Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1981, Classified & Real Estate, B1

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070.1 1 Il SOceMSA001MOdfd . . 870.2361 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION. MILWON. ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1961 SECOND SECTION Ca00tEa.olî WI~2i!-~~ MHILTFNI DEPARAME Woo & 2 P. M. MON. .101.027 - Anad8 FIeS Coalla- Bficg a Hccoo 0And A Large PlaceOf FOI. TUE. JULY 28- Faul 1Toip 11:30 A.M. mMoCofebeorgWit4liit Centre PcodSudy *Ticket $1.0 8 V. a Up yqwiced To lOgn A ,0080. .101.028- i"Donizoc 0f The rt&Up. 9TOUA. .101.030 F080091 F10. Dc. DSlft- de 1144 M1in)Tkkm e75 -FAt . 01. 31 - "N0orth 0 y Nc.fewea" lm PF0080008Aoc Fre Usnst Othcooiac Sumed. kc0cnfoCO' 878-879 PUBUC UUIanY Moo-Ue Mainc TOUAS. JULY 23 nt C4P.M. a Band Concti " Mage And Music6 i ctetga iectic T ho okogivicO , TeM. Ma Up To TAC Adnmiuic.Nochaerl ln Té. Eetnot .0 01 0.101In L80eo7Hall. 0000Ded cat- Wnudb, uly 1st 8m1 W.e meIiC ln1cuit08t mode 0000.1 6016006010 accIMalu. Ope TuuWoa-TSc- raIo. pM., r10070 112»Ap.m0. 9B.0p.fI., 80turdo à 60.0ev 12.00 p.m. te 00. 24 befoe.1 ta 041 f T00y 51r tnn. (159116-60. ^ton51Million0 &.Karen 1 lfmc 10110101 88 I .,. -1 -. I PJIFBBaa IWIIFB8W IrdurBus seewhibwsin? Formoe nfomaio OZORIS Food Seric e u<. Hot orCold food piccs 878-OM7 CA1.asaY-Tao und 1.7e. (ne Acrcs) Of 0.060. art pleoscto ooce .thee bitI Of tAir dalgAor Destins Mrie. 7 16. 3 BC. et 1011600 Distric 9088990 IAION-0Oae 1 Of M50 dOWS Dr. anonece fl 81.11 Of 010.0,-uc Robrt Some, 7 b. 117 098. si Miice Dstrict Mtoi c sturdey, Jluty 1,188. PENDER-DIat00c 8111 ore p188101 .ta 8ewm80o me0arrivai O JeMil0er A0.0.8ICoA. 7 ou. bacc et E bIBSoRA Gc..reI Oneptal, ce .101vJury17, 1881, & lotion Pelder. 0,-lac O0.KiIRK-POL0.0- Mr. & ff1. M.98001080O Mltioecior@fca'rîala 9 Anne 0Eltileti te Mr. Doad Mien llbkick soceof Mr.1&0,s. . 8f 1-8817 o MoarCAt ATTENTION Unemployment Insuranco Claimants Beoase ofufen$rt l mai d"terpon, Unempioymuflt tnsuraflae cleimuliBa 87100ln Ontario are asked to bt-tmg Ihei- repoit corda toto Iheir toaetCBOBde Emptayment Centre. REPORT CAROS MUST SE RECEIVED AS THEY BECOUE DUE BEFONE OLAIMS CAN BE PROCESOED AND UefIT CHEQUES ISSUEO. Therefore, by bittliou ea$crdt ese I, Employ e fd Empaset IigainCnad& lImigsral Csnadi i wism o 10 91k rettIosI, Irlae, an ce0800bBC'5,Eccimu CStar 8.601000 1.00e, UCW Of Sf. PetOi United Crch for crda, flower, itI end viite. e..jac k brtoIt. Bd. Cutter 8nd oSic c 1118District = 6a klha r. 900508 acd r. Bf'00187and thé nurses ol teecond10 IiooC' for thir ecelet cre. BorthteeMail i WO001.0 116Iotex.- pouC Mty cppf'001t105 te te.curses c. the secnd f801 of Milton District 1-059100. 0ai spécial 9108018 te r. AikenhoeO Dr. Jo0ts- Hill1end Or. 1-0800 lac the cr & attention t rectied. Thatok 706 ale?",tWh00$ent0017 1fM ii. . occ ts.Geot-e tHomn w100 te 910080 Atir rlatives, fr1.108 & nogtbor 0r tf. ln Or iciOf 8à0880 huseaf ather 8'& & oations mre very much ait. 910010010. A oero .îlccr. ffék $00 te te oal Canadie1L0gio0 m.mBat'Cfor8W 0 muCc Slip. C Pedr* 80. Trcor Lewis, Lgice Servic ed thee piie-'. Mon, Ohhak88 D. CColt k Or. Kofflrand810te S., et J~ Bra ,-nt Hopitaor s0cr 100dn cars. TC tee MeKerlIO Foterai Honte for teir manySarvlces. REOWOOO PATIO RNITUIE OICNARO WOIO V PIIOUCTS as ,ý,cePEcENCI lc8008RFMI 335-3717 88I.810TCII NEED CONCRETE- MOSULE edOtitOioO OCo ood.ala...,. f.eah. Covflcn. eot,e We daleh-, uk.d.I MICHAEL'S BUILDING MATERIALS 73COO0.Cm net oCTOo. Ontaro 853-2950O CYCLE y SPECIAL JULY ONLI ITOCSENOUROS $1495.M ROYAL CITY CYCLE CENTRE Hoco. 7-GucOgO (in Gudeph Auto Sort. Tc"O - M-7.8 f \ Wedding ~ Napkins Matches aInodleî AoocalSce t e d 59808, actco s, ts 1Van maGeeatuo Pao Ahto- WATE LOUP.L ve40ew, ndIIa petienP ù@oclcl gans ClcOh.ca t M-1 TERSUDL STEFSSERICE 0.EPATIOOLA CABINIS 810ENDS, SPNISO FAEAST JON EEMNOI ILEB8NWpm5LWER P SOET LE.VC&PAT la ý A IIIIIu .... L BE. SON OUT b ESSEICEWKAN IO SALE OPE ON.-I. -8.MPM eiIo bea.ttOeOROdlA 11355 Con 1 L888L1 021niti Mito Mn0 FCRES HOUAS; LAUNcROIIIIMAT Ma. 410- 15 0 B80LA9135 AS l»ata .I.e C-athy &awd at urlleroofna 79)1 824-3619oICl 878-222 oOhtitae.000019010. .41004 2,30.t. 0ck . .11 T 'ymt or 01488,8 oPlv CALUTRS O 0,0e .M . 5 fit d'poitR , fer 01 T .AX xnàB.mos cnl 021m#c.r SWImcMINeOOL . ouSr hm n1iuCTIO ADh itemiR teS.IP k1, rooIe WgIkîSwo atiBA~.orv 0BAND'8,a811 from cooveol lecftClOic bantoreInc $2e35. - t!lBn sale fr mothl .87- 7077 AIR49 oiedSPitiV -CONUTOSI0000" lTem. 82mn.m 878.de-0 Snra.m s, forletore lffer.éitm . 10006001.0Pone 792, cool, 000 In 45 . RI lbogths, 3-1/ 3 b600S corda. Appro. 400 v. Ti 8. deilvered et $50.W. M OrdWocd, laboocoi U cultnl4-16Inch iattgths. go Truck ccad appro. 375 ef Cu. 0. occoc et $175.0. V Phne (1091)843.1430 t deys or (519) 84-4307 Co FIREWOOD, irhendtdo maple. Split endst deoiIovee. K iodlon,a Cedcr 9010.053-1059. 0 FOR SALE-Sod-Nc. 1 Z lNrsry SS0. SupptleO tl and4/ or 1lctalied, sec $2 raliroad ie.. ceOer elt rails. Tlma's A Gardeno Cetre.8553- p FR0.ME h00Ic, appice. Ot 24 X32' tCAeMOedcO lot. estfer. 87.-MOI.47 G.E. SELF CLOANING 30", oven,$250.00. Lance Mottit Fr1410, 8250.00. 9t Admirci DiSoOIher, C $200.00. Like ewend,4In0ne prt.ct cdition. P- Phoone 8783017 or 78- CIITAR aceoliltlo electrie 0010r end ampliar, odconvoA 411100.8678-303s. IB3M ELECTRIC Typoriter. goocd Co ditOl,, $350 or best offer. YmaS. 0000 otorvOcl, eceOillen cttdtio, 375 on Motn cite.. 1-609-5734.a INGLIS Portable $ami- aetntictl oher, 1,0111 rver &sta0nd:0 $325 or 5011 tte. 8a8.- KLEAI Ortt Unit, Ohet 000,- Cr haoC 6000 hoplsC for: Loger lite fore 8000, andfooneeto, cleocerb leacdin ote r.Oced Ccl LAWIMOWER Sun- bom. elaCtrlo C raîl ecelletf cnd ltloc $700.878-1067. MOFFAT sidb7 idoe re5r0ge7ato22&2erer, NORTOHOIOC5 n Goft and Conty Club, I Ihare fr ale. Sericol replies taox o8. 605, The lodapendeot, 30 Mein St. S., Geretown. PIANO, Baldwin, oparltoocot îlec . celflentcodton. 878- 1 760 evenIngs. PIANO, apertort siCe, $700 Phone 1 055600. 910.N1OS ccd Orgn, Wrllor, 010 ld ,sse.F011 erotee.i The Pian0o & OrgacL Echange, Brampton. 6 IECE 080ro00s, c contempory, excellett codiion. 87-8986 a1erE 5 IECE rutolSel, extra plaeeo 100104.. $1770or bsIt etter. Ccli Jehn 549003. 908E 0.400cm 10110. doble bd. mmol dreser &0hu00h, 2 lhI talbe, 70).878-276. PING-PONO tabe, 30"1 coetrcastoee, Oe.e reller hitcleSwa 10vbac wlth elecînlo rukico îvstem. 2 5,P. ai, copreCler 10 volt S 220 0011, DUrO afy 9009 (10shaîlio 01 POOL 'lglh, one=te Hoovecr- aprtooeattype .sens, ad 1p0drer Scnanccelac teck heit ocnit'504 1and mcltresI. SeoIIOo 1 eftL. t ol CIII 7 7177. S00tO à elAR c Stt. Ailla Chlmet' c8ser NUagamere Tenois Club, 5.00. Cati Marg878,455e. JTILIlV 6box0,raller, Ccod condition. 878- VIKING ViOc. S75; stoe.$60; Rayalitkit- chen cabinets 83MM6 parult, 81 corrier olth double slnkl, 2 sels Ilidingo 1010$Ocors, ,pprce. 4' X S' eaeh. 878-71W 000O LB 12 VOLT $250. Alioe2,200 watt electric plant, 16W. Apartment Ciao propae tovc for1 cttage, S23. SelfS propel led iaoemoer i cith relier and b500 ettaChment, 8S0. 078, YAMA$0. clasicai gciier, 010$h hrd Cccii case. 0Askinc $200. 1.1ke ee. 8M atter 5c Hecing A IGAAGESALE? end îeaeew a FAEE Oer op Sm i.Src es etrase . (~TheymOrlyc Cali Us Todey 00.11 be hép-o teheip, Vo o ed Youf ad torth. 878-2341 iMktle.aet .5000Of 88 10, aragallea&de.) MOVING SALE SAT. J ULY 25 Piano, ceicottd T.V., plantls, houîcheid Ceo. 8s, ba0 carae, crib.reored picyer, teve, ater cvobe. ation. BBC ELLIOTI' CRES. FROM 8 0.10.- 12 TFIAEE FAMILY 1.0.008SALE SAT. JULY 25 7:30 A.M. -128008N j Rai. date Soodeyl 268 Charle St. iAcoo.e fr,m th. Logio i Beoks, recvode. househeld evede.yodds GARAGE SALE Toye. F cooltute. Copiecf National Gecgraphic. Book., 50800.7.JULO 28 r 9TIL2 1OGLENOAJANE 08. CAMPBELL VILLE GARAGE SALE 906 Rosaheath Or 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. Hosshold Et Camping BAT. 25TF4 JULY O GARA~~0~~ Fm col., Ac vo chv, 11 Rain or shine 74_____%.0..311 iiL LaCUICALL COI MMINO Pool, 16'X Geed elOiCtyocf s appoînîmeni Onîy The Circulation Dept. 32',a c60e r00 mieleeu itm,-3 1 4 29 8a$ rlit d 0 o 2 OlcclCBcC 0001 eCeirwJl3 /81) 878-2 4 aides, 805dbld.6 .bb ies Cabtral. CHILDRENS 81018011 T4878. 8m M Cabot ....i. 8DAYCAMPS SALES CLERK/TYPIST ternlturB, 5 place l.t Camp Date el ACeod in Oooeten osFeitincfetoa viCeIO b ro SieS ALE3 PIlAO G A R 15GhE140h) dutls icldic ode-poccalsico. billicc, typing dinettn lt, IncolcOOs1.. a tSALE AMBe sales 00rcerts, telc acd iciophe50 aneoig. lampe.$699.95 r c r o uOea hueholocO C a.edag Tcacmuet09havIW plus tytic ekilts, 6 gCoo it00v ai 7.33 0e puscloteinglc, loIeHeeng-BI8I.B i oth igures1C, have t leeact tetaphove maceec and TRCcaocY Cpteeace> Ee5hac60ll-eoeeed. il0 seeesc t5110 . n0 DcU >PiCev leau ectact: giloa pelsaCd cmg JustoffOntBari o t M.TBa 8810 oer. 7e1627 &em. -S3p.m. *ombdvM ^M Muaa »fter5p.o C21.»41aa8 p ueoéS102- A. 1 mmmR ET lHE LUMBER YARD oFLEA MARKET SlBttd In camnbWe., Ontaroa OPEN EVERY SUNDAY Deoera WntedI CliEhrnma Aibise 41111-21M POSTAL Custom )re kdto puy their odv"olIig occounte et îhe «iniabimn (bamnpion 191 Main St. Milton Monday-Fciday,OSarn. - Uj.mn. 90111111131111 Stamp and VACATION Wa.tlad &bout Ie000CB Coin Show voCC houa. aaottetod- equae One Shopping ad Cachre .ycv llBo MULLrOAlx81 hhop. Joiv 23. 5- 9:$30, .ioiv 24 0930. $:30 Jeiv 25, 903006 4aleeeO LOT-Lheu ac ., erv lav, tihert hir, tr.eUm10 rote St/ Derv R. g.,Meeae s wers ch MILION AMBULANCE tal;;8780040ý SRIE F0080 algiccer& SEVCE BI 00 m aecet, 0.rry EMPLOEES e1tB.cr. 50 -25 -25 DRAW *~~z Mu on liog SCRAP IRON of BeoSogleon bMETALS WM bw w888 ete» fewO LOBI Imaltt 81108 cccogeteltt0WB0TI'EP800F crras. AIwr .607 09.Fr88 pck-up 0 Lat MOsGef L op moctal. 0e 8 .e:wp 18t 8188001.,ee crop cam. 8d-10 , MW 80.VNTO-IM 100108 acory Ct a Odr moct, Ma. BAC f au" away, JIY 17, 08cn ad r 009er, Tom wocpassed awaY March lst, . 90 tlrgCtttc. TC 000e,-, rrt CI e = & ic Thol occlorieS 0111 alwayI lat. RentbeIred 80 Chatle, on L cat lx iv GRAY-Ino 1ce2 ovcry etf10015050 Ccd 9.000r egiald. 21, 1 B. HIiîehat.ting ays and ColiiOl tace. Arce8 ..e hal a kiodiy ord fr each. Ad 4180 beicvctC 5v Il. Aways rBtftebared bY oit. Mrelai.Son PhiiIP, deghe Sharon antd .1 h'0 ciao k. MMILLAN-In 100108 o.oeryoftadeer Oita, oothr and ratd mther, Ir a. L&fi, There i aC Iik 088000 les0t re er. Sadv olaCcO Cv huibacd ari ccd ROSS-In ievIttC meoo.rv et Mo',riel CathreAve pC92Cd @ý . 1 -M lm-- -lui- _IMFWUW -1 sposored by the Milton EIks Lodge MILTON AGRICUtTURAL GROUNDS SATURDAY JULY 25 starting ai 9A.M. MOVING OUT SALE 236 Sydney St., Mlon Saturday0 JuIy 25 l 9 ar.. 5 p.m. Rein or sBOce. (InIhco» I aic.1 Comoliait c bagacl0 on eythicg 0o hcm. i- tur to tCcistC crtul. GARAGE SALE 2iioe BATURAYJULY11.25 (2 miles noth of 401 o 'W8Belioe h 00v251 .lcI0 n Heritage" 'I GARAGE Fuoooooe ccccoad SALE Ch, Ccafio SAT.JULY25 8SA.M. - 1 P.M. NomCp tripping D 844 MAPLE 81800 AVE. 2 MLONu o HÎOME FARM Fo kup &O8elieP ANTIQUES 0 t,0 3198 Steelee Ave, ANTIG0EIVOANTED <1il m aof eBroctel F0001000 Ir gasca.chinc, Set., t Sun. alvfeIo àl00 cots0A 10cam. - 6p.m. ae St 80e. full f îestod TOWNUNE ANTIQUES furntccoa. BSer ay Long 2.2,50 R.. 3, Carrpbeicile 0005 & Ends Sle- 14418 spray ooc; ESSEN InalodOls 0. cors, ANTIQUE 504 & l1 sold04o; 7 t-SF JO heodCoârd, tcot60crd IL tatr &0wagorond sidc ralsanetique. able; ceilto tfan; radio, ln otco ocrklcC sfet Itocco; m08180 order. Phonf 876-3302. tucicicap; ectt-i mocre Itms. 0010,day CUSTOM _ July 253 l.lv Fr00. 10:000a.0. to4009p.0 ROUND 47 ArmstrongoAv.0 BALING jji[coiioe BIGBALES a pdbo P CALL RAY 878-6122 after 6P.M. Bcoî, 0bu01. squah aNut Peepse THRIFT UPICE R*8 yorowcetGor.d I oil . of eh 0080500 alea(1 W.10. aO.f500 Ln, lon 100 01 7.144l&e n e 1e 078-5296 Of -aeaa 'ea. c. 90,0 -duel, N. elliel. Cloed OT.esdays 8777632 510., pick 071ln fieldocr 3gao29,del110,1.cati e53-Wa7 RASPBERRIES Pick Vour Own 5000 Une 00.10. outh oai 100h Sldecoad. Migue Ferma 877-5582 8774784 00a2 RASPIERRIES PICK YOUR OWN AT CHARLES GREIG FARM Bo & Mabol Oeolo -10h Sdefocd lSocmoO53on) 1 mie w«tof Trafalgar Aad. 2,,dOooeve riOhlit p ,1000000 tcks. 75SePint 877-7484 030gm2d CLOSE cp-pi.1..c 008100100 So. Jlv 2 1Clteil oo OtcIOFYGEEH0SO c .Malt St. S REHur fo 1Gerg owfece677 101'.reef. coPlefe, 1a40mile ____________peu orth ofSteeles Ave., MIiletoncp.s 010, Fer more 1ln end bt.fC.t-ly. 25 tcr,0clOt 1 252728. Ht-alco Rd. 12) 2 mle. WORMManore 001k 80eave(519)822523. ECeorgreen Frtiliieev, .01. 0cor ale, i dcv 65333. 001111150C0 Rd., Id t dle t0live Or M;illCs uaC0O1tLOI 1310se.08542502cr 834-106.9000018 21 2031 1'i'iiL01b1e hav or lrlo la LicalîB )16 0.9 TWINCyl 0 738 d tracto oclodes 68" TOUCh Et Go é Li -il A 8UTJMOPLEASURE ENGLISH IDINO INSTRUCT10N Cerimeetacilitie. iCcecaoec Chaldoée, &Adulte Aie, boo ofor suImepugom ($76. o.ahlyl Juns 29 - g. 7 Itenea b Tole. or scala MOUNTAINVIEW PARM Mca. UeoecS77'358 ONE vear 014 Eo BLACKSMITO Cocon 10060 toc saie, $500 0.Fcrest. Normal acd for breedinC, Suffolk, Crrectivesh100010,R and Sttctk.FloncossC 5, Gergelcce, 416877. 8576. 6617. FePPIES for sle ENGLISOOscale, 177 Cr0oss aOlc0 ae anc112" btter 010e it. black lb. $10 .0Ch. I54 ticCI. AkIco 8325.00. 712 8M.3375. 9YR.-0ld grcv geclInC $ILL 5100 stebble, 16 one nantiscnely cpcced 0cr ThcroChbred, Parc 60.rdlOC and In- hoco, hs evetet Ci truction, le'- 12' box cri ecievel190, it MalleC, loOlelOcc lemp.r , 100 prce, paddocks k 1810 100000i. Witti 0.k C preerCo FioodIitB 1001r avant hersoa,- e'oocr éae. .Spatial ield h untCr.Ci 877-1 0% 8$ er ratu. -______ Beeutltoi rilicI troll. elol Te in19100 Cail 00105 DOBERMAN, famtOile opacîe ear el 7cr09 eV80 KITTENS-10 ocoks 0. O.o.om-... cio. 178.4200. - .".~el 4.00 PET Seppilc-3 gram - ' 0 boit site wrm, $30 pot i,..a51 thooseati. M oreetCCoacOOO unm boit, 653ca.VMt . MIIissaoC8 Rd. 00000. 4 10 MIIssauCa, 00nt . LS ..comoo.c 100. Phoet 12151. 00. ..50.0 SIBEIAN Husky tred1108, blackon agite, bloc 875, 4001os XCELLENT 0990 ICI.8530477. tunity for edOitiConl 0000oe. N80 r 0Crt HOIpBOIreO r. Aoetios ad Itl SVSTEMS ANALYST WhcciChoco CopoationoftCanada Lmited isheICedincCOevotacturingeand engineering copav etfir Polutio cotol ad moaol claning syltems. Oor groeth hsOCr v0,Ci 5, oew poton mhat 011 ed vC o a managemet rooi. APPLICANTS: 0.00 010-t50000700 001 80 epoc0.le orIthe dsigcad impl04 91- mentto fthe Copany's infamutieo armeoco. Yo 0011 Oca hghlv mcAelad indvdel rquirivgorminimaldirection0and heioCtonoladeshipandcomun"- OUALtFICATIONS ou w0mi beexbce- ed tohavecathorogh kolldgofo COBOL. IBM,' 0/S, 0,oote Job Coco, ilecommocicatioeo.cdcO oOpoters. Y00 wi11 p050500 0a0niversitydegree in comutr cc 0deoequvln i e r COMPENSATION: Weo ch o ve atratie enft plan.ofit lOhOarad an.excellent 0la0y 0baud0on Ccportenc0 LOCATIONS: v O. Mlton confideeor, Olotohe 0.8. Dîm,0 PeronnelaMCange WHEEL0.BAATOR CORPORATION 0F i0. 0.0 . iMT 601 Whneia60etcWay ELECTRICIAN Ou010y & aspilali plant 0peration in Burling0c requ1100 an ecperienced Idustriel maintenance IIIctrician. AppilCaolmuet be liCfflcOd & have several y0Cîs' expepce infC electrical mintenaceoCf ig oltage151 machiflery, oqipmefli & Centrol SyStCloS. MoSi be able lu mort ivdcpendcotly lIon maintining & insialling ciociicat equipmnt. Ploaso contact: Gonstar Stone PrisluctsI mc. P.O. Box 1037 Burongion, Ont. 335-5245 Earn Extra$$ Needs Carriers NOW! cn the arces of: cHalixo Ave. OWoodward Aoe. Et CabOt TaIlIII cWoodlawn Crcî. OFCcmtead Dr.

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