Al iSw ataiaict a i MUiEiVL it taff500am, th e p Urud ii- etabrand new ll«ant cam.cenre, thanka b. tha efforts of !IeIOhn i a lub. inwth tise apparatuaianronnthe left: Lewln Sles, Lges. umeier, Mn. Lit Wlcclund, director of nursing and Dr. Water Koooaki. On th isrgit are Mima Jean Butta, iead nirae in olstatrica, and Wayne Arnold, prildent of tis ervice clubs. Mary. Bell chairman Of Hosepita&l Board The MfillosDiltricrelry&WerDr.RoNalu d lb. psiid of eal CararlIsa MCKy'M Mt=idls iloldlisfnns Ara"yidn Xte brli* Me of7i, anembar w t waIMlesDisict iseta e tle et th be b.ard frer Hospital as a I= ecwtlbeeeere c =Ot a = 41M M& Nouranisc Im i'ide hcan lrisur idchaum amndJob. aIt tt99ael thd ug. K"uptortitareeaore i Mc.ameilnarel oter ap friner rueled le &mmober polalnae tre made tle c--s I. p lln tae tour tailagcon if trea ldcdren, ila iraotai b haalno"sa, bhlds aid praeniympiy boaa ord il ha con rpel adpublic office niis aidmudcalcnraling is aeffors on-roaen Settie contract Halles louard of a"aiaprud apon be af-ller0Yens, aid ais KIhuaIlMUn aon-ecig folwngHllg Dy odasaler 27 yearo, go ffulllrgetv aa00i forh ,icaedanc leave lai, reire oeut rala. ffetire e- alaltary holiday; =igitarmiIgratulty pluanad day, bat ai add#tlasl95 MMttpralnitan, den ' aotcni cagoae cSea Jidy 1,lC. pls; reponmtidlly ltckloavoandlbacur- ranouly rueohd a mmc; fur seb a«c> ale b.isclided inle lim- Nmoraid" , of ias aller Io yu"aeC ollective areiaust 230 am ni'rlly; ove weeb hmnitu S prnqeri' rent hlloed ta Mii. a n fr Tmaromntlaaoisg up for 2Yt" clu ri y 1lM Mad 10.0 «fle 1. tae MUtin riégm nrouie parI if tlb. id Or Ihaif nisIlq fl GYMMtOM Mub hal l oban lde u g yll niala ou* 'flttoauanj ifba ifHlles recceail. disln t=lo a ta~ Direor if Edwacain in the w Ma1.1 m Lavunder naled iosial- dute m ar nMla aaaealne*lalir. heniuho ain. anad 1lea d à njtbeIha lb oattntailagwiod Board lacasaed tah b ,M.Gisubyli poeelhilty if lb. tuloo luoducla co ifaa STANDARD ~ifbpeoe'lhurfo i TRUST ctmmmii'aliooi halween dlionsa 1250t lehave Il Te te board aid tae i'ed.laesT cemmnilty. " Mlm O "m " Nouagil~m l Ni aii' Mlltruta ur. Amà la1ý tter DbIl raeal aeuiS hoasilthIl. ea1 d Ilat b. epu 54 aad id >t u »M t ti=ia»ajt5tma. iit5li bld.LHp.aeted A r saothulb.varloua Mi1hLUUI LMN8T dsnblawhicit would b.chlt tebordhyAi __ 'al rulesi if ut17cj A.the olde Hide House A great way to complete [~»&~our Western OutfilI FUmCflASE lïý- One Pair of Wesutern Dota ~-One Leather or Suede Vet Furchaee any Lu.theror Suede Item YOU GCT FREE SOne Western Pat ,è- One Levi or Le Wetern,5hlrt Cjê One Ounulnu Luathur or Suedu isit -ALL FRINGED WESTERN JACKETS, SKIRTS P ULL. SIZE COWPIDE RUOS from $99 -ALL WINTE COATS AT OFF SCASON ICES eaetaMaYlIpnA lue slleiAaaonsv a-s Judge orders gun d Dyhu~b fqlriih leint le . Mr. Grant who ohlector lot hilettelte lb.theai a mlaelipcas b"*-p a" ahi -= cSt b. "aa.nwted lb.alant, ha@ ailI Mer 100 magMaslui0 hi 2 iseimacdisgui boc!war type item in hie «j ' an abwallaalt & he . qmet@ed.collection, htcbadiau four h inRSas Whmi a .aodgIt bdawmutaatcwoapase, a court me i, alabou t eamlury latg armasase va* ma Met umaa"ifisatwo haed gana %,apoffclec thn e dr' i mfarm aid a collection JMa oIlhmasMiMaof Cai Ta Arma iof of badges, modaeanad ai a ,cmn of warms" He wae cbarged Altubb a p mc"tally irdeed theNivermber 21 lait yeerr olr maiumelat"a, weepend@ghetyd et theorhum Motni 01W oumd brGrant bai nil yot mlsoln of the day alus te etti-machlno It ai il eeideslgnalod the trial.bis realdenco. Lhnd %aoo .»hsfd to--hie latelt from car crash DP? l Deu ahe f A twe-carcma thb.intersection of APPlohyLiso lm. aid Erilamiie Rd. 10 dayesu ai anclalmod aiseond HO ohlaleed lb.e1300victhn. fNbl auhotieamchina Flftcoa-yoar-old MargeaotSozmmorfield ef 9MU lbrioi a "mIlitaIFreolosdied in Hamilton Goerwal Hoeall SUmday call teCaderncbjo Bitiuhl einte accident wai DanillGeorge NMm n la105, ha tld Pitihlv, 1, of Wilerdewn. lte Mort. iliw-rpaoget i drveoity 20-year-old He wa iteraforlinlaa Mlcb TiteWa aron ler tér iai Ottawa Ho wai releaiod trom Milon District Hospital lait cadd net ha reglerd fle driveo flte aecond car, Joaeph Walsit, 54 ot aider lb. -e law, Burigcon is rtd lis fir condition at Hamilton hamum,.il b.d ait han ne alopl. previlialy registered. NB chargea havi haen laid a i tis lime, but Hallen Mlaumare aempt og onalPlcesecal igth-ir'ivatilîin- tria l. 1 th e a to hiti elb.C tlmlwithiccliredOidYiiiJ lestroyed thoro wui a "amry cas- faisgo of roulstisna but aaldCrant wu nùtliy ci by kespig lb. prohiilid te dague if criinallly as i other caaoe andeald ha wtiu orfledaatil regi ga ovr m cevlcled b. would altlimaticsjy forfel lb. -ih ohi rm clcionan d wldd Iolaiy b. ligblo for ltae miao» a"tut. Crois Atorney John acdetamd would b. of caors le oler u calleclere uha m:i =W ltenomivas l ain tia HO aad .ili alan b. isvllisg la a pdicnef flcerelto ak a repoarlon lb. prc tisa l Ottawa eico tit parlîctlar aetlinle lb. fact taI lb. War Mass aitaowed lb. ea-citaig le haplace. 10 a Titi Canadin Cttsottplen, Wad., July 1, 1981 7 :THE CARRIER HEAT PUMIP lepraclicalatser 10o oiringe a Fuil cott ln the anergy-tighl yiars altoade eORDER NOWAND GET UP TO: - - n e o MUIELWVn rJamu I * ~ s8 00 .,84-35 th. % E =wMC Il 1 1. -Oý .s f uewý«.eov~- NOTICE FueROHO Oube.e 'i - i aPeail*ge Amnemmge oaahve b.,tmoude for deisecy of hMleaccordintoi guar uchebdula. %"»m ciaona bu tade .t iiioffice fritt SM eta o40 p.. Muday througi Ftday. aetd AU. lta. tainby minqtg îiteneot.t ght dqpaaltiy Itte elidit tothe.fret doo of att Bfi.