Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 1981, Classified & Real Estate, B2

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32 Thi.Canadla.Champion. Wed., Jul ,1981 PICK STRAWBERRIES ERIN PWONE 1- 519-833- 978 STRAWBERRIES Pick-Your-Ovn and Ready Picksd at »rha Farm' formerly Kleley'al To ni. wes of Trfalgar Rd. on 15 Sideroad, imI lne pot second bridge on corth ide. Rhebarb is nso evaileble. 877-6236; 877-7976 OOSoml STRAWBERRIES Pick yoer omo o> Gord Greigs, 1 Mi. onost of Tafalgar Rd. on 15 Sidercad, f in ine past rdokO on north aide. Gord & Poulette Greig 877-7632 HOSTIHOSTE0a sedo lyDeyu WAITEAiWAITRESSES Ful tmopoiioen 0008 PESOOh FOR OPIONS Pt. 1&0Se. Nght FONT DSE CLERC Part-tmo158811m4o Aepio ln fomon 53mm7-Guelph Une & 401 CUSTOM Ntrosono CompbolIvilI ROUND PUREBRED Miatur~e Nrs BALING Fosabr f810. 070. BIG BALES 7u07- Part ime for busy C LRY WANTED home, oral surgery offices. CALL RAY fr00018 la10 for 8 -- 1 878-6122 1101he id pat îîecbo Must be wîîîîg og Lob 6end Golden ranel belweeo after 6P. M. rotrover. 878-640. Milon and 10807WEEK 014 0Pu1OSMioioaugo. BALSO 500 fo selo, fot MHesîr 520e"Ci pick0d-800in field or 84206. 828-2733 n tho 0l*ld4 3S 5110 MAINTENANCE Lu tLne flarm,07-4070 MECHANIC FITTER OUAt îdiL er el. orO We requisee skliîed pero o 0filI C nfconcy drts..6. 8-2502 or 8A- in our'omaintentnce team. Knooledge of 021. mechenico> equipment es weII as F&M Equip«ntI 1fneumtico or hydraulicS would bhaun Rotary Cutter asseit. W. offer compacitive waga., benefit 5', mfg. O.M. W.b- package and opportunitv for adoCoceonent. AS NEWD. Bouer 854OM0 4514880 ~~~50Ba80 BRAIIIPTON BRICK LIMITED FORD fruofor, ON, goo .foam26 HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION REQUIRES CLERK-TYPIST LOCATION: Mfo istrict,000 gî Sool 3MNWiliIams Ave..06100, W40010 CMSEDUL6- 36 houpar ok 12 monuhs Poy",o Ths posiieowl eiii 064,04and4inciueo COOo40000. eetn dliesand deplictig. Aominimem11ypin dupoian eSOpme. ouldoldokan44OdOne Thspoin wil omeine oAugtc1.1981 and an applictienlfle,,, noob iained fienl Ticprsonnel Dn111000 TheoHaltlo oarof cIOeali 250Guelph Line. Ooîinlcl 878-451, .1.210 W- ALeeIn EF Laender Chirman Drce APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN Must hane compled 2001 or 3r4 year Dolen wili incueorepoirs le Iork lifts and miner repors on molers, Hoers oi werk 8 o m.-5:30 v m, Excellent cemoanypaied benef is MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD. 6TH UNE WEST 0F BRAMPTON V, Mile Noiih of Steeles Avn. Retail Management Opportunity Thot Bonîn MIII C. l pnweaoty looing fo, o a.aoo tenlionor«ea. 8.004 0004100mgaooout apaoela oa 0à bey equstte am e 4d o en ou eio8uol lenb sO«t ed wdetaseà» 1W~00te8ot ou 6 TIesadme Ok Mi.Coaipany LI. MLSE TO rom Neasihara 14111044M., 44X a«t M HIGH SOHOOL * a sSIAIOS BUSY TRUCK STOP GRADUATES WeeCre GUUTPRE-OWNOD COOKIS: Muet be *xpe en 80 insho't- Dayearo Centre " Om order woek, able to wofk shlfts. pison mnu î4Ontsoe d.Il vp tpknglod ap- a n SrCemu-liSt.. Wbh0 MAINTENANCE WORKERS: Epr-it. itde fl detail. Ecellent Full nuisent chnd I mmo Ag- 2-5. lonce fot noceeaaly. mature, capable in- adveacement. Gond fHot nom kon npos 2 nuthc ncks.ofelar dividuale preferred. vlevssonlitI Bep Lsl8vel luip loac at. Ope @ eVix Oelil Aime Tdeatenff88-041tbolfr- lori pu Mon-Fol 715-615 11 HE oea range an Intrvew. (oot) i&nd rec rgan o uthrifrain wtdCI 1.00 a 04ge ci:semn lire. 0810 ~ RFl+ HE~ LIEGURDS8787652Mals lOe Cali lmCo IFEGUADS 043 1 106îDAT8UN Statien TWJC%(» . l ..» -J ee;îfr010 0160~ cooportlons In Mlton. The Milton Junior 'V0' mîlil, stIck 0101f, Afl 4 hsomD.MitnOn. Peis, eal: conditio.". M'78 400lehImDr. Mhon Ot. i~ Mr. R.ooor Day Cars, Nursery Schoôl ~ eaOOS.1r Et Children's Cnre lm 8DO 10Pl~ STUDENTS REQUIRED amnisti.LoeZ 2L Large Automnotive. Hardware aod Sports Exc ua Rell et. smrAiw, Store located in Milton, requirea Stoideot M M 1 327 BmOOI9St No.S 9ain eeCle it Part lime Help. âlP IVUff.- Colte The positions available are in sllmng. and - .ru. oe as wile are looking for mature and nient ap- D 0Eý1111E 06MD lbE- peering tudento. *t..Zd« t The job offers up to 40 houre par week n n Fuà Dey iote - me P c uaper. Me r I the July aod Augut pariod and part-time Sot Ao on fat of one. LIc. 087300. Cl evenougsa nd Satordays wheo ochool yonuday. oet 000 Ou04hIldCage ceen o bOoelbatlo 10ha.m 5OCruior, resumnes. gome ppI. angavii - a' lforovenrtyens. Applicanto ohould epply 10: Bon 890. c/o CALL ne, owler sge 1~ Canadien Champion, 191 Main St. p o»erbrelsme Milton, L9T 4N9. No Later thon Wednes- UI.A 8Eployent ntat M * oaomulaS %i- cndiion. day July 8th. LmitedflPe0.>oAvailahle 042gaoo20 CARPENTER SeosAppicaots Only For Vour Next Ouallty Used Car Qu" plRat orne., mosloua SEE WANTED: c "H oidMhgdoor,L bath- BEV SIESSOR In.lg.ana mterealluei. SLESOR MOTORS SCHOOLBUS DRIVERS Racrulting _MoNorua17PinetMln Nsw g aoDae 878-1797 ANlhtojHfomby arée or Sept. RN'a &litGrade 8784M - rt cmstlaIm IN 44oot1 Whn yoego veldthtleieo AM. & P. m.rutsa @pardrivtOg Gain exeoee th F O n S 1 ollat Taning fm'BlIcnceoo 00040 *a rety o ltmao O LL VU Fr more Infomaton, «Il: beo ou es ok erer0001s-f W101 hoko mmdite moacs of holograMtlc r C Rs F E W. h uce ciepmao, prompt end4 TRAVELWAYS S0'meopeoineu riendly s$«vice. Cal Cali M aret Richard (416) 8267944.r 877444 ~~~Accuraf, caera*ECLLNEý 87744488445688 Repar,21gee Sht. SALES PERSON Iqn -oî tco l CASHIER FORFLOCAL il cm. 19ref1irn u le Aooroverebsnessool 0. The suIO o.aWhomo RETAIL STORE W0016mb don..ho 1 a cent wol be: logend ale e tm ulcily.Entellesaome dello- »ki .coif"jer mi mllng to anept ooposlhllhy, M anxtrernely a- ery and pickup of ille-0134. *iO7FUa.1 cns avvoil figuras, aod have prolu. if hln stock. Some litigMOlMERS flers, U. Nen Liif *oel00.itli oskers oi nniei, 1i.NL Typlorieodpanoe ldol.rneor mdroqulred. livo in for o. me ason Ma. aaaa»t Rspoolbllld.e leofde: npoatng a Pemo IOPIO in ii 0.11100 0 Ain l ar nBiisoAlloId oekot mil aun.eonio cah reglo. Box 88, c/o The C il- Interviewai by myslf. 1 0bae cngca.h a.d rporte,.popagonofnIVie oChmpion,.191 Man For Irher inormat ion .W$aCAMASO ed Of..Card roololuna, pololea of mer- S.. Millen, L9T4SO. cbliI Marna Mrln, Laii Mh.dI adaaolgd.AnnoReml rTrafalgar PerinolI, U me departmooot. f2W A WEEK full imre ~tiea Thl* l a fu Umospoon no chosela.. aiol-$110 parl-linle. Car i-1 anteo8e.I - 00 OOaOOlI.t lng à rA8e1 nppotnllneh ilof pply. Ouolera.neired.876-169. emw commoosaurae tl «Potone. CHILO cor.e orker. 0. CLERKfTYPIST OihV To amaeea &M Ineview oeil 80e rome et87M- ork airelief 00rker ne.m 8171. 00 Sn.paul.Summet Sopllocal001 COPELAND LUMBER LIMITED enlnn Part OfI3d y0nft-Him troC 050..Couel UYMRTCHOE 7W0 Main St. E., ment orlotedtfaiment 08 l FORA DETERDE4L E Mlton Pleaus d eso rme io riuaeLd colt 70-438-f16. Cicle 07-2894 ______ R-BsRanch,8flO.R. 3 --BAZ MOTORS oL S A Lo. 118 L-i 8UUPeT A DETAIL Mechaoll J eoeo roftsmen,, Inorme-__A____ 87743 Encllent startlng ealaoy. couplod vwlth female, femporaro fl. DPLM ~M EC H A NIC~ tiae iee m aie r ABUiNE S excellent bonus end companty beneif 1. Milon ente rlng Availlblo immedlotely. PleausaapplY Comp 00 Cotact M. IOpocensDE omau Auto Place oRM1.e~, fuet 000 - 10-et 0, er DE O M& LE 500 Steelea Ave. E. m4w» o e1000 190 w rr Miton, 87-0501 FULL finmework on olf 10 C6ohSCcOLLEBIE Oohocomode&l os ner Mo outofmol end 0h00 dleia, ex- M00818001I. 85H2C103, ECU RITY oooîpa e prewored bot- _ not. requit , Contact X UIICSdît ~ BZ IM(I*RS D~~DQrINt Ioh-MrSmth 00r C p.m. à1#i a.'. immediale ll-lîmte position CvaiICbIC Cgond fswwmer. 8yO .00/ silCble opplcanî must Un wllîn o w C a îfim.roreoyras 1.04 hancno OîoO=f 1. pessible rolning ShiftI Reired parionso 001 n un l8t00.570,es applicationsb acceptable. Apply in poroon 21, 0 In1 -I:4r .0 SUPERINTENOENT fn iIet.A S 15 for6f unit epartimWet f"11ý.00. 1"0 MHAD YMA NSSPECIA4L MAAPLE LOOGE FARMS LTD. Phoe (416)> 27769 -00 en00 000140400 97 CEVUo 6thLUne west of Brampton 9.~mt0 0 .8.«a004" ns fl.e:u4n91441974 H0 U.H» 1/4mile north of SfeeleS Ave., TELEPHONE utlcîfors i008.0 efi,8an04 o 0. ___HNDijlMX <Winstfon Churchill bled.) qur.Fule fort-cle.0 :,io1cîBZM TR ___________________________ -TRACTOR trller demp an -- -1S1,.Imd"fe.Ii uau drver refeired, haulino lo.u. -Q pà 00,kA..I1~6kAi 08. WANTED TANDEM DUMP Mlton, Toronto, hutad. n k01en e - ýy euriioton fras. Muet .1,,:. îoy ,1:060fCocI28 TRUCKS FOR SAND ,eaîe L_10,8 bGRAVEL HAULAGE i8004 81101118 record, 2 4, ildi07ngOLACMol..177OM 4o yoors nid or 0. Rpy î~.î0 08084silver ray and truck, veilatIve,îo. 0704m0 Canadien champion, In. .-k gray l t nlor. deysor SI-24200000r3. Bacox Ct,.l191 Main 91e, lo 'Iftooioe,25 u lo adod $1,000. 878-M.f. i78 OMC 80110 210 Str t ilon.1081HEVeik-le Vn.FrotcndrflrtCil Geod rates. Tip located i he Georgetowno1I one S~ 0f cHots"#@,2 ndlo M ISo, Il8 a Snuia. lein 5~~. &oomoU power mnfuiet, monyO Cher ares B- , H.lb-r- (M effri Po 1.0,i etfra.. Vero clasht OAVCR Oeaiahle10 îp0oraill ais, r cdap 0, AM-FM,.$6,500.00 . 87S-26. Caîl 47-796home. ,ROIt*Lt- i-OREMANSIP- l 1072LINCOLN Cl- oeboolonino A rj=: Care of ootto 1f31 CSEVROLET, 2 llnmtàlo, 2 4001 «j Priitr iligîn Instrection cdont sedan, 6 cl. collant mocoalcal 042e0,02O Mis.isCoua. 1-02In1 for0th0.07end e ai r nId. standard,7.5,00oifginal condiltin . r10 801 MOTHER wIl bob 10 2.0f miu$,0. î-o. h10 tI., mu fulteor parI t?~m. MUSIC usionsf11, pn 760 0000vrt etr1980 OLOet210076-l41 seoda, tho-,,-Av , 'on bodya4 00 001, Asigriser Wgo S Cotla.e CLERK TYPIST Meu.oO îornmioî'. RaI 82,L2001Ford hall f8Crto1n18t0 00010 Ouneol Offe lc CInooadod 1.011804 0010 01,0 Pak ... peserARC. 0878-8 ir.., leeds body0e o onmafl.go pi. ir sifi.,, 100h pe.ed ncereoy. lb 871. 76-12322.ed tranm ueZor . coOdiriolO In s mnch ApplcatonsI riion y 108f 000 401 4O.18 ni MOTHER 0 cf éar .old - 0. Un0sm. a o- more. ESolelent uloo. offeru aopeIanc d -PrlcedI»1for hi01 elucoloo. .opelemo aied tunoMc«.- rolable d600W.. 0f1llonr. Ppoo wer171 00 er, rfdio, s.Ie Lic Cro76.CI MitoHydro-Electric Commission fort flimta. Chlcl.---------ferualo814 o-gonocruer 258 Main Stront Eas, Milon, Onnre aree» uef.oc ijC. ulins lachvau, ar coii8alin07ff-7f19. .000ED an004 011014 ' Oio.- r OP llOS10f - PLyMOUlfO - . . . ............ MOTFO î o. Fi hl0~l 8 8_80050 n c ee c am oper In Ai-o-f-R--.f ? -1 : theopîlof l bidre ClOliiO.008n0 h FoIt deaieeohip n :006,10e Flt ra10 plut ncnino. EceletImohitg condi- CElTe ILL OR KON Career (ppertunity jenIletail Shees Olumfcediona: Ag- greaoiv, wlling 10 haro, Mie.odontod. Aoply In pron: Maher Shosa Milton Mail PLUMBER ünmichie's' e moe>T.0h4 for mainOtnance Ilu SOc SonIoII Shoni.nmolinnCforoe apormeet buildngs. 11781062. momeot e016 hoir 001.100[04O f 988 PART TI06SbObOSi811hl111n0Il10Hll, requIlet orO2 0ildraO. RogioI CoAi s art01 lOaftieu. 6ou 2 & Saveu. rs omfiaîai! 1-27-7509 fM.ae& .7014.UNATTACHSD-0 osoofm.hpm WANTSDbbY$îner 8881.0.100 10, catil Sfor oiasIa 0018160Rotoi.atos 00010 li lerOevca. LM., SBOmptoot 4161 . r ed. 1171-0MIl1- 45-661 olActofI M PRESSER g 21, 1 .,n. M,-5m 4oyRTIifSlocl dy ITNES ta o0cciet relmr.i 1u. Ex- onThurae, ,IouarO 8. paaPlfa ut 1901 eaf"0. . on pgarauo poafrUM astrafoceo rmpofr000 P«-gh0eMgOHm 2 00401 00. - ma.I4 -i.tua Cell Jarry or 0170eCmi.an JoneulSBoa r f unOro.I0 878-287 R= ROS oelc lseculefaf bebumoe8 b 4 S Bouc A-i Quality checked recnditimefd bikts 107 KO 125 Kawakl .......$ MS8GSOISuzukl ............$9 1M70Vaeeha DT125 ..... $79 22m078. ITN O0q 16466 BOAT end moon, 121 19m iRlUMPo,75f lomilomocor top boaef SoriemilIe. Orbiial î 1975Chryller 9. eOIIe, Rasil SOS catch.67m6104 lfe@ aclolo, 0018 e04 97110. As la $lmo or 0010, 441100 $790. certfi $1041).0. 174M 6-437 or7a-7692. 01 0,2 .8. lm0 fiBRELINE 1975 V.W. Trl. 0288M0cc, Brracude 14 fi. skl 3Silsargel. 50011.bat,00 'MR,89.marc 01160 ha. 5000 11104Onfloard aeod Orller. moe. Must00f 1 t.m tac, ea.45m.Oer, of best Cffr. phone irbane both~ .m. 004nd 0 10nk, frip04. $_ U.0 a.m. 0,7g 0 or 5.0~0 .80-18801. MERCIJRY mefor, 4 1971 CORSAIR fr0001010Cie = ,a.. odle bMn fr01181. 17-est, leffu et .7e-2f sin. sf000. W&Yfret 0i108h018 0000Y1 foo II, 0.0t .*olnoiet, ctt Aiso -to. i0. conento Fihoges., Kun0.î mixer, f28. loclodos Aieminurm cnon 1970 LIONSLh1400fp L anedel caa xscellentif meeors 8odf . 1.9M 6 Marc utouerd, tumO. ce ba., 311e1, Maî,oecea.anoed asîiig 82. 78-006 CRDIT RIVER orpa87.45. 8PAT Co. * BC&oluMtm M ORVAL CLEARANCE SALE 87-O Goa.4 aed basapok- ai 501oMng motooou 11Cm $2M. INVEST $3,800. Serf, Ai's MarIe 82At8y.rly, ralIng Acton s20.010 Onoback con- as-om tract. 001110 Ecoaloel 6ot7 MIusaOga Rd.. Min muce 0. Oýt. LUN s 6uthuSOpMduitOu 266.1-764 .1821- $30,000f GUARANTEED BUY-BACK CONTRACT Rait ledeetloa.euboiteon oVeet hnrmnt. gargor barn etn 1hoîpart utée Iovesatmon.t Ifuired - $M8. 00 WRITE: 00100e Eceinoicol SYst000 effl Misosauoge Rd.. M"ýugeaC..0. L5N lAI OR PHONE: tue thy Milto863-3208 osgl.u.omeo Eeeoo Seodaos LINGERIE riealler l001100 for porIn Milton orai.00 OR0. ~rtuni y 0.afatrt 000 .I.. w810. 581011 ALAN in1005fmon, oeil 416-232- 7471. ODENBACH ~FlIw l "Od"AuctiontgAn- m - tiqes Et. Specîlty Foî ATTENTION rmorîqga.. GýaI"ae hoiers. if 000001ol 878-2945 tiret or second m08 n e end0 00116oul Ic. te oa.fmeOt w or@ lot DOUG E. DONALOSUN taraitod. Pot- Mora Infomation, coeIl 50.00 Aci.O.,o KoIIOI.84S-3814. noire nl lypes-nynhtîo MORTGAGE 10000 for home .Improeenotto. 878-2940 reflIncig en home Rf2O. Gorgowno perchoite corn.81- - n- - torms. C@1 1401 oelto. 1364-4662. For Campetf Aiicîîen Servi-ep 40h10 incuod ho MY mieisael~5leArmeNor-O mand ln 0My nan O afl thi dta3J0S 22, 1981, without My mîitten signature. DON COLUNG AUCTIONEER PhOtte87MS ou main a,0W. 9-R. No. 1. mton. 174oo0 SalesoflAli Topo, Tel. 8782576 R.f.-3, Miton,o.01 Ward Brownridge Lkaotd Auctionmo Fam - LIonoo Funiture Sales' Phone 878-6730 Appoodla -Af lypta 074mt1 frr DIe*olei. MASSSY F01818500 N. 10 baller. ln 00rklno ordaraOMl207. TouCh b Go~ Farms *H.mo.arIJuolpOro fo s.ol 854-2391 034in01 ARABIAN fart rd yearling fil 10, ALKAN grenolaghter. MSt si.l ease ceil416-473- BLACKSMITIl Sen. DeFrml. Normal end Corrective shoeomn, 0 2, Gergetown, 4168a7. EXCELLENT Affl Iodasmre, coler le, Il vOrsol 01, 11011 q1104.aie 001 g gedfo r 01004en at. 15 h.. 011004 to soiloe I $1000for 500.. FR~EE horebool riditro av& iiObiO 10 rasposiblO adet. 01111110 t. = -ri10. ri d en dy kli. 7725777 &afIn LIVE white.gmai. 878- PLEASE helmO b Westrn Sig Hon S0661, B11610. rtout CIelr -Enilon Pser FREE ta 9M04homo s00011 ml terrier/ - $PAN ,EL 000. 0006 mith oldr.e79-lm «.h f. M . 8 f fieSta-flood hMM, 8 110", mtfn~ 81 osie om04 710 m4e 2 10r80R04

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