MuIi Canodieon Champion, Wad.. July 1, 1981 ToDs in aeoaraphy, history cour -9«/ay 6'fkdj#-1 ALASKA KING CRAB LEGS WITH CAESAR SALAD includeS two vogtabls. nice, garic broad, reish tray and beverage. $9895 ea&itEay 61f4- Our Famous Haif And Haif Il,[[ tlunI o'Tu S I' Served with Oesar salad, twO vegetables, rica and bavroge. RESERVATIONS 67-76 NECESSARY 637-6887 1445 ELGIN STREET (AT LOCUST), BURLINGTON The Saclal Science Feolberetalie 84, Tracy Roui Bailoi 80, Amary Augen 8s, BIcS Brwn 86, R'em Basin80, AMISe Ce a hn oe, Mthe ni, Marlon Gi.. 83, Klm Kearan86, SOaU Kerr a8. Dong Malfat 0, Rob Nadalin 83, CillaBRud 80, ChiaBlrtcb 86, Iiiber ïýBrewer 89. Loni Carmial 80, Kagene Cipparaone 93 , Tracy Engligb 8i, Glen daoT eoial ScieD0 nc ayk 83 e a tera Inn 191gb cbalon Dibl a McTavles,0 eatndro teroied 15e nacooo e MNvae, Audezadn" 3 ai ntelud te nw ahae Yvanne i, abalca n83, cblevdle la h o tevne Clementn 88, moriev la bltay ofd80eOr teatheMana 87, mrs iapb y an J--Hanner ar 87:o rad=enO.sTh"debi m ibidd 86, ane .- ot dn vnm H ia8, JbeManenr course) R vis , Maciear lbce0 M..Hlalary , Faci1,utoe Cro159 80 or,eGe Fst l , eg FuBtues I raaego Mk re 80, Ki aSculs el ai t e2,Lyd Konze 92 -, Duane Mon W.angfeld83. rîoon ns, David HYa2O llory, Joanne COME DANGE WVITH MEI IN THlE MALL FRIDAY, JULY 10 8pnm- 12pm Catch the Sounda of i"liR auu'R PRUZESI Courtesy of.... 87wM 878-8881 "RECORDS ON WHEELS R flfuim Steve Oldfocd $1, M11 poila. es, Brtc Ruila 80, Robaddrt8. lrd80. MaryatClini ou, BerleBoratla, 83, Dve Danlelli 91, Karn 8*,9rankl'r t ai Sace Saplakoes, Kelly INsSI iIntractliinal Asistent, eblt Boyce 88 Ktaren Brown el, Llsa Crradetti 81, Kren Fogg 90, Mandy Gernty 84, Rabn May 83 Val Plat 8, SMaly Snib'l8a, Sherry Sirli89i* Sos 301 man ia Sacety, Marylas Bers 84, KtbrnooCOinerOn8M Andrew 1lius86. MYn 41 Mltaiy, Bar- bra Bonner 80, Jan Cramer 94, Steve Davien 94 aDebble Deokîn 82, DaiS (lallaway 88, Stq)eple linaker 86, Ste be Rumage83, Andraw ,t dort 81. bC831 Esye 0, etry Martn a 0 Jala iin5, 8 M anne Oleaen 84, Lonle Zianal82. HYns55, Mltry. ses Ka 9nDW 80, Don, 8,8anRIS87, 00080 Caiida, Krla Kuie 94 *, Tara Htate ISather Haria 88, Frue Hm 8rBoSrnard Malebîi n, David Featlisntoiie 85, Tracy Hanczyt 85, Robert Grlanni 84, Heather McTavlnb 84, Tan Brteb 83, WLney Hrren 83, Catherins Geary 8U. Stefanîn Zoppa 81, Yvonnae Cblsliml 8l. Davey Dis 80, Càtby McKwn80, suan van Berkum 8. CG8149 (Canada), Frank emOins 91t' GG8241 (Europe & GGS51 (Eurape & Asla), Glen Ranler 9, Mffat go, Pauil Ericksnu >89, Rob Wilson M, Rabi Elllntt 88, Angola Maenberger 87, Laurel rison 8, Mrcbael McDnIgall 85. THIE MOHAWK INN¶ CAMFDELLVILLE, ONT., GIJELPU LR AT 401 (416)854-2277 Ton. Une (416) 431606 This Week's JACKPOT 81,200" 311 CI 1 *srsWmah~i migi ifo. 876-«11 BAVARIAN IMN Locotedi ln the beort of the Milton mitl. Excellent service bockd up wtb o fantastlc menu. Experlencc the wsruitb oi the Bavorlan Ion. 1turing Ou24 Hou Res!uur Sattday Stattktt-.Banquets - Shatt Parties The Mohawk invites you and your family to onjoy in heir new Sunday Brunch. Il's a res) pou'Il neyer forgeS. Sunday 10.-30 611I2:30 A&du $7.95 cheadne$4.96 NOlIAWR INN CaipbeiviRIICGueIph LUne t 401 lrphiei (AI4143-166or 834-O2277 the FaxpmhoUise Pick Up and Dlven 878-280 I ALL HOME COOKEP ME4LS" D ALY LUNCHEOO4 SPECIALS FRF8S HOM MA PIES GRO8UP ATEIIFO PtVATt PAARESBaANETo1 FUtLLCMNED' FOR VEA L % Tar12to11 STEAKS Be1200o12 ANOPSTA( vý Sa,41010 Diino ngo 4» SUM8 IAVL5- 7 L DAILY W 40 LENCiSEN SI' ECIAL ulI CMurse froniMl1 $3.75 WITH Tilt COLONEL SANOtRS' good t - famllu dinnr moe-. DS Ot, ,TflIIELF RUFFET BOOM Gteci Unve EteltolsSiaSt llahtly Lv Big Bned Sounds EOiIy Saturoya right CALL IFOR YOIJR RESERVATION 2,250 SPeoplermreC.WC,5,il000Wc1000 324 STEELES AVE.. MILTOM RESTAURANT 80TAVERN SESu si, s.s LuelchetRO t Tuesday Ntight Is Steak lNlighti a're la the 1141149ail S78-3901 restaurant &tlve-rl ChieeFoo, SeakandS.asfod " BluinsaLuchencho " FullvLcensedsldarL.L.BOL " Take-O SOOVkI - ,d btuen. salads nL toin bread0 futornlpI bhat sports banquet. cbutcb soial ot club pans. plan to serve Serve pour buncb bhe tbe Colonel Sanders'Do It Sandets Do !t Youtself1 ouself Buffet. Pons Kentucby rom Kentucky Ftted C Fred Chtcken It won t cost pou a buer ]ust Cali pout neatby KentuCbY And tes nothotîd loe Frted Chtcbett stote up n mn O Aso includes plates. si houts abeord of tome Th,. one serviettes, serving spos' and ptcb up oui ef ,ur litobn wetclotbs, tobhleclotb CokgU0OrOi0 JAMES BOND 007- y " MJREYS ONLY 'Haro At Large' MRflvoIm vSo Aduit chmdmusd.sli ROLLER SKATE ai Colonel WATCH THESE CHANGES FR0M ýBuffet OURI HEGULAR SCIIEDULE buSe n MON. 8-11l Bn. CARLO AO NIGOT die Open Skate)- Sa -nrOrS ?1 g.sand adOOsw. 3p®rks 55 00 per cer $10 O0 P.a- Rigao. 005)00$200 TUES. 9:30-11:30 . 718v tOTO SESSION Mo.. and DaSda freeadm001000 Tmytots $125 1:-430 a.mOpen akain Ad-on $1 CSt75 WED. 6000830 p... & 8:0-0:30 pt STUSENT 5DIS0COUNT Ntti FOR MORt DETAIIS ON FUN, DAMES AND SAVNS SEt OUR COMPItTE aUMMEfi ncHO4tLE AT f f Dominion wlnner It asagrotdaySaurdy or otSipeaof 01Woodward Ave. twen absplke p thekeeter newca,1r at Domninion Store, Larer Ave. She won the drw tha aconteot wbicb bas been run- *ll ic b tr pndfu eka ago. Store Manager Ray for1 a Manager WayneLuedt etrepe entdl(refbthe Z Disr"iel PSaOAcodian. r Middle aChool reviSlon S ltana crico Br lIos Bard of mlddle scla is ldnatad Educatlaa passeda lobe revlasWo 151 bsy mation te revins15 meatcheb 15 eldelneBbSaay amqlrans.a elol1B g-^ý eV ^ %. 4 âÏl