C8 11- Canadien Chaynm .Wà., Joty 22, 1981 Cih 0"ud A ki rIb stems Capon. .. .. .. .. .. ..IL Maple Lest bologna, & pitaSpmemt doigt, buhoo, chilia, pppffr or headcheea lunch meatS ..175 a pkg. naturai for the barbecue pork spareribs ....... ILb 2m88 Hostess- Potato 200g p pkg. chips M m58 1.78 bW Spo .38 Mapla Leaf SUuuq m1.3 S d 1W9 salami or smales w "olad Sae o Canada =0 aSe12S saked Counry Manor hAavbed or beefsteak 1.18 L2.48 .78 met ezr specials Canada grade 'A' beet weîglt 70to 80 I. "v. branded boof chunks..mi l.38 Centm: reta - blatte, chuck, short rhb, Steaks - blade, cross rib, ground mats and stew meats ail bone and fat Included lIn hangInq welght Caadagae 'A béif elgt 75 la 90 lb. av. branded 1 Uf sWhOfhps of b68f......L11 Centaine ramas -rmp, sîroin Sp, Steaks -round, ip, groaod meas and slow beef Il buseuand fat lncladed lInlaanglng welght In7t7 -o ao ad ' opkg. tendorloin portions mussaI Porlk lb.51 chops 111 Gam in M- ciii L cky M- COCOs-Puffo 3759 CaunthCI" .. .1.79 solid îight Starkist tuna ......29 N"ko iced tec mx. 3.89 10 f. oz..lun Ianbolls soup... cnu-i Me lo coffos nMaue.. . ... .... u n28 1.99 frezeu concentr*d unswe te ned Niagara orange. 12% fi. eSe white Caprin bathrooni tissu 4 ral ground i Eoffe3 asorted "1. 69 .6*9 L r ' of sauace tilt .85 stff I-. 1.39 MaOMai Husa ivfe 6 .09 traie assoteal ii Suutam peamtt but.er . WHia cm" CI 2.59 à .99 fa up .01.75 =18 Sun litlqwtt S-g -mi e. 4*6 .79 1.9 3.99 PRODUCE SPECIALS Ontal No. i cabbago watemekls m =r ses 31. 79_ cucumbers6 on"a Ifrh I..A 4 lettucew Values effective util closinq Satardmy, Jaly 15, 1981 We mrose te rlght ta limit quantlles. 238 MAIN STREET, MILTON Prigat-Rear of Store 5% Di@mft To Senior Ctizen Up To$<#«N Eveiy Wdnes*y - W Ais. Ha ve Duelvey S ervSA v&ye For Our Ctemii orrk - ----------* wiwo L29 3F 1300 0 fi