The Canadian Champion, Wed., July22, 19813 Story differs ovor arrest $àlntonr court arlmmglon, oman vaneriarlylavardadian belng cnvcted iofail l ovide.a=eel nele" ,ao o ir.Godbroll wlen RubOordey=fa4, CavendihhDr a"alogsa But ccnrdlng toMa fn ryadofbe hedllglceSfOriiilh.opanoeoe sy"culcirnn A cargaafl' ol 'del ant Mca. nrn=end= 4kenwunioiacted. Gordy w di. by =. obi- n îý; r. Grdey saad seiwuan aaken flace b so. accden ndwuannhyWbnPlcePh- Ilbreaar olomna incident locb2 in a cruiser aller nbe bd ad nvth vlaM!;n tbndpva aoveilin a tnv:lt- Ien. lie acmm n o llbay eKan R, Me lid tbe court ne refusedtin provide a norlliflurlngle. apt bcte ali anangry bcaue poice =wnvameuuinchling a Walerdmvmaan =liadtatdlriialy". laolo l ia acutcident, nlted wMn (lGordey Buàlgon CFP ttllid an nificer lad la waa weavlag front aide la aide whitle travelling C il uhMs. Godey lila dia cruiser -oaabudoniubvYli. vie reued te lot ilaend that nbe pro- Uie oladliiniiiettkhe ioit oulder ceededlta "bkodthe windevniaid dem enc tdbacarliZcer toig hrcd aieddt. Mie haly dd i i e d blcked dia vindev CIL on dia vlineea stand duspila evldence pro Mh i ad ae dld oQ maill rlklg a car âidonwngliboprnlaondhevlndev. delven iy Rom Albaeienci Walrdevn, Juige Rbinson nted Mns. Grdey elibited travellng westbouad, deptlatheefacl both vel- a certainlilW stniewlaen nd 'i-en«"n"reil deonaje.pali e deniglt LareceBume Walerinn travellnglioliind of the accidnt. the Abunm ecar remns«Im eilaitnis inie, Haenld le lad grave uspicionabonut Mns 'Ivo are latibn "ale p the diwvaving Grde'a drlaklag on thal nigli, but coudd ont hoa&lainli ci MnGrey'car canlng convicllieronsuiecime Threatened with shovel An 18-year-old Burllogton youlb ulin aller amanblag several boer hottesai a parly diroalened a Hallen SOaI e olice nlicer lna oBran S. aparlonent complut. wlit a galenweboeltantMemr an Ilwas derlag in arrest liaI ie plckod op a enlanced-la four mouenil t et nee. mnolnhvl and leld il ahane a police mans Dan Bell ci Warvick Court val ienlaiiced liend. He van dlaarmed hy anonter officer., la molnnProvncial Curtlaln00deys in Jal for Jodge William Rnbnon furher snelnced psesneofna dangeroiie veapon, 30 daYa fr tdu youtd lalaa innu elilln public michic, and 30 deya fer nitrucllag Al tdoue niencen lad leuecnemllled police vle Bell van nn protnn for an erlier Pell.w. àrrealad and charged Mrcji 15 charge GuiIty of fraud Tan Hlaon Hilla individonin er. femnd gulty of defroodbthe dgoverimnt in MIllan Provincial Courl Ia vek, by mlloctlngunu. enspiopsent lansuance wvide voring. Myrle Calboun nf Llnden Cirrie af Georcle- lav n uined $MOfor two npanteonta ai fraad. Miecourt learnedlielbridleenvworklng fum a nvimling poolcnmpany fum dre. vooliaand ladt earned more dhan 1200 ville collecting Six weeks onq A S-ear-od 10cm laborer van enteced ta four ek vioal a tater hing convcterd of han- lag more than teal aonit o lcoll in is blond and feling la appear in court on won =lteoccarriom. YL,pPlayfotdci îlia Jon i ., Gorgetovn tpl loetahbote andvwas tlrovn out atclos- bh tme,duhecoutven tlad 1evewunt oppodlip N=Éaie " egnatPol- icevbho ontced hhodrtving .btcally Sentence A 21-year'old urilglan monnvla aliplilted a led ceelorier la "Imake foola ot ai du aolborldoe" and &truck e ncurllp guard induh prccoa, recelvei n eopended sentence and on pear probation l iltMon Provincial Court Thumndep. Graham Bohel, a inst ime cieder. van sufering prebleen at homne idi inn father vlan tdu incident taok place in Febraarp, tdu cout vas ild. Danois Walker, a Rurlinglan scaIaIorlier, tetlied Bohvel la a lard vorktng individuel wla hacamne nolved ilatdu lomilpo rentai buslies ater an ader brother let followlng o $159 a veli Ilroogli anemploymnl la. A »y-ear-otd Antan vomie van fined $100> olter pleadlag guilllptoa n nhlar charge. Ada Ragera oI tan Mason Slnd., Actan taid themcurtlohavork.d in Guelphi fer four venta and lad earoed $000 ulsioli cihing an. emnploymet inaumance. Mie van fine $100. drinking charges Ploplord failed toaoppear fer tva court appearieces relallng tathe Feb. 26 incident. Ne halde o cruilnal record inctoding a clargeofihopolr.d drivingin nMt. Jodge John Robinson sentieced bein tvatw noub n al o1r lavlog more thon lie legat anwiM t pI"5o iIn lin bIod. naan dIasfor forlealling toappear forduheaecond court dae. suspended 1 faasilyquarrel. Ha tald Bohwell gren frualralad vhontis fother filted tlate.ntice ofi nnefforts, and aboved dlonppointntent in hli. He said due non van contanlly otlampting ta lime op ta infadier's expectatiainand felt le cod not deio. Mc. Waliler said dthaosnce lie incident atItdu Ealanas department star. la Bortioglan Mail, thefathr as tals en reeivig con lling. 1He notait Boelel nlioved mnideralile r.. 1morse for vhot lie lad deom and lie dld ot en- t pect hisclienttinrepeat the oflence. Drinking driver fined Some rotherly elp van intrumentin a e- duing due fine fr a young Miainaaga man fnund gailop la Milon provncal Court Mon dofav aingemoreldmntdu "legal"aouent aI ale" ncontetlin hibond. Pool Tern.p van charged by Halton Heginnal Police in Georgtovn Jane 20 afler police potW d Im travelling ai o igli rate of apeed and going liragli a red iglt an Mootinviev S. Mis lrother Jon poke anon hhaaîf, sating Pool bad a speech hopodiment. Ne tadte du rt t inc, due incident Pont lad lotlinn job an a driver for a Mloninonogo irai and laed accpted a lener jobaothle mm, compony. He added is brother van saning monep lo go ta collage lbi fal and lad prclaoed a bicycle hecaus. oflinreduced ilamme. Judg, Wlttlam Shrpe inedhe yoth $00in- teadof ahedu eal S$2t and suepended is lienc, for liree mantho. Two deys for 0P7 discussion Decisionin Ratocoeallm blae et ade Ag. 1and 12la dmcm., aniai lpefally approve. Millan n Official Plan AiniidntaNoinber 7p.k 4~ ç I 'iepla, alaaknownoaOP7,rezones 1.1liaCrS e k M e of ad nordi of di. 401 la Mltoneand ceeired on iigbeay 2s.TIC ein"g changes di. land fraie agrlcalaral la ldaial la order t lacelahdi Mananeraare alwayn Mllien-llglivay 401 ladanrilal Parki. asking"what if?" TIc eagolode i li planing eicainen nul And ihey re uinil Appe____ necesitaetwn daysofcitde dicassion ai die persiia opueat e Reglocan Planning and Pblc Wrks, conodîilori all h answeri. Ils the ver. ml. tbol hal helps thon tesI annumptlans Explore The lnba anmr"a beenyncB.e cea and chre Mieplntlto Cn e nireuneyrlcai and chanie et.opr Learn how an Apple ti I Iyou on can insure on New Minister says '#nF..' Icoadeeni trous Pgi. 1Il Hallan hadîr! oe lin argumnents underU raton and reglalionofc due EniromnntlPro- ladlion Act IEPAi laut due goveroment liende- cided duthearing on tdu ite vIlb h hld ender raIe oand reigulnlionsof tlie Ennîroomental ianmeneAcl IEAA.j To pgrade tdu EPA report la EAA stand- ards, Hallan il nued anoder =CM. Aaked i ha coud hlp gt duemony, Mr. Be- net sald ha nnuld "tek.e il onder adiement," but alan added ha beyw sonof ahedu iinory of Site F and v arned "anme ofitdu complica- laona oceed even tdu peverolduemininter." Mr. ennett nnld ha lied narad la is new duel porfolio by viillng regonal governmet la due province, "ot ho- cause reglenal govern- n e ntsae itt mre due maire upofregional coonita reprenenlsao falrly hrnad cross- onction ofitdu popuda- ion." nlaing lie vmdd ha inflexIble tla any litIof epting ouI of reglenalinie, ha ail lie woudd ha pr.pared la lse o lauggstionon fundlag and granla. This tatemel crne jusl allar o reglona o mmd discussion on approocli- ing Quewsn Park on tva ieparala lanuea uler. more.mnney laneeded. Rut M. Bennett onld ttdld not mienan a prepr.d la ope du money floodgoe. He nold Queen'a Park ladlee narklsg bard i holding die line, and in many coe, lad linlisrie vrbal ai budgtets leno thon tdu in- flation rate. Oakville Coonillor Terry Mannell iaid lie hoped Mr. Bennet would gin. "grealer recognition af the financial neede" of dhe WiId ridq A 20-er-aId Atan mon ban been cbarged willi bbe demaging af fine eilelainte parinag lot of Fithd Wheel Truck Sop erly Fridoy moring. Ilallon Regonl Police sid Michael Nicbola of Chorch i S., Atan von drving erratically in the parking lot i aP- proimtely 5.40 .0. when lie liaI contraI af o 1001 Ford picki-uprucli ova.d by liii moiher and imaibed inla a lis, of porked cars. Police naid fine nehiclea including the Irack be woî driving wer. demitged 10 the tuee ai$,8000. Nichlain ba been cbarged vith impalred driviag, dageous drivnmg, refusixg a brealli sample,ad foiling ta remain aithIe ormne of on ccident. He io due toa ppeor la Milton Provincial Court Monay, Aogot 3. reglon and gave as an 1 enample tdu fondlng , lielp neededwi walar-j sewer g tela hiclh are1 aout tr6 mlllian liens dhan Homto nueda la bireak even. Regional Chairman i Jack Rallia anid funding 1 continue la creaewliat1 anme round lmembero ar. calliog n 'diapar. lty" lietv.esn erlliern and noolliere municipollities. He aîdgranla la "suiti nievicie" 11k. lealth and ancial aervices ver. adeqonla lait lier. are nbnrtagen vill die liard nervicen 11ke rondo,j waters and neveri wlicb due reglon cannt1 make op frnm in ovon leny.1 "In' a financial mon-i key. Il von't go nwny," heaind. Mr. Rallia naid hli would ha pr.pnanO 1 Site F lComnnedlfroiePg.i1) envlmentl a nooom ment,nid haer. mon- oldering dhose option venin oeek fanding fr.m lie province for the envirmnentat anneno- ment on tdu basinIhal Olallan la onique in the enlire province." ad h Mir. Perlin ol h uniqueness related ta lb. landIllI application halng consldered onder die EAA ot lie EPA whlcli han opplied ilaail other caie in ailtallier jurladlctiono. ".We o. oi 1h01 a decisio7n vIImn lie lorlbcoming from the prvncwithriespect to -adn i tâtibis malter con ha larther onidered hy cmunt ai Ibis lime," Mr. Perlin sild. The question af options broughl Rorlinglon Councillor Walter Mulkevicli 10 bis f..t hi onli vliolkind of options Mr. Perlin bad in mind, Mc. Mulkevich representsa n ectar of entensive brief on water-never fnnding needn and wmud ho liringing illanMc. Ben- nett for hopeful ap- pronal. Mr. Bennett naid lie and bis miistsry are planning la inirodure legislalion la 'bring smc ralonlization la lot enie." Atmo planned for encmen vould ho a oe Planning Act vhich would h of assistance ta ragion. liarlinglon Coancillor Pat MeLauglilin smid be wanted lb. Minioler ta comsider longer lermo for monicipal cauncils. Mr. Bennett oaid a longer inrra mode more one la hion personally bal dol in tbm woald mien cooncillors woold. over a longer lerm, banc la hernese more re- sponnible for dia actiona ticy take. Borlego vhicb con taln 200 crs of tond, None lenven. Onlari Moan baovn as Ste A ' 0o Tis land, ovxcd by Caude Bennettl li National Sever Pipe viSi refuses la hear mollon ha made available to the gavernamenl. Wilh lMr reglon for o garinge Kranlz. domp iftde raglan vanti ut The sie in htwcco tva garbage dumpo. Escape M. Mulkewîcli iaid be van af the opinion a brief councilad ontogreedtu tooking i allier optiun A 22-year-otd Mapte- os îtated liy Mr. Pertin. burat inmatc vlio bot- He sald athongli other Inoted rom a work gang opion bal been dis- tot Wededoy alter- cusied, nacli ni Site A, naona njoydltess thon 24 nudeciion o any ind boucs of reedom. bas heen takea. LryCeeado This prompted Milton Chathamn was arrctd Mayor Gord Eati tu Thucsduy by Metro ilote lie bopeit ation Toronto Police for wnulnot tryInushort scaping lwtat custolY. circuit the eniron- He van then lurned mental pcnces Whal ovni In Peel Regional be meant van h. ex- Policn vhece hli s pectd Site A tunhcon- wanted on a charge ai silerelatlong wit Site F breaki and enter and Haton shoutd nol Cleeand vas ervng hock jest Site F becoose a sentence ini Mapte- il hoppono ta ba oned as hrst toc armed roi- a garbage dump. hry. I Coosaî XO 7 oEnin " Maqisnnri -A co " a E3NtOiOVw' a opiasC.bWg. onoiche oLN7006'h n -. in~.0'V O ih Drop la and Checki Oui Economy Ratesa SPECIAL WEEKENO0RATE tao Municipal Mffnirn and Hauaîng Minioler 1regianal councillars las1 Wedncoday he Dns by municipalilies la drap out of regionat Wr Biennett, rîghl is Milton Mayor Gord h ar7rA =DON IEAT PUMPI *FuelCoasln The EnergyTght* YeaeamAheaad ORE Noru 511AND GE('T IP TO M mu00 ausi dayl ptfens,,n.iooî aan 10-He a ng y- -0 NÉSt 1-1900 with a Carrier Raom Air Conditioner a« i ,,-oro14,1 Sbula .. ih AiIMOmliaIWlkWm n ykit Mi I «Oht b.,gw. OAID MUCROSYSTEMS * LTD. 206 MAIN ST. E., MILTON SUITE 103 REID FRANK 878-1282 o -. ~ ~ a r m a