Martin St. School atuden-ta- honor 'our frind and princi Liberal annual hears plea to save ecosystem Attor-enssonent- Burington Lierais me enential rur nasture. alist-politictun Rihard ase te re-esabote mhaf M. Tomas, noomn lu Thomos tbld tise annuel e need f0 surise asd mot people s Benn meetingofuthIe Holten- oly tie mhatlalu rom lise Mpte Loaf Os isay. The aid art of quiling han returned ta the Ontario Aictral Museum, Milton. Unti June 22, visitors can vient prize-winnng quilts from the Canada Pansera Collection. On July 5 t 2.30 p.m., a opectal lecture on thia historiec raIt wll be featured. Qulit collection in Museum display liseDOteeio Agrtultural Mueum n Milon eslenda an in- vitation tu everyooe tu vienthtie Canada Pachees Quil Colletion, on dluploy 10 .Iuly 22. Tise coletio s a unique looS aI our qiltng eittege nith 10 qults depitîng hatb old and sent ptterns. Tbey milI bon displuy teoso 10 .m. nos5p.rn nn the M.A Steart Hall, localed on the main udminisration building. Another foulure nill b o pecial lecture oo 'Quilts ioCanoda, by Patricia Hreis othIe Royal Ontro Museums. Ms. Harets. a fondof merbr of the Testile Eodontmenl Food for the RoyalDOto Museunt wilI te speaisg o bs lopîr Susday July 5, t 230 p.m. n the W A. Stewart Hall. Tise lecture Woodward wiII Milton Counil wtl ex- yeue un only $W,000 wao tend the Woodward Ave. pu n the sîdewlh bud- sidentalkto fOnturio St. get toe 1001 and aIt oft t but cuuncdllors have de- was committed. cided lu mit und set hou'Te biggest chunk ut much the work wtllcoot the moneyas to go to- Pubtc Worko Drector oueds construttof a John Matthews wus told stdewuth utroos the by cuuncilt lu Ond a so- grounds ut Haton tion to a requet hy par Centennial Munor for ens who satd the luth of E.C. Deuey Htgh Schoot a sidentatiswus causisg a studets. safety houard to youug- But that Fejet lbas sters gogto and fromnt ont boutdropped aod it scisool. bus llonted Me.Mt- At the tme ut the se- thenst 1 sugget u tour- quest, Mr. Mttisens sutd foot wde sidewath fom he douhted suds a projet Ontario St. f0 Riveeplute eoudd e curnpteted tho Crutc This woud be one MAZDA I YOUR COMPL ETEL/MIE DEAIER! The moree ou look f... emore pou Ok.' SALES amu elSE VCE s freuenith admissonuste the Museum and tld rider and burnebeise gouda wilt bservedi. Butin esenss uoutd pruvide tsdistduis mllh un iterusting louki lte ose pouf asd if retognies. a tradtfosal sud cun- inulul traft. Wby nouIbring our famdy asd tourse l Oterio Agrcutural Museumt for a orlismiile day ut ton! baon o commercials, proclis tise wat b prutchusud drose is altohol--pomored Tuyo lrom hbl omre in Psrry Sousd lu Llguy Hall in MiltusnP'edsy igit lu prose liere are aller- natives lu our lilulytle. He lld lise audienice he fearu "me rs deliberaluely rnsing dinosauru ut uuretvs" by tahing tbnmaris lrorn the ecoaystern. We are eseo bm- hoedlng uranium lu prouoe pluonium, mhtch ds. nouI stinl nature, asd hou oh- solutely nousue in nature ou o mn-marde Slling agntout o- precedestod poner. Ho said e rs "cou- torttng oautre" by ushog oïl, col, sud suttear poner miici anouf compatiable mth our ecosystern. "«Wisthelbpoint ut uslug if if if's going lu detroy tise mrld our cistdren mUt lsve lu? "*We tant moairo bargoin titis God. "If me ,mot te go tuokistg for fuel, ers going lu hase ite tnuol the etusystern frst" ho said. . But hy using runemaite footslisol adou't plte liSe alcuhol and propase, Mr. Thomasouotd if lu sf111 posstibe lu hase industry and jobs and the aide pruduct mrndd nulmuin tise detutionlusfutur plaset. ".Il me gu itottgutly te stres cupord. fins lero luaunopat Of tise province mhich tant support butign lu' dury" AI Wilson mou re- elettod prusiduntut tie Halton-Burlington Uàbeoal Asoiation.- get sidewalk fuot nrronter thon su- Mr. Mattisens to to look cepted standards but the t other metinodo of fond- work wuould core n u t an ing the mrk. estirnuted $14,500. He hou aready indi- atod he ould like tu use Athougb couneilors uoY Surplus moute$ i ugreed to Fut tihe ide that budiet for a sumber watk in. they havenot yet of udewaotb iepafr po- decded tf, or how mues jects, noteably os Aune they wat fo spend. Bt. By Jae Menr Boy urta.bas sas hmabls lb e l isa& le0 b lu Iibg lu HarisoPdste utMIIAs St. Sesi swese. b bam bas.prncip e or s. smarde auasubly, Ilad dsuated tl uybs Iisoa toiml acardrmade campets eltis prsona] men isiss ansd a plaqus addresssdn l "ur rlend sud principal." Tise change wmliib apslinlg nuit te ar. Morruson, ba bas shullied baes. bloal whoust evsry lent yearusince i& crser hsgau.hbisma usa sme a change lu cild- ru. lise educatioai systerm sud Milon. A nativeaf utrhaam, Oltars, M. Monlsou was ralsedoon l atin wllh bu is e siiens sud Ito bhesansd fllont- ing Grade 13 t fDurhamn District Higis Scisal b had o sarron sope af carters lu chaos. rom. He coudd etber latin. work aita local fatory or teacis. Aller ose year ai Sial- ford leaciero colloge he ond histseif lu charge of 44 pupis lu a oue-room sthoul ut Hmpden. He settced ties b sared hisu crser mth a "lot more omu Ibes men." -l feel liere0ar f0n lent mes lu teochiug, uot tisai wmrnsdent deoa gond job 'mt omt child- run tnd in relate bellot in oc. uns tisna solier" tise prtecîpal toulundu. ise 43-yeae-ld remembers is iet job in Miltos at JM. Dunyu Scisool wmisch ai theê ime ntus ondergohsg one oflite rny constrsuction per- lod. Au addtion mou b- ig odded but wou ouf complele by Seplousher so students e e etaugit lu shifts ilhsoure Grode levelu hoing mrneihug cloasss d tier titis afforsoos classes. He rnoved os f0 W.. DitkS Stiool lise followlng yuar, ugaluluacing Grade 6.-At tiseeud of lise uthoot yuar if mou ime for onoliser change lu scisools. Ho moved f0 Bruce St. Stisol miicis ntsloratod miere Milton Public Ltbrory lu nom and 050f is ieut ttelofu bing o principal. He pt ou isdutrielarts lu- structorus courue tabou durlug tise summer lu good ulu intiscing the subject in Grade 7 studeute there. DPoing hin fourtus yurt filrah hegou illing iluhboitime as o principal, taklg Gogetown as prnceipal of Harrison Public School. Laurie Woo lilieft, andf Michelle Hadiey preanétod glfts to their depar- timg principal on behalf of the school during doan wardsasaaesbiy- over some its-hciala casou J.M. Deoys and Wl . DIt. In 11058 lie bg jnmp cote sudbie cener ou loacisr iecorne o crser as o principal, slisougis een.nom ie leacesu urne romedial tiassas.. In addition ta lsarulng a sent job, ho mu alas s.elg o a che=erOu Arts degree ai Waerloo Lullurlu Unisersity, 00w called Sir Wilfred fauer. "lise bisg difference se- tntus bing a principal sud o teacher lu you are onareuof lbhntiole ucisool sot juI ose closut 30 or 4o thildees. i dlcevered problemu i asnto ever oare ut efore," recallo M. blorrisos. Polloing fise years os prncipal ai Bruce S. suotiser transIer led hint lu, de double duty os prncipalutfOsniderus Public Stisool lunOsinville and Pleemo Public Stisoul. ise change lu job didu't mus oachange lu ruidee.He, is ite Kren.and t'vo soo Kevio sud Dwayne nill sf01 ruide ilu lbeir orignal Milonhoben mies hbheginu oriing in Georgetomn- If mou arousd tise ime uft fin transler tlu Oak- ville thaf changs mre cuming tu edicatou.Tise uarly 70 sunthlb dis- onppeoeanco of tlb "1principal's grey hook" lsoued b he lbMlustry of Educotioo mhlch made oducaim al lburnae al Newt gudelines bngsu oppeoisg mrng if "dillicuit nouf ouy for ftislJng but planing ou wel." Changes in soclty in generol llloing tlb 11 fltrtl iino lise ucisools. One of lise changs mbtch hou a grut eflect un chistdresi lu the increeoing sumber o marriage beak upa, occueding lu tise pin- KEITH LYON MELOFF, MD,FR.C.P (c) Annoînces Tht Openng Oflit 11Office For The Prclîce 0f N EU RO[O GY Starting JuIy 6, 1981 69 MAIN ST., SUITE 7 MILTOJN, ONT. LOT '1N4 Conuftulîîn by Apponîmoot Otly 878-0141 SUPER VALUES IN JULY 218 Main St., Miton 878-12 -usm -. -e - ars.- sn-a.u-.,-a s-ave- "Socity hou put 'ou mauy pressuras.ou cild- run. 1 deut reali ever hoing tlu mai17 about mhal type ut clohes 1 mre or mhal Slndou He explaim tisotishe chisldren hb meets today sf00l are.rupeettul and ruspouaible. Mr. Murel- sua mald hebahs emer bld mucis prohlern dinciplin' log studnlo and Iis hsuf cissged. "Distiplin hu sever eun a proilern, childrn ruspoud wmbsyouschow them rspecttsud il ubru they wmu respect you. There sbeuld b ou ns.d bo uspe iserop, but if studenseare mare tbf if mlgit buued ous at reoort if lu a detrunt. I try te tailu tebrn Iiet and gise tiserntise op pertoitly te show lbey re sot golsg lu do if &gin. " About lise, tirne Mr. Morrirono begos as principal af Wl1. DitS Stisoul he tomplted o sommer couruemiicis earned im a principsiss cer'tficate'u int. 'lio ma otU fab nd oftilb road for bis persual educotbse ioever; hb esrnpletod bisnMoules degrqe ai Brock University - Aller loue yemauatW. Dinh, bernoved ils hie staff, stedents andJlu,' snisingu a fw len ul MartinuSt. scissel. "Marin Si. Scbil as overceomed as a senior stisool and usine mas ou rorn for an oddt'.,. bel Wl . Dckhad romrn l es- pend," ie explaims. Today, Marin Sret.lal sf111 a joolor sshoul and the exponded WI. DitS boues senior studeolu. ".1f lu imporant lu me f0 boum evry chld by sorne and boom os mutis abot ech ose oaso ilse," Mr. Morrluoo sid Ho miliihave lrorn 350 lu 3600 sewn umu lu lea at Harrison Public Scisool lu thsefail. Heisas aruady visited tlb Kindergareo te Grade 8 se"oulduring o day-long say. A-i AIR CONÔ TOt1 Town of Milton CAMP MACA DAY CAMP BOYS ANDCRS LAGE 7-13 FOUR SESIONS OFFUN INCLUDINO Suimmisu Cunoelng Camp Sktlla .Archery Overnght Camp Out ONLY *I2two waek santon ASTUUION JULft-17 founmesum uAUOMST17f§ YRANSPORTATION PROIOEO PIE FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION ELE 0OHM Color T.V. ichi 3-YEAR WARRANTY MER V'8 ELECTRONICS MâoSieadMainS - pads sspuso id Et mm bsnIstois OP P.h wgy /2i odt n oi endmi off, \ Ku d Cm*Àfb 30%OF I.L ~ OFF sso simt g o s ho m tbu itm.$U bombm lonsasesn ocm( ise sO 5 _L _ _ u OFF Ja mmmr-