The Canadian Champion, Wed., JuIY 22. 1991 D7 Grand siaml! 12,000 Stanfield's T-shirts We bought the lot at one low prie Sa you can choese from thousands of 9.99Your choice, Ourbuye 4 Were up to aur necks inT-hrsOu ye . . . .. .. >îmade a grand slam deal with Stanfield's for 12,000 Grand Slam polo T-shirts. That'a how we çan offer you thîs 10w pries on a arge selection of firat quality casual shirts, Corne to the Bay and pick f rom the many styles and colours available. Plains, strîpes, contrast trima and more. AIl made of cool, comfortable cotton/polyester wth one front pocket and fashion collar. S.M.L XL.t's a grand slam of a deal' Men's wear, dept. 350, aIl stores, And brîng along your Bay Csrd, V'. Masterard, Visa or American Express for stock-up convenience. J Personai shopping, pissas. the eau IS HARD NOT TO THINK 0F THE BAY FOR BARGAINS ON MEN'S SPORTS WEAR ute-a i 964-5511. BlooAMdYongaOpienl IA.M. UnSI7P. M. Me., Tues. Weda Tus.Ad FlUntîiPM@ OherS1OMa93OAMUni93OPMMOn Io Fn a Sel Te 6P M ____ ~ £uran isqa.&are6aO5~C.qin 785008Ciuedai Mal 23.4898 O u,, quar 7.-471 Fa- nrMai 491.2010@Le18ll0Piaa, 9PM. 781-2492 J anraaal,8a Square O',n 2.,= 70.7600e Tun.& CuulynSq 224M20e Okiie 990424111e 08504C.nrin71i211e erouîlh ro.n Ora296-2600