C2 Tise canacien champion, wad., jnty 2z2.1901 wib A^RN COULSOP4 Keep your fish 0 i odconditionT HE FISIING PRESURE on ur tiso aid arants a rceÜ rgorsye aid as a reaSlUseDeat Mrite Ulgta bkeep auefas elrI tin isor il, Tisemouy -wey oyarean rnlssl U L te sorten Ue Maau ou stase ap hiso Maoy netgo ever ai wof wlUs s one n enors Wbo fis, ot seoinurisfr sporte nt se bow mrny tlab ey cacaish. We Cai Iliona people ueat-iunters or finis iog. Aqor nU, youre nflowednoly unrnay fis la pair poeiontoetoe.. Did pou kbon, Uere wereOem,15 ue-resident p lienessol nlaOtario lent por, vitunY il P ta Arerirau. Mot Amserireun are rmal gaid sports. I bave tlised wils e te, On Our tar sertiseru lrloed fun tieystik el e btter tia nolise e=ft urny u't ntortna tal Uere are ae te, bd peleatmin thUe bRg.à Aunrtcaoo are dolag Ueir bailta b eep Ibeir f owa waters soeried aind if il ws't fr Ueir ofelp urolie, rob, rhnis and ntOrtypai etfnswoulbu la real5-oble.ie e- la- creaning onunier et Anecan Whcorne te Ue Spemmnos Show airs yair ian sureosigo Usop would lise e bn, wbt we in Cnda have taofter. Fer eers we bave anojaitoil wnps t in is. C ise nait Usngla io, ta beep y- rfis intop condtnteronting. Til la e vry hoportent aspect efthUe sport rnay fueboronieglort. le fort, ometfiser- 1 men ctchs e gond snlg et rs tison 5ail thein1 la the water 811 de, Urow tieminiatie truesOfs e tieir rer and lea tiei tise net1 rnng-end tisai onder mbp tieY Lesta aful flaby. A ha jic-cooler anrbe unasd et yonrs Ciran yair ,r ,nn m tva fisa snuaaller Uep're rougbt s ya eana 1 0LS>dropI IW O Pu thUentn latUerenier inna pastir balls oitalit- iere adUseyre gaiduntil yaouelbhome. Milton =tinit ybe 7-t laid. Mill Il dent taise long ta field dresc is. AIl abmIlt ep eoin caI-ris te nan pai aed sd ao gond sbarp bite We findthe ternnmeuti n Hamillen but Ue ral Rapala knife is yorisrt blt. It has athin bide seuruioebut came u l Bratford a sarp edge. ,played. qnicrly epeoed np n 2-t If pai avntlait tint acete mrs o, une Tbey let te Kithener ladin tise irsttimng. ancair. bey geltree moe in Beasure tocleainlise bond liie aienthtie bock- 118laitiseeinerning ,itb tie teertisbutors Miltan boi. Wrp il tiginlasutic tretrb wrnp. Ray Venerun getting 3 reilied with tbcee reno, If putonaice, per liis wil ieep up te five ROis Brent Cuide, rod Jonaes, Carin days. Pcoporlyleained, stored andil roiseilGO- ron HrlnaoandlRiris and Crnie gel Mtons taio gaine finis.ins ry epnion, are ns god un Carmno n dreve rumai three ile, ail sngles. Enropeanafis mich riesfloue bnoeOar fanrY beome. MCandleu, Jones aid resairanto and sold ta pouait a prire wmisir Kithsener bolIers Reisleri struris ait 14 moddaeairipboy uaew rodanodreel. taerbod pithrisr Matst ut iised 13 Brantford Iftyai wald lile o free boollet mrillea by one MCandlesn and Niris ballera bteotien tm. et Canda exprts ai flsisg tipo and tariste, Rebidacis 1r 10 its, In tiree differattoina- drpea Une ta Teap Rerrie, 4659 Kngston Rd, tllling siain nia atheis Boantford loftitise West Hil, Ont. Or cail 416-282-576. liird iisog te epen p a bose loded. Seleots felled [~]~ IB ~In o peemee select Meeno nbeed erme ipreve- cntct mitis Ue buland à 0 [0ment but nier nboe o tit Milton 13.4 tisers n rmmm fr moe Interetig leo nte, Ibre ansDObville bonitishe wosnnt on errer IflIlL.I!Jlocalteniaide 0-3 Sundey reginieredin otie gaie. 1h flernon ni f Rtary _____ ___Park.__BanvilUeS _______________________________ Millni pitcbhingtaff JUNIGOR -AI.L Hee i c.c dmbles nd ofetAianeDariee, Dnnnp Bruce Cemeren ifingleille o nd JaonMîtbcLeanocronedeoutfinareesnglen Dmn,.e vsa 25 . oubi mddeo týIl.îMn 0 0, pilebed eftertivel icotise te pore Milton Bonvil SontIo Sq -V e h..mo Ochuci Omi ogaime.peemee I-soI-lt reps le RotaryCl.ib6 â na25 cl0 m bisn um, a..duble md Tise pilciers mre niero a6- lie 041k Brampon larGnu o hhCc lbome m a mnd ipe.mc etieiittersin tise gomne Fridcy et Brien eil K-ia lnle .Cereix2l .raithtdulesect. J,onueasDarien ed tise bitters Park. rMnuss MenainIt. JOSohn tvninced wmus 1,0singles and Strting pitriser Sean 5445v s- imcy lub va nOsessoLsvonho'hdbL5 otier singes ent te Davidien and Steve May v00la . Oc- n nTnetgndnl~,,0- Scot Parson, Mise odded o double and o B.unenî o eumoOet .,.-. tailly Sail l Gibiso, Gary Gilien and single te tise naris tottcoloClub va Ce-Oe I.e.dnd migohm fonuti leidvvbnIl.15l Knifilot When you -n Oesi Cebo nih at I_ te use. IbrI e te .1000 - .i .in«,Mi- î- ol -fît iewh-9ti, buv nsurance ... ,alci e r.pled mmi ducîl. in.tnbseOcm nuI ofin ieodeîKne0.Once!»0 oublCc ea Ddon itec IrocD- 5e the key word is a1ine et 00 doubt Ht ,dnbrlead à ictg'l0e yC.ct1 mtondol ietee Cuberndr beyandtbMatd. 150,0«80 c h o tne5eaina doubec..ilet- .olnn, KolI onn Croron ite cdlo ieonu e nbocoottoacd KthY douem and binth .e ln teln91- ,btbWciliai re are lots of loBranca compards Ocin g ndlbi n cm Ledu5 bee. eOcb in Canada. They aell tisousorids of "si' m Rcoteb.,eîd pi, dutleand cl- men nsuranca isolicioa. But how do rnou Jam usne - e-h ,0t Û- Pae ntîecd àdm Cr11105 Ond the polcte hta tisa rlght aose for 5000 ,se u stryîl .eu. 3Yo 55k on insuraoce brolcor. We are .- Piup eaon and eanlcceouuin khCd. . lubclIIIs ot employaes of any insurance nom- do"y.l doof05 ccc uarn . hedtb 0W5 00 Oi pany. W. sisop tise tarbot for you. To lm wnhcnbonenMaind nOde (loaan pli. 1) Ondt th isa elinsrancu ... frot tho rlght isauraistia cOpany . . . u5tisae rtght prico .. . for yoo. And vile help yooowharn you have a COACHES ~cl-lt. Whan yoo deaith altis sbe for Mluon Minor Hockey, ofthtie Insuransse BroiesraAssociatio'n Seconsd Rep Touts & ... yon have Hou-b Laalgoe Tellios Appicatons are nom being accopt- &s~e[1 1 No btelo inoAffljit tu 19S'810 O E d tn atMitnM-e Hockey Insurance Limited M nItu st. AcamosntO MILTON FASTBALL LEAGUE (comnpletseibrough ylsarsaY) G W L T Pct. B MrDntte 19 12 4 1 .710 - lilers 20514 lO.7JS - Coîbecis 2 12 4 4 .7(» - ist Wh"eel 20 Il 7 2 .6W 2 TiSinmy 21 9 O O .571 2441 Racers 20 3 14 3 .225 944 Lowvllle 19 3 Il 1 .210 10e Future Gas Wedaeady-Fiftb Wbeel va bicflufe, 7 pin.; Cnlbocb vo Tiirnwey, 0.3() pas.; Recers Edge va Lnwvilte aet ovlle, 8.25 pi.. flersadyTshiorn t 3 Olls va Mdltawne, 7 p un ,Lemvllle vB a coco Edge, 8.30p.m.;McDflfe vaColback,i Mmcdgy-Oilers va FifIli Wbel, 7 pin.; Lnwvlle voaStiltowne, 8.0.25pi.g Tmeday-L4Owvlle va MeDt te, 71 pi.. Tiirnwy va Raceras Edge, 0.25 pin.; Fittb Wbeel va Mlltawne, 8.25 pin. et Heraby. OLDTIMERS SLO-PITCH G W L Pet. B Mr. Sweeoi 10 7 3 .700 - Stoes il 10 t 4 .-6S 1 Miltan Musir 10 4 O .400 3 Hnmden &Soun 10 3 7 .300 4 Lest week's results Miltai Munir 19, Hnwden 8 Stokes 43, Cbirnney Sweep 20 Future Games Toesay-SInises 7411k Trennport vo Hnwden & Sens. iurnday-MiltnlMunir va Mr. Cbimnuy Sweep. HALTON COUNTV BASEBALL Leunide 14 13 1 .921)- Miltn 19 il 8 W59 444 Centpbellvlle 1t 9 7 .563 5 Dundes 17 9 8 .529 5/2 Gabville 15 7 8 .4t7 64 Camtbridge 17 0 17 .000 14%5 Stokes closes to one -Rout Sweepers with six-homner offensive outburst MITN LG OTALL tPI. tI ~ouanad V»,_ bM _tOadO o Tisbor a dBernise Rui aise a oed CY' NIOSwiUs boas. G LFA Pt. ýM ratout i Il witUssix Biaisledthe Uo ttlisonors. nous on eaSiffS chiIOId Charles 1otOl 9 7 I20M 12 14 b=dedMr.c. Oeoy bohomr. . altwtbtwo borneraMttoon ulcI-bdin wubfouritas Wh" 9aga 6 OO3 225 153 12 Sweep aquad to record aInSo theibr urn c 8i wbe4ile Ray aM orirtise rouin tm d 05-PendsICoueo GelII-l'rl'. 'a 2l0e'012 4>0 o vtccynsrdY th.,Z, pgMdi.aad* osle Pfelftor wlth .o ina- r.afM 1J.rutoita la four tripa. C.ooeloTlr9 4 ,5loi121ilO oUed ome oacb. Bl iafi;00an d thon ated it FIad Fian pacéd Miltwne 9 21 6 uid clouel wtsb uaroved tutu unie odwihtre Mlltwae 3 63432.e orneetMr. Oweup in.bn 9et 014 s, Zrssttad ae 00 p0 ts urate e0' waavstra ot Tribune OI8111302the rce feroltheptstjiuus =~j cab=tad ix M t dtl "iuV aidio abonr eh Lootwerse in tisaOldIiera 5W- dwellaglewo Uaefnc. seatiuog. oinPe<0 S 2r:ent 40,M ire 830 Pitcis League. by amoar t1"04 st filaisHowtlta Mr. LadagUs re besrod 3 wiUs fi"a its wee WsyMoyen, Car rmoorand Ni Wod Gallinger 5, Trbune 20 .a jL s ai IiveDplayad-Ltti opac INTER-CITY FASTBALL frM.Sal nteWkswn o yMrh n bi aeDom m1 G W L Pt. B ft Whe Wterlou 23212 2 .9132F fh w h e Br 'l13 8 .619 7 Kbr 109Ir' .4519% o n s fn l Stratferd 24 Il 1 .333 154 t o o fn l Teaco Sports 22 7 15 .318 l13o Guelphs 19 5 14 263 14 A 1,0-ries fifUs timng ta Usa fia" aalg IlIa Hespeler 21 5 16 .=2 14 pufled Newbroo i Ioa e0a05W24t Imattru Klirde future garnes ono-rua laid aid Uathe loo oc-a wedaesday-GOOIpI5ai KiIbr4de, 8 oque bdo t ou MI-bokboorbuoa l p.rn. tea'.Fiflis Wlseeforer sai 5 -I 41 My- ada-Kbrdt Toueo Sports conotion cheampieon-- oéad4t x K'r hofta tfootbafltourna- lnaa l atna TaosdayKlbrldOet Wterloo. cment te Icoquist, co-uot=aafar B toeUs INTERCHURCH SOFTBALL Ottawaoer Ue woes- ami-final. G w L T Pet. B endTise toueswasot wau Heylooy12 1l 1 1 .075 - Fit UsWei id wei laydaudynS 9%,Yie=uel10 7 1 .0244gtt 1 t tshbsiet e tooo-aFmfUsW" won Koxorea 10 5 S t .250) 414 1,nlarourend and 17, for îlefo«basl MalAo12 11 11I .500 4%4 were forced tu-eeaod rc ==91ice 13 4 a 1 .3406044 Ue tirtafi art et pnltcb t brn GrecseAng Il 1 7 1 .310044 Norm Toting tap=Usr 50 St. Poule 9 1 O 1 .2506044 al1 four gain«*.fr Lest weebosresuftO Tue final gmeweeaLaYM iteîy Boomyil, S. Paulso 9 eeoaw batllo wt s Knox Il, Emmianuiel 10 tenos terntts Use Mahm Emmnanoel 13, Knx laidutil Newbroois pul- Holy toeary 18, Mople Ave 7 Theeee la d~ isesoa Ureeoe Hlerrent do. Grecs by defoult ld Finth eedane e 50*1 M<2Adi FatreGaesSnclair and Mary flu-sa-Hlcemt United va. Sti. yae44ou Marshall tec bere tIse PelsUntad; Grocs Angican vou Z7ie u EmanelBaai.tournoo ho-oe s ____________________________ Erndà mnue1el p aPl. OP1l1vu VWif tWo ai a efoCrnentothe43 _______________ Knoxl Preebyterian; Grece vang OMatoo- Love BoWing Heiy Raary. The Georgtown Club un Use Cernaercla in Hamilton sele teup an &re aarge tOn he wa rerng Onario inter- frein rnerr. Second O h a ilIon isttlsd Miton reaumes re- esedlte Ldies Footbali lacen o thUe trio e ereon lyrtostfkc s althojhamme rom the gepger sason play ils n Cbueploonhpa wblcb CgrffBrown, Caon Gerget ton aO eIn nrst dhebil oouot arine ene y felI sor. gerne ia Brlingtonotbey wili bot fot Mariiellaid CocilO itnJge nagrs oUrmoWogm e " me ws the burndey eveniog. menUs. Cblabolin at KinsaelOtark.