Mîscoe puts in several gutsy performances as Milton 's first entry in Robbie tourne y .Hcrd:-i.-isM Kevis Fonlana clepped totou enfry inin Ue wrfd- pecfigic sRcbbie toorsaslesilin Scarhrough M-smeDaf a id te oachns PIuve over uf iseweknd Draws5 in a Iogis division, c longaide Neorh York COSMOS, Msnhhao c Nagra Faifs, Mince weot loin Ue touroameniilookiog for Ueir icol in of Ue lebey didol havet10 mailfong asein Ibir fBrtgame, isS yoYda anestilc game _____ ha. plye tegame wilh lasi on substitue on Ue bencitao lhree Mare unavailable on bafidmy. Milin onle farneilVban pfaYed a fanticgame hlocking mil bua e hol mhich came bis way as MilOns mon Ue Blanchard racee. thue ongl 0 aite a corner kickt, pctlog the hall ai Use inside pos mhere the Marbhass goaikeeper had anme trouble grcbbing conrol of the bal. fn Ue confusisn, Mike Con pkedeip the tomehall and drove Il beme in Uste top of Ue net. Ïbe goal provlded Miscee wtlUthUe con- f idence Uey have needed cil year and Iis shomed is tbe deemisolion is Use tobole team 10 confisse Ueir ise efcrt. MidmOy lhrongh Ue second hait, Con mcde c rensondoca con Urocgb Ue Markham defence sfber Scot Wood sel bba cpmwiUs a perlecîpflco Cosms pcled domn bond aa he mac about 10 crash home i, seconodgoal wiUs Ue Mrkham golis at is mercy. Sporiaionts Mince c 2-t lead. Mrkharc piied in itis one but Milon beld on to give Uemieîvez Ibeir iraI wis and o dmserved win cI Ibal. In tbe second gamei Micor ptcyed tbe trong North York Cnsmos 1n c conlene every bit csexeciling ce the opener. Miscee umped cbead - mîdwcy lbrougb te ieut balf its Con agio crcsbing one bome froto o ucil-taken corner by Joey ilcîntyre wbo controlild tbe midfieid in fie Icoion. cosmoos rolliedt10Leac-I bcd in ibis ctoseiy foogist game bol Miscoe Data ooold nol give cp cd with constnt Prescre ieU il ai I-I with Con finding te oct agato. Scoodereoi sald he fell bic 10cm, cOuid have wnthe game bcd tbe oqocd more 1h1 ce substilote. lIn Uic final gosse ogoino Niagara Falls, a Milton winwould have tied the woclubs for the top cfthe division. HoweVer, Niagara Folls otruck fcr lhree unisvered goals in the tiret boit on route toca7-0 Win. Tise 12 berce wbo carried Milton's coico in tbe toornameot tocre Dosoinir Wâiker, coptoin Colin Catberwocd, flobisie Crowe, Gino DeAngebes Ricbard Carrera, Ian Noir, Veben, Mclotyre, Con, Blaochard, Woods and Fontana. The lecco mas coaehed by Danny Cameron and Saundermen. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1981 THIRD SECTION ConcentFRa 3S~hogprfct 2itioflifl6 nd excellen ofCor-Ra b o nJunior T-Bll,t rtdaabRtary Park. Core-Fix won the Despite three m team second tveae w iatres and an olra :nuion 0finih ecnd io he Ralye theegi is GspePoincitfh e Zeand Thserune wuswon b joh fl, soc tohsisewrebirbechampion whsfi the fraIes sgB y tiresiutes ahiad f Le and Eacit. ne second-pfsce finish gises the ilocal team700ta, 23 19nf5ahead of ruoners- r Sasktfoo, Ssk., and aflcOk othe rens for the natiol Fourtise andio champion Taito Heln'onf IcrreY, B.C.. dropped Ot Of the raeewlbro flilure.The lack of o finish virtafly ofiounafOc h. B.C. toam frcm a obot cf a flffb national cham- plonship. In fhe interprovincial raly chom- ploshlp, the localf 10cm is ncw ied wîlb Andnwiflh io points. Les cndBokbepc Ibhe rccoin fine Equipmeflt Ca A motion, prompted by ieveral basse-j feigise cocesfu fr more procice equip-i mnot bamedîaýfLeYmoupacsed cf o lree- bou meeting of UeMeiton Misor Basebal Ascition execclive SsndaY nlgt aothUe, Optisist Club.1 MUsogb Ue motion wieb wos passed1 didontfenaetiy mestolU Ushe 10101 requesîs, i effeel, il mil dlom eaeb 10cm is the peewe nd tyke divisions 10 have acrom- pltsebag of eqiimnslpr 10cm. As, thelmwo oir T-Boll division, senior and inlermedicle, wil isve more battisg bebaets suppliio for paccices. AiUsccgh nu exaf ctc os pt on Ue puschaso, il wcu estissaled Ue total cots il be islie nelglbarbood f $1,0w Sic ose-league coaches ollended te meefing 10 ninlO Ibeir roacons for aning Ue elpmen imedialely. For Ue or- casion Ue MBA enecoive alowed for a more openltypecofneeisg Uson s normatlY Gretzky golfs for charity Edmnon ilOers' sensallonol Wayne Greiaky wml be Ue cntre f attention toisn fcdlcc Wels Goit acd Tenis Club bost i s sinUs annuel earily goiftounrnament MondRy cf Ue nsrUs Brlisgton club. indian Wels director Vie HadfieIdsya 20 National Hockey League ployers and of- ficiais tout jo ite0reglar gollere ci tbe ,ttltclt i,, e, eIrv aIfie i iivmarks f lit- ate b 1-. - . Wels bon bsted o carty gol Iurocoet. Tisa inurneya began wbeo Hadfieldu foîber died cf cancer and Ue orsamonts ave dousaed funde s n eosa ofs$1o0u000i varloca charitios Becaise of Gretkys peenee, Ue eniry fee lin$099in hsnocr of is namber 9i aweater. Amcssg oUer NilL payerc exp- eceed arelas TirnbalilDarryl 810er, Paul CoIley cmd ici [an. The toursamsnf begLsns o asholgun sf001 aI 12.30 p.m. Dinser mlil oilonetUs gof.FormerNHLu Le eBd Storey istUs msater rof ceremsuasli.. esvenfin spas ored by Neisna ubacof min. lb. lsssmdfu mmli it k.May sop sasse enfry féeselces eteiffo Ue club I fise. Atoyain "0 sibis tona ta"onbd un fvie efoUM a .t1 faE dit ril Ih Mohawks run string to six Amob - m -A% I% -a e-.L ., -with a 13-lU Koyal TIU5F1 ië lsThol effîciontFermlgmchine hnown on rB0~~ plus CopBaelvil le Mhmecnfne i Mham ehave -moreUsn rebmse etbacks f M ri' i q:rcd iot Mohapeae k Dugnhar a d quit10 Us aleso cnig ouf foe bhi nfive bce renmgnsrugheb tripe 0 seale' npark hbis.leao s tis Soudcy Tin sbn y iscioded fwo bassers ceI ieIfissUorD an!5n i metoff amlng bi. bic, aroèd Uree runs and me road and Uthea sil0seondeThe odd1c Bs -cidetent Use cigh de c s ar. dfoffs D hm s iU ig in s 11-m A total of elistbase censwere kilwiUs ceUoardofttiebh10 f ou Ct&geivii akc dvaSlgeof Ueir nite toI5ON5 eop tisuii 0 o = isOWtneebmao tfUe»PSf hrd plais 1 eamn nndroppdouf Mhawks led satheUse singahead ea race7e Use10m fond tUrscivec 5 50cIe seninin cd03ale ie seond place jas w oolsad1 lshMmscc for five cons is Ue ecande bock f Anderson stUsCompbeîvile bacnced back quicily lover the mclxise th agerýn e d rsoIb od lead and didnt look icpcedup 39 secordleor nsse ack. ecot 'Ire pcbedup The teodrve Ticebers and Ileve Tit it hack-to-back ®r four minutes on the flt The second soobmecoinst^e secnd isnondfour lot popldUepair o u for Ue baleoterIev S.ls i cto- eccnd-picce finish, d. o pu pfMobhashesd 40 0ls 0fUe2 icer,1 iibd s 4 ful isnhg Ray vamnd TnsRoberts tage arent m=c o on nrroto lantgf gainbhl hack-to-beck bomrs and Ust wasÀ i ogigcuen tisee lise ballgamne. Tise mcl event in he ioalsrislui toaScoia July 25 folowed Ue next meeb Ciarlie "Ace CirriececoveredrIo a n bye Loinfr Rlty in New Bconswick. sokde isjlyincured rn ncfield accident,1b ove r Irssttr Don go ~Thomson is tise forlb isnisg 10 earn Ue J om ing in. Garney Michel came on is 0fief 10 ouco lies ove. lTse ilton ons drcps Ues quda10one .lcmwed 10 ensbie cl couches Ue tisse 1 gosse beloto M andfli place hi Ue sic- pak. team 1agn Tesqoud tot uic Uirdi o Soveral proposais ere cosideced prior rcmZ ecd etHlo 04Tuse to he f inal mo ion hich tos pocouel before Dudoueplodd n iycîs 1B4-O AlUsugh Ue enerutive said il ould bove Sturdey aI Brion Bon Park. ied 10 eqip eacb 10cm ffsiy. Use coul fcor pis Ue aviiability f c Witorc Milton hou an opportuilyY do(Wed grant in tbe net year and oa maller bank neayl 10, gethback on fcock whton Usoybu clance Ibnsaypeople bogtDbiteOh n oblkoe 02n.Gotcho Milton catcher Greg Cranker runfi down park. Campbellviîle mon the gamne 13-10 an c bonmn huh, OavleOk nadubeedra ..thteoan prnpted Ue enecclivO 10o dopl the motion at Brian Bet Prk. The pames ace sts Ca1a blîville Mohawk bacerunhitr Rich Knight, in a paraded several pitchere 10 the mound. Phmic tocs paused. The motion mou pacsed seven-tonisg affaira. abville iu osegao duela uinSnay game attle ilag bI 6-3. abeve,nI 5W obl lyduigSudysgan t h inaýhl 1, A a .aui . rr ~,hqI ruD e eiÀO JO chie fnrs eafei___ vvaiing suituttf u P- Rod an doii e o t evady v limercetocod nu. n- y the ous-geO Ot beb- 0, -- be .ice s Atrcture o hci - es ai o hce GIEI ~STSe tole C :l ~ f neutveani hescjciitcicorbn npctfrf.e eutconceptthac existed last san anad usoe, of et eral additions IbeMiltonisor et ha AssciaClbTrying te be fir 10 bolb nides, Ue rcc, viii exrphiaid M tcerlt pansed aseotic Asoibcation tfl rgccicutio opled 10 e cr b m ie eictd malIce e ctracithIe + . eeuse pcased aioniy ch elamorUsoI ~~II~ divisions ece properiy equipped and Ibat Milicn Millor Hocbey execclilte aoed A mied doetenIrnie teureamnent pracitteequinsen.the T-Balerrewouid bc provided titb Duvdio 10 relieve bis aesistant ccacb. cNcludraela Tis Curdtcds.eecb paTe equipmtooi clue o cthrprotertive eietu for praclice8u Murrayl Vue Wccl, ot il dalles csocte asgiraTnsCum ghearcoda fut cieenîflcf b e's 0In tise end, lise ececotive shometi it tries wcahth Ie Irons Il 1gevIbre yeracgeo uder Use tbe lyke ccd peemee division. f praclice equipsoent and bam 10represecl an even'ry OO pmaUsiO Ie eAler Ducîde ebu ie rVolans, bt edilier t isadfir Ic eS Canada Dcy ccd dmet a o oeuc ly 1 palegt i ccar-cplrlotr cctnhe MilIce Tennis Club.,<nmi Tise prpoec beecpen f dengerous il mas for Use baYn 10 Sie or cbose aides. Tbct is omedbe l br tin th Ie tIrns. HowePorb Tssîl Club cd Jbe b .Mlly ooe ii10sclid. practicing ithout a full complemnent f + distn oie.Van Wart io clficialty'ne longer PacrkgTenynTesîCluban burt doucen haneblli. Hoever, I find fila p clrtve equptoenl wilh h1e tIrns l ftile ceeluiel le discver te acaion Fer starters, il moc't ot escy practice Ufruaey hr s' eotti h nte ocrsaruewihsae h eifnl r ne h ihs t picyrd solîbail c em yearn cge ccd toan rparled last weeb Ibal twoobcgs ofICI)i il ,i . a cacber. No, I eaimete Ule nsal eqipment mre avadlable dc eack beck ccd T hrnborreo GOiersWtoosOt yeic ite ie î'îat. g pilt î;,te',t-Ft. andIcvel fslr i bseail bl Ice dvison Iice lest eek includiqa011-4 defeol sol- case. Milcvon bsl1Leagite.Wei lbey'ce ail disinctiy remember UaI my total eq Hoever, I fisd Ue enlîce siuat ion and frda tebneAt une her meeting cf Use MOL prolecive equipssenl eonsisled 0of a ire evonloal motion mblcb mon pauced hi silil + + + Sticicg mlb bockey, MMHA bas enecotive, il mac decided tisaI in the beit mosit and c bockey loc. 10n muc or ocnhaleisrequired non oe I dont recal ever reqclring bospilal conoldees Ue cool factor. Mtons neto midgel bockey teacm, ao ceived approvcl Icoso lie toton o Mlton iterestsof thIe leaue and Ue eosss, ail asisanceebecase of Ue many injuis Inf0effecI, tohaf the organisation ia ding csbieod lm mitb o feto mincc-midged obida Hce al cf Fasse cdi playere ml cedoco do Ibeir eams. osuialed iUs Ue caleers position, h si ng saM. If Ueyd beld on amUsher pfayeri added for a hihre ea, Memnorial Arena. The cnly restricions concern bilke I mon ld iUs thswinging bain, rais into by monUs asd haf and ssed hal Uey lied, mIl bold c meetingccfyintoronled ont Usoagh lise Leslie, f Miltotoce and Mark Carlin, 0f siding rumners cfismpting 10 score ccd mcybe evon shcred Ue rep inam' payers Tsesdcy Judy 14 ai 7.30 p.m. aIt b5IHA systeso andon bigger and baflec The Rcers Edge. NeiUser is cilcmed i10 nieied namerous fisses iUs foui allsi eqsdpssnl, MMBA mould bave si»a sore ime i5Hal. hng~sinteihokey woc lmbe faued picb aiUough Ueyre permdfled 10 play ga in.10pracflees, I UsinithUe elui to &pend nmot pir hy pGaig Use ssoney Ayhokyplayer i townn nba inof luli"ol pams mil for paus i i e anymbere else and it. ilsgr mcchasing fou biffa mw=b ogeUer wfUsa Wca rn. mino-miOmIor mjo-midgef cge 15 or erected on Ue vmesf end of te arasa aboe AUtIs fieseio show you thalthe moi 0of reesed a suset 1 cmau ose s heexUe mestive ià eassghf 16 auof Dec. 31, 1981115lascrd ged in Use ginss. Pimyes sucbua Mike Ilampk, tuou free-bor nmeetigst con qsiskly And pet, severai bouseleague coache belewa mckciancd a bard place. lb. ep atend. Joh Toelli and Eso Selil" misa ent on become erosed ic one-bour meetinlg. ot were up inmarsm fUsheMMBA cf Ue fack t fouscare fMfy oqulpped for pacumcebt At UftissUe, coachBob Dovidson mil i seN flaiocie aLmea asg m5Us if? 1 dent. ust a] si Stickle 1 outline the basic goals and intention for the ý -- . ýf what nlavers can ,h. h....,Ieague teams aren't Ihe game