[)4 The Canadian Chanifm OC. o JuIy 1, 1981' -the Greening of Milton Cmtw.d trou Pi. D Next ser Mlii c ebrate da 25111 onalver- aary ~ ~ ~ ~ hi ofdaf140 f11towns. Mlany p tacl, in frapievhaare nom la th formativeO Witlithdi mplementation oefly f ire recomsieodaiiaibY= =I Iesn yaLo n Turner have md wiu halOlalir lu ard te top i the way of cominOrtiog Our 125 Yeas of Milton- ' lipnd and dia beautful nimprovedlan1ud ,unigil atcn becosetei jemelrd cenirepiece of MUltons ilsllianiversary in 1C. -Few cities or town have a saturai resorce re- motely opproaciflfil fr tmospheive, convenience, a'l s a gamas Ih ýe d a rated as ucl. . Cummuslty atteton hold b laihedUp' it." Totat wi, dia pond iedraned and than dreligeil teoget out theiunk bafore illa refid.iAt tirouameut obe Ti sosth rnt u h e time it il ugueied the debrin ha cleared maY from Teelabat ft 1 ouaiTi sostseKat OBid n ntiel dehbank of die Sixteen Mile reefi o Thompson House Hotel on thé rîght. Beneatis Ue pain t and false front h ThisosWid ha compesiented irY an upgrading O buildings roIly could look like and UeY Showe Use heritage constructiOn ta die wlkmay baside dia Mil pond t0thie istatire of o yerroud nature traiu. Groveled and compacte01. il sbould have o surface which con hauued by dia old and 1508e in wheelchairi and dat would meas ramPisg dia teep portion by dieumalbrIdge. Thre work oold ha dooe by the town or drougir die volunteerflg work Of communlty gronpo and service clubs. The object old be to have the morir completeli jutin timeforiha llldiasiiiversary- Tire potetlal for cosimuitY actvties Os ond roond the Mil pond iluenormoos STire Martis-Kerig5ihan asiate coniduonce ogaîn ire- corne IÀvingtone Park, treated on a base of opra- tenfor o boat rentai concession, Or ie operteli Sy studeolu durngihesumer momim The lowms of the prir could iecome o piciic ondi gomnorea for family otngs. 'Tire pond conli ie the scese of bot and coss roceusieteen comptlng seigirbrhtodi. service groupo onduchootu. 1t - A potonn-moioted stage cold serve os o plot fr. for musicl concerta at die pond's edge. mWidi opproprte prkng, die a pri cold serve s a sioctuofi point for soture walh, widi ond withOui guides." Did e get ot' t,ooow-oinisidoreport' Tire Milton Chamber of Commerce Cvîr Commit- tee certoii tiloha s, and se do dione people clonetY involveid i tire progrom sisce ils isception lau Nom (i sup te 70, the ronidents of Miton 10 decide. We con ignore 1510 report' ahlcir has been se poin- stakîngty prepred, or we con tirr otrfu support iretand thieso Lie deconuutansuOd. ýose pint-up and fl-up sttmulates seigirboco AohrIaea s gIe.TsraUectsetnshvetoaan foi oresuit.Aohrlnn B%4tin hrth coslathaetnfOnI Improvemesuhave o waY ofsomhballisg. alongnide(ox hure ta part of Use heritage walkWaY thoy are propfuîn Ob8mo mn*a aInina ri i â C9f eft and Uhe aid worth one dollar at Canadas Wonderland any day Mon. to Frn. aiget one ng. ntre Tire timoier of 1961 ploymet durlog the Raglon Coservation wiii mark td intsta momer mondia Audiorty a gpaste4 consecutîve year of dia e W,0 ta *employ 31 Otario Experlence rnraîý ro dauudenta for pariade Prrelatad e5- rangingtram Saventintan2 Prog porone bar14g uchalweeha. lTih issl tia g d ol lt sposored MythOtarlo stadentu nà~uOl-t1ie tdW guvrrnmanltanhlp offaet johasWi constat of park hirgirstudesî onem- Tisu Year dia Haltas mantenance, Straman ~YM LUI srLo544 la QCL.PA STOEONOËTOWN SA* 9iS OMflf - âmS O- a76183 PAMTS0 LEMSU Doors opened_______ _____ T he Catherine T. Humer McMrtin Room mus offîcîily opened Thursduy t Halton Raglan' Museum by Milton Mayor Gord ~ L Krantz, left, Enla Brittain, MuseumtoCurartor and Jack Baftis, Hal- II1 1Jt ton Reglamai Charman. Catherne McMartiiî was a former reuîd -i' tiau if entuancTschoo teacher fronti the Milton district,.l ~ EE IS HE- E! HOURS: Nojn to8 P.m. Closed Monday Et Tuosday 3« WTE 8AV m MP u» sm with-purc9hase Of any six of theseprouctS 10 ozIeC rada .-û«.-m . 10 fi Okla 301oef i whole carrots sd ao -m.51 9»i10% Wy62 s9»10% ~nnuce air fmshensr r,1.46 S 10' Iry1 malO" Fadaie 14 8 .MnP01rPi ,48 IL 010150 rO~ r.I (wdeault Ri cocktail oeoomman S u j m r . g i nt w a lt e r 3 .5 o z , Ucns s aibacore tuna My1.08 aMel" 2.27 ;;;710% 81*484 fiavoaru3 oz. box ~ 405ud035 k iOlIY powdm cheddar che WyA1 slO" M 2.52 S 10% = a ozzrSfiprho 1 ~urd ho ney ~sddrinks 175 SM 0% 10%salO 5 l e- -- everydoy in why pay 259 kg =Y Ç)8Chunk'n # (24 x 280 ML tins) case why Pay tOOi>iOuO eveyda O1puc Coca-Cola 899 =O1 508104eyda o rc matou. - minemi .0 2 re tb wtiy pay à2 ~ ~ t why pay re" r why p4.5 Il il