Media and Ha/ton Dear Si: ttegardtog iltatao Reglonat goversonet andl meda re prsettlves Sbsce Oe ebtabttotmnst oS Hlatono Govrnsest tave ted con- odrabte experleoce wiIis goveronsnto rfii Carmna, dierent departînstand otirtaa. ie Provinaca Goverons Ides to estabttat tOaton Regossat govoronet aa a gosdi dsand conld ave oorbeil pttafactorily if tbose otto are oo eoat Conil bave made a sroma effort 10, mate il wota. lie Ides te estabttot Oe Regloosat Govermnet wao accetted by Oe meda. If s new organisatiowlttte esabisbed Oe organser, ta Iis case lhe Srsta»oanted Cielen, sosdd ave tees a fudty qtaliied indivilito10 ndrtake sort a re- spomlbttlity. Be soood h ave ired Oe cons- petent and fbOy qalied leod oto is admnstration, Ibus = ndtga old osdattos for Oe or. tOato Beglonat Gverneneo 1l'ri oundatton of a ostture munt te sold 10 bear aoy sort et a toad - oherwsle cracks nay developins Oe odatlon and the obole tutuetre isi anger.of colppstag. Duisrng Oe yiters otaeOi etbiashent oS Regionat Govemn- ment Oe media ave conttaooisty = prtelttotton crtttaos ofonoe olnasgemnet ater amotter. Potilciesshave ahkei out oS couocit nmeetng becaoae Oe roomttl meetngs ers poorty organed. poitians liensorlves tatig t Oe tioga re torleg in Hatosi ail Ibal egi.a oS Halton 1te ea poorly diorgaotsed leve oS govermnet, etc, etc. A Objet bonk contbe oritten oS Oe isaagrmtslsmistobesanad potiicians oS Haton. Forthemrons the media rports one con gethOe imspreoion Oat sonse oS Oe mensters of cosseSl sooîd bletua pareettat ad ort for the obole Bego. My persosat oxpereocea iOi Oe icol appotteil Ctairtnan. Lanil Division Cnsnsttee, Panning Commnseaod Departnsent, togat Derue net, COnrks Offic and PubicWorte Departmnet, bave tenileuos Ibm satiofactory and detnosooratea the type o services te Regiosal Goveronsent la procid- iog oc lhe citizen. Itseepwsat UmmOoreare diférnt kid o law -oe or.tiser and Oie ott fr SheOie eteand pooerfol- Eacb sporule exprieee wOtt te mode pbtieintadetaa indo. couso. TIse r0011 ofait Iis a fobtm. Tlieimaje oS Reglonat (tovernseat la tarntsbed and lin t owest scalel Now bM. Rait, Oairmnsuad Cbet Admiistrative Outrer M. Drnta PereSo are btamnlg Oie pru or beng esationotS O d Ibat ail good thingo bave bten ignored. Tbey de sot pertty Boy oS Oole gond togs oint ave been t deubt that theeba oy. If tbre are aoy, tiuor uil te WS edropo oS mater toto oreao. More orpraing tbey asienare accuatng Oe pruofoSbeig az. To my ndertatdn Oe media reprretattves are alwsys prenanot tn main eventa. Wtere b inte azineas' But obat do pas caO Oàita f one oS Oe roosctt menstero bas igtored letter addresaed 1inbita andl phtone caltabave beau ignored.l.a10 Os azinn or somsethitog orse. t have woed tilotîe differeosl cmmntrlea ta ovrat roopoosobll positions, and Oieltst 25 yeoro ta Canada. t mastlwmtOiregret admt Oat I il Oihe Canaden politicens, id tatattratoro andin tdividuels are Oe onty ooeo wbo are trytrg 10 Snd a "scape goal Suor tOier mstaaeosud ossmaoagement - oc thele alureo. TOer oowedge o beOhilcsand boossty Io questlooabte. Undobtedty Oire are cotrover- ais in taose rglonat oy8tens, obîch are kept secret and confidentiela froco pubie. t tope tat te reporters rons Our meebty consnsnity neotpapero are diggtog mmb deepor loin Oie Regoost Gonerounenots activittr- obrîber Iboor acttvitteo are good or tedl 0n0s - and report at tbta to tbe consmoity. Tis la Oe only ay to geltOeimbportial taformation rons Ragions) Govermet - poiticiens and the admnsttration. t osdd rrronsnend Oit media reproornttireo itI pr e ar Obet reports in more ospcerd' torm andl saercasm ta vry elconse. Yor serviceosoc Oie comnnty oa expectrd to te othOesme qoatl yoo ave prevideil up in date. tansuoe tte conmounily you are erving apprectate Iis very mmli and say -tansefo diifcuttort yoo are diog bonrot orm Surna coosnily A. Jluras. P. Eeg. Angela Noble. A grade 12 Milton District Hig School student, Angela hopea to make art a career. But for t h e summer ahe la filing for Maplehurat Correctional Centre. Sorting files 15 different By Linda Krby The grade 12 Milton Mîns Noble. Sîteen- year- old District Higli Sctioni She plans booever a Angela Noble ni Milton oludent said se l nol caeer in tbe arts and la perbaps the yoongesl bothered with the tact of will be attending college oi any Esperience '81 woking in Mapleburst in tbe faIt. students te ort ai She bas relatively Mapeburst Correctiona] minimal contact wlb Instttle prosoners and meeto Working as a lrkin en only upon Ier ismate records sbe mn arrivaI oben iben' responsible tor general personal gonds are flilng ni the personal turned over. belongsgs ni mmates 'Tbe lob li 'dîtterent- and teepiog tracb of sbe adsited, bt fliloS certain records. mn someling sbe bas en- Shc also sorts "dead" joyed dome smce flies. eementary scbnol, said r00 TOU WANT THE SESTU VALUE FOR TOUR N OME COMFOIT DOLLAR? I OAKVILLE I Ssi i~iMode InCanada I 8442949 TheCanadaenChampion, Wod. Julp22,1981 5 -Young people working *offer much to Milton ïm For many ot Ontarios Agreucotural Museum to Improvement Ares, yong people solmmner ansstnIw lb publir tomrs, Mapleburst Correctional ,. vacalion cdome not restoration ni mmseum Centre, MilIon necesoarfly mean artitacts and tbe opbeep Provinoial CourtMiton spendise laay days ofthe grounds. Probaton ad Paroe bastinginîbhe sont.Dffre, the Niagar Tbese montbs 10 a Stodents bave atm FEscarpmnent Commi great number of been employed o lb bhe sson and the Sberidan stodenlo mean bard Milton Bmsines Youtb Assciation. mort. Tis sommner more tison10,MOm poung people H r h r e sristeprovince are chre employed tbroogb Ibe g onernmeot by th Ontario Enperience'0 Il r nfo u V progrann. y 's n arp lc Stodents bave been b red ta, ntait togal aido Despite cbarges oS Herd noted there wr clinico. operate tom riob uoniair procurce by Dat- more Ihan isefiîrms n buineooes, conduct ville Truoteer Bill Herd, tbeora aod saîd con- -'~ environmental researcb, flattan Hord ni tracts are viton awarded art as probation romn- Education approved thebe, lu t-of-regîono fims. sellors, deigning o- appointoieilni oto Trustee Elaîne Rîehm, rupationat progeamt or arrbitecta toc projecta in Burlîngion, noird Ibsi the bandicapped and Oatvilte and Millon. once someone has a apprenticise in the field Tebad prvdsuccessful designofod ni art and drama. Andrem SBrcetfor tleAchoston he bard i Initiated in 173, tbe adto datrtosgong 1v duplîcale il and Esperience program t10 an abville Irbool, improve os il usine the bas; tbree main ob- andJohn J. Harbocsi or Original archîleci. jecive;t,o ep oseta neopublir urbool in Truste CorCrooer, b hgli youtb unemploy- tbe Timberlea ra o abvîlle. noîrd over the menidarin tbesollmmner Mlton. pool ev yrars, 14 dit- monts. toti er young lereni rchîlecîn have people a meaningtul Herd chorced the bren usrd. Il snvol a morb coperience and lv board dors nol gîve couse o a nlord ship! assiot Ihe ditiecent olber aceitecta a lir misistries ini tbe cbance alboard jobs, as ta deliery of services to the buard epatdy P /ayes Coorintd y hecitct.He conended pla n n Ready for kido. Mountsberg Wldltfe Centre s thse banc for Halton Regton Conserva- Onarit Voulb vo otbec archîlor cts re 9 n g tion Authoritys Summer Resourre Pro gramt for children from 8 ta 12. Donna Jenni- Secrelariai. Experience considered nor gîven a aon, front and Helena Sharp orc two of thse leaders for thin special program whirh '01 enroopanses 102 chance toi be conidrced poriswih are toc the jobs. He ponted r n ii' combine educaiton and rccrcation. The pair arc headcd for thse Mountabcrg pond admiisceredby 24Ot h a no rm d g witil pondt tudy cqwipment. provincial miniotlis queuinnine the qoatl Alpositions puy tbe Othie morb othie men The Milon Players. g prcvincial minimum invlved. but cnmmuniiy ibeatre mage. queuionine the fairnes gcoop wil have anoiere are close 10 a couple men have done al the p.m ai the lialon m e n u m rApproioalely 35 en yeacs. audiorium. m ean sImer osi ions~ students are employed Bard chairmon Bill Thc ecvvd acto ai the Halon Con- Cawsnv pointed oui "Egad. The Wvmav vn By Jane Motler programs im is 10 geat Heena bhrps bort- "t alwayu Ihoughbî Cd servation Aulhorily an ihece Oece nol ibal Wie" as oeil asnom Tis sommner 35 yoonc progcamts Ina ratî iof fit ground oa qite dilerent. lite mncing wtb maintenance crews. many local architecîs dean burlesque conmrdy people ave fond orb per ceci eduralios andl This tal sbe milbgin ceildeen." Helena said. esource ierprelers. andi bas always bren a routnesors oiebrcead. itb Hattan Region Con- 40 per cent recrealion. tbe fuai pear ni a Ion Donna considers ber opgradine remource plicy ni hebohard iv uue Ttis provîden anynus servation Autboity Sonme outhie rennurre yrar Sheridan Cotege ime ai Montsbrrg materials birdhandinc local lirmu brmre inieceuled in iheatre a lbougb tbe Esperienre inlerprelers' ime lo course micb mut qualify "more cballenging" and ollier varcnsotaitleaigeae la. hacelv"iam lOp' '01 progcam oponmored drvnied lu, developinfi ber au a Canadian ihan bier worb lasi Approimalely 'he ive architectural irmts and also o l rm about by tbe provincial vew prngcamn wbîch Nanny. nommer. The idea 18 10 sane nmbereare enb- ninHaton. hie said. tour amaeur iheatce n government.« requiers some renearch. Clild psycbningy'and keep the childern pin lyrd ai tbeOtario bave bren uned Mîlon. Everytbing rom Op- 'A loi ni childeen are development are iwon erestinmvthe varînua dating resoocce n mmg ck ar t heir arean ni ber enpertise prngran ohereas tbe F ventories, replanting second and thîrd year wicb ste bas tnund ume- adulis touring the Frot CN* *CA IN gOM N torests. tanding birdn and il gets ion repetit' full in tee job aut boots- Centre aleeadyliadib e and operating iie ftoc hem," Dona brrg. Anoiber ad- nteresi and site oas jot peet edurationat peogeamn esplains. - antage tocrHetenu is elpine ibem wsaime-' itt bre anided by thuar Altougt site dors lIe sbe did the smme job lasi îhing ibey areadyutf lD g involved in Enperience. mme job àsDuimia. nommer. oanîrd tlar10urB a dftD g AI Mounitaberg Wild' n md rn i nwt lite Centre Donna hsaanreiv Jnio,23 and Helena Crafts roor sp se Shr,20 are twoonfsix Rgoa cuclo m sud isdpcansednr Amiit resoure inteepreters ernlcuclor îd odn s b an diîîainorUi onetine olt eblidrer have dridrd 10 speod needsofnithe eldeeIy oilce tbld 10 obtain rom 8Otoi 12 yeacs inv tîmOon iv creale an inciuding the provision,. cmmUnity input On the is firt clip. volved in tbe Sommer adjuvantn and cealtsi ntay, ni reginnail acil- possibiliiy ni an ttesource Pengram. oo ai Halon Coenn ien in that regard in- nuiceach pcngcam toc A hua piets childrec niai Manne, on ovni an ldwilhin isnterni enirs andthe useite O RIE U up aI varinun locations tî.notu, renrcaie the reterence the rmie thal nould mate oi tacililiru Now n Svtock -Canine Supplies; ovuso Pants; tbeougboui the rgi00 deug coco. Peiil Hone shoul l ply ai Potilusoe. SOomnse Fin Fush onolable Tere aretwo to-weeb Approval ni the ex- itin te conninum ni sessions emaining and pendilure mn beîog lobemu coco toc senior ciinens Ttc resulin ni the 10Mi t une one-oeet essionodenpie the ceicsms ni in Halon." reqooni toc inpu arr lu86-22 brcinnind iuly 27. ome cocrciliorv te Ai the saent ime the te reiuened. itoOn.* Childeen labe partin mvomneymîgîi le huiler pond. pineer. bird and speni hoilding oru' lacil- sirenm studîeu an oel l iies cinser ilit te revires iing. caiioiog, svmoflvvipopulaionsuch an in ming. sailing anduorient* Buriîgon avd Dabvilie. eeinig toi combine And ndord, the oorb edocalion olt ce- viii commesce ai the cresalion samne ime an a longer Donna bas jus' terîni viudy av iv the Senica Cuitege "' Ilaitom isiv eivg con- IT'S B ET'T ER I Toronto dealing Oith ducied. historie and natneal Appenvai toc the oorh interepion and tbiv as hev astcd f1cm te sommer is bec iesi Ontario Mininry oi eperiece ih Communmiy avd Social eilderen. An an em- Services a; oeil as the ployer ot the Misstc> reqarvi iv place the cosi ni Natrai Rennucce'. o the wove in the ste condurted loues ai cureni Miislcy budget tbe Leslie h. Fros vear Conter wobeoaduito ' Conillorv aiso ap' weehe mainnvisitoes. proved a recomemoda- Ste sad ibE ions 1hat "the long-lero B vîhte-in od 4,0 T okn Iicty n s RD Aq nc o TinAK FRn taneE sseMniiyBLYer withON alL MODELS 44 - - - 'rs.-o ~ .ie..,...r .-~ri4.a 4 .m4 ~ #Sl~ot a{1 8 'n ,r )f m ýe y ie in