Hamiet plans heId M" an tt u OCMaftltydcdeftisd Saab a idetWb at0 uattelai tatar avatabbe te Bis. .spatUlüpa am *0agt t ab VtlitfelseaMr*sta ans. iru resaint Funding sought, by Chairman SAtci S'cie fr Fnr anDmfe cw etlingserctiaeawu. WWinbmi ou ar7 the s is iaaiwFisOrl tegaiai cf theise dybataa s=gP=a tagavattabe. Pipeline work closely watched NaIttaorn e vlatcisth i e- trusted BirigisuBs rOgns afBOternt Hiydeentlotafay. TraisCanadaPipefin W e l tequred te retarn Bis sevces.of dmce ci " nta, a issconpfvloatebiesea*edtin ta-w ipeterW te Bi etii* tMte BiISsi n- vWwsmatancd EcetMAi -dteY Cnat- taa b âgdrtinteWd&§cm tuasvmcluàmt- for councsol1ors atte te apprecsd a nv aset f standards fer faosty cauiettra nctdtegannty Ceaicllecoiave aapprice d eeinitiai f a CSisltng SevcePatr Naltte vmutcotrant vils isivatu aganctes aid indvtdual tanntty ciSuwneltri W@vlte appreced standards e1ie- aiaaotant cSentag iset. e tg Lunch meeting menhital anti Etittigcat Auvislry C5Aii051,U5 iwa tria ne ion Mfr. Jobuacuina eeking permianion bu hold au obaerved trial io Foret Nov. 8. Motorcycles in for, prompts &sp.eciaf'sti A ButcWai sois camnitefa ut loein tat Bis paaaitlty et holdngj a eisaeved tritas1 nworcycte ceinpettti Ne. 8BinthBiHatuten tleaany Foret. 1 lise oniscennntttss wtliss efemed iy1 inuntera tfci tHaton Kacluessntal ced EetugleatAdviary Comminilien IEPCI.1 Ot neamber f EEAC, whisewvl at ss ai tiej camnutties ta Alan1 JeisItia, wvise tamaitngi appiclation ferrBisecoh-1 sec vd trial aosn af f lise BattueOff-Read Eies e Asociation, Oluoeced Tiate Cern- iittes. Me.Johisoanitutd his actn t"estS arye cf fae cry fritedit bisBie and intucresa bies Att are f cary mailat daptacement (125 cet and are dame d te ise Bien tle hn vakitng pace. isey are ieavtty isoftered and asa torm oftaiiversel triais" tire setaci aj relativsly annesttsand antte Bi inebby tres aied iy drt bisles. lisad nenof BthenaitReseurees. Tise INR mtercyctes ai tise isinc objeticnsinthBi EEAC meenting and ie trial if tiere ta ncocob-1 dsineatratsd il fr jection frei tise regicc felev celnnitten and tisas vas Bis reaconi inemises. Mr. Jehsone came te Objet et ai etuervsd EEAC tadiseueithe rin. trtat letaarida Brcagi a UtBieugh tise ferent v5t7 tit trait bal ceven aine leM ace viicalt ever ptttheBitBisactuet aineait ocftBs feet ai Bis geisad. tond needed, M. Pstttag d-i a fait,. Johsoin aid to 10 fet cttsd a 'dais", rsssdta vida on reck ciasceep, i thlu of taa.botldarn arcaid tree, viLgwtB th e s and op ansd dccc grades. namiser et data deciden Tise idtis lines tise Bie winn0e. rsqoired engls vaitd M'ise earved trial inse aianares cf 15,0a wold ntbecopen teBihe qaefeteorabotone- publie and vcsdd onldy bt Bd f an acre. open te abeut fit ridea and oiserveen visc are Mr. Johnson e m- pctsdl alaig Bis trial te piaszed Bis trial wootd vatuis fr date. rie freianesd 10 ar. M. JohnsanesakithBe te aboutt 4 pin. viit ftnt trialwvsedd te rue oe car een-up crewsonce b9d tego aid>reci grond ta mate sestise fret tsi tieai lBsfr a la eft s anil van foad. flai r ceon vitd ftcvers. Parking for cars and lise preblein facing tratern auttaf tise M. Jchnson and Bis biese wotld te as Bis EEAC a tie Hallan BSeidai Cotege }eavy Ccaity Forest ban s een Eqipinent ctatl iniicis deetared and Enviree- io adjacent ta tieseaccticn sntatty Sensitive Aies f Bis frest Bis cff-rcad IESAI. rdeas vnt taas. lise fret a macaged ise cmminites. dia- fcr Battes by lise cusd tise question et Milton may be to set concerns asked to close road A peciat tnesieaimeeting Ag 19atrtlng at11.e0r&.m.eutiavetuaranlgseet a Mitten iay te asked atBimigb BisEEAC iappen tefors visnai Bis delivery e sal odgcah scte a t arisapsainf wal iSe t e nesit laise censpiaint vae ledged Nattai Wai1So= er'n arBi of over byBiheliRCA. vB ieiueat Thelunheo wil bingmemesof he Ns. 10 Stdered 8guis con la a leter lc AMan "Tise auBice ty van lit tincs5a vii vit ab < ~ e ertanty eteaed tacey oethBe Bruce Tradt requesd tb reinsves lie BattueDttrict eaBi Cueilndithei 'Off t r-vi1 tdrive Asocation, NECA terrier an idds ai Regiasi "thi and Socia Srvices Cianit- veiices. Wildife Bilogit Rotert ioever viBi tise tes tagotis5r te i55't5ew iatten tciniutualita NattaisEnviementltEdmondeen naid "lise paosg of tins, a terest. cand Ecetogicat Advtaery real preblein as nated seon trrier is eiens ose etfBiseiajr items n theBisagenda seit te Csimittas IEEACI vans arier ta tisteaIrs înstattsd. makiaf amre Bis Minitry f eath acta quik- tld Bis fair-visent drive daaing ils on ."Frsin pot ex- ly on dectaing Bis need forerheae beds a tep veiicten are aissg tise uepensd road periences, t in proisaily pirity fr thteregienla. <St read aid ilta nov attovance. bsi Bial organizations issavtty rttsd aid tiere "Altisoogi Our sucis as Bis Bruce Trait [)ay hanofisee1n1danmage ot ai auBiorty ban s leried Associatien and tise D y c r 0 8 esiroenstai nature Bies oolsere acconn Natttssnake Point At uns lime a gaIe point Bhis rnay bave lu te Citizen' Grcsp atteinpl An agreement forerispareisase ot day cars wagd this sebctsi na iticedipolt theq enla l. aer liss tise servicesils Be islMtniJunier Y Day anted tias ist e taisen p"ltcetsita Adatir t" th Centreibs been apprevei y Naaitn. doms Atier ose has n at hi ddauory. Ths date of t hagreemettt e: fattday, ince been pt bacs op vilissat traeaperttatton $11.73; iafl isu it ta notsteppsd tiseM" day/sarsry cissl vitBit tnnchs r transport- four viseeteen. ation, $5.56; iat-day ih toncisbtnat trans- Tie rasncvn a portten. $7.6; and kisidergarles rate ils Naaagaveya Canycn, a tvo-vway tramsporNtatiai, $9.56. ontcvwned by Btise r BiseBaaitnBegionai _______________________________Coservation Autiscrty Roof fixed FRDBRS.PLASHOPL Naten han aptroved FChIK D;dreRn S P a gea 3- pnodtag $30503 ta fin hlrneo - portiso of Bis rof at Pettit Bcouse. EDArt, linssnonge, The wors ili te dose MluLdrrna, sarnnq centes Don't forget SLEW011B:IâO jenW3» là ta GIVE 1%DaI SCRUMBS or PELLETS S-MV.'A* 7 NO-UR A ý E VA.mul -14 A Tonne$ 1 h 00 ISW: Am17-21 IN OULY 3 TONNE LOTS For InformatIon and regîtuatton s~dbfl8oeiTown HoffIIUW211 Ext. 48 RED CROSS 7-20 Blood Don« L ) N isoet.Reg ais.8.1 Tiseè Canadian Champion, Wed., July 22, 1981 7 Forest goes to HRCfA, debt question remains lise Mtdary of Admintratoan ad biskteisbt. eanceelltin. Natoral acarces vill inFlacesCotintte lTe feeling van Hav0ever, il van li. e asked te oain vraW i laiad tBei tem aied Up bynMilon decided liâtsu ince lise tie fasaeet2u lsand B recomtmadadit Maycr Gn ltaluaguPlanning and Publie arscBatefesratraof thefWesn te sammssHtts RCA, Worisn reenunndte land near 11111e Fans te NHRCA but vils lise wbc naid "vs vont luise van fietons the agenda il tise Itln egas undeaadtng tise fes lise h over unteen we gle il niuld b lis e recoin- Cnervation Autiserty. anceled outrigllt fer ntiing." mendationu dtacaaed. But tise mstised cf his ov h cottil 0aklie Maynr tBarry Iltiss cmmillee said tI esld sedon gatrecenmendattana came Barrett salid esntiatly ocly lise Minitry "le ilwat wayirens ainregtanatctuinclton tise tiese aine thilg aud upprnached vils regard ccatd td a nt nain "e day and a vran teaddsd Bis region nioiotd le the eancellatice cf Bis $187,758.85 mianagetment devStele oer wviteis toite is ttry "iit llt5 Okdfc tecauaeda atate ommandationi lkacisaarimgecaae" and Biatidais tise recoin- daisate aithBisrsgten prMaeinnofe h rgi frteaokdetPlyid Ilise Planning -il Administtration and Public Wrisa Coin- Finance Cenihittte ial iitIes isdallakd tBistass.d tiat isy taitng Bithe I U< .Au ~ I aoetli u nder Bie nuinianaamef thcf Bic D V coto fteBilHaton Jraitoff Bis Mtuttry's . .,DODS. Aatsrty and theis d et imntstry a Periodontiat Minttry te sai! dte faver mwishes su announce the conslder caniellin theient rettien, Bis coin- Opening ot is office for mnanagemnent fe ntotta iitte engit tise or i art Minttry sicd da tise the Prectice of ite Begleonat tavr et cancelling tise PERIODOINTICS ____ ____ ____ ____ 310 MAIN ST. E. sbrSuit 103th Envlon-n Buy Valley k103 Mimnt 70-164 usincompetitioo. i a v 8 EA DA O K nteHalton Count DODS. DOSURG. lise Ntagara Eecarp)- devetoentsetiedes Bie Oral and Maxtlofaciat Surgeon inent Cemmisntais NEC, vere Bie BRCA, Wishes lu announce the Ost urged tBNattain Reglen Bie Minttry f Nateral Cnservation AuBirity eorcen, Bie Cty of Opee ng ut his office foe U te eonader buyeg -tise Bringlai, and itatten tise Poct cent id y Mst stgnfftant pertiona Begion.ORAL SURGERY at cf Bis Braite ýe 7heNEsobj isection 310 MAIN ST. E. Velley istwsen Lcwvlte icamemtly un Bis fact iland Cedar prina en saime tengtis iefore 7he NEC r=. thBisltnd ta dsignalsd SUITE 103, MILTON decided i vcatd form asuoggeston ta BisHRCA a' ccrinnttntorteOApit't 861 soi-cctmtttee te oi altsaon i aiid acccrding entisequisition n 861 Bic cendition f land in lie eqniottiun NEC, Ciaieman tvnr Fiambisrogis viere e t a s lonege . Ps-n 'oy te Cha !thh imitar observedit ral e betiv" cemmisnencntd lte Ejy. h C am n wa ell tiseBt yeae. Tlisuaggestion came prspared ta suppport tise lise resudtsof UBit a ter the NEC turced conservation autiscrsty Wrmnth o... votaIt prcisaity ie ami doms an application te sutd il decide te place ta Bie Regienat Ptanning devetep part cf Bie cresis emphisn ns lie CANADIANA and Public Weriss vaBley ares. acqiition cf tBisse Ccmmttee wicis dae In opposition te Bie lands."FUR IUR ntrstagate al thtie U N T R end ot Aignai. - Oak - Leather Ijpholstereci Milton Optmiste' - Oak wîth Leather Inlay - OptIonal: Cherry, Walnut, PIne or Maple *ALL WIN<TEK COATS continue at off season -featuring - priCeS ... Up ta 50% OFF GERRY ARPRA manufaCturers suggested Mni prlCe THEFASHB*K LADIES'SFRNO& 111EnLAmIBCKS J.SUMMERSIIOES AUGVCi5U5iC.DJ at savlngs up ta 50% omAv,7flau"the olde SarAne, OplCle31 B~5all~It H ide House ITECNR lbef a S lh am y Ga utiananMea*Bai$hoisa, Racanda s en Wh, uTH Omca rcecoss WXATCH THE 8A'-LLCXC)NS I-LY AUGUST 5TH AT 9:OOA.M. I'ýligu ice hpcrs WrI d te«r~e eheratiriten oghLt ,-Jcte [,elie i iene iet.eetteee antd you an get i nornemcgreataes. terriie entertainment. sensational pciesan d hlloons galore.I Watcis for your special Bonus Coupon book und advertisng lyer delivered t0 your door. Youll Bcd sor. cgreat brgins, and more information about the Shoppers Wrld Expansion Ceebraion.' Corne and join tise fun. YouIl gel a Biig Bang out of it! IT'SASHOI BRAMPTON-HIGHWAY1OATsirE. v.J