Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 1981, Perspective, D1

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Nil poctivo THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY t, 1981 FOURTH SECTION Using our herftage and Civic Study we'll soon have The Qreenn o»ilo Edtor's note: Atteraimait six montisa of atudy, asking questions, laoklng tiugh tise old records ami preparlng plans, the Lyon-Turner Partnersisip bias submittad is Miltan Clvic Sudy. lTse constltlng iro was commlssioned by tise town to do tiis report and funded it stis *15,000 of =axayrimoney to map out sehat tise town muet do to retain lis amail town image wble se tting li up to caçe ie vuthUe pressures Mf business ami cocomunity lita in tise 80's. BrvLon ami Peter Turner sald "tise recommandations in our report If impie- meote,wlllbalp ensure that tise comtnunlty kaepts 1n touélswlth lis needsa 50 continues to grove ami mature in tise best interesis of us residans ami business communty. " In essence tise abject is 10, reisin ami promate Miltons ieriage. [n fact, tise entire re- porslacantred on tise use of andmsrks and local traditions as a drawing-fncal point frolswicis to attacis 190's thongisis about culture ami socio-demagraphics. Only' by retainlng tise ertage and attaching tise intereat of ail Mfiton's 28,000 resid- anis cati thibe accamplislsed, tisa consultans concluda. And already we canlook on Main S. attise work MfDaim y Crisci and Dong Brown 10 completely reoovatad ther stores veitise parameters Mf the civic report guldlng tise restoration work. News Edtor Jim Roibinson breaks down tise Milton Cvic Report tto what lias bean dons, veiat can ba done noe, ami what mut stifl be dons 10 keep Milton unique, yel vib- rat. Il la doustut tint anp ofailtona MII,000people mil aprasl, arlp plana, at akyscraping conomniaumi ie rnsilg teïsei egisiora home te assauncea seh ltuits. 9uiet satisfaction tliaUMiotn Chsasher ai Commerce Theraison d'siefr elreportigrosbacabiott oa Cvi Cmnittaa reprt ou how te toms t etil a ruate lise lim e ntiheseparate butetloWey aliet "reviatted" basisesuhntdilslainaltdratit. Dowtows ansinea lnprovmnl Ares tDBIAt Daipite thetact theapeople of iMltnidtnr te re- Connittee launcised it trive teasprue ap Main SI. ta prt seit $5,M ofaimusicipal tax =andtht"eymairel mare attractive ta ashopprandast teaaly shottd bha sirins tahat ttey solint retere for tint sOu-st people wilis comoumertioltar outaiftise malte omoatt, iterest-axept fr te Civie Comnltaeaantisaei teinte cre businesstdistrict. ssan d n fmerebans-mia blowlise aiysmat. Silmltaneatsyte Ctambier ai Commerce wmn in- Must ruidensarailleise nmrchants on Main Si. trulatedi apptylng lis oms "1revtoization" pan- are tcytag ta do omitiig, but tisu jut iranit re gram le the regionstl tonaof Mliton to inelad ot sotn thol Il la. Rsildena bave e- tise hamac boxes amid the cmr, ibutsnareuand tgiveticanemttimage. lise nessterte ni-mati readseay. anti almet ta For tiseprpe oflsis sttry se witit aouentrate on persan, ty etlier dslkettrnIteare. lie Clie Commolttee, wtieb was formadt oifi lie net parceavetisplthe Cbamber. The Cbaniser of Commerce sase it sesnt tht Mil- ton at a bat image, il lst bat, at, a nhotty ltok- ingon. o » fStores nMain S. miao mpty Intrisu, cantais on thistreais. eves a lacy-lnaing "Welcame ta Miltn" nim on tie outalrta of tawns sebletsada't niaspeint - .for about tlve yesrs. tanliebuso ns 5tty littaelacstite tise mi pou areal aà raildt, ou predtbty* matas neer Sit titan. Ttat'a bcanse tinnie ptusaaiwre sbapty nut Tise proeesa of teclting ta propice a reprt, seho jta nay thoe i estieti y SarryLyonsast Peter Turner wsanconsmiaionteis eatarnsof ltntyesr isy tise Clie Committea e i acs ea auet iy Choie- manBert Waltn. Ttte trtss of refarence gr te staty catiat for * Turner anti Lyn ta 1prepare plans mhitaissenti e ntat in planning ant pronotina Miltn amditil basinesa comanily over thse conngtiecade. Express urhrtge hsod rwn Particlar asîpitais wsanasteti ta hoplacet an shW : :how ie tow h iea t looýketdi 1 tise appropiste metiots af improvisa anti amarina tise ieattitasti vitobity of tise commaity at large astio 1890a. One Mf tise apes of tise Civic Stttdy te revitautinof tittomnton snss axsre. is 10 make il look iis way agaîn. Tise eons.tatsa mre asa asknt "ta revsem Miltns Campitaivilte teateux area andttasuggust sesys ami meas of improvisa te tiizatien of Adt tiis te qtitaout o ciaractar tr a toms mhitaisMiltno abondant etarat resorces ami historie bas ridn ain atbap a suique "riesttp attitude asuet." Launsatag seat a nom caotitise Ctvic wihlispopalandtintituios. tety, Lyn anti Turner iegan by researching tise Tise reart, preparet bp lise Lon-Turer Pantner- httry othtie tasan iltise hlp o Jin Oite. stap, walfaiver el ita circulation, evunin the tasn, Ruitent andsnesspepe ere asentasoutliseir detethe tact il ropresensn a bIse paitfertan ofopniosotthebinssmarea. fnuopaasi ta anp amati toms ansien ta relate Al tise ords ast sarveyt mre conatatet recesttp ila local cnen anti stop vibrent tentie face of rban at sactim thlie reprt sas proentet to tie Cie Mot ambitlous reconsmendation. This artist's conce tion shows The stepped batik for pedestrians ta at the water culvert and the thse ares behind the town hall and old post office whic Lyon and area behand and bewe the town hall and pool office is ta be turn- Turnerfl shald le expandad loto a community centre area. ed into anew farmera' market with expanded operation hours. Coamlitlse wish a long lat of recommendatlans Tosue, nSeosae say, are very hisIh-sounding 'Il abready bas ana, in tisa fam ai tihe imprsse whis be onsultantsafeel muet be falIgwd. mords. inventary or historicatty sigeficaat homes and l¶he bealtand vitality of a otsnlty cant be ria c.* iiing ta Iantiin a tu<lyant istaquite commerciaibuidngs inits daintomn atea. ensredttaratii fotliiag a simple formnala. anotier topt it into practice. 'Thesa buildings give the domtasas area mach oi 1'Tise amers ta sasfl-masageti urbaa grawtis and Yet Baony Lyan anti Peter Turner are canvinceti ils ptantial as an accua ofspeciat îdentity, of strasg effective commnity service are tise resait f masy tlat cimse adieranca ta thsa recommandations tisey intarest andi appeal ta residenta ad visitars atîhe. teelsonsa takas on many isu. put forard are gina t, attise cary lenst, estaislish The cansultats have tieretara stresedct he cauncit tiecoreframtwhiterest of a ravitaliaad" Miltan mast "impose" devetopmeotat guidetinas an att pico con grosa parties ils a view ta "maittaisiaf thc hstoric quali- *And tisa Civie Cammittea certaiaiy han anaugis ty aad tisame af tisa dotoma ares and ansites has- recommeotiationo tto oo at-2a intfact. isg a sigmaficat visuat impact on mais cehcatar as- T ARK NGTise fiet renemmendatian, anti tise ana canitered ceas pointa to the tasn" key hy Lyon and Turner, is ta give tise Miltan Au pevtaasty mcntioaad, ma Milttan mrchans M' dasntama area priority la al futureaprogans. base atraady stared ranasaiios and ane. Daug Tiis runu counter ta tseonamiatisaugit tise repart Bramn, says he as spacheti hy the repart ta change woatd procsiae an umirlla plan ta "reitatize" tisa iis miite-paioted, and arange peci elirairn. ta entica 1,1-square mile regionat toms, but i dams maha il looh as if tl as jusi hait ai the tara ai the 1 dovetail nicatymil tisa DomsnnBusiness Im- catuy .ea.,swaam and iaaiiing. srovement AraCmmtew, macisjut iis pat "Nlew desatapmnta and buildingf ipracemens blesse,Sltes bas as ecelet chance of maittotiag ita speint abaracter shie rensabna viirant anti poductive inteieface of large comptitive rban presaures," tisayattet inltse Civie Conusittae. pan asti Turner naid tey alaa bapet Iis taty i ltata lis place as ose 0oflise btter nset toote by mhictaihie toms snd utis snesconunsnity salit ha aiste ta prepare semsiitp ta assure tise toms of fuure prsperty.' Using s laneway te aivantiage. This would ba tise way Lyon and nitore ami innovativa walkwaya, tise ides would baino attract pao- Turner ses the prospecs of Montgomery Lana. Uitg street fur- plaintetise are. afisn osie dta oraini.e nt ue h ewfc osnes Mtnd Tre nt, mr hnayoe LiynandaTrne tis ime ta cn n tys antasialais isytise nimygepofartye amnti teas istabhhdb tan thae a y ouaiy n ne to Nedontdowar nsaug niBrmtnh c au cet orni iseatttaisai adinBriamtnhavaiennsi stripofplaaatiu l intnstae Natami ha isa ctipan adinstn odotes Nts il h "Milton is particatarty fortasate in havine ana of tise mst interestingtiamntasans in Ontario. "Fesa otisar canmuuisana offer dasantamn MUltons happy conjunction ot a large numisar aofWEI] maintaineti historie homes anti commercint build- ings, a ieautitut anlît pond, paeistand, anti recreation tactiities tocatati banti-in-glova iltisahetoma centra, a masageaista volume o veiicaiar trattie, anti an naseofaarees. Con Miltesniserae anthar Niagara-on-tisa Lake The onsuitatsainksno. wiie wmdo sot hava tisa takasitie scenery, Milttan bas tirer of te targest conservation areas an tise Ningara Escarpesent. Couple that mush severat museusuasti tos-isy taurist attractions, tiera is mucbsithn tesattquted -ta-miautctdivie' The downat(îcsa caca thea c,iha ethre cntrrfal]t tis intheitoacs heiîaeresiithail eiiii'Stheii laiue a altisanti prnspority oalita dosaniosanarea. Tisa toms ant ilta business cammninty stoulti ntasni fine amdiot-yuar plans for inpravenenta, isetuding nom commasity faitities, parking Wmroements, street asti sidemalit mainteance, Iliis, ignaÏe, antilandacapisa. "Ien oay respects, as goes Main St., 80 goon Mitan," tisaconstultansosait. lame of tise tiet recomnendatiaus bave tai do witis reati ant i slesalk contants anti it la ut sntit reconnsutation ste, tise conslta nana ae p seti anoisersurprise. Durisa lise dlsetaslsenleatl g p ta tiseiiring ai Lyonandta Turner, tisre was mach tlk about eonling up wliha nomtimage or "Ibo5e"for the to- Theconulata, itomever tal dutterestly. " Tire ta noneedttea nomtUmmeforMiltons. tomarti a unitieti domtoans treitscapa! ' thecanssat tants ai andt t isstisefinea tiprampieti Doa Brama. Miton Cuni and staff are curreratty an recard as = !nsne ta maove ta tise disusad hut hisiarîcatta sinfîat .tci court hauna anti tait. Carles Venuen misa han tant compteteti resacatiaf tise Welingtan Coaty Jaît in Gueph, isccsentty maciaf ait tise Miton court bouse ant jiaia Victoria Suare. Tiatmaans e carrenit santiatisbildcin i l be aationetiand itsaitisteajinedht'tthe adjtacent past office huidngwicahîiaready in empty ftattasa maie ta tise nasa pot fice on Bram S ai ctîciss year. Not onty asec istis tiese bialdngs iestmned acti tana carvingn ant i stomtaers, the ie tictihescmater intersection of the to, Maini anti MartinaSt, The toma innconsciering tarnînacisc tac bildîtinags mitooffices butathie consaltants mccc agacasit iss dca. "Tiîs site cas cotrîbate mare tisaac cither ta the ecanomie vitaltYi, sprit and frisonîcf thtie dosantaan ares. Tisey ant tise toma ta stop tise ides utfacommercali office tievetopanent anti discontinue shmissiaas tac ttaa approasc.Istaetthey ieieve Milton ahautt in vite nesa propoaias "mare appropriatetys aied cacthe character af Main St What do they ftact s sperapriate ira uad le a inultipurpose farmer market witisassmiated new tiavetpment sucisas bis.cTis oe st hif would be cale Parmc' Marke Square andiaaatd hae taplte t a cacurtyseti merticofpacer eiscicthie continssation Pf.D2 flatter sîçss. Providing better sîgnaga in tise toven ianemofMtise major objectives of tise Civic Study. Thesa are a suggested form but byno mesnswhat thesew signas inMilton sould look like.

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