Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1981, p. 4

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4 The. Canadlan Chamlpion, Wsd . July22. 1981 ifhe ignabiaft Ehampion Rov DOW« s HERS CROWTHER 181KE HALL gdvPuabar A,«im oéo0,O, ltOliOAL BOPAMTUNT N Bsi JE&.« , . .gbm;SEdin 411, MiChaalB.oItO.Na, in td AOIiTUiiOPARI9I9T . L. eaMxsnm. Dmd h, Wn . O.WdvotMaot NAT OMkLA001UNUO&AM iAM POpx (aIlfl -101 CURCULAT5ONMA9UMR LsF-B M019818OFFali. sl.. ras... Ma,_t4iII; OaaaOd .dW.» u, 8'... Mato 0,0.0. Pushihd eV" NWd..davby 1.9.04 Mliaugn Time., NwartiAufota' Pobli . gC. .im01.4 ii 191 MainSteat Eta. lTe Noth TYotkConmer,1h Inut MI.itoOtarioL91 4N9. T.I.ohooa NrthitYok M01.0,. akvile Bo.nr.,. 878-2341.* Ohawa îTh00.51,.OshomaThis W.k subacrptioinsSinge copsa 25 S.a,. end Te.Rimnh,.d 5i/homil Lienl. $12.OD par yeur in Cnada, $W00 in W Th. SSoogh Cosns.rh. Ss,- cors othethon Caad.. 5ogh Mivot. 1h StuO.8 le rbun,. "Th Cntadien tCafm s on l oefte 1h. Wodbridg & Vaughan o."s. Motoonditt Ptittg & Puhblstg Li. Memuno the Cnaden Contt goup of .suh.o e, ewpaprs whch n- i Nnupapet Asoiaio,,1h.0ntario cluds T h Ato't Fee Pose, Weely Nasipis Assoition, .SotS,.- Ajx/Whitby/PkkdOO Nws Adestiaat. boa.Nemapopmof .9Ames.oaMiton Th. Aom,/Ne«.kt BnntasaTh Chnotero Cmmerce, Mtn DOlA. BoitltonEtpto..OBrmpo Oeoa,. Th. BtitotPot. 1h. Bu0fitgto O...~ . - Wakmnd PoSI. 1h. Etioke Adn.,- Ethn.k, Gnzete. 1h. GogtownoI- Sn, lh ita M.aaugoa Nan, 1h. _____ Phonoe8782341 Reason cornes clear Part of thc roasoning for Haltan Reginnts sming baste 10 bave Site F rezoned as ooon as possible non is coning clear. As nriginally explained, Uic resson put forseard was Ibat as long as Miltan beld nut on re- zonng 24 scres of land near Tremaine and Brilannis Ros., Uic longer il would take for oUer avenues ta bo blocked. In sort, 5as5000 5as1the land was rezoned, wec sere tald, Hatanconuld thon mske applica- tion for an environental ap- proval and ha1t intoril nould allos Miltan ta bring 200 acres Of land in Burhinglon between Isen existing dump sites lto Uic environnetal besring picture. Given tic fsct Milton and is council bas non nUer option but 10 compy wiUi 1the July 3 order of Mr. Justice John Oser Id rezone Uic land, il presented Mfiltan niUi onlysa partial loss on Site F. In tact il did offer some help because Mr. Justice OsIer, in is written ruling, ssid Miltan nould ho allnned 10 state is case for thc lanoifill site to le moved ta Burlngtan seben an Environ- mental Hearing Board was caîl- cd. Non, bosever, we bave learn- cd the Minster othUi Environ- ment, Kith Norton, Cao just go abesd and desigoale Site F a garbage dump as the Halton environonental submssion On the lands te considered "ex- cellent. " The word "excellent" was US- cd by Halton Chiet Admiols- rslor Denois Perîta seIn alun broke the neses ta reginnal coun- cil thal ao eovironoental assess- ment besriog msy ot bave 10 bot called. if Mc. North reads an "ex- cellent" environnental report on Site F and finds Site F sls'esdy reconed and bylawed as s gar- boge dump, there could, aI Mr. Nortons discretion, bo on need 10 cali a bearing. He could ssy the dump exista by tan, Ibere is non 0111r because Site A te yesrs aseay frnm complete study, and Halion's pressing oeed for a new Like it les Il's a pleasure ta bear a poiti- ciao ell itllike it, as nppooed 10 wbat sec migbt nant ta tink we beard. if lIaI sounds like gobblde- gonk, il represeots Uic Ontario Goveroment metbod of communication on items of con- cern. one itucb item of coocero in Regionalism. Tbese requests apre sent ta Ontamio Ingergov- ernmental Affaira Münster Tom welliseIn comea only second ta HeaIUi Minisiar Dennte Timbrell ta dffualng the publilhMelgbt. Mr. Wels gave Milton some tentative maybes and gave HaItcn-Brlngton MPP Julian Reed a fese perbapo positives and suCceusffly bld mo nt sil the isueded dosen. And te ulve credit see sil la due, Mr. WD dld hic job weflin leting a bwru ing Issue burnîbasf ot. dsimp means Site F will be pans- ed by his muxistry. Mr. Norton cotld also be influ- encod by the tact Site A, the other option. is in privste banda. If 1e were 10 shlow a municipal lsndfill on o private dump, sIl the grbage tipping focs for the expected three million tons, or about $27 million, would be clear profit 10 Uic landonner,not money as revenue 10 the region wich sorely necois all thc revenue il can gel. It would also remove Uic thor- ny question created by hio predecessor, Dr. Harry Parroît. Dr. Parrott said the Site F hoar- ing would be bld under Uic rulca and regulation othUi Environ- mental Assesmont At, (EAA) n01 Uic Environmental Protec- tion AcIt EPA) as expected by Halton Region. Tbis may ot seem a big factor in the decision but il mot definitely will be. The EPA deala wiUi the spot on Uic map and tis is thc cule used in al previnus naste dumping and trealment procedures. The EAA takes in an entice cegion including soci-demngrapbics. By allnwing Mltons Site F to go ahead under the EAA, il meana all future landfitl applica- ions up bo and includiog thc massive South Cayuga Liquid Waste centre wnuld have 10 be bld under Uic EAA. Itanok tbree mnntbs 10 bear evîdence on Site F at tbe Ontario Municipal Board in 1979. Il could take liter- ally yeacs Ici bear sometbing an complex as South Cayuga under Uic EAA. This would bo a delay tbe Ontario Govermnent wnuld bobhard pre.sed 10 accept in ligbt of ils commilment ta deal wiUi waate. Tberetore il appears tbe bopes of taving off Site F are, ici tact, mucb gloomier Uan cnuld bave been expected. Unlesn a considerable amnunt of pressure ix placed on Mr. Nor- ton 10 bold an Enviroomnental Assesament Board bearing, there in probably non way 10 stap Site F. On Wednesday Claude Bennett arrived aI Halton Regino wear- iog is newly added portfolio of Minister of Municipal Affaira wicb be bas taken ove. froni Mr. Wells. Aod 10 the council membors he oaid any muicipality wisbiog and/oc agitaliog Ici opt nul of cegionalitra ian torget such no- on. Nnw altbougb Uic message is nonto1 bo greeted nith pies- oure in cortain parts of Milton snd Oakvlle, at least ilte crystal clear. Mr. Bennett bas takon i stand wicbh henUil mskeo o exceptions about. And whle inch s mesaage msy flot 1e graoted wtb pies- aire in certain parta 0f Milton w1d akvlle, illanaapleanre w find an Ontario Cabinet meonber t@ilinolikelties I calted er 1Little loser. Weol1irttfoundbher,ubhebad b.eo grosse ounder a beavy, agly rock. Tbe Litle loner nauslunted and b.d neyer taown.te ind of sunohine sibe bad beard so many olberu tlaobout. Attbongb tbe rok ad been pusbed asay, tbe Litle lower wsustit cul and brised. Cul by tbe selebl, brised by tbe ogosy. Planled in lbe soi! of onoîber place i time, lb, Litle loser bad a franîlo perid of groslb. So.ling up. obe ddn'l hnon, perbap, wbicb un 10 fore. Sul sben I fouod the Litle Flomer, she tarîrd tu boom, tbe sas. o live, ho resb, sa0nne. As er pelîn folded, 1 found earb on 10 b. more daoling Iban the l. Sb. sas tbe reddaul of lbe roseu; nbile beng as fragile au os orrbid. A sîtee hat1 sSping, a manoer h01 WATCH IT! There are oidy 500 rommoiy usaed worda in lb, Esglisb issguage, yet those 500 nords bave more Ihan 1,400 ditteret meanoog. N. monder nw Canadians bave trouble gre.ping or Engtisb. And te rareful bon you roosmunirute. HERE TODA ... on0 June 26, silb much fanfare. the Bront, Rsad Grade Separalion ws otiriatly dedicated. eptee ilb a bevy of regionat and Gobvie politirians, Ontario Tran- sportation and Cmmxniucations Mini- sterJin Ssom puled the covering anay roc. a uparkting nen $000plaque il sas a batital paque, 80 beaolitul Ibat hy atrday morxhxg il mas gone. No one taons if il nos vandais or paque rotterters, bult$900 iii bave te h. spot h. boy onoher. sas sometime. fat; Ibe Lilte loner was Iere dring the sommer Ot my grot. I asted br nctar. Sommer on a Siren. Faît in a nooded natbmSy. minIer in Ibe piss e1.e. Tben spring agaten ilb champagne for Eauler. The moote ried te tabe boid te racky loround . one Pl nod wantgron t ite W POxe Pa t,1kIhe gpapa ivy, moud pul out tantarles lrying te prasp lb. other in ite prip. The puape ivy couid not taon tbe gpip nould choke the free pant and cause ilite srongie. 001 the plante, the Litte Pion,. and 1, ried topgos lihe 1w, plante in separate pote. Togelher in ime bot toI alnays in the ase spore. TRUCKERSON T. Hocently CTV-TV'o "Lie il Up" nons cren visitad Pif Ib Wbeei Truck Step tenMiltete interview tracliers aboutr rd.stey tepic. 'l'iey aoked rucker about 1e dangers ot drlving on roada isbabited by "tasr-meeers" (cars) and beird a lot of h10crMorsteis atest hon the for-nb.elers traitth1e 18-weeeri. Brenda Gibson, tse reporter sho did the interviews te the truck stop parking lot, said the peogranm it ikley b. ired unietme te tata Septeamber. Campie. Editer Roy Downn, ho sas thre duirlg prtoth Ie ilning eson,. dida't make il te Ibe piclsarai bul is car did. Tise cren pot tes car basidea abig îa-misseler teoi sonthe dffer.nce inte Ietwes1e average large Canadian car and a b.gbmay transprt, thon movsd is big Olda anay and repace dl ithI an eve. siner Hooda h, itustrae hon car are shilkiol. OuI like the rose asd lb, orcbid, 10e Little loers se.sonof 1ilâS smmer came te an end ad il mas ime te boin again. Tbhe gape ivy coudalt moite. fixe Little Pigne. bSd te. Aod s. ila te i ttle Pioner i biooming in anoiher field non. lInlthaied the needs are the saine. The sun ia riche., bal il may no1 b. as derp and constant. Anoîher rock bas been pusbed solde. Another son is trying 1. shine. No mon ever crosses the saine river Inice, for xol onty bau tbe river cbonged bol s. bau the man. My fied iu non terres. Otber foners lry I. gros bot lbey iii sever baietehbe some radiasce, tbe serenily, the ragrance. Tbe gpape iiytwIists and tbrnu but inds noting b otd os t.. Gb Luittleloser! Oh Sneet Litle Fioner! ANOTIIER NAME Tbe Ontario Weehty Nenspapers Asociation bas cbanged 1h.s asse, te Otario Communtty Nenspapers Assoiation lOCNA) - tottomlng in lb, foolitepa ofils. ntional roten,1th CCNA lforineriy CWNAI. The, nord 'Conxlsnity" nau rboses 10 btler reethe.pobliof ngprar- tires of locai nenspapers, enptined OCNA peesidant Gave aenger of Wteghan. lBesides, neyerai 'seebie" are b.ing poblishoal Isire and tree ime. a meeh, sun lbey ront re.tty b. raled seekiies any more. NOW THATS BIG! We ued 10 tink a 20,-acre tarin in Haltesnos big, ottil se boord about 1,98-arr. farmu in Western Canada. Nom camais the nenu aout ose of8the norld's biggeot tarins -. a rancb in Texas lnbere sisel Ibat romprises 800,000 acres, mazm eoLwiciL eELIEP Tro PASS ~ 51reffOUIK ON MOMPAi. . lftd*Uzmcr Little F/ower Nflploo One year ago Frontthe July 2,IS Isu8 A aevr sommer Ibunderaterin Saturdry .vening l.ft five people in the Burll.te-akilsMIIOOaa Wjared by ILgbnte arW-a. lHat-. Reglsa Poic.and ambulance allendânta riaabed h. Burltefiton Springs Goff ad Country Club e. Cdir Springs Rd. wbr tour membersofai"ISlu.. pKaf Icirnament were it by llgtnlg On Clvie Holid"y .ekand4 Aug. 1 to4, Milton mIll be tevad.d by thoamsandi of Ontario Pirefigbters aid Iber familles, a. Milton i Pre D.partm.ent boults Un700l Animal PIre Pnoltera Asaoclallle. of Ontario Convention at Mille. Fair Groe.ds. Milton Jayee. aor.d ne intcosse- Canada competltoe. agate la Year, aad came bais, froin lb. National Ce.- ference iRegdts mout i IleibIt anra &lb aSlet Tom Blaachard wa judged tabeasecoad bou i Cand- a real feather in lite cap. He bas u erler beau named tep prealdont of tisa relon. Strlk.-boand Roclineil bac.... a hive of actlvlty tibla eel au ilae Company bronfibt ilroagthe ptcket ls.e a tady convoy of tracter traies to remaove raw materlad froin lb. plant. The exit o utot nprteg caet parte bagan Me.diy and canci tediy. The townnofMilton beld centrestage for a nbile test Tbsrsday ai Toronte's Exhibitison Stedltumn be.Toronte Blizzard banored tiblatenn oithl' Miltoni day aithbeBlizzaard." Inthetirnt of wbat may became an anniail evnt, mure Ibmn Mt Miltenlaits pald a reducad rate te watcli the North Amneicas Soccer leagtae gaine 20 years ago From the Jly 20,154issuae Thse naler lie un Branle St. nIl b extendedmillte ao erve a planned Red-D- Mix Concrete plant, Tie campiny willi pay the cast outheb. 80-foot exteniioof tbe water lin., etbanated ai 91,120. Carle Brobasof Horaby wnsthe prie. for biog lb. oldesl mine.n parade uith leorange Parada in Gergtonn Satorday. He lue8.. A sammer prol.ct beiag carried out by the Sixteen Mike Creelu Conervatin Autbarity ia the mapping ut a abter- rafe.. river b.d in lb. Palermo, district. Studenls inrlodl.xg for Martin of Milto) are tracing the river tbroiagb re.iutivity leste and bape a te 1mb Ilwitb a nen water sourca r.cently located eair Kelso Dam. Dîck Cleme.tlt hIe 08w ce.chof lbe junior Red Sos bal tuan. Hote. Conty ail-stars buanbled lb. powerfal Galt Terriers 134-9nte .anomal ali-ster faine at Cimpbeliville bail park Sunday, before a crowd idf900. Hltenu Warde. Mlex Pbillp bau received a 08W fuwn of office. Il liaa flowing mauve rab. nilb gold brald and epaulete. Accmmodation for 450 tadensata .t b. provided in tbe nen provincial scbe.l fr the deaf in Miton. Costruction lb te iraI stage of Ibe $9 inltie. campe. nil begin Iis fait on tbe site of tbe toner Kingdan tarin .oulb of Halton Manor. Tenders nere calied Iis neeli. Tbree Toronte me. operatef snder the saine Glen Eden Ski Hesortu bave leased 34 acres on lb.e.carpmnesl ai Oeno tram the conoervaion autbority, te open s ski club. Thsebit is 267 fot igli and o quarter-mile ran 1a planned. An e.hnonn group ta annioste buid a race tracb in Naaagaweya Township bat o vote on the sale of liquor, tee. and wlne wil5 bave te b. beld lirai, council said. 50 years ago ro.. the July 2i,19l1issaue Ooe day last neeb John Kennedy, of Esqoesing Tonnship, had lb. mistortane to tait tram the mon at John Grant's and brook severai rite. The Hydro officiais bave baenin te b Druinqoin district iateiy. Many have signed for paner and ligbt, and iti i ex- pected the line il b. buil Iis tati. T'Me paving of the igbnay beîneen ltockwood and Guelph is non campleted aod the nen macadam on this stretob of No. 7 Hignoy in non ready for traille. Milon Tuis Boys non Ino gamin bere Iis woek. On Mooday tbey defealed Mt. Union by 14 te 13 and on Toesday lbey lriinied Lonvilie 14 te 6. Tbe Trustee Board of Scbool Section No. Il, Trafalgar Tonnship bais rereived to date no fener ten 154 application for on appointmont as teacher crryief a olary of 51,00 par year. Perey Hrst, manager of the Lune- boseteaseteil nine, had o nrron escape tro.. very serion injury in a recent fain ena obatler let his bal slip and slrurh Perey ith1e moulh, breaking several leetb and cting is lp up sbtdly Ihal severol stohe. nere needed 10 clooe lb, nouod. 75 years ago Prom the Joly 26, DU liasu on Monday, amuin ho sald be bailed troin Toronooand coite is nome ai RishoviMotgomeiiry îapplied iii Mis of age, was dlean shoiten and hisnos sas sbigbtiy rrooked, as be himoli proved te, b. tter. on Tosday mornteg bcaiet, au b. suid, to e ao ok a ette ons. edid soi retura at noon and Mrx. tsborne aap- poaed tbt be bad gone te Ibe brick norba. bInbe evenlng, a lady horder nie dresng, miaied a gold ring and aonme capperi mhich bad bout lit te a drimer. Mm.. Oborne laid an te- tormine eoro o local imagstratseand a narrant ne. placea te Chef Contable Bradey's kands, bt smati. Montlgomery bai not be. ton. lits.cotractees are msxit enat pgecs hi eyng cesenat alks on Mate Si. em he ululMcGbbo taBronle S.

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