Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 1981, p. 1

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36e you Milton £MOy Mitwo iited toe M eett s.two n i m& ranaAug. 1t tise Afriai Lion Safari. DetaliPg.Dl. Champion top. HALIFAX-T'he canad"an Aards and vin go oi ythe Champlamahomrod ladt monk wtb Royal Canadien lÀgia fr adthlb dires naioalawards for WAattadiag retara of vterans to HoU ta achiovmmeat la commaaity Ju-ceisisate ihe 351h aoniveraary of nateam athdiaannual CaadaaViciory la Earope. Commanity Nsier Asocaton TIbe Champion wasalaim awardod a (CCNA) Boter Nemapapar Caon- CCNA Bina Rihilon inn au catsgary lioa. Crwhra d is year. Clan 5 Bmuaduinst. Pabliaher Hrb Crodir CaTneadien Champion, a member editar, Roy Domn, repromntiafi dilaoftheMetrlanîai of ad-mia- aesppsi accepteddthe dres amards igcmuaynwppra a on boiaif f dia staf f fie Canadien fr5 omon tsye winaptl wu tai Chaaponrii hampn wa jud ig Cs 1u vri a aa yi3 di s t tonthedisnais, thse Aton Fiee Caadsa oo aitPc e a Pap rose was fistlAI] Round la Claav 3 Aaaition ad bust l i prn ic Broadaset aad secoad for Bot Froat by dise Otario Wsskly Newapapor Page. Asociation IOWNA. In Class 6Bioadnheet it was assp Widi more dian 1,500 rommaity for Mtroiaad commonity aswaarn anad, Tis ~ ewapapes. Bca rBoI Tise Mislsaga Newa mua frst la Ovral la category by dii CCNA lu- but Al Bud; Thes tobicoh iag by a mblasr tla a neapapif lanlinardian a ocond; and fIs Con,BEitihCoubla. Bramptoni Gurdlaviadilrd. la additio, Ine Champon bah fie Misisaaga Nemya tub Boni second for Bust Front Pags anid dird Front Page idhibfi Etahicobe for Bust Editarial Page. Gnardaaneoeud amd die Marbilan Earietr1h10yur die Champion -munBuand Econointtdird. fis Judgod by thes OWNA ta bave dis Boni EtahcolsGuardia" tu&ti for But Front Pags la Ontario. That via bol- Editoial pags. aired by awarda praealatd by th BluRibbauons nt to The Bramptn Minltry f tedis raiinathe Guardiaa, lhe EtabcoltslGuardi«a, Minlistry of Cltre and Rcreation 'Te Manhham Ecunomit and u, for uiâaadlag Achievemont la writ- and fihe Newmaanet Era. lai ntdng. a eCanOTboddi jaWib il wil e ted n NmT e wIn Adlan e aalodis Aax-hitmid Champ in im ub sButFront Page, Nw detsrsoeU hwwt et Edtora Page, and Bust News first la But Edit-aa Page. and Futuron. The Brilagton Pont was seceud la T'he Champion earasd a firatth10 Bust Mi Round mndfIsdMinimuga year la die National inasu Witlag Timon man difrd. in Halifax Aviarda lnHaliofax. Tise Canadinn Champion Publinhor Hens Crowtber, left, and Editor Roy Downs are sisown wîitiath tree national community newspaper awnrds tisay recaived on beisalf of Thse Champion lait week. A Metroland Community Newspaper-Serving the Community for 120 Years VOLUME 12O- NUMDER 10 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1981 34 PAGES - 25CENTS Ne9w Minister says 'no' to -reg!-Ofl ,optouts RyJo obinaon MI.cat expeet, or even isile, frtise cisance to le se ntnRgoal fold acorlntonew Otarto MnaerfMIIIB Afia ouu nClaue Bonn.ett. A1iou lot1 meationing Milton b ao r ent i owapor oh flxbeananumiser of pres muicpal bsuin like funding but aaid ise would bo .4110183CIsatIsebe ed =wtsdaw fginal govemmont municipal membens Milton bad sont a petition to, and Ballon- Burigo P Julian Reod had aakod Integveno1a Affaira Ministor Tom Wells on tise leilative to look into petitions fnom Milton and referendums from Milton and Oakville on eitiser letting Milton out of Bllon Regionalitni or, at loaot, chaiging tise meueetation tructure. Wise n Mr- Bennett assumed tise additional portfoio of Municipal Affaira juat two weea ago, leie nited tise continuing question of regional govrninment aid a number of almlar appeals te Mfitonu froni otisen egos nues aB Niagara. Heotold tise meeting of Ballon Réional Couneil ho attended lat week, he did not ..want tegve any encourageent" te muolcipalitiesa ta a new miniter might ho clam&ade aot persuadiedtocisange tise Onlaro Govrnoment poaition on regionalism. Agent of the Crown A ymmg lamastudunt la "nlg hhe i 8r. CrowiaAttorneyJim Tre- lonvon. tory and pcture pg. 2. Ins)de tMe walla Kevia Johoamala vorianhlaito nom- mer imside Mapeurat. He bu taonna dii mri no lterusimg he la dlanking f makiag it a carier. tory "ad Pictre Pg. 2. Two deys for 0P7 Hatu Reglionai Canacilore havseut ondemwo dayn tdiacS ohdetal ofa Milton officlipai amudmonnt 1tarao tua acres f tond lto a nom ladutrial Part. slry Pg. 3. ExpreUnCe gelned Montaerg WddileCenre la tdiosila for more ilian 35 Yonung poople te gala or ixporlance ouiran iOntaria Govrament programn. Stry -md pic- trrfPg. I Lntïf.rigfoeils Tmo Mion youngters havi pt dii mail snimbe t10 diuadvaitago hy sut- ting npdiolir ovin mail deldvery service. Bly and picture Pt . Motoraend ESAs A momber f die Enviroamoental amd Ecological Advlaary Comutees mai1 in hold a motorcyce triainaaprotetid prt f the Hatun County Forat. tory and picturi Pg. 7. super training Bonle Giddon 10 fladlag hor ummner jaboet baplehastucelent training for a plaaaidnecretarWa carer. Stry and plctue pg. S. Second aummer fhisla10hdiasecond ommer Smndy Heiti bu mworbed idi the Hatun Famdy Cor Division and sitloveoni. Stry andpicture Pg. . BECTION ONE eer revenues drap .... i... In the ourts ......... .3 Editariain, Column ........4 liur Ruadoin Wte .........5 Forst in HRCAv ..........O Regional ltoondup ,........ 7 Classitîed Advertmomg 1BI c o 8 YihoDos It ............ 3 Entertansmiot ..........B Rteal Eutate, RWatoras Choisi .B olBe BparTIMN 10AIdLvi Ci1h AtnmLsanlaPreviov........Dl pooal nappleianis: Canadien ýS, aler Yonr Wrld, BEcooontoa W*: Evuyday IaBtneo nOve il hdly did uotlet dia attemont ruti ad askid Mr. Bennett, during a question perlod, i Mr, Bonnett wmuid audiarize a "full, publir la- quiry" 1010 dio fioral details amd ratated prohiemo aitRaton. Mr. Bensait i f Oalton pu a brief 10- fore hlm on why norh an toquicy should hie hed, hae nid hae would review tdot brie and mahe a decision. He snid, imwever, lhi dioaght it mon tune the elicted offictinsstarlad t10 arrepi die ronpoaihdition" mhen dhilgs go wroog witdin muniripaila. He naid hie bus notired a trend in Ontario where tot ten the rounli tend&s 10 hiame dis tiesuarer' for what bus gui rong. Ha impiid h lie inom hoe traaalag tdb ap- pruach wbm muiripatition ramea 10 hlm idi problimo. Oahvlle Mayor Harry Barrti tlid Mr. Bennet Hatu bus ein trylag te, gît an aaawer from Premier Davis aimai addi- tional fudisg nm needrd diithereglu rai rompet am uviroamintal tudy on dii propoaed BSite F landfil our TIYmaineanad BrtaenaaNds. inMilon. îCndaid onPg. 3) Wbat flylang in ail about. Dr. Bill Gregg în shown wîth hix ftilly reatored Tigor Moth bîplane. Wien Dr. Gregg foula tise need to gît away f romi it all, ha just hops in hin plane and goesn When Bill decides to take off, he really does Reatty gttisg away irons il ail. Whin Dr. Bill Grigg ants 10 escape the long bors of mork on is nortb iMilton tara, be jusl revs ap thi motor and tahms Bul mbîn SilGregg aklabmoffilt n down tbe rond bal np lto tbe blua in a rare, aod tully ristored DaHavilland Tigîr MotS biplane. Dr. Grigg laugisi the Tîgar Moln, onos of the very tat Sul, and bad il ristored la fiying conditiono Sy expert aircraft rîforbiabîr Wal Martin wbo incidînily, rmstored the Molilonoie usad hy bnsb pi Max Wrd, fox the bead oS Wardair Tuheaalrrafl was prchased an a tormani ida enhibil 10 complamanl Dr.Griggs uniqne Canadian Milil.ary Hisîrirat Society ansanamb icb tealures, parbapo, Canadas inenl rolection of iSecond Wortd War trucs, armori a rs, andl ighl lrachad vîbîclis. And mban Dr. Gragg nrapo on biv gogglas mnd loins over tbe diainutive imo- blada ooden propalnr of tbe Gypoy engine, anyonsa iory innugb 10 coma alnng for a ride tegins ta0 mderstand mby Ibîri mas vo mach fascination ilb tigbt prior 10 line praienl agentf jet propalsion. Off the soot grass landiog slrip on Dr. Giiggs property aI a sîataly 60 apb, a Tigar Moh dois nol so mach soot nl bthb sby as waft upwards. Al the vibrations and the senatiot aoving flaps and a bnsy, li11e four-cyl- indar anlor coma lamorlly Ihiongli the "saal nf the pools.- Thse trouA mvs neyer more than a few huodrad fiel away. Evîn it the cogîna shouid deveinp a malfonctin, Ihere is the feeling the Tigar Mth moulA jast gilde slowly baril ta earth liii a hutlerfly. Anotherosensation iv that onihedialpot telof in full rovîrol nI ail haros instmad of tha closed donc ai thie far end of f1h51 ciaas. Imagina, înslaad of j001 spendisi a hrigbî sommai day sitliog around home. having the aiiity ho hope in yoor ovin air- crafi aod as 1Dr. Gregg ays -jot taka off and 0ly arcnd. Whal a may ta go! Site F might flot warrant hearing - Perlin reoeSite F a garbage dump, Miton bas hua tld an enviromintal bearna loin dis 246 acres of land near Trensaieand Brinia aRda maynot te nessary. Haltu Cii Adoinlattratar Donala Paila told riglonai caunctiirenmt Wed- nesidiat l if dis Enviroomont fdlatter 10 atlafld Idi HaItaa ragions nviran- montel repart, dio gaibage damp couid te appiavod Jut on die maril f dii environ- montai anseamoent. fi surprtoed Mltancouncillors Giard KrntanidBiiiahaas, hoididihe ront ci Mtu couand aniitare virklag nera court rdr la compesrecnnl ofdie damp site by Jai y 3i or te nntencesi for cnteonpt f die lintario Municipal Bard. deadiina as aonoanrad by Mi. Justice Joha Olsir Jsiy3, il manrtiearty împiîd by dis Jutice diat Mitan muid te ablo. in maie 1is cane abouaalteai tive a adtiii site la Borlglu vihon an Envirneali Assmont Itearing Bard mon caliin1 i"o ai dis Miltn garhage dsmp site. .Thsjadgo basai! bisfindiag on th tact a hsaring mouid te bod,' Mr. Johanso nald. Mr. Peris homiver, naid ai Enviran- mntal Ifear Bard doeson nt havieito e 0ali fteMnse f die Envireamult mnidal lunaouoy. Rte aald te raglon plans a u nd lis sah- missio once additlonal Binancisg f die prjct cain btaled t a isg il ap tram Envirmmontal Protection At <EPAI the Environmnnai Assessment Act EAA) miob mas rderd by formir Mtisîr of dia Envrumiont Dr. Harry Parrait on Fsh. 9. Mr. Perlas naid dia uhmisnion cmsid diente soutinlanadi"if exreiient, dis Mtolter could decids if a hsariag soesu- But the quotion of mhonand id Hatas ii receive the *150,035 otra nased o1 complote spdallag die regiosal environ- muntai nuilminalon tram EPA la EAA standard, asuystlte ereoavod. MldiogOntario MaiildAffairo and Hausng Mdnlter Caude Bonunsithas sid te ilis the direquent for disfoA uder advytoonon i dire han au lbeau o,-n achaavuegmeat f -atbter aakIag fer montils ago. And if diat monny doma coma. Mr. Perlit snid ibera ara options besides Site0F mhicb may bavaelte inctndid in the faiure land- ilt panning. 'Shonid tbe Tomn ot0Milton pasdis officiai pan and zamiatofbyiami Ibmn panning approval miltle tinaliled," Mr. Pîrlin said rafsrring in the order hy Mr. Jutice Osier. 'fiers milsihillte outatandiag dii inviromnental approval and il hbun agrosd hy ldo council tisai il mondd con- aider a nutber of option idi respect te dis landfili compasnut othedii aiilmute ja'agram biais paocosdiog on idi dis ltCmdaod en Pg. 3) ýwM@ U@ýfflm,@ MâffiffigýU@m

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