4 rm cooiln Chwmpn, Wd., Juy 1,iSS1 ie (anobîan gbampîon lM dat cEa.o. mmUs S2«SrnMIIIIIOumols IIIIIIIIIL8TilU Ed HRBCRWTER MIKE HALL Putm .AdssotaisoMeoge ODITOIA DEPARTMENT: Nws lute, JOim onoSPon. lditor..Mhel basi.Nom, Li. Kiabp.J.o.Moio. ADVEKTIONO OPARPMENT.R oud,. LooeMons...Dvid Thoms. Gtvm Wbpot-MotnO NATMOAL ADVERMIeSOALS800P:Do Posmo. i410f 33- 1051 CIRCULATION MANAGES Rchard Foster, BLIIIIUOIOFFOPICE 0fficeoo.ag... Mrion HO. CWmcod dverdonlg. Ruth Boatt.h Mag McNoO; Tpp.mnlng. SO.ooo Cm.ons. Pblets.d evey Weidmby Inlaod Pubdchng 0.1.10. B..smr, 0.05w.ThI .is. 0S, si.v C. Lrost.d et 181 Main Strett ot. MOto.. Ti We.O.od, en Te SOTtou ssol rn.. OtarioLOT 4NS.Tol.pho.57M2341. Srslcrsptions. Singlecopie.26 e s, 012.00 Mmetr of té.* CaaenCo.smunlcy Nnopapo pr ee ionCanada,$. 00Oi n @0 con t ter Aocitiss, TheOntario .Womdy Neopqpo thon Canada.Asocitin, Surburban Nespopomofso TO. Conaden Campo a on o the I,,d 0.00., Milto Chooto.. of Commerce, Mit. PobleahinC..Limvond gcof.1 orttoOo DOA.k stompaposo shach rinc TO. AThe Fton I" , 0. ..0o, O, Ps,.TOe Aja/WO0O/Pikorisg Nom Ad.- ,DWnPsc., as.,. 0 e0"0dlllnok vcoto...TO. Bampto Oo.,dien, The '0 1- l b Surrdogto Poo. Bvlingt.. Wmknd Post. " « '"w1--' 5 *» 0.8 Etoielmo G...., T.OogtoI 00 O50OO8o...0woo. .b d.pe.dent, MrAO.,,Eoo.oo.t end S, The A do.8o MWenmoruge NomsTO. N«mt/ArrooE,, o*d.ol5.nobso,,o, Phone 878231 Tosooto Uo.137 We're flot nalésty Last week oneo0f Use OP 7 resiionla approacised Tise Cham- pion ta say she Uougitlwe hai beon 'nasty" wlUs regard to ans oditorial which statei the resiienla cf the Fourtit Lino area shoulil nol asin council ta pay for tise legal buils Uey incurred fighting for te industrial park buyouts. We fully unierotand and aym- pathize with Ue soven long yearo of anguisis Uose people have gone Ilirougit. Wo also agree Use resiienta, in good faiUs,id not op- pose the 1,100-acre industrial park on te promise fromlte town Usre wouli ho no probloms. We cerlainly know Uere have been problems and the expenses Usoy ran up li legal fees was directly altributable to the war of seniantics Ue town got mb o wiUs Use developers. Nevertiteleon, while counciflors feel a moral obligation 10 hlp i somo way witi thUe $10,184 bill for services renierei by solicitor Roger Beaman; Uey are ciao aware 0f a very clear wsrning froesmte town's solictor not to get Whilo disappoinling, Bell Canadas rejeclion of a cal to con- ider toîl froc dailing 10 Misissauga and Toronto was prodictablo anditi was honout. Bell Canada spokesman Vers White sou lise cool f telephone service to Milton roident would at least double and, even if ap- proved, il sould ho more Uan Uree yoars before Use service wss instituted. Coundilior Brai Clemenla sum- med up wisat ia prohably Use feol- ing of Ue majority. He saii if tise servico waa froc, lisere isouli ho no objection, but if extenici dialing would meai, a doubling of Ue telepisono bill, peco- pIe would reject il. According to an aide for Mr. White, a Milton resident isouli have 10 make aI least 10 calls t10 Toronto o month in order to break even with Use doublon.d charge. Anditi waa Counillor Rick Day who noted people move 10 Milton 10 "gel away frors Use Toronto aphere of influence." But ishat il couli anidisouli not cool la all academic now, as Mr. involved with hlping outthUe resiients. While the rossons wero contain- ed in a confidenlial report snd we are not privy ta Use contents, we conasonume Usat Use solicitor has warnoi UaI hiking capital dons- lions 10 developers, or nklomlng Use cool off te rooiential levy ai budget ime wouli mean a challenge in Use court, ond UaI would ho a challenge they would prohobly not win. ta there another way ta help Use residents wth Usir logal fous? Cortainly wo agroc Uese fees were only incurrod whon Use town could nol follow Ibroughi ls pro- mise wiUsout sevon years 0f strug- gle. By Use saime tokon, we do not know of any viable method, other than Use residents taking Use lown to court for damages, UsaI Uis bl can ho paid. Staff has been tou 10 try ta fini anoUser option. If staff con do Uat, we are going ta ask Uey ho sent traiglit ta 0t- tawa andi hlp us control interesl rates. White has confirmecitUic bsn cannot expect toil-froc dialing 10 Toronto for aome lime in tise future. But it ia not ai had nows, by any moana. Milton haa been tsrgeted by Bell for a major upgrading of Uic tolepisone owitcing systeni ta tise electronic mode; and il prohobly cant come bo soon for some residents. Tisere are probably fois of us in Milton wiso have nol noticod long watts for a dial tono, or no dial tone atoall. This wii all ho changed in Use nexl few years when Use system i0 Milton la rphuilt, MIr. Wite aaid. Tise rural system, parlicularly in Nassagaweya-camphollville, haa long been known for ts per- nicious nature. Anything Bell con do 10 change tise situation with had lines soi party linos la neodod. Sa we won't gel long-distance, bal-froc Toronto dialing, but we will gel a htter telepisone ayatem. Il's not great, but aI loal il 1.01 al bai. Tis te Canais Day-but it la slso Terry Fox Day. Il was titi re Isat year the 22- year-old runner was closing in on Toronto iurlng hi. cross-country Marathon 0f Hope. Each stop ho took brought hmm doser ta our itearlo and escit stop consoliiatod tii itou on our spirits. The terrible climaxt10he uicn last September outsiie tsf Thsuner Bay oni Uhe numbing end 0f tise Marathon of Hope and Terry's lMe on Suniay sisouli not just ho forgotten. On Titursiay, Terry Fox will ho buried in a privata service near Vancouver. Toioy, Canada Day, lot us ail pause for a moment ta remember this young man wise ieroin ef- fort ssosld flot ho silowei ta slip fromn our minis. miih ROY OOWNS Of pyramids and safaris Ont severloccsonin lepont cotomos, I bsve sosei poclir about Mllens loration. belog on hondinlemony fine family atrac- îlots wisiaisdrlvng isgltoac. Niagara Pells e e of my favoritam and Toronl'. bout cf fanily fun soufre. rotas nomber Iso on my ]lo. Our fomilys csjoylsg o grool sommer, sottpisg tae bust of lbe local learisl hennis and also getisg ont of les. ons ani tacs for o ioy'n odnttsro. We recentiy plisilbthpool tPyrooi, and sere socs bcsiiog for Sofoci-Loni. Lto tatkabsouttese tsoleoy. Tise greel Pyromii, of coorse, le Pyroni Place in Nigara Folle, o faci- noigcnre for fmyf roIcoutaon s Zt-mleotdrlne from es..We opent o iey taon. eiote (anillleok us si bom leindo it ail, tacs csjoyei o retooiog drive boipe ofler o qtick ntop-mner ai Niogoco's male attractionthe lb os, Pyromii Place ba etopanic us Kiis' Pisse tIim yonr, ne tacre le tie tae fan.. is' Place offern 20 oscitiog play attrac- îlons shere tac young-om s corn, jomp, cllmb, crawl, nwleg, alide. boumce and play. Featore attraction ai Pyramid Place haî o le btac IMAX double film fotore inie tae greol Pyroni - il's o breta- takleg experlouce inait osd salt o amovie screcenletreyn htgls(lergos n eCoanad, th lbwoy), ani tais yonr tlb fature. are " crsefilon ani "Ostario Sossmortd', o spcttlilng laok ean con province. Tisoreêonodve.tswoo t ampee.. o mymtilfylg mogtcsl musl oho ab uit fine maglciso.; tac Goc igTies jam5- bores, shor. Dsney shacoctors de s S0's reies foaurlng fine oulmtai musicens: lbe GratWite Wter Niagara Picînre Sbow, on istoriclcltoot aet talFoi' romance, heooty, mystory and comedy; pusnot.. "pm, o better taon averagega ee.arcade, restaurants and If you bt Our fonilylt e als ttis somme, ot mie Pyromld Place - il's seil sorti thtactrip. Nextlon our Hot: Africos Lion Safari. WeO plon le go Otrday, Aug. lotw1 isbsI Milles Doy in Safari-Lansd, ani lois al crosi of ote Milleons o adoy'o tripleo darbent Africa. Tise Milles Doy in bing orraogei hy Milles Chmbr cf Commerce, vita reiorei pricon if ycu boy your ticketo le lois ai n of sevecot ticket outieto. Severti Milles groupe sillthvbacodisploy ai Lion Safari, le promota Mille. le otaer nisilers. If yo'ne sever heen, you'ro le for a big surpris e e you arrivcet i tis ion-acre RocbtonMout a 4&rnute drive tron milles, Aico Lis.fn prndao lm0,1 . bl0dgthmilhiIln le data. Peattro attraction: One 1,Mn ote atinel aond blrda. A Wiari troil ove. sis mile. lcng toton you taonim ix resonve. fui cflBon,tilgers, cbésotabo, baboona, bon.s, elophoule, rins, "elod, sirso, giroffon, outalopes, dean, bffalo, conoelo oui e1k. Abir y nof valon centre le = pu o aitisah . Pet' Comm b.a an nms on display pu en riesand tais ye.r an lpbani b.u on trolaec tie bahidieo for rides os île bast. Tieres aI.o a voter safari bolt endos, sitildren'n pIoyground, restaorant and mnack scopo, picole oiseler, camping grounds, oalcouce osais,, amuseient oho- owe p u nair comdlblauui safari bs wieb cn t. eyou tlougb lbe gae prefonvc if you prefor ne o t e io yur I' lasa n ad-day bun day te ucr fanily goon. $flpcn me you tha ob, aurday, Ang. t. An brise yo camra. 1I1~ IG ROOM TIME Il's Ithttimeo f your shoo tha osuo Asoateio of Muicipoition of Ontario conentiotn rois arouni an Mille couiosilors are deciiing ishosillgo ond vote on tae crucilmnicipal iboom of Vie ioy. Oneof thelbi bg issucs tosIyear. of Take from one... Now that counciflors have The Manor had complained decided to build a semi-sidewalk students of E.C. Drury Hligh along Woodward Ave. from lichool were usmng the lawns as a Rierlae rec.toOnaro t. hot ut cusngnose todi OsP they have aucceeded in solving on grass, and annoying the one problem and creating residents. another Thre other factor io the' huiko Ali tMýn lour uot Ardvsidcj,,rrIkwaàad e n.d, oouider ut Urtarro SL.toruschwoi ai ter parents appealed for help in and that ta probably te street makingit sfe for children to wslk with the higist volume of big to and fromn scisool. trucks asnd csrs in Miltosn. Thse cot of thte projeet wil be So now we have a sidewalk for about $14,5W0 but the final amount thse safety of noie grnup 0f elemen- to b.epVent wilI corne frin the tary studonts, and we no longer sidowalk budget, have asiadewalk for another group There in a total of *3,000 in that ofasecondary sool atudens. budget for 10U, and polor ta lihe We wonder bos, long il takes Woodward Ave. declaton, ail of it before tise adminstration and wuaoomamtled. sta f ntlhe Marner alog wli he Dagermes, whtal? Some slgn By far tie great part 0f tisat parents ci d lse eclool write ai C-pmust have s = = mdwas $»0,M00for a eludanta appoar boierecami re innai fi. Dng ei acots thse grounds ci demndaing tiseedewalklse danger, e ý NtsCentemsil asor. tisot waocernl. coem, wsn ho wssii gel tae bta Finance ttlcecler Do Lugit..i bai the big room tsoyeorasogooanihe sod be didi'tIsant tlb hauaslagin. lt »e the lbfinance direeler wsstlb 0.11 of mooy commnne by delegole- couocilioros ho taougbltaey tisouli bave o roon as big as Mc. L«ugbe.'n. Titis yeor tlb dlegatas vere plcked but there sas only ou. comntuabot lbe sleeping occonnodatioon. Cotioillor Birln Pemon soud, "I sont tlebig con.. Iis yer." Mc. Lmomgei vaon onvacotion etItlb ine of tlb isecusion, so ho couli ott .oy he ousiibgati le baud one th big rocom gels tis yeor. IGN THSE <'ARD Stosc Rond Malt sn Guelph bas a 1r1i;b!r.,im'obon gaobnvrbdtbow. As rg r veunvei-lcta a ga rceding cotte, accanponoed ity s four ity six fot greeg sardin lesutmontl prisse Citau on is fortcomisg norcloge le ady Dlena Spencer. Everyone in levtadt il heII b 001 and aiguthe cori, frons fis.RoylICly loe b.Rcyal couple. Neuioe0 ea royal ions. SORRY. LASE WlsolneM? Scientiste bave developei o bta cotrof pin fer doge, teblit minimismmes àfumai.dog's "bul" pins ouid cms " prenant cen- optl on nsu fMer Ustlol. Ilalus ovailebla tarougbCnadencvtorln- artos THSE WRONG PLACE Bellevo iornsol, Iis tory le Irtie. A reporler seollng a omennl nn a Mlnltry cf Ibota spcbmnsn,calti! the Ministry. A cmmnicnations offIce. sai be dldal bao b. miseeIe comment mlgSsl bavelloble, u "cveryooiy bhu e il ci." Slcb' AI lbe Mnlstry of Hoalth? Doeon'I sey mach for lbe resI of the coostry, dem Il? NAMEOP TSE GAME Toilys place cfomalaie informatin: Mois ta.gaine of bhoy voncanai ployatginct: 15e, umlng convoi sticks lbcln bsbn an oomebair bai as a pecb. If on ledin na. hurt In thegaine, he alei outl"" hi"sl e the Indien, sord tan "hurt". Eucapern.s. not rcdccstandicd. bbbock> rand r rtbi krbbobby tlbab PLOWINO 5MATCHS Datassihone boen anonemcd for tale year'o Version cf l the nelea Ploinlg Matchisonf Parn Mecblsm'y aSho. Il wi11 b beli et Cross ii ne.n 0Bari, le Slncoes Csty, Tummiy, Sp.2 uo Sstuwioy, Oct, 3. Htoln wi hve aerel compollloe and o nombon cf local peoplc alissys displayet aI r islt l oth e ten show. IlundletjuhafWforos.,b ledeytlb IPM »urne.boit raiain urbain pe*pe Ins ms>sap. Me* s daes nyour conu, oui poletago. News not ail bad One year ago Stceeenls n laen tale eel #le cao.for apr ouet laeaehble bismu Ibis lmQE- Plaitiswon ainmîoumrtt s W.àsosiy restrcting the nnb.a owkrn piektmte 10, feletebsa e fsea *mm ieRosl tenebooulilat lob seio llaenot Ilolosne" lP0oel Vent "t ontine outsdli lieu oerub le ML Laimarn maet mlbill itbrboecunplealetsor lay choiarml eiet Pole. offie.. teitis e - et Mile2n Mitsun b tebo muncltom furols. te =ees ofl aman nue Aoelolo f in1s cf Ontarle me.etig nToronto. Four b rmPomon, Blanoe ilBon ro.d OClmnti oui Mayor Don =eitn . =0 % M men ievte ovot uoioli, l lunane. Droctor Don lhe =iymnoeam t obrt Baldwine Se"olomli tb osclteont utlsrsday aflornocueni te tiouts esoltoi onxlony fer Uibr boioprInIpl o ltulerwe lmbsgodby Mr. Lentbbainusprincipal of Ulba isce il opened ix n dayorumg i 1 clpel of Sont ilion-tt se"tie. Lr 20 years ago An l-ngt mars"bowor bab. by tbsn foresonBruce. MeKon- oui bicstabff5- pontedai oraler obortoge Tuse.iy ofte thelbmoissater lils, leMilles ses rlppoi OP=Oby aetonstrocllon mmole Cousetlte lr cOMMîte.ebolohimnnU Ri lonroiltlb town le bis car Tt"ie seler frbob .o.e aelb ilsat r theru bylb siImornleg, but tlb-moan nt l lei04.30 .m. P. L Robortso onyemo bave orm les anos controct bw b co flefcou raeseleo abaie rota of $170 an hoor. Averge wge whilb 82.00. TemSScots Pipes anou msctins ll a site Vancouver Searclebl Taole Millen mombern, wiLII&peni 1,0 we.b len BC. A $W,0t10 court btouse, reglstry office- i adminisltation building for Sallses ComtlyCotundil on Steele.Ave, le Milesn counIl orirxilheorchiu e cu ut g0ai lbe fri11., leluing ao 'gomu" front outrance. Millton Boey Scouts bave seil.ctoi ovor 20,000 ptois f ncr oer sa-p main] drive Ibs onta. Enni Conseiluhon lcremo s l member' solary, frcm 1$200 le $500par yoor. Tii. lerb, troosoer, oséeonor omi roondsporlneenonl sre glvon $Io0roe le bcngthberlaris e.le$4,000 50 years ago From the Jaly 2 tut bssus A ficeo0f onbaoss octal. pactly iestroyodI JN. Ruidels bsne in Esqumbig ut w1oe. Durleg tlb nevere electricolalec.. mon seijbo1loveW borme.andicoIlle = W iNelsoTownship. Hx trnyWlI. wlil munt et tac home fMalInRoblo.o, on Woeâoiy, Jsl y ta, et 8 p. on Rdclil-reclpon for, As Ilit sli bcomly le bui ta. p penotre roi belen Torosto ani ,to i lesmilbhecvennonl wl nontprocoo itlthlb sou bgbwoy fer soone line. A bandsome travelieg case woo presontai ien ME. Crnie, for tac pool olojit yooc.principal th b roota public noboot, isba hm reolgne o, itsbecharge cf Ben1 sêbool. Petllon are bisa circoltttrough- ont te province ooblng ta. gonorsnont le, oolborlo ta.oe of hber le grocery soes. A convenu bas otcondy biecsmode le c = ,l prsof 10011.. sotnty. Pro wPoes eo bas boens a nembe of St. Potultaite Chorcit choir for 351 yonr, bas re.Ignod. Thic choir pcose.ta hlm swltha obatllul bymnsbeok. Mr. Poocon bas beun escisi sita choral soi choir vonk foc ta. tout 50 yeacs OakvIllc'nla rota e nM0mifin. 75 years ago Prom tac Joiy S. t1M lue On Saturday on Oisogh girl, asei cght yer, metlwlthahocbleg aci ct. Her tae oe syfrom home soi tac =mawes soniotas o mourir. lHe okei lbe l11110 girl tl e l Mo ashlp. She iiion but isaecoiof besi tto 1.hlm, cI tnrucit aI tac bornes. They moi..a suddeo olert in spite ofth5e mon, and thre fibves caught one another missortuae. A trse bt 0cr lace beily. Mc.oaid ri W. J.Armostrong, cf Toronle Joctio we e iteowne Soniay. Mc. Amstrong, teho le scetary cf lbe voonleer lrcmes'sA Aocition, oocomponled tlb Milles firorneto eAdtos on btonisy. Jobn SondaiS, fSimorty o Silver Creeb, le dylt inlt ailjehr, isshj% iwu ceMitie n eber 904 bocamsebvasw bljs d omouible pronie for bIioulf JailrVan*m in lemoai bon as cSn- forabi.e.npeisible. Steil e l timno ubeomAu ssroierme inTle . Coneln Smono lb.egno ansàidigroce le ta. Clemî uf Itallen, "aoMue as b dwl e abaibn mon tle jd, but proiei for eloeoibme.