The Canadien Champpon, Wed ,Jaty22,1901 C3 Top -flag football teamns keep winning the only surprise is Leachman's return to the wonderful world of sports writing while Beaulieu takes a «deserved holiday Ry teve Lecimia Wbila 0mb reprer Lrry Beaalieu taMusa wmesiouoffletarsa favnMW Jo"u, iis Wmjsbl reporter bastb.on lured ouitof rotusosn ttlaryand ducate Us. publis a mit as cepotlng os lut meka action la TI"ispast vsei, argenttrFi me"eau Raefor second tightens up celorbi mies Dundia Odefn rilasifr isnorinlatisa Iird timng la tocs bock Milton ph.lit Rayis 1" aIt Dundee. Cupqddmitionde' is oves aIÈvill Wedaoeday and Royalea lamo A 1 ed fIburaday, jusut-N gPim- sarate Milto, CaispblvlRsand Mduam vU Dpkville tyrlag to geala Us te race and la lut ous more gais. limios Dsndae. Tise reglar iouon coocludes Augit vUs tennis b.ving unymisme frais fivelo 10 gas inuaagl tie teanue. =eutda, l. isreof 13 issaaicat o »utacy issu Io Milton lanlin firt Isg gaiset)eso iaur.d of Ue lop spolste Ue esI of te lbsebttie dayUshe iro for play off ipoto la addition la on1- sidoatios foc iydowna la Ue OGarin Buoébal Aaloc ton. Rayais bev ibeir chance laope n up smre reois lieen Usasaeiem :d Ue roiofthe teamsa fosecod Place bbYlslag to Dunda. Ryais mre nover la Ue gamo trading 1-2 aller aimrea lalg. Tie gamoe mas called aflr olgist lang higebn darbuema foi! apo Us.contt. Leasîda on a lhin U ai rom Tiurnday nil aIetTab.t Pari ismabilag Roal 14-2 micb bated Mitons mnlninsrng six gises. It nariedthe secondtlUmemlibhisia week Lesde tppd a local strlag. Tise ppmus %ur&y, Leailde ede Campboilvle 3-2 to map Moawks string ut savon ganses. matonis maaio involnsd lna areturn esibitios match isvUsLecipor, N.Y. ind lut 6-3 10 Ue Ansrcasiborder on Sturyl d Ipot. ielasse playedil B selmasi.a tha se peuir vUs mtonle comnlg out os top 1-11. Daadaa vD iOloted linoffensive machine ugast Rayais eraptiog for ise rima Off uns oRoyiispiloiers indie tird isning lo sai amay tise in. Disdas ran Usosgb Milton tarter Mie Cepp and relievrs George Moore and Wayne Marckand beres e lnlaf as ou. Andy 11u11 and Grog Cranker led Mlons1-it allack i vUsaUsce bis aplece while Wada Reaker and Ange Tonelli ciipped l inUs N to bis aplse. Rom inselI locted in see rima but il amI' Mearly esosigls laoffset Dsds' foUr bomie lîmwasua iilar tocy agalet Leauldoaa Maple Leaf led 11-1 aflr lir.e innlngs and coalad to lb.e esy in. Leaolde satplscMark Swagesal1owed JUSt mre useirned.. maton0 batties Cambrildge toalgit )Wednesday et 7 rlanOsRât Park. patMiltovn om amiEtaete 4-3 Charles1 M"defsalad Canadian ire 27-O and Galllsgec Molrs lbrashlidthse tribue à- 20 Sargent Farina flall@bock ltse Millaw.e monksy off Iliir bokla record Ilair firt wla oe Millavas lanlb.elast four imeetings b.iem lb. Toucldova acrg for Srget vasli Mo Rlcocl i wlUs2, as" =nolwod Wayne St. Job, Mâe Si. Jobn, Fred saesaand Terry Hnagboo aslfty I9"rd quier intrcuption rtr. JobsnMat- ijasn bcd la vllb fourcoverti vbll Mi»e Kesdrlck and Sniallvoed jolsmd Houglilon vill inltarcmptiosa; Rsiawood'a wlplagouit a lut-minutaMiltovas Ierrt inside ltse Ianyard liso.. AndreRSi.Jolis vas amed playrofilthe gaine lac Sarget , bmniimi bellag lb. nssorb.elalooblng for Gus B"Rada 0rep- rueant laminlagttlag a 7-Up cosmercal. The bg sooterfor Mâtow5 vas "Acion Mie Brto wih furmajors, one oaa relis. f ose f is 1w lstrcsp- isae Tom Blanchiard and Marc LaFlasr b.d lb. otisor 50tmw..Majore wllb Dons Sweemn a ddlsg a Ivo-palt covrsion and Steve Branclor an ltsrceptlos. Barton, retarslag te lb. Fois 0of Yaar psatvbic madsbks5 andy Aqullatias favoritecrecevec and ometime ltmat frland, vas Player-Df-Tise-Game for Mlln. Tisa Carles 110101 busg o te firet place salUs lb. vin uver CnadiensTire, Pote Mray 's 1wtouclidovsmpacsd lb. Carle, wtsinleismajors golag 10 Glns Biedecman asd Pal Moran (Rernembeir film?). George "Average Sapertar" Wlsoon vus good o Ilrse cuertesInvlte Calvin Ssow lb.d oe laterceptionsdefenalvety Chares' Pivot Dave Mray, la a son- timenlal vote aimed t pcevmning sevoce dep-easobs. vas slocted MVP for Ue Hôtelirs. KetUS ominervRle b.d tUesole smajor for Canadiasi Tira vlt ls sFairbanks on a galsaalagl erin CTCliy tas rasd &W iata rossded ual lbe acorealsiat aonli"ugans, CT.C qualrbacb Jo. Rzi wu ba"MV, jrovng t short guya dnt lways finish Afler a closea ilct half, Ga~iaarMoors lilev away Ilse Tribune s ont lsoun- ansserod aacond.lialf majora. Ue Arm of QB Jobs Vas Cdar ver Jolhs Eldas and Larry eaulimu vilIs flic.. toulidowns eacb and Randy Rbopmos and Dave OShot villioua iice. Blok Brone sddmd Ilree covets, a fid goa and pit cov ss. Van Cadar wuasaoud plyr-of-fli-gaise for Galigr Triliune osckd ois e oby LaMr gord. Jolis Foris n G ubtv. rad Flavors sdded 1w. cossvrta aod'Doug Andes a aig uffrý Do. =it. ,os bila failiof pt- cuitirllance vblaoar/Vth poition Viths Ostav wvA - ganse for lise Tribuneo. in lieu of a ployer of tsa wook, w. foras on sevral ogatquli laciss &oeauvrddrng lbe final lhal f thUe WIll Sargent Farima "We are fansly" replace «Ride rtanala" as ltheis sang ai s local eatory ap.clslislog In WIII Gave Mrray flnd Ue "ainthse Carles liolel offasce? if Job. Van Cedar lubs isse masb, werevlill thse Galilager offensive playa b. Wo la oder-Fred salios or Glena Biederman? Wilt io Sunuki, leu srand. Calvin Sn and Larry Mcegorf form a rock groap cafled "Shiort People"? WR tI ever b. asked bo write anollior colusis? Stay tused. Movlsg byt Gsllinger'n Rick Hone (centre) looks ly beat the cOlsr-dWellas 565-20 tW keep ttre re- perploxed assaball carries-Witb Tribune slips by him sny race for tbe top spots sil going strong. The sncd on for more yards in Tbursday's flog football Charles and Sargent Farmo also wonl. game at Milton District Higb Scbool. Gllinger ensi- Wheelers move up Iadder -with key win Beating Ollers, Colbeck vaults club just two back of league -leading triumvirate Atec kovering areuod Ue .500marki Ibsoughnal mut of thsseason, Fifil Wbeel made lin more la Ue top f Ue pc by beating 1w. of Ue top ticestains lo cloue lomwitRIlsNo gansé-la Shee toln stbai) Wbeelecs upped ilin record lo 11-7-2 liy1 blaskisg Ralty Word 2-0 Tues- day before edgiisg Tiorobocrom Dilers 2-t the oenl nlgt. Weeter pichor Nons ToppingmshUe eo inbolb ina as hliew I vaitbier at Cobc and a six-itter ai ODucs 10 cao is record in 7-2-i and lnwer is ER A tu 1.68. Soios lb.etldcd-ket offence iUs 87 cuis tcaiing McDufe and Diera) and lb. Iird-bet defence wmlUSi51rails agaloul beklad Cobc and McDuffe and ied iUs Tbcssayt, Weelocs bonseimade a nut lscMent sisce lent year vleiesI f.ih.d n sebotlom of0.Ue eapl in inaugural seaaon. The sqiaad mit gel onollor test of lin h.- pcoved play tonigt (Wedaeodayt vben il tac"ie anoîker finit-place teais Uscaffet. alier iis eel, Ue squad m«a ckeduled lo play Tirssay maklsg a lougb acledie for FlOUs Wleel as Ue teamt attesipta lo gain mointoisdomu Use1 ire Tiramay bqd pore viUs Weelers lasI eekscoclg jist four riais in Uree ganses bt earslag No tiea ns a vin la cromain juI baIt a gaine back of FlOUsWbetand 2%k bobdithe leoua-leading triumvirats. bfore Mfflers ad Clbak ncked inat scocetesa baIle. Tiursdy nlgkt, Tbra- moy's bain mre again ilesced butthUe quadscrspod up esousgbrima for a 2-t in over Tie Racerus Edge. In olkoc action lasI eel, Mlionie Reity World paled off a bg upset mib a 4- in over Dilers in snap picker Rd Dunnm inlang strig ai elgt coooective guises. Mltinmne munt us foctimate is lis oier games tning lo Lowvffle 3-2 and Col- bock 5-. in iis eeku lopided-score-depart- ment, McDuffe it Ue eves dome mark vUsh a 12-O in over LOmvillie and DOU blossked Racersa Edge lt-O. Jeif Heggie produred boUhs orla FifUs Wbeel againt Dilere itting a so home ris (is Iird) in Ue second lning ond a run-scoring sigle in lb. sinUs lac Ue ils o lohe Fiftb Wbeel camsewmite Kevin Topping and Cobecî's Don Mactis Smith added one it and mon an amard for allossed fine and four its respectltely is acrobatics aI getting out of the ay a m itb Iiftb Wbeel coonecting for ton run pitclimI bai. in tbe Iird inniof lo in the bllgamne. . Traor sIsuilon led ilers ilk Imo bkts Ater Smith mlked, Ray Delegacde and ocoedibheir lone ruis the fourtk Inn- tipled io one cu and Len Deforeat scored ingmbicb tempoarily tied the siceutai-t. the second ruo-it aosingle. Dlegrdo led Tony Brossard (6-4) satfered the tons on tbe muy witk Imo bis mhie Heggie aod De- the moord altkough be Urem a five-itter. toret added one it apiece. and Don Martin, mbo sam is record dip to 6-2-t, eocb bit safety once. Tbromay cotinord ils gond play ofE te to ron lin ondeleated string 1u six games illi Use I-o tins and lb. win. 'Tis qudu weal point, ittiof, cotinued 10 pagoe tbe loui s oneIb iters strocli for jutfour cons. Moffleco b ave scored ju 68 cons in 21 teagne gans and wilIt need tbe good pitobing performances il bas received tbrougbout tbe rent ni tbe refolar neason on maistin ilsn pce Tbroo-ay carne from b.biod ith Imo cons in thenseventb 100101 toero tbe dram oitb birDoffe. Atboogh McDfeostrock for il bits and Maffler biadt eghbtsl, birDuffe pitcher Keitb McKinnonn(5--t) and Tbrumay hurler Ted More (4-3-2) bore domn 10 get ouI of trouble. McKinnon to--cn double in the firut inniof opened up a02-0 teadutil Mufflers' Nicli Gauthier bit a double and Ray Gismotd andl Tom Martin follomed oitb con-scoriog triples (o eveo tbe score. Pete McDuf le andl Foui Morrison led birDuffe o-tb tbree bibi apiece wbite John Hall lt salely twicc to tead Tbcamay's batters. Gauttîler narendered a fonst-inntof single to Coberî's Drrick Neetandn and tben sbnt the donc tbe rce" of tbe vay as Muffiers and Colbeck ied aI -. Ganîbier (2-t-3 oitb î.nfEltA aiso led tbe orfal hittinf atinck oitb toobits. Doug Wiliams andl Tom Mactio added one bit eacb off Coîbeek pitcher At Fenono (5-1-3). Mitomnes Don ickett btanbed Oiers on six bits as Miltowne won 4-0Oin Ibeir borne Horoky part Tnesday. Wayne RokmpniePichett (2-32) o-tb att wibe bep atee mltbaed-n t borer in tbe lottnm o ne i ettinniof. Gten bMcCure toc Mtomne andl Giers' DonnHeans andGeof O'Brien eachbail to-o bits. Mittowne oasnt as fortonate in etber ni itsotber gaines loning uLnoville 3-20and Cntkech 5-t. Cbacb bieyecs provided tbe ctutck bit for Lowisite iitb a to-con triple itbe itb -ick prndoced tbe tytof and go-abeail runs. Rîck King earned is second in on Ue mousd for Lomvile againsi 10 tosses. Geolrge Treoco (2-6-t) suffereil tbe toms biutomne scoceil ils cons mtb a sonlo borner fcom RKip Jaques in tbe fisI inorng and Troncs' ROI-single ibe fnutb. lon-- ville offset tbe disadvantage mitb a tbree- con fiftb. Attbougb Coîbeet and Mltowne man- aged jut ive bits loîveent, tem tbey someos maoaged 10o crope Up six cons us tbe Omaghbalsed side won by tour. Steve tnglebact. Dave Mactio and Derrick Neetundo recorded bits toc Co- beck (al] nte ibettti misI n-becColoch h. (iWaVi,.R,,vk-m in tbe lopsided failles oi tbe wcecI, dlers struck for iworusin thefirst iising be- fore eslodisa for nine more in Ue second for tbe lt-O in oser The Edge. Don Hearns and pitcker Tony Broussacd eack kit Iice for Dilers mile Larcy Scott and Dave Spencer ladtlte solekbits for Rers, McDufle made short morli of Lmvlle o. piloker Larry Bennett allomed Rendoers juil one it and is teaismateo pesmded Lomitie starter Wayne Sault lac 13. Peter McDsffe led Use chiarge mlltvaw hiome rusomldch paodsed iln Rita. Fas" Larimer addud rse binsS. Ra8b 'Pis Las addsd t». Ccalg PavaS vaUs.heole Lomnlllbatie olgt a bt off Benet (3-1). Tuinog up for Uer upomini ttempt ners Ue rest 0f Ue ay mthoat a it. Col- lacrlb.eQOrloRrlSoiIpaydomno, bck ied tise score in Ue first and Uso. CoîbocIs Raally World iDinagli) caplurod scorod lb. ioing risi in Ue sinUs mb.n Ue camplo.ship ai Ue Aciono Fstball Ferry Capulo il a Ivo-out triple in score Lepague tornaiseol oner Ue eekend o-îUs Tony Ceelon. tree in. Coîbecli enptoded for a flve-rim sixth Disagb ie preparing for UeOSA PlaY- ioning aginst Fumily Trust lo ran a 3-0 domns wblichbebgis Friday nigit in New isad iloIte final score nif0". Again, Dudee.flueesnet gamte in te best-ol- Cbeci came up gumt unOSA teais- tkcee preih.nary oernes gnes Salurduy mte mben George Troncs pinkhed Ue nigt t 8.30 p.m. i insumgb iUs Ue Iird game location s yet Loudecided and coutd b. pluyedsmetime Sudoy t rian ilesi o e t C n r Fr.Lgio a bi Cobecli bud juI one hurde on Un oay to the Acton 111e needing a rsn ia Ue smxtb inning 10 squeeze by Aclon Roadruners 2- 1pnerhlt-Ocone gat Coeknstthe i K i b i~ n be 1s e n umeConstectimot oIbeib i Acton and Iben tub Ushe tille eating Georgetono Fumily Trust "-. ekn First pclu laib e 12-team Rnmeekend eadof'hme n h tourory mou $150 milie the only oiber RadNyoisld-fbiernUe money pcbed ap iy uny teurmous e $100sitk inning mn uIthUe support piloer Bronkvllle mon for the connotation bina Curtis equlred ou Rilbride Mec- cbumplonsbip. chanins ippodhby Hespoerl-Oin Inter-Clty's boy ployers in the tornament Fasîbaîl Lffgor action Wedesduy ut Ki- ore pitchers Don Martin andl At Fenton. bride M-l,, îîiiiidi)theiifil( ici gvs.,and Cctsoas amastec netbe mondtimit- gaivî.'î(c Mu ic(le enLie. a" ,riiý,1 ltsbyaa, e Uisut in the opener.isy aeNu Feston poced Ue clb offeoinely htting Il as the dotbs only in of Ue eet un Imo boisera agubst Unisal lo produce fine Cambridge blanted KRlllade out of Ue part; RI. Tise guise ai cafled ater fivee msl a to-e is Tisrsday la Camsbridge inrdngr.hS*UcogthUe mercy ride. and Wateroo Tean SorIs b.ndled Kil- lsInssecoad game of Ue isurney, Ce- brida 51 -Ssday nlgit ai Rillrida. beck cuise up iglaint RelUs Meinnon Thseexcisange left Klllaldebelomlthe .500 mlo steted on Uss moud for Roadrios- mark tor tihe ficutt 1h.. ibsceamooil-lt van as lterestlag situatioa inla Uat and dl b beisd Bri-lgo.Coagar inlatlb blcRinon plîys for McDaffe la Ue Milton race for tiird place. Cmsbrdge and Football tuêgas and jolaed Disagis No Waerloo Csyssarvieil oun afcnt and moaega la Inlis qest for lts. ORSA onom asursdof"liadfor Ue cb.sipoimdlp. MceNino bu.i aso plaYsd IFL chamiNplo inlaumt lb.eutlre pair WUs Roadeasfinar ltUe ibride iad Ima - od tuog chances Atnse088».uagalnait Hapeler bt fMeii d minbe- Don Mainl allowed Rdull5es 1w. fore Nybecai pt use gaise. avay vlthliii bIts la lb. first laslng micis pro<bced misMot thelcîssne rin and Ue groasded Roadrun- InthUe fisI lnslag, Reg AubertI and Rua final four nais for Famlly Trust. Troncs 1 bo playa mitb Mittomne in the MFL, joins ý7~ ~ . I I magb in ils ORSA bld. DFenton beited a tmo-ron hoiner for Col- bock in tbe firnt inning and Dune Martin 1made il 3-0 with a run-scoring siolle intbeFiI Welpor. r fnurib. bIb te nixtb, Steve Ingearthbita F t hel o er' ii & .e.Jeff Heggie receives n ab Iliree-ron borner and Ceeten betted a ru- from bis teammotes ofter belting bis third homer of the year ta le scorlog double. Don Martin tbrew o Imo- Wboolers paot Oilero 2-1. Wbeelers also beot Colbeck 2-0 to move Up bitter for the mi. the leaders in the Milton Football League. dge, Team Sports &à 0lpsbelow .5OO mark Uss leniopnstIIa nlIbloa l utiftleot 32aeaeT- Frice bit badl-to-bci esd-eff insgles bt Nea etted down and slrack out Nykorat and Dame Yeisns bforo getting ick Boe- die te, grsund oattand end lb.eUscet. in Ue fmt nai laslgeedie mou il by a pilok andmweot lo liird on Doeaie' mo- ouI single but aguin Nea ettted dmii n n Kibride starter Mcc Citii siuîiîdd tires km u nd dido't allom more Usuo one basermner per iassg to corn is siatis vin f tise year-two-Usrde of Use KiDbride total. Cmbridge continues to b. a major Uorn in Ue Rilkide aide as Ue eaue- Iodlng clb rompod tolila Uird ouy in onu Meacianlin as iuny imeetings. Cambrdge b.uit-scored Kilbride 29-10 la Ue tises gais. Cambridetn n Kübrie starter ng lteks ommasd Of unaconleat frei use outtae t fiCSf l is eved afte b plb. 0jeas&Ild asnlsng and Uset e apt Us ge e. Cambridge addmd ais mr u ronlatlb the balgamne. is F(tridc errors in Ue1 firt Ihree innises contributed tOnUeir domifal Kilbrlde missed ils ie chance 10 cernais t tle .500 mark hy Io:ing in Waterlon Tram Sprts in a content t shonlut bave to-n-ot solo bomer in the tuttI oit ilriule sarter Mon Curtis and Team Sports heid on t0 vin. Yesisi drove in Merchansn lone ran1 vUsh a tmo-outingle in Use foorib. Killoide ms hbodtuinjusouracisby Watelo's Don tobbings mile Curtis allomed nise ilo. Notens:Thse mid-uesun individual ttisticu for the lesgue mre juI released and Uere are some ltorusihg sarpriue. Cambiridge and Waterloou Ciys demite Ue lesdlsg teasm ad iidual positions. Hoever, Kibrldge la show. in la teais b.ttlag osd fifUs in teais plislaig. Randy Nyorai is f ifUs in Ue race for1 pyeo boeNylore n are famiior 10 Mitts srsans. L'sla, Losey Nisilco, cf Burlîngîono. obo s aiso a player-cooch oltk liochîonoReal McCoys ou Inter- mediale B hockey. s in second place witI a 380 average. In ibrd place oiloa .379 averige is rO 'c,, is eImnsoWaterloo MioeCurinoitha2.OSERA. Dase lemm's ERA ls042 but le hinot pitcheil enough (21 innings) to qualify. The teum'5 oiber pitckeco reo l u lay. Rci eedle n ai 4.21 mie local produrl Mari Crtis in bavlag bis troubles iib a 4.20 ERA. Hespelers akie Neu in Ue strikeout king o-lU s00 n la79 ih.ings wviie Waterlon's Moik Labelager mon eight of h.s teanis botting overugesof nosto are Mitlo l ajoese.»S, RawdY Itomiet 20, Beaine. 2M, fiasPrise. 218andmoive Gales .212 mb. aima leade la Rais wMl aine. Tbe statuinaldad jot Ue firnt 13 games., Colbeck in tune for p/a ydowns by winning Acton fastball tourne y