NO rfresavailable fdr uneitered teama mua re sai t coesdlm t th ege.mot '~-vai Oiiprustappuartehbe aIoint o h5.One of tlia wfta ci th. Dicens tesaim apay for, and are is MOGAPli slaiuld b. tlouoitcle o em ahela Dickems. They caald psy a moderate affiliaion tee it mut b. Soqie Wesb ln MAtes John Siender- wldch would cesirihute te devetoprnt fonds and suan otnL en were ohifl swIilh.ohe lair players aicqlli ho subjet tete surne tesMauenMf. MIs uaet frustrslieon h. boys 1lnwever, lhis dons ot hlp theDcens wuitiasir ssved up tW ini flrste h.mumefor the occa- crreCt problem. The OSA. directive te refrees aies of die big teurearnent, ase Oiey boocbed off xproh ibiaem rou offciating in onroigitereli àIdariudmiS4 la hehopung gaeand followed l tlauesubutl uys nollalng about indvduel friendly aliah an fIpeMéival à- -mceagalat Northiprgse. flore are nmeetings of both.eP.H.S.A. ex- Yrk Cosmos. scueasmdh. Milon brancia <Of h. Ontaro lasn .sue fa ti e nt wlh@ biIn hiamaller Vodi thibodies to see round P.IU e M crslSIDsi. 1115 lmiamlucahl deise rme houme 4-2 wliom. TtuJays M s UPulia whore lh.y cli i thome te BrimesUnted'& Dive Thenilm gel aller me li a ala. day te busc hchomid h. domeiabout gsting etiiateuafr lieDcbogirn. The Dcebaea vs*5oc9" tssm hicia iou net pay lin> h.Wgue butlTinUum ilenly gasmO itia sirnlar teim.Ash suri thtiaire nil regltered aliah the PeelItliteSocerssuciaion. Retereà arsgimlesd alia lias Onaro Secer Asocain ire est> locsd te officiaIte I gue = veithelasOSA. Liaglanimede up o e ani ici afiliute it wiit h .OSA. liareia bier distritoascitien. Bvry er em la sd wtalo iil o appreved leigees and rcks supesionesfr of- fcliatg at othr gimses. There 1006oproviabes for teame necia au th. Dikes miairdo set hlong te an> beague. The reiunslat lie OSA, restricts regitereit retereen te approveitMaela 10 wo-told. firl, h. OSA. spends a roulideraitte amennt aria yeir on reteree developrnent and il1la ont> fartlat thuse clabs miariacontrlhete tuteh.OSA. fonde, tianugi titeir affiliaties focs, shmld heneft from lhisl developenent. Secondty, ter. have heen con- siderahie proemnein10th. psut ita players ch. bave een supesdnd fr mscosducl, prticularl> refere. isiut, woontrenste pyin1 unrsgotered Mages. Au on adminitrilor I hon. tesan> liatift h. Dickenteamne wte benlte uf nganited ac- rer. In te tor ofutregistereit retereen, thon the> Ti*lag01et erss, s.veril bave mesllessd te me hem euchti iay ssii> relsrgelng liae girs' Serai. ?h.enissen arestcyreaity te pl> aI h. appuinId timeplath Ènilasian d respect ather hasdon aweyet theboy temseasaut o thlink liat 1h. pIsd imetlia.mtirne lth.> hro up ail the fild and tliaire tevaitel> ire or tximinutes late klcblgoff. Remembor lia.BBizzard Clinirc we uius ohneo ind Dive MeQuema carne te Mito? Wel, IYSC ban boon ivtsd te a cWuc il Eibition Sadiien ex tdymrnng, July . Tflue itoning cii Lakepar ina clnicsimlrtei lieioee boIln0Miltn and Ib nter 1h.theBlizzad pli>yte Jacksonville Tes Men in te igernees. lne Mlton part> mut hai lmtsd 1o 00amd a flHing up ftst, bol yen mi> stili boentime if >urilt Chryt Wakel> t ii0-743. lie. cutla10$7 ach ($3.50 for h. gime ticket amd $3.50 for th.but). The Csmos are roring. Next Wedormduy, Jul> 8, th. New Yorka Csmosnare comig tei Exthition Stediorn for u gane aganit lis.Blizard. The Csmos are h. tep tet n te iNorta Aneria ocer Liague and h. Blizzaawayn eemu te corne op mta a gond garie wh.n 1h.> met, on il shouldh.iequiteiaohow. Cheryl Wakel> 10 organbuteg bumas for te gime whech wmli Iave Milton il .10 pan. Cet 10 $7 lier perses, $3250 for h. bon and $3.00 for h. gome ticket. Cati Cheryl, ilaia.enonher abate,,eor, Snda evening o rsrve ytr sut. Lions suifer first Ioss A lie-nu tadi nodsg corne aisu-rua diad, vanago sind ivige an "- lie flurao> cOl Eindle WiteIn 1Peel- Cunt> Auociation oties. Thfilecime an liae beela ut i 15-0 utbeeh Miltensusiteroi th. provioma Moda> te Erlitale Bue..R nImrksd Mitems intisIoluofth. sesoon d itter the niiods 1h01t olgia glimes, tta in sports i s-1-2 record Eraitale Wite hait chargeit ibeait 7-1 ater jut Ic urne0i ilbat hfore MlIon gel lia &et tegether and boojcoi bort ita five rom ainlto half ut tae tit teu clnse te iliin oesruam wchna eyed.ta. nulbirot Dsbbe AlenAtm ed in th. tiirdi bmngOther Mlte'aOffisssmita too asu ,blillnu ms iup- hiatinluding a homo ru plid ySbiren ariaga Home run power and good pitching gives peewees titie Tarnry Beagiten soqadtlel Bougiales trec a rs-hlllerand baadle the girethliat os srlack ouIo10to eadloit uh. myin tesecurelite Mlioen piocos girls' lirai cbam5tonoMip as a balablll reps te i 328 Iim can oeGin Wilam Sonia Peitlla led the omit tae ciaimplonatpuof off sacs alitopo bomre ta. Aton SottaUl anit a triple chie Lh.a teurnamont Ico Pedutia htltino triples mssbandn ago. ufr nit a humer. Cirin Mltes railll o 15 Grimes anit Jactie run an taeslecondi leing Hamlton suithlteit a ctech boilt o rom- pair ohome rons oai rnanding eai d ite taeramse cta <mu snges. Lions rommittoit 10 eren tas fnuta in- nbag asiicia enibteit Erinitile Bts. te charge froso a une-mon led toia lirge renaci> miore. Starter Lia Sùnpion hait er toubles in ta. secondt inisahandiotg out six walks hefore big rellevei b> Dinh. Gaust woa eank out ninbattent te ret ut the wa>. Gnnit itting for Lion corne froso Simpion o cent tour-fer- tour cita topo triples, i double and a sngle. Blair aditeitwoc singles and a double, Jo- anne Van Rnnoyen telt 1cm doubles and Etla. Visitesheuvel andt Gates mlddm tas offnre cita tmo snoglens acit. curuing in Milton Pop Shopps Jason Bowen (right) ttemptn to block the w&y of i forwarm Peel-Hulton rep soccer action. MlonsTennis Club la nom in toit swing uni thlt turnuni mli 1reeaoe i0 nomber nu the memîher becomen more favorable. finis >ear'o Ge- AcquaiteeiRotundt Robin min the besl ce bave hait in ail bin 10 toron t o mombero partlcipatiog. Themmeather mau gonit, mu onwas tfooand uniIl prouent enju>ed t Iles- selves. Thte beaut> about tien type o get-togetae la thait ila aiFun Di> and tennis proficeor> lant oeceenae>te bave a gond ime unit psrticipste. The club alan boi thta mnunI golf lounaemannt itlilâton Hill Gof Club. Il mis rititer unfortunite tait ta. trnol onuS pour,roniditbg te oucobr of membors il te club. Thte peuple wo tos part hidia gond ime on tae green an oeilus la utu lthta.nigit t ute local mtering bute, The Charles Hoel. Bill Morgan hait a bote in one, hoever ho haita iifficult t1h00 relrieving te hall ruen tae tree. teunk. Jîmie White a a i tsaortril bonI mitit tae oume enîfit ho bas nom mo ote atntfoue yenro. Net meeb, Monda> tet ha prerbae, ta. clubs1 in-elendimte tearnarnont, beglo. AU cotlgorben are1 The Canadian Champion, Wed.,Jet> 1, 1981 C3 Soccer parent irate with Drury's Iack of use 1 ar nme of honafreds uf acrer parents who bai rialidren regitereit in h. Mileon Yeoh Screr Club. Min> ut on are iraIs ond have e tegitinente excuse. On Wedinesdiy nighal laI, en son ittendeit a n-caSai anocrer jnartice iteld ailRotiary Park on a piece of grion nenst elmees tire. itioebaillgimma. There 10en no uiîneit acrer field, gente pota, ets. At 7.20 p.rn., Iriteekeit te tre. fuli> equippeit acrer fieldss il h. rosir uf E.C. Drue> Scitol nth ier. wasnoon e singlepersn1inta. mtir. complen. n addition. h.Mlten Youta Succer Cunia 10 ilg te bold practiem anmd gamen nulut fteo berauethteE.C. Drue> faclities are ot ivallible freen the Ministr> il Educeilon tain year. >ow 1100 attention La btondy ridiculos open and plo>ent are stil seedeit, mpecilin10the mensidoubles anit ladies' doubles. Pleine go tins meek andsilga up. This tournumont lau enelI> oel iatteniteitandthlia pien are ver> nlro. totite Band E tIasa ureo hîing their troubles tons year, tomever the sen an inll yneng and1 ami sure ta.> mlt gel botter. If an> utfte 000 mule membent bave pleyeit compelitive teooi, pleine raIl eiter Mite Polvere or Mite Frampton.t am nues te> mntituan. mme nom blouit. Pleani mîtrhibi1h1 piper meek> on more iformation about ta. Milton Tenis Club. A. Sinclair, E. Foster are top bowlers Ado Sinclair and Edgar Fenler oere te tep bootent Monda> olgitI obon Mltn Lion Bolng Club ono>eit on eveming of boote ailtae Commercial St. greenn. Second higit lady min Laverne MrLiuglin, foltomeit b> Peggyi Johnon. Mono nsecondt high wmsOn mProser, oltahoit> Frankit tird cliite iosnin as0 Crsensso 2 3no 6Is ol 1s 00005 on O, M t pin.d ni. Sot sn1e WoPieIl Ins:Il aSoI t1,C1s, ns =.. = d rinns.naooti k H -M iie - tanI senlod puafty ita rtv [aeinte Pie. Aitl Jrmi Oc nd Il 1.i M oncaie asr foi scno b e snaroiOeil f. .Wd.t C R Il O u .Soott n ihe Lucphigot elldMOeo. forl Il. ikssein of th. i re o O.o cmdtomaL n Bt iosl is sikse OTh. = .ftleo,= Soosc seg f h esa d On.«is MO on sindtieto- ta-fui as orCOI sws Toi Hoc ,ith tMvoandmste o il. obsi ft e Onoe wus the &nidin oes in Fred VoissuicpnsTi.od bynn esokoal piuioMtdna, 0.,ltli. tiorsfin Os)g sta etdio Dini ra R no.t sonneste biCbie wS the <taodeO forst mil haon tn-eS i-so dinspli upa. grnd df-nmis sosi n C-n Fi. whl Banne C-lone filtran Unetospot o h.lut efort nss The Carrier weithermserli-boat Pump air condiioen your homo nsusmmet annliasboit n wintor, glving >you arround comfort ad relitied hOelîng oson if you presently hans un ol-hlred oit toaiar hetolng oystem yoo ma u i or ao $800100 Soi Inislleg i CENTRAL IIEAT PUMP SYSTEM CAU. US NOW FOR A FREE HEATINO AàAM CONDITION IO T 11Sf15aOCTA AME.OAOIW-E. ONTAM6 84S:2ý202 provincial goveemnent and h10 faiitt> sitould te readit> avliahie te ouerummonll> miten il 10 001 otherwla. bing uneit iy te Drue> Sciteol. The decisio 10 reftue Milton imidenin 1h10 fainît> min ohviouly a oca rIE.C. Drue> itecinton iQueen'n Punit moult narel> neyer have thougit of il)ý Onon, nu ciliznnoof Milono.c- repo 1h10 bâtant eeaucatic deiso b> E.C. Drue> unithlie ileediog bemts oho supporittis action action? I itouhl il. t blier. te E.C. Drue> ticilîlies nitould beha vaillîle 10 un> orgaiîeit Miton sorets' grenp oon nont oterwise len oie it te chent Il >ou ogre., plenue teltlite Champion hsoo (hy leller, eli. noe). Meybo, lb.> rus bl> Champion the cause. Frankt Thomsns 501 MurceuuAve. Milton. ~o~W5~ x~@~r ~ Soit niasses te biCs, Otion ses ttefO5n 0050 nid Inde Incesodemadil ltybMl. of Cmi tetInnsi«SMtihmBardo sfor0 meys o 4 2 0 23 0 S nuit s ôi3s2o1O7 t 5 ransutana. Se O Oc hEWioOgOtM 0'sisso et s otn u dndo ose 10 stapet ut iât 01 Soi osas o t.C-o..te.. Play Ua' t theuosBattu.Ir lf iuiflt -him.eotsttt tanionn amstouteeoa te c a O G .E.O.a- fo il5 tý Prooteols.isyteninonan A.. .Pge ,e 3 o n 000 £7,05 nofonthe ouxnid msisa eforta insSide O 00000pay Mn-.tesriol 1010 etie.1tass e 0000 nid - tory a B a su a- r 0 1 0 50 o afoSid,,ouc Sh - .ioi n dsotk W ot wardnanoithpoyO h. MarkBarnOyteot'h-0 S ns uon O th tw.. OCipofos ' SEAT THE HEAT AND TOUR MEATINSIULLS WITH A CAIER CENTRALMUIT PIMP SYSTIN Sargent returns to the pack ay Lin>rr esUües Sargent Farsos returnete ththiick oft lialga ite Milton0 Flag Football League wetti a ver> impronive 47-pstinfi of Milton Tribune. The vitor> moyen ithe club into a third-place tie ita Miltowne Beaty Corp. wiicitet. The firt game iad Galinger Motoro and Caoadiuao Tire involved in a ver> tight lefenive rentent matSl te third qnrter when Johen Van Cedar onterrepteli a Johnouzlpaon and andeli off ln Bary enderson who ran i inlor a touchdnwn. This proveli to bo a big Rittfor Gallinger as titeywon gng away 296. Hendernon alen uroreli ene touridown offenively while John Eldon alao cored ton majors. Rirk Honte complelel te coring eitli a field gent and two con- verts. Defenively Lin>y had tton inter- ceptions and Honte hai00e lo go atong ollia tit.Van Cedaros For Canadian Tire, KeitIt tommerville ha thlie lone toucitiown along witone inerreption. Wayne Gurd and ttady Johenson mîo hait ene pick-off ecr. Kevin Baben for Candenire andt Hendernon for Gaîhonger Mororo were tiegamen MYPs. Te second game min proitaitly temet exrtiog of te weeit an Miloone pt a oare inoluCarlen Holel bf--e tiring and lesng 45-2. Miloose led 21-19 ai hall ime and il appearei pel Casin te making. Charles Hoel, however, rame out110 plyin10tiet ird and mitre t oas over Lier> McGregor hait nrorett tire limes lo snich te win. AIno siorisg for te Chrlec s ere Mitr MeArhur, Pelle Murraytare MITO uspii 58 AI T.E For Mltomne, Oite Barbon budtw100teuniadon, white Jina Monhan unit Brke Hrrison earit hait one. DoHnt ceoithta. boosmita tre. onrertu. McGregr for tae Charbos ndi Harrison for Miltemne eregiren MV> onues. fie finîlgtue nom Sirgen Furmmi nmpteI dornimile Milton Trune liamoh a inI> te nope ri pte>'ciiting b> Andre S. Joit o bat e vnititerent recevent for lounhdoono. Mite St. John unit Fred Baken led the mi> iht 10 lencdooooaiere owhie Mtae Konirinit, Mo Slcork unit Ki Keir ach sroreit on eacit. John Mitmijsz>n a o boia gond omiisg mita ire ronverts. Detenivet>, Keniririt andt MIte St. Jute bat interception.Adre S. John mao the MV> for Sargent oilie Lium Gibbonomanlrlet for Ml- ton Tribune. Plyeroflhe Wek Tis eits aatit goon te i nem corner b> tae Ç'ARY'S SPECIAL 0F THE WEEK' 1919 CLUB WAGON 8 ponneoger, oded. Lic. AW-5593. SALE PRICE GARY NEILSON 1-DAY MONEY- RAK UAINE ON USER CARS. SIcufoi turtiir detaHu nane of MieStl. John ut Sargent Farina. Anyooe oho fotnun tae bogue mlt recognize the naine St. John and il oitit eem thau Mike onte alto lite 10 ha bearit trom s hunt. oore t ine unit hait une interne>- ion for un onerall fine perftormance. For tato Mite mot receive 100 tickets 10 tae 1t81 Gre>Cup(thatis, pruviiting te Toronto Argo are onu tetaems pirticipating.) Ain our annuil golf lounament laites place Jol> il so anyone interesteitsitould art qoînkl>. I~aÂ~IIINSECTON1 nsOestseoAieons3 t osn andLaina tot l ý SonteV.a. 5Mv - t$nied -11 The htiiht Mof=.. ... Ose onnistenuiett so n i ort ote SUmn Min telenutd b ntiiMartis MU-t Bo ..i Cste, Mnis, Odnid and B-ias nci mio sudnfta, Lr eOoO st t asi i ote ese ,sosd imîl i Ma) it el 1 t' otheSm. bidiielW dee osd a stoGotaeroe n o iseee. -i..sil teooaid th. Oik bY and t.. Sisnoeosiri, bJ eCOee, Gui - o i- Aggaigoisss-, e Odesmhot- it..î.iten, thaostha a 4hesd sohtOn Ondie.o nyandD liaioth MMon sanev Haosisesa ansssseaoisneii OoiisLLensi; nd e ou ia u s gieluteasonMat', o Osn StsoitheOsm i. oo Onyi imitsi00ii5e Big Brothers of GANVILLE & MILTON wiuh taoSay ta Hopidais Bowling, The Caiebrifls & i.eaguo sowlsrn, Sponsors, Donoos ond ail those who suppored thias asociallon during 'IO0WL for MILUONS WEEK" *Limited Tim OnIy *New Cars EtlTrucks *No Restrictions On Amount or Term Cormpare Witf Rank Rates ut 2û.J5%-0 Gal sn o ç oi mMi ta mote bitHt a TOMsS Tennis club in full swing 1