Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1981, Perspective, D3

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Can in prime time Tere t e utn iks1m ork for gf fgvs e arsl ecu is tessos ta bsay tesls ths os e ar. "'peasailcsolt of fresb fruits et rock DograemelC W wlm wtm ri-F bttoos preo. ascoWM label a"dtherO acorbie aci color A viter ceSSpstinso tes a ttfte5lgft Ibat b.eperasstltey are e do hgbq pinocs as shows somme eu yasred; comabiste vItl vIoler troduoo e lis- ecr. sugar onil gateil lemos portepooel te ucepas. Be- P55*tai riple 'fsat Cutierve tgt el trat pefsrv sOtlot4 Ocsp psldd dcisop- psller dissolves Bail sov. ped ripa eaçlêchis- strrisg moeas tesayh in addionin tô Ocs pepled and lchop-peufickgau comîr saoslp, utve potl rIpe pess / oeot lte yar fomly fcem se- 4 cups piited and cbop- mhichutasiaits mstage f"iîll rtevtvu npoil cooeloupo le resobei. Sir te vol- wenlb ss h olÏ Icsp Frut-t'resb sut, gnger and cte. teshiosimoti0'-- ascorblc aci color samos. Cok 2S mInutes pIe Trafsut W. koopr more. Rassove from Plefure y 1r ata /I csp teter hst asnd sklm off fosos thl f a fev sî oo mp ser LAdle t t e, storillze the rosi, loaded i wlI=Graeilpol froos1tle- jar rjelly gtaseuina% jamo, jellies and pro' mas loch of top. Seal itonefit serves. M, cup hoppoil valsais tely wvlm bot oelted Dont keep momr ailta f 1 easpoos povidered parafflo or sesp lds. yoirself f hpsg. Pion ta, gInger Makes abou six -once set omo of yor bondi' f% teaspoos clnssmon jars. tUtUj3w@@m ul@JB IJUWB Copycats collect By Dt Byett mi ssmoLobe mhe somnmer of my malcotent. And ere 1 go wlLb another btcby coomit. mhe top-of-fhe-page, lead story, i mhe Star I bought today, tetts me our MPs in Ottawa, Rot ta be outdose by mhe performig bears at Quee's Park, have granted tbemstves a fat pay boost. mbey iteratty apped the necessarY egltation Lrougls al mhree stages oit Juty Mt. Ostylio members had Lbe gutd taste wef f th5 as =ti onougb t rurde the crea, tme dishosorabte mem- bers, posed ta rut for mhe ils unt Octabr, bad thor escape routes btocked by a sasetlmotoas Jite Clark who serveil sotice tat he Coserva- ives wilI force Parlauinteo ait ust thesnatioatpostal trlke la s.tted. He moutbed sossense obout paig a Bil orderlsg tmeut peopte back as tbe job. mhe edit wat no part of tht hot potato.* somhe Homse cootd it for mosmhs, dosg asotutety sOthlsg. Come ta fhsk, IL voutdi'f b mucb Of a change. WbaL are we gettiof for mhe vb.P- plsg taxtes wee psy? Not a bll of a lot! Lets havesa lutk at Loon reses- rtutîvety te d intasof tme feda. i. ime Postal Service' mer. issIt asy. 2. tteeest Rates - mat of cotrol. 3 NaLioal Dfence - wtm suas- tiqaed equipesent and dpleted for- ces, oe coolt wrd off as invasion by a wof Csb Pack from Tasmasia. W. don'L evut have sd&ltited Air- Sea-Resceoe thter rost. 4. The Caiadiao Dollar - mhe governitet pollcY of 'prlst-it--Yoo' eed'it" botssade tme bocks volas laugkable. Wbaf a costty joke mhat te. t cast oren torve a grln. S. The National Policy on Inflation - fbere isn't any. mhe goveromnent i satisfied fo do utmlsg, and ta blami the oshole problemon oshLb.state of tmi vortls fltertnge onomy. Wbat s cop-out. 6. mhe National Polcy os Usemploy- osent - as abeve. To go onvit the litis ta runa real danger of bertteg tt my fypovrlter in aboolute fruatration. I f lsd il incomspréhensible (if's b.- comteg a perostemit state of mtid that the same serdo, osho bave fatse to conne ta gripo vîmh any of mhese pro- blems, cansesrioutly believe Lb.! have earned a raine sn psy. We sbould b. gettteg -a refond, basai on mheir performance, or, mone ta mhe point, mhe lack of il. You've got ta giveouOi MPs full marte for gaîl. On Lb. eve of moiï Great Escape ifhey thoogbf i bock te, thele hoonIes, tehere ono could espert tholr votera mlgbf b. asking est bareasateg questions, mhey close raska osnd sock if ta as. mhey'll gel avay t i l, 0f course. Casadians, Lb.esvy of mhe vorld dos- Isetearo, cas neyer meeos ta b. able tt bondie peace. Gadl! NowteeSeat a nta more osoney for slomberiof. Plfy. Osly in Canada, yoa say? A shortf monbyou tthe eeader Who oswas kind enougb ta caîl and enligbten ose about "Futsy-Haf'Fredrecka" and hber egg-taying spree. After more fkon fiff y yoarn tf wosdering Iv e fteally gof if sfraigbt moante agate.__ _____ Industrial park is ok Milton till sot object ta bt stece e te dsril a zoning amendmesf park vilI b. coutructeil vbscb wtt croate an vholly wtibte he indstriel park os mhe boundarles of Mb.sis- Mesilotvale ares of tauga, Sltan Plauter Mlosa uga. Bb sdasY, sai "I cann utot e ore tme By late a negkborlsg Toms of Milton shuld monlcipsllfy con objoCt, taonck an ojetion." e e d > 4 ýy J, i ,e u ir e. re in 10 Of IL Police program identifies items ttesclothe taton brea-lut. uose SmtPolice asnd businesesu have sot e Casber, Of cooperateil. Comreprogroon 'fe biggesf Probleo, OpeaflasProlde e sys je nmette -due sbusmias, mCet at nome tahaoqîse ex= ple bstness people haveo't f iteer-sgSscy esrd of thse progrsos cooera oi bfves L.andlarereebuitnfte ~c s d trlprilae i teand auottber tadeorkbtg isreai m teftteandlfor Ll4 sormmer on tmis Potential = "rgre butsesutslog Speers names Rd lIIst provient togo hrb easily stalut gocis, sucb asoIleeepalupoent ssd tools are esgrsved wvlm reviseci as nmb 1 ston Board o mf uorgmist tEduestos lsrsdy you geL seiretarles Whbo slglt revlei a 1s f 0filot vont te do ~tsWss5 for ssytbtag wlmhost their bou's approva," utys Nmgas AB veal me Amutg tme soý g irls flsd tmat m saines vers: JutGbusesmes areof eves Dlfesbakver, reJobs A ,sterested in besritg iMaednald D'AMCyabout Lb. progrsm MeOe Vicnt MUseY, becamse Ley are et off Job. Graves Shancut 'os tbe middle oft me iw.A. (Bily) Blsbop, presestatios. Leura Serord, Stepites SLBut oe butloeSsmes eLeacorb, Emily Car osbwo are inttrested bave Aeander Grahamoell usaolty experienced a Dr. Frederick Bntng mtet.f "i tmlk Sir Adam Seck, TlmomhY busiestsen are Eat, Job. Cabot, probably iiterested Sebastias Cabot, andl becamse if's o fre Henryr Hudson. service and fbey have If oas poted ouf by eperienred break-its. ose bard memnber moere Sappoitedty no, tme real vas est ose Iodlas on hoL items are worbers' mhe litof 122 utoses, and Lt lit isdutry," utyo » eî.,. .ve ,omnn Wielboooer. Coservation Aofborify s bunting for a ew Director of Coservaion Services. Bil Warwick, osho hait filedmat capscity intem passffeos yers bas resigned f0o, ccepf a position as geseral manager f tme Cataraqol Coservation Authorty io Kingstan. Garden Part y success Oy ms. Cecil Paterson ville and Ooagb teaoss Gel oeS oishes ta resulted it Ooagb ms. George orlsg 13 t in 1.'1'trtk Broteocige oho is a A good programme M ffljjlU paintlt iton District oas os pogressot l 1 H ptlin extensive thostier staros and By litr. Ceeal Pattertas rare. beavy rate cauted Lb.e Siscere symPatky ta audience to lisdi for th. family of Lb. laI. home; ach earlier MC. for tkeeveniof asd Mri. John Lister on the than ssol. as msuaI van is jovial doatb othtbirmoomer. Vine.Monftord oas poodiatured self. mr. Listeroas in lher ii 9t k yesr, and had been in a Nursteg Homo i Sobcaygeei for the pst COUNTY HOME si yesrs. She survivai by lber A DING KENNELS sons Jon, Fred andl DO Leosard and daagbtern Mrs. Mervte Titck & 2 HOUR Mes. olive Ltchfleld, and mony grondchldrei DOG GROOMING & grest grasdohildres. Mes. Lister passai away SERVICE on Wednesday, Joly 13 and fumea ond inter- mont oas os SafordaY, ti0 VeoofEperce Jly 10 a Bobesygeon. Clîppn Et OMnsg She oas predceased for Ai scssds of Dog. by bier bosbond on loc. The Lister faoily lîved 4 o N for many yoars os Tra- 415N falgar Road. MILTON Many gatherod for the 3f h Assoal garde ,. 878-7377 party on Sturday " 18nng Jly l, at Ho yParUk. A bal- game bet veen Brook- FINAL CLEARANCE ALL Remieung Summor Stock MUST GOI ~'Wemustmake room folr ouNew b 112 ICE on our Regular Brand Names Koret, Parts International, White Stag, Mr. Leonard, Highland Queen, Sasson, Aquascutum e Shrts Blazers & Coats ALL SALES FINAL W. Do Altoiations vifb Lb. local con- servation aotberity 121 yeaes ugo as a tebnical planser. His resigsatioo, ef- fetive Sept. t, oasq asnoutced a a meetingj o the Autborify Thur- sdayoeveiig by Geserat Mnager Murray Stephen. "I-l eel very sory fo The Canadian Champion, Wed., Joty 22.1981 D3 STARTS FRIDA Y Starrirsg 80 DEREK iWINTE D WEAT i tes :0 Best wlieat poces00 t Museum ir a nning i and Cni'ýe L.ýein of INew FaStGUTruck 0 y created. They are 0 i hi smmr :àUNLOADING ': 0cail collect abilty"he toïd ellow : 1-41"-26&1240 : members Severat others ebitei decrbngM. awik RedMiling os a vey stroo oait" who wSrkedconstaIIe for Lie bLermenL of Lhe S(M js iae aotboeîLy and was of cossiderable benefîL fteo the rgaizaion BLCK ATIGOUS FREEZER BEEF LIMITEDCS __ 1/ ~\\GRADE 5A15 o'A25BEEF IS WHAT YOU GEl" WITH THIS... 2, LB. BARBEQUE PAC à?EBNK IM 0 MRIs*t S 18 R~CkbStI Gounlufè 1 1 -;Stuw$Wingksf@AMidMitO 'PERWEK Fu 17 55.5 0 40b 40LM. PORK . ADPOULTRY 0 10 %& Siutk hme 0 5 V». poskili" Wb 0pa Ofnsr.0lth _ _ «W 0 a P P, 8 EEF$IM ES 8EEF IJ DS CALL NOWI 3IIs m m l" doAffFmu ss fs 101 f PRIMLBEEFORDR NOTICE: UasWa h.O s a weA.. Bo*i "DO-NTDY-Moe'AN IS STAFF WO DLVE TO NA' <dÀI U ~SAME A CS MISSISSAUGA CUSTOMERS t CALL DIRECT 827-6980 .......................... .......... . - . Kitchen du For tise first Urne, the. Ontario Agicultieal is own food concesion bootis staffed by Exp Fron 1f t to right Susan Eden of Buelissgtoc Milton proudly ciplay n salad dish they arnong 33 studenta employed aithie Musetum Warwick Ieaving HRCA ut re ge Ri- In. ed ed ls. ce u a b d m p p n 0 y ti m fi p i ti y 9

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