Carefial sspplng.-Mmbers of thea MilanBoy Scouts Lsdles Auxuimiare cro oomng for nue mndmrs help thsm wth thir plannoed projects for tha yesr. Hard t work proparing feit beaver "ctoriec" arme front bf t Linda Edwcrdc, Joflly Strain, Cathy tSuIdn,Annm NmmUi, Donna Mae nt, and bocnor Coope. Auxiliary craft session produces tales of beaver IY Lbida rbY precredfai e bodacd Sicb dihildren. This year ditric ced rgoc a Oe wSoo apn i.e tmote tetaIU "hi tlaMh yplan bosoner, te Kar IOle a==re enile mieng coltinathi bennr. Miteme for thi local For Canada Wterce ot gt ainow edwbac 0lgcompote bonrda ditrict pach. refrabmeni, mw ansa '1Tnit Imm fuitmasure made ac e - sl he m1-- m e.nemlundiah ati ha #inon te emcb bovr oM hi Aoniiary, seving sesionsfa. cedrcon Lcoblng amM tdhi colony t tebh esiMatly boythebanue ndso table, thi re se.earpa Yoeaigtffandrtaud bWnl Mgd ufltrtnh e hiboaveror oy dincdby s b. ttiaed idiviul if t~dri5mnbypp.diecdwtebte tejMte a fout Mmi. ta pet yoarethie ffwloes vited teoei on a Ibiute sa c i cnLaie Anliary bam un d Fiet ai 5?O705. lbomday anthi otN mpeparad crc te fr thie________ Dlsa nlct SoyScus Milth b blb prael T3 ma e o ad Lae Aiiin _M ou Mlbi " = foMfr==c oca lna cc h Mgla hE. irjoîuilmal, nmnatioani eniun clubf or unntcho Lttbe Brooaet his (OakvWa ehomo, on Wednesday and Thursday ovening-to make thir wait forsa Big Brother e ittlo bit casier. Hre ho shows a technique to 12-yar- old Tins Horochk. Littie Brothers are flying higher Hacrold lialbfeiacliut Villo e ad btloeBig modl airpîconswicb Oakilla i maing lb. Brotbers Asocttion flY wiib slnd-up moter, sait for e combe. Mcihout tarting a club. and "our nexinstoplintth uunmeb.d tûeile it wsu remolitn eyenl of flying, Io Broberesna 11ue btlencd ha ban big plansbuilding airplansth a ente. for the laiflig 3-te-dO- loch siegepan, Heiaharing hi hobby organisation. powe.ed hy amali with sinoM him--"plan cafine enginen for fre. my grandeon," b. "For mcny oM lb. ide figt.n lca. il wsn ieir tirt chance' The club meteovery of tadM aving jstani buteilding mondal air- Wedneday and Thur- onehoy-l've gel senen." plane," Mr. Kalbflluanc dcy vening, tram 7 teS9 Mir. Kalhlaic, w sic id, "but now thiy are pu., ai bis hom. M. dahhia s ilb building terniefi ou preity fair Kalfeich ia c madel airplanes, sans orirncahp." nescomer la lic Big approched by lb. Oak- Teeboys are producina Brothers. $1,.000,000 00 3rd Pary Liability lncluding accident benofilel $ 250.00 Deductible Collision $ 2500 Deductible Comprehensive Coanipin n 011 eld man e. omnan os, 25 yna aoh &go, 5 yoMaeaoi- desnin neooetoiol ree, end leianal10 ml* dmhve 1050m (on@enay). Helping in community best restitution answer says Corrections Minisi te tkMca ne P-«=inal "lb.remta ofhi SMM l ice or ailt as, h a m-dma",, Le=k aldtUme.are Ontarlo Maur of es5,L 0offende. creloalSrvc nishi stec »= ebai a i ne = CSO cci...m Servicem of alion, commtmity sm-boM le faci'," MMd Mr. 40,M 0hm-' rsuaee Llu, 20p em et ac- 4a value te:9=2l tuiy domor aetMcemniiets oMmore mrkIb they sue t"an$1.3 milin senten ot,cedoly 12 eopinMrm crie, t »* Ce.r rotiv.t * ~ ~ nm Ude fOM. Lelub 1114 Centre diacuasion. Ontario Minist ornram tihi àelSg "If an offendr ti~n trectional Services, Nick Leluk Iecmucd e tan ahi tePiycfje t Hlton criminal lawYer Fre<à odhi &dl e eurclenco nsU toredkaicusaod idoas for the new Co ordnalr Smca~ oni imue od Resourcos Services of Halton, effendam are odured hby Ibmte pbst'ý*.eil t Mr. Forsyth la Vico-Prealdent of lbe cut te perfoMa roflecrs Mli sncbo f h eom" Mi 0 ire Photo byAI' of wrk o comuni lb.1Mmletter ao clreb ao8 ne h iportance * 'ia Iselee couen angeMhie E5m1leyment froc erscteg ep Progm wicc i can buildip ng d cd w bing impiemenled by cuvinar e" te <CpSOIL du ii ii iold e. ,many ofilederchave =10d29Zlu bcd s hitory ont beieg "I1 con tinb Mf onabhi te flnd or bold c betier sy o nMneusci," sid M. Leluk. qSo a= paco hm bc ,As i centione comm.Jadce feec ecriier, comeme wiib a tbt lha c ceoblationjbil.lblmerli io tbe coamiaisy," nsid te"cime, M. Llu. Aec the lii "lBy soMblg off he o oneescr eMof hei debt, the offander Men bhuti cbaeelafor belpieg àal b. bas wiped th Mfedere. Il ster of Cor- left, and Forsytis 2mm=unlty rocoiitly. tie Board 1Wlllama nui Canadin Champion. Wed.. Juiy 1. 1961 C7 MR RUCKER1 'CÉRRIE ELECTRIC ha. BLECTIROHOME Air Conditionars R cgstbuildicentre e r - 1 ,