8 Thse Canadien Champion, Wed., July22, 1981 Ca vemen, pirates, Indin part Of summer pro gram ly jace Maler pagrtf b. outie ta 13. veeky thmeafor tb. Woklg utcae- Th tioaaapay Martin, Cahy y in ameo acon- m %d praaand oiano by Milon Parka aod Bobinmanda lMarlon bine iwt education. dora n00 souad nits a Itecreation Departinent Cnningham wth tbe Lat vaek it waa back basic sommer job, buttla c-rdinale Camp belp of camp couaaellor ta l bqbglng i o for Matin Bartow aad Mildaca, a umuner day Mlony Mrga and ascaemnvek edlb is tvoassanlts l'a ail camptfor cbldran agd 7 Cindy Roacb create cbldren le dicovr ire and te vieel. Camping and nurvival akill amareaugit daring each twOo veek session vicit ain cludea an overoigli cmp-ota ceai wadand Tra Boy Scout Camp, tre. mils aortit ai Numiter 5 Sideroad. Campersar. plckad ap eacit mornlog at nartals lorations and are ined 1tte camp The chdldren eajoy swlmming tice a day la. te campas pool and 0100 engage la excorsionsa 10 Otario Pince, Branle Creek Park, Centre Island and te Toranto Eahsessioprises are awarded 1 t t et camper, rasoer and Inoier 10 nome a few. Aparens n igit taisana part of each session. 4 Thi s ite ciildreo nolamer. mp CO8Yaoppmrtunity t trta momns and dada camp om y ilto Park eosd ampst 7 1020 Dopatinot swmmig twce aday To hger are il on polyug m re. Haro l-year-old Kirk Pierrepoislt, campor Parka and Recreatioo athseson trs t h coties-Dpartment. Garden Bicycle express. Lettero, bila, advortlaementa and lttera ptl- ing up aa a reault of h potal trike? Julia Harrison and h or brother David have a solution in MUiton Courier Service. Tihe pair will deliver local mail at roasonable prices. Part y goes ahead despfte Enteirprlsng taonS capftallze on strike 10eIl a Irtict ta Mes. Harrisna m ca e tePair citarge 15 aeadJalia tacn10r= .s=a S«il e- ail aad 20 cansfqr lme ber nommer job bai vicael in it ilton. Peran. inopie nil s o r seaa .usinaeihm DMit A poay ,ess a I aai mlymunet er i tm particlarlsoarts, Julia aMiDavld amI begoug oitoha du," Jlin amitt8. - . berbiyclefr MAr 17-year-old Juin Bte la apUlilalcprompt dailvry. won lid off tram Popi- bowever, itoplng mie. Bunodarle have iteau ile Industrieasmiiere ont galag 1midi bagins 10 ait fer ddlvory bt»ma WSe morkad in lb. pile ap, responsea ete &0" Ave, ntmpe premiom ronm sociag Milino Curer Service P Drd, o d amid mail for ciildimne viii lucres».* FlYersroulte t. canesea tr mailler, decritlng te nervice Ceancillor Rse. mre derited te local Thse mara ara Haerrisnn nlggted$hitetoresanod itusinessekglaitiatng for cal tramI tart ding smethtng we.k in an effort tu npr 0OlbO- reqllirlfg local %vils iatlime ituineen. imgaidelivery et 9*02116. Recovory House grant Tite lnlisry aifIteallt prgrm uppartive reaoorcea mitiin Ilina. Winl $. gva orant ienat for te Tih e ltlt =rai 10 Itali o Bacv c iemlcally-depondent are putof12an cd Hasge.. persan t=rouinla laitlek for te Halos RecoveY togration tcomnlty Province iolelaig Rouge, a hme for re- itlp and nacinlservice 110e,8. hailitation aimen mit alcolm rolmoia bea nzn.ý Lon vcation loipeseea ime. 0 onnv tem naear fsncn htome migit hiave t n10n o r clone, but te grant vii A former MapletMtbarcit 26 aler halng itlp ke.p te home, mate mb. daldea unlamfully ai large for viticit hoss e ghttadultwalrdy1reoseaintitemni. mals and accepte a spt eankata rtrto ii. Dsctea n a.vn retearal tram Hellen tepio ao tte Dcen a « Regin, oin. ed ai na Citimai time for titefi, roitiery ilelao gong. paon mas snsenced ta, and a ireak and enler HAls a aonced by aix mondinbjailIlait charge. Me failed 10 HostitMinister Ltes iea nda, aMilan retors 10 Maplehomot Ilmi ýotrelIsaiagan erProvincial Court. Dec. 29 aiter apandlag Alcitol Desa Addction a. 8DuchelaePort C ritmas Project. rseinPr rdtfmy Bagad la Oakville, th. FORD BROS. tÎ8 in FEEDMIILI 40 ktg, For the fiet ima ini muny yoas, tae Horohy1 Grden Pry wsoq mrral by inclameol eathar, shean 1 thunderalorin rinaI out tae unithour of h. Saturday avening1 performance. Dspît itetea tofa 'Unjusi told tc A man vbonaMd havai ainjutly trealed' bysuh Mitna Building Depart- mmlt saya ho amouapl vitea ha vrote tsu lalir bt ha til vanta hap to bil a home Road re said cos. Milton Caunorilvii sare inta e su nIof rosurfaciiig Town Liu up taMoumtaharg, bt not insuhesrad r.huildiog job vanlad ity Hmilton- venrtuReaglo Cirit Roy Mais mt s-lOb Has-itan-WenOs-- orth oficiclsta&fier b. von alvecloil 10 gel more infors-atlasnaidrepor bacn on tsu requost 10 reconstauci Tus-n Lina ront Haltan Rgiont Rd 01 te Mounthrg Conservation Arean Currently !tat stetai ai rond la baicoly dirt s-tit mony pohoios du. ta, washouts. Mr. Main salil litacmlt f recootructiom vmld ha $10000 wvicit soul be toric for te tn- aven usiog siilea. Wth tuhidio. sueivo vodl haraqirad ta puy ut-Mo0. H. suggusted a double resracinghaedoe ti yar of s-icbt.tasna shara vs-Id ha ,0w. Mr. MaisasId il vs-Id ba et'z pt off 'ha rataiiiding of tCe eoud utl Io1n. in sue meantime Mr. jet-aieag oufas-a aunfood andl passa dilhonoe 4mýSe rai on oowarotogs of pared by loral rosideoto. Vic. Monford. posaibic traoda iva otertalamneot mster of ceremniis, damage 10tte rs, gaI ndarway sbortl[y from Brampton Itandrads urneil out for hfore 9 p.m. vitit a rtrsed for is; 22nd b.e 351k anuel event. group o iat yer a i tae Horoby Pre o the avens-g studeota fros- Pinievies- Garden Party. progroos rrowda itelpad Publice Scitool. Oficially opeiog t.e Obamacivos to h Titey werc folios-ad by avaoing vas Hlto Hua radiOoal home made locaI muicien Ed Mayor Pale Pomeray. ps and ice crrsm pro- Tatcher. A daligitO 10 yosng and old vere the otirs of o nr ' vetrioqaist Kevin ~Monnay and hie prtaer, tly r td .,Roer" Te pair prsvlded - some lively fao for te audenceanad for severl acta iscludad memiters - ûY a ain froo te audience. Tiiosas-ho made iO on Jota Sasmtot a mo an iy Builing Dir- tage bfore te des-o- Miauanngamit pa- otor Boy elda ier. pour iocludad membero cbaedoacsalaala vddbenonprobiem. M. rom th1e0 Audey Five Slderaad inl w? ammt hito 1 iring in Mereditit Scitool of wans o biuildaàhomeaon flinoraeap alile OIl Dancing from Milto, tb. lot for is family. and build o an troD& ncd a Macom aod Thea Allitaaitha says ha drlveway. tioctairs, a fouit manie 'fl tail opedin latrio. a atarsbad Sconlesled Proceeda rom the1ro sp air by 10100itonRg"iconCa- evenng0 wat toword Ail smile. Dancing mamrbers of the Audrey Meredith School of Danci fromMit( servaion As hrityo aa nd Rrl oi-wra b amilca whilc antcrtaîning an enthusaatic crowd a h onyat e a HRCA sapa&l itiinotMtbati Aoctiton. Saturda evcntng. The girls wcre on. of the fortunate acta that wore not rained out. allasMm in10go aiteai vih th. loi.. on long ou tlIy teel iligi h More jobs Maim fasta lihe lomno n taiter insi, M. aloulil aart talking ih aammut itu ta compiy Acting Hatit and dartmenti ol lanOs- HiloRaglan te, inve vitit filing in orderin So acial Services Diractor ing wilh n comptameol tal monlclpallty assme saIt y building guide. Itaanie Vivien soya ha ut 49 taffara. canirol. Wit lb. raglns Unus. bon four job vocancien in This in four hlos-te fiandiai rosourcan, it M. amont appeaed bit deprimant a i tae budgtad 53. Oneotela could cover lthe cStlof a aI cosail la compla, raglan. varancebo is for tae oew raad recostuction. and titoagi ha sald lu director othlit deprl- lOv as ladicaled 10nlise vai frustateld 00ithte Ha bold tae ment, a position nos- ragio toat the road met tw tn b. ete hie Administration and bing udvrised itler- to- ai sue regiana ltter ut ramplant, be Finance Cmmitbo the ouiy ani terally. crilaaina for eslabllatang stilnedsa a ay 10 hild regoloron sda.Accoua hie ntrooancsoh cm 100 amajor recreattonl iuild hie home.R E L CT I ares and canlinolty of t e RCA GnrlMn E R EE E T I rond yslam s-in adl- ager Mrray Slephem jacent uppr ier rossi sud havwai tomai dovn e systems. forte umage aif l btit ELECTIROHOME suat dosnt meon h. Miton Cotil agreed cannaI apply agala, s-tit su 5, renasr priapa vlta better ai taclng mrk 10 ha com- idea and in cosultaton piatd tiis ync a i mtHRCA oseteitiseotnaad Me. Sammot saisi lv bgaautoie icinsltinaouwmd fileaaas-im lops asoumna catro amiof g.ttmng h.chance te ýrpoalhiity fotr T,:ovobil o home for is am-u FAMILY BEENFTS Ail ~ Conditionnara RENABILITATION ONEQUES» il rnunity and Social Services will be delivering the Fomily Benefita cheques including Disabied, Blind & Mothers Allowanoe in the fol- Iowing communitias in the Raglan of Hlton whlch incIude: GEORGETOWN, BURLINGTOt4, MILTONO, ACTON CMd aurrounln acma - It la anti- cpa"d cheqsm walu hdliv.md ta roclplets by Ftldày, JUIY 31 st.1 NI ORSE FEED 4 k Y!J