hart saitd any choques ont p"ced Up hy Frtday utSi be returnsd ta Ithe Depat- ment of Supgrly MW iServices. "The chosques taae deltvoced ère for the mnonth ni July. ; "In the event the postal strlke ta resolved hofore Wednoudy, the choquen will ho avallabie by regular me-o," Mr. Hart sali. remnining bs ihon iml hbe nservice, iut "a mdli ron from Milon oser ta Meadow- sale and thon domv ta York Mils," a method ho ni utach couli tahe twice aun long au the i-minue expresn hon ervice.i "No, ue've heen spoled hy the GO ho. " l'Il het if they houpbut the one express hon utaie63 a.m., it ul ho jammed and the Gon Train sdIlho empty," Mr. Koual aid. Mr. RouaI said onoîher prnhtem ith Oie cancellation ni the honsmilho tthefate ni lhoemho bdurd ut Traliagar Rd. It lu ot knoum if there mil ho a hbu for thom ne whethor they il have to travol ta Mittan to catch the train Esen thon, tte ptitîon points u, there ,I no Miltouu.T"uvaut ml have ta get a ride or they iii hase ta drive their omn cees and prt. Mr. RouaI sai ho han heen tli Oe expresous nma kopt on ta Oatville even though Oere ta train ervice. Ho sai te hupes Oui il W heOecaau if there is enout Miltan pressure. Copes ai Oe ptîtton are hing hunded out aiGO Bsnhardin spota lu Miltan an Ihero are more sIgnl petîttans than Oie tus hesrtag due 32 nauous wichIthe Chuespion du recelved. Caleaftu tton have tbenen ut ta G Trnun i ta H.rhyresîduutite Sanu, uhu lthdu Onario Minttr ut Traopanlattaa an Cmnmunications a Oe roannng ni GO Tranitase part ni hin portfolio. G3roup tnreatens suit 53' JIlirRobinoa Ordered by the Supreme Court of Ontario ta oco- glove neiltet titwn for yeurs=fgtîgSte F saîd ply, M otnconirs bave razoned 246 acresof i b isg abs noption but t apsetietown tend ladnear Tremaine tend Britannia Rdu. a garbagette byluw togttt ors dump, but titey ulretedy face thte titreat of a 1ea "We fee tite bylane is illegal and we intend ta action ugulolt tite tanen by citizens living nearlt quait I t," haieuid. Mr. Katz'a stutemenis neere garbage dumip. supparted by a Setter fram thte group'as awyer, David Katz, reprenenting tite Trean-ru- Dvd.Etrn, confirming tite graup Wll aeek legal nia Citizens' Graup, whiicit han Warked itand-in- action uguinst thte bylani and theretore tit twn. Passage n of hsiyau ecane a legal seceanily atar Mr. Justice John Osier ruiei Joly 3 Milton must put the 246 acres ofttand, aise huns as site Fint a lanitill douinalion or the coreent neonhors ni council mmii aill ho sentancei for con- templ niftire Ontario Municipal Board. At Oie July 3 hearivf Me. Justice Osier agreei ultRalton Region, shih rt ht lie contampt action againat the Town of Milton, that the tonun had hean relicont ta passagenifte tytan aneniments uni official plan inMefiance ni Oie officiai recelpln t ott lueder on Mareir 5,*es that the rezoninf tate place. ilto duo enthe contentinofniMilton enaclion ni the Environonontai Assesunent Art on June t, ien peectudod the toun irarn redesigvatinf land, tut Mr. Justice Osier fmuni this vol ta ho the rose. , tno i comlte pansage nilttnconsauy hytaus and ametdmiento to tho offictai ptan. it thio hadl ot heen donc, hc naid ho would onact sentence. homeofn the options said to ho ope n ould ho to romose the cooncit trou ito position and order they ntout lned tu stand for puhtic office tor tenon years. Atsa, the councittors' taod and peopocties contd have heon seized andor a sabstantiat fine coutd have heen tevied. Havîog lhttto option bhttu 0prOcootI, Milttnnvery ca-eotty morded tho lotcnd- actory part of the hytamé to reitont the orders sofar receivedt-omoter tevets ni foverOmOnt whito stiti reitecting Mîttonos feetings ahutsite F. it statos in part that, "the itogionat Monicipotity ni Hatton os required to prosido tacilitien for the roceisiof and disposaiofni ante laIneder tn futfii this oblgatin, the Reginnat Munecipatity ni Hatan is peoceediof with tog toron asto dioposut ptans which toctode, amongot nthor thiogs, the need toc reonrce reeoveey incilien and hnpoiolty toaa tonner and tonner extont as tino gon on. suoitary tandfiltt Notiof in the preuonhe *the carrent sanîtary tandfitt sites nlthin tho Regionat Municîpotity ni Hatton are noariof the end ni themusanecs' thc hytam dates, "a nom oaoîtaey tandililsite mont ho secured.- Aixoittiof the nent reginnal landitt site mutl prohuhty ho site F bei-aune ni "eoonny ni oporatin and enviroomental impoct,: the tey portion ni the preambie statas "he land is prosentty deoisnateit ati dtua m the amendonent is ta reein te tsanitary tandhtt for the specific purpose ni atloinio a manicipat operation. "it o innended ta design and aperatc the sanitarytlandfittin soch a ay us to permit ageicolta atetr-use onoce the sanitary tundfittune connes - When site F, and if site F is approved as a fuehufe dump, il witt ho deslfned ta accept 2 mitlion Engtish tons or 1,8tOlfO motrin tons an the mnaximumnnon White Milton han possed the hytam in hopos it icaninterject the question o1 asattior patentiat gartiage site in liii igu- iîî,-,-î,. th itlict Pertin suprisen Miltas represoniatives an regionat cossailtwmn nets a mhen he said that itho rojgion's environroontat report on lite F is considered -exceltent", il cold ho uutoonuticatty doctared a gurhufo durop ht Ensirooment Minuster lin. Keith Norton mithoot un Envirso mental Assessment Heariof Sourd huvinf tu, mont. Miltan has pionod aît on the heurtai and the tact i moutd bhorun onder the colon uni regotations ni the Environaruntal A-sen- menn Act. This act taken in a mide ucopo, uni therefore. ltanhopen tu teint in the lia-acre Burlingtan site, alno tonun an lita A. iCo.tinaed on Pg. 2) Wvant a bite? Creoting mteke-believe coakies wassane activity witicit kepl Kelly Cumeran busy during free play time ut Milton Parks tend Recreutian Deptrtmiilt'o sumnmer pre-scitoot prograco neiicit operutes weekdays ai Robaert Baldwin Scitool gymnaur. Chitdren frao 3 taS5 yeurs muy participtete in summil-r pre-scitoal playsitop whiicit cun be uttended for week-Song sessions trougitaut thei summer, Ciildren may attend far marningo or tfternaons or bath and providing upteces are avulabte, ciildron mîy be regîstered just priar ta tie t trt aof eacit session. Wants park or parkwa y 7~iwd~ft~rTerrv Fox planned nom toma roudu or a nom part ta, coeseeateTerey Fan. ounlors ai recelne a letier irnur Chrles R. Wilsnu reqaultOie tamu cou- idee renan the Juames SnnmPurny "lbeTerry Fox Partmny.' We the teeuap fordiscussion, ouailor CaSan Bot nal b omeu lite ta non Oie lava urge Haldu Board ai Rince- teo la use the saue Terry Fax n thOe an- eumed uni yett.4-ihliipublie seirus pluemiferGane MIR. Uatsrlnnulaly Mr. Bles uuld lire aebaol yl prebubly bho âes aiul ns- Umae Bakou Boanrdlmuter Brucet[Aldty. At duat point t mss anestt& 0u" Mr. rondoays plansci for Milton la the fuure. 'ýWr alun base twonor lhree parlu e;i coli ho lonini u," sai laYe (Gar Erairta. Mr.elBot mthirea hîs eecomeadtloul and promesehemwol ebrtaia P the ieu ofni na a roui or part aler Terry Fea athae earltopportaaltY. -iltuait Terry Fan ta peseat one per- un realiy osa esute a dhteresce' sai Mc. Bot. Smeeof the marroa udshihed Broutea onuabdvision ares or la due recendy sppraved 1ra0seareluduall prt uabiciama salusg Oiesuritaidee ci Bigiray 401. Federal cheques today