Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1981, Sports, C4

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Second-half goals spur bugs T.o aeue-blfgeala allomced Mil- toe 1ree Fruts micarmoaqatccta bieoa aacoelema alfUime dram fer a 2-o ie avec Clarbata inlaPeel-ltOn ep aocer atoa flawoday at Brian Bst Park ite irethal wmu faily am wi Milt abaslaga 1mumre god atm- ingcbaaisoiie firigame afir a imo-ecit vacati, Ciris arisona made a 1cm gonued-up teUigitt ing and Ncky Va Zaipituana- citred Uic mld-field mlit anollier good game. itoniea tge Ucsecoad hait by ircakiag aplcid quekly and aitacet scoced an a gond abatfros eaeconer SepbeDail mit, l i ima poam iUtte qaad, bas aiceady ahama potentiaela to eome a prolifio goal With 10 minates gose la the aecond bal, Tree Fruits mre on a icsag offensive oban the Clacsoan fgoal- keeerlaindepraion, a out ofaIthi goalà aMaaded Up the bl. Tac relarco mm lseurne la aarding a direct froc blab Collan Giev, Muic's rliti fullbac and free-kob me t a m alked ap inthei bal ad ralffa drive aiate to ip rlgbt-baald corner of thecnatfofr ai1-e lem. Milton catiaued la o frard adereremardidinUlaminalute weeaRay Wark, ireaklag la fras teUc left wlag, bt tom ad bard la the far coner ta beat tic goalkeepcrclcaaty. Mltbaugb Milon bad mre chancese ta acrme la the remaliag 18 mlautese, Uey ceadai coaliila. "Everyae made a bigeffort la Uic seondbhalf," saldtcoach Andy Kirk- Wiood, "and iato miti maause te gam." Hec added titat qec"almon- Useoabaud go ta Patuick Pomnas, Aodre Krkwod Jr. and Vicor Buea. ~®@@~r aauîar lue ta milinai ~iay lue A PlEuRE NrlgOusuNMi 1500 1 trouuofmTrfl fraluafr Lua &_tOdWluas » Bade le Oa s Mat, Uhsearu acuelul ahuâtils ho uainuaila- clah madOubeouiilPal liiU ta Jaudu oest00,0frais, - Ruai lu gualfor amOuasMuleee 10db 10white md Duulau ^TOM a wi A de edsuoniay ln OueI(tes b.00th .-Ouo md op aa ilastOu olt fiffl-ad dute au moufer eàM ous uu At lyasa yyd .60 pata in "A lufci, ad Ou.ooaolo alloua s'o o Ou rg usl a&, M pýMma aty gd ho adusta Au-t-&aae use 55010 tc isi Pu i th. q«d m U mdb-mt ciaoo Ou t se a O u ai suid a oicfuSai9lad u e eauâ uOh heOuruldi Oui la girl. woid ago". Ou muaseDotaLus sahw - aOuc a.arot iolfiai d. md 00,00Luonu, eUh a MOSQUITO *muat sua..ami e- -.ad by Caifa naYd uses a nu .d PatttuefOlg SlAyedaw ao "pua tae Aq r Intimidation Corbetts on t In a rougi-and-lamitlo conlosl, Mittan Corboîl Spors mlaoc bantam soccer cesgot bath la te minilg ponça mlit a 3- vitary oer Boltanr laxi Modef in Bltan.à Cantrovoroy, hicit1 as a higitightoth ief hoe gam, bogan 0000 beoscopay gol oun-t dermay Coaches 1 Charlie Crapper anilE Brias Scragg alegod1 Ihal Boltofieldeil Imo9 ioligihie playero. This tact as noloil h ieE referee andi ilao uoder-e stood thal a pryfsl haR een lad gef wt theI Dscipline Commilloo of the Pel-Hailas YouUi Sotter Aociation. Duriog te irol hall of pay, Mlo domioatod te game as Ibir mid- Riders, lad y captalo Pal Jadkinis, nuilified the Bltan playoro and1 contaotly sel op Uic Miltaon foaard. At he 2 miute mark, centre Tim ' Pôlon pambod4Ro bail conu te moti of theo Salies goal anil miger Paul Wisonomode na mislake from crima in. Il maR ta bo the firol of a hatrick ta bo scored ity Wilsan. 'ho second came io aisesar fashtouo juu bfoce te firol hait endeu. Milo stacleil Ue econil hall ilh te same bhcudof adiaciplia- ed screr. Bolton made sevecal loaysinioathe Miltan end but titeie ere compotlalf ieat mîith yte Mlon dfoace lad by Mite Belvedere. Goalie Ady Olese ha lillOtado. Te'host thal came iis ay he haoded mlithassurance. fetit BOB KENNEDY CGA Pro Indien Wels rifflm Golf Course T'he goal of pratic u1 o prove yosr sholo oo the course. trfrhie tip loward btter practice to suiate actuel ispiuig conditions. Wheo practiciog your long gamne and fu shots, change clubs frequeatiY. For examPie, it a driver tan a five-iron or two-iron, a cou- pie fairway woods, and a few wedges ta mix the shotsup. Resist tbe templaliona ta give yorself a per- fetle. Pay tbe practice buEs; frose bail lies, ideiliers, dow-ilers-aii tbe sool yoo mnighl ecouiter on thecourse. To pracice cip asil piicb oas, yoa should scatter tbe bailu ai ran m inludiffereni Places aroaod tie green. Pay each bal f rom waeer lie itbapfiensa aland l'heitsae pre-sosipassiag soooil be dose for eacis prucice sbot. Aiwayo pîcit a targef tr, t'n njisoozeethe shot hoore you bht f optaS dmloald OuocO Ou th.amu mOtOOeaiOuat ju Oumadua hua .d md tc.a Ou ausd 0uGd auiaSaPUY- poidad teOpu Oiuit s1 tam au m - mu. hfO Pumulasama md Kuu TrWAesuo m emiad o A.lesmd i.M BafmaiAlld- D&AàAa uua lopt se aMd cm .-ruufd wUh a aaSitm o mud t hrld ùdaoudtufOu cave piyd.fli.kl-uo gamuulu Ouuffy ilahulO W '00dalldSm tO hifpmd t» oedm heotb.1à BeilgMlon'a Ncky Van Zutphcui (lefi) bttesa a Clarkaon dfidrfor tIse bail during thes quad's 2-il wm in minor moa- titll rep cion Thursday at Brias Beet Park. Colin Grieve anod Rlay Wark scored for Milon. Ofas Aacoio us lousset md 000 uamuso um elcadave ado tealiad uaut mu - Roulai Oasld Oaeflsaua md 0000 flua -sus hoMod Simd OL TF A Pe faits AiIb cu-urs 31412 3 MR8O top 3.0 Taouf 71 I aR F e Wilson notes 5 0o21 17 a Wiao Oth is third' l 2ouos -s le ai 1, laie i te second hait. = 'lite game mao .l -.u~lu cae îidceecen.*i9ahu 5 MM lOrl a i mai ohviouBoto c',aolîsm ehane-ccuohing tachis mimeeo omouid oventlly ftalbe Th.ou î' cifclou u b i heir tait and sou il t aayuuo h oachw i. provd. OH-u %MtuZ kauyal = uos Fuit-hart Chiî 0h0, olisueaI u fmdu, tCormier mai aaoistod eau oth hy J'di.a lst.- trous the field haifmay u-hi- auppel -ontoaKi-- titroogithlie second ihall"' -l- cut d etloilg a particulariy Ousu r- 050500 e,0 opua-h eviciouu tachie. Titis may goal., Todi MucDouaild aid l-lot Miltan mt oniy 10 c4aeoruldo emon and il is 10 Iheir G-1 -lOe' Ki--00Ou ýecredil litai despilo îîu.bbCi. ooRat- oO tBaltin's taclits,whc ufloGuO more ohvioisy designed T.0 uuauyI t0 provoho lite Miltauon îousuua 'e players, tbey conliiud 1.Tic htiatf oU a-.waa to play ocer andl carry tou 000,1 defemaisu Ounu theogam into lte Bolton pae yMlo end. field l e Cach Chactie CropprKevuormanud WaufsRo M remached, 'vc piaeyhdle mauMur olmich n ami and couchod seccor for kausthe ou u ow te nO tulu more years Uiao 1 cace g anigmi ea Otf u-TY ud Ouy in remomber.Titis inlte Gdgrnpa ba tinst lime t wan on lte poilt of callai g ogme t~lnaee in order la proieci my fIl. hialg,lfi a he . u, players. 'ibeTelot o- aneSuooofuiisfd-,IIaOhf vois aunt going ta of,000050, uluOuf a.aIrons pro e1Hem.Hohandd htbY.C. oClAea f out oly ne0 Ow O ard wcy (10 Bolton> )0 inteobole gofa gaine.Pour of My 1.ngai f0- tImaI Oaa Id players were pancbed fcflOu fafl y ro but ho chose ROI ta 5" Rendait and c.ue- ae In, Ihal. u h ave suhmiiled aopo1,oeO. and noce. Molcad reoart 10 lte Discipine foreC- Fru Commiflee." AioU abaa1-5 Milicneis nom piayig ehg Sf0 sanîf iouuhe P au a point baller Ihan .5W the tAredmi l-e h saucer. uday, they D..9O.e5.uo,.eTfd a - talle on Dixie l it e tnaiu-orsfii Babua secod round of lte Pool- Onog 000000 0,,th-uanad Idalien usCp.Kickt off scOfTh-oand Erk evin liei i . i of-u-hA J.1yn mou focAfe FlsetmoudPark. Baba ARY' SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK ~ USED ~ j Alit go kin unk w UnMlLS ila o MF Iua1IR Il F1 lf M00 InI 84S.1646 SS937 ' 000us iem lirdw p-t1u Muoh.Ouihuey Sepîm Preddy. lOam0.fad he aR ou 55 clàý laaarAuGfeen.haml rurofafor 0 u I d ô 15 Soda taphha bMille. gsm 1.m aafuleoutal M Dck tuf3,0f a 17 0 i..Q" Psk tslkan« OC"uauafeIddsefraO OsI oes uel'olay seul 010sf 3 fi 0 24i48 kfd i eaOeuh. w..lng ý M* caG-nathsr' oa, u Osu d L 6a1uleaoa4ai 3Sellhd Muehuuf Rahataelusw Ofsfoydal Lopa- f«alualt Ose Oeachu endd kMsBroO P0,0 . hskyd«M -tefdalhy AO o. Os. dGululid.uayha M btalO eaaa Ios OO cO Osus asufu id Oucyahefu ai lyb o"mi .dbopd2 OdueusdidIaclI. 00k otdsslusuedue mt t Lhe ith talhuasse louald Sm ut udad o ua m h -«Or -oc nuosu r IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. Sa y "mflue ousfoamd MORDSUITO Dav!dVealhloeiddu . seOua4a caO Amnu 010IWOs à. 11.0hffa h plleuu Belvederes edged COMINO TO MILTON Aller a two-moek break from tiser egulac r moan, Milaon Belvodero major alam aaoc crepa A RERC N R goî bach i taaction witha gameoagaisltllramnpton In tbeir firsl match-up, Milieu boal Brampton la a clu ae aso M-0, but Bramptonl turneil MA TMH M RJRTHERDETAI ibetatiseadbta U eal Milton 1-O. 'ite game coldoli uaibo cnsuidecod an ane Mou _________me_________ loamas besl but sausoame slcoug prformanre from, Koola MottaIt picying la the rolo of Ippf-back, a rolatlveiy oow position foc tom, dueuplayerR being aay for sommer holidays. Sitamo Hoaley mas the only frmard mita mas able to offoc any roal threat to the Bramptonnsqsed. 'Te coOd-haîf tanil-ul as Sean MoCulimo, mbu ail juI returneolf rom tho ick lost andl made Uree uperitoavon in hicoroiseof ful-baci tot keop the oore domul laa one-goal deficit. BromptooRs only goa came io the second hait tram a tagit basf micci, in ail appearancon, tacheil liho il mas giog avec the sot bt at thie ltUsecod il droppeil sraigitt dama arnd imoue tise goal-lice. y l19 ZEPHYR 2 DOOR S.E. Stockt No. 1105 EOUIPPED WITH t aitaMullu n~ W pou Sueu - .a a Huigan headîleht ae clt hOcl f rselO EPAeasOd et47 Est MP.UHigiorat TH y Mt elih ScrIthe excilemenl ansd drana oifte l2aid Lanadian Open Championshipat te Gien Abbey Golf Club. july 271h- August 2nd This championshiP course wilI chaflenge goîlf s bffg ffff l'o- Jack it cklaus. Ler Trevîno, Tom Wasofn, Befn Crîshaw ano Acînint championo Bob Ofldrr. Ser golf Is superrstars baffle fof Canada s ichrst plîrse - $425.000 éaiffhe Ptr fclJacksonffTopIf). Grcat golf on a gtoal ciorse ln a SrAt championship. Yttu won't seant t11missa iS nglrshot .t-WSon troC nI in i as~au~ ManoDixe ourneyAf anda huge pig roast ~ DixeuSacre Club aimyl pot on a geail aqalt anamear asimoncscaamonl Tley do aat aeil tbeironresbut accp nytamnalrioaf ficot-mcarvei h ala l ves n Ia atop, JOHN Bth tise Milton Mien Data mjboaildftse M- CoHE A saccoW Cbu ua elr onelya il. l mcl i a neeand nmlaesan lm- SRlo rida, he 1lilacehlllBIVi veadnebUiooaeo a iefu ee WheMlon frma, iot a g ai eslc-Umoid mStuomn alIcli hl enlal l adtanke leMoiel Meale t e guend thorbci ,tabalba agalaut Ran Joue Eribqsmke. Raa Jco NM a ond Bu Rlch dRneon c aa eonalslcccMeearno lamadm fairaOcki mhomon-O. ditir o Aw nutoot shoecuapdasy.théeyare SienusMoBuretat ailil-ftetig0 evome-tenher ammaily mamead bo hlUng Bu oui- sebo manderitlmarInilthfelinoreMniegusygBu lto aec mtclaSibndcbottS- Manlcma heamiCam aii Fo icn a f a rellim aomrChb gm, mbu d cnldntekatu boutl pime, G teorgne Lol s eor e hinewnsibentaiJcvn l ae A ecsdo buIwooneoni4-0asBu derek Keatsards seda epaytsry. wuUiam who andeed aoundthefiel ignred y & ldae Set M Clac ina.Sh eeiaRcor Club The Mane are rsrrenty oneM o i t ot beenlanvolved wiib Buio lubtfor rny yeara. teama la Bue NASL. Pine-GtafoamCnide player, .a.a An oil ch, assiliacoa teasam ice i cludusaa goxofuyouuthm and experlonco. t au paruloThlecopnionms eprecac in labisc onumin ammy arl nhrem wlitha youaaiLSoauh rian, Andosilanasonst sccnsclly Usof Many cuubor ram Parlan i a Kcenyan, Tiasspoon Usiyan, associationiUimwich cioeced a ballo he uJomo SRo stybo. I have beon aukedintamako ta sclear agala as Mrie tc Mm i extneclog teonmla match mlan oue peope apparently scauidr e> rematte tou titey viit Exhbtion Staimuon Wedaesday, Aug.wnek regecing tBu KC Dorrytacilitiea mre 12, teatheBuBlizzard. 'ritl hosililbo eil m orU aomemhtei ulog. 1t boeve ilaibiccas eough ai- a vii. tempto have bonm mde taiaegotilab a frleasdly . . . s~etlcmnt andIlle Ume to catia apaie apode. 1 1

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