Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Jul 1981, p. 2

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2 The IC-ata Cham pio=, Wed., Jaly 1, 1981 How to hide a TV tower Cnsmicll bas nu abjection ta a 25-tc mcroave toer being erected in Naaaagaweya ta 8api Y able television programming ta, pet- pie bvngminGuepi Tite toser moaidlite erected on Town LisejuI sertit ot 15iSiderssd and theiland wouid bieased by McLean-Hater. Cabie Cmpany represeltative Peter Pfflweia -id te Iser wouid bie abacttic5 etctiser ia beigitt iaa rron. wrbia md a t samepapaebtieaattertaocatiacn. o h Mr, Pflweia said te lamer tn oniy iigieogit itA pssa lise ot ighttbeaun"of Asericaa programng ramiite tomer, over thte escarp- ment, ad ta receîverlinGGuipht. Cascillar Bill Joémtasaid ha wodered lu, te frm mauid beep) a potmise ta use vistai aida isibide the taweraad out make itabitruitve. "I dntI bouc mitI iad af a baller you're il, mng tasuse inobide a 200font toer," lieouid. C ounllr JiWatson said lbe baped te Cou- paay wouid do soeting about ssppiying table tetevisisa ta rural rondeatsofotNaanagaweya. MrI.eiein sid is ftm oiy dms Guepit. and for Nassgaweya lieabhoad appraSci Hatton Cable. Mohawk said fine by town Mus ito otcti wouid act abject ta te Niagara Ecarpiuneat Ctmmissioanmsoazn a deveiopmeat permit i n lewa $5milliion expsionaoftae Mabawkt Inn. Previousiy te botet teS under Mitons "aigitmay commercisl" deignation bt wbea te NEC tok over catoi aofte lando, tius deignationteas ronciaded. Hoever, Miltoa Pianer Bob Zadanyt sald dscussinswitbotei representatives bave beea beid and ait areasottcontention can be reaaived. Mr. Zaadanyi naid tere mold tien initial oit- jectiams, bt Stheawn till reserves te rigbt ta make nsre ait specitîcatîansmeemontodaas budlding andaoning reqatremeata. Town crests for champion teamn CCi iicî mtg'va$20 talocal ttona winch itii repireenat Milton at ite National Bitottieboard CbaPiamlaipn ta bebhetti n Regina ta Octaber. Thte Milton tea bas aiready won tour of ive eventa InteteOntario Shuftieboard cbaupion- siips. Audrey Baverotock snid te tea nanta ta, give out Tomani ilton cruits at ite cbampion- sip giles, baltlite toma dame;nt bave surit an item inausliitatfcrested gifla. Ttterstot'e, Mrs. Bavecatacit suggested a dans- ion of $M0 hiscit moaid be em n a prcase 1W Milton ams. T"orequastmaaspamsed by cooncili Voting members Mdlton Casnt bas olectad ils votiaZ daegaita Inbte snsal Asociation of Mnicipalities Ot Ontario convention weiitwill liebhetd bortly. Te voting meuiters are Mayor Gord Kranta, Casaciflars Jîta Watson Bria Peamnan, snd Rose Harrison. Casancitior lrad Clements ia afresdy s vting member as baeis on theassociais Mr Clemonin noted te AMO agenda is excep- tioouity long ibis year. One of te major iteins is s resolution by te Cty o St. Catharns on regionat govroinent. Titt city bas been sniiappy witreionalista Bileste egisOnl Muicpaity of Niagara van irttaoried in 1979, Oh deî tCsnatous Pg. il lTe cisutry te in laver ni tsebout. lai Yser Il W" sit diapponted aimait evss"jone mb. Of r U=i t, ed 1,000 dsarm th. Matnlatry Stnt b ould th elpolai. Bouera versas alaot t o = , gruamtii eh condrth ie only - boive atetoi. ta additiontemnabr of butera w miutled ta 1,0wO-750eof laam lad ta b.WMon risidinla. Tist ysr teMtttry bis bonlers, but te ais- bnie 1" ed y It a"asrejScledte asation liy te tammitiSsa so chiarn BIH Jaono tat oy but bo restrlcted ta emet spot mitera do ee ud watar. Hr. Johnso niad caratuly boundarled Top students named Te end aofater acbaai yer in Mltmon a marked lisi wiskb iy awardaaeabliesmiicit aerved ta itonor tadents' aciieveusatS trosgit te year. lTe eigitt publie ocitouis itou recogttlzed bot atietit and acadetait atitievementa of gradutng tudesis, escit bavisg lis suc unelaad oaIbaoeisg lis tep ppals. Rabert Baîdma At Robert Baldwin acitooi tidenss are dividedlotoahbasase r Grade 4 and 5 stadisis, utast oaIwhmtretelved an avard of sonee bld. lite cooli tep is atiteai mitawonte mout amarda ttailg elgiti eacb mre Grade 5 titdeais Ainanda Bais, Citis Grsa, Dlisi Ceonîle, CAria Harriaon, Anifrem Klrbmnad and Sevis lis. Sam flairat Leadrshp amarde mere gien nsataCiria Marcacci and tUn RadsSt miile progresa amarde mre earasd by Siarinine Suiv and Kevis Grvais. Tite prncipa'oaard vas presenteil by prin- cipal JaonLezta Jsdy Hughes. Craig Brameridge and Lisn Waiiter mre reciplenis o atademit swarda and Ciris Marcocci and Trseey Young wmou recognizati ao tep ainiates. Peter DeLitta vas ouuned mot iuproved student and Traeey Yong wmou recognized as tep atietes. Peter DeLaca mas namsd mot itapransti stidttiand Tracey Youmg reelved te eitoniitp ivird.' Staidanis aise reeelved sabjeet amande iaciadisg commuication anis, Lis Malilson; matematita, Sasan Doberty; atteste, Liai Waibar; sociai sciance, Jolie Camspbeli; art, Peter DeLsea; mulc, Robert Holiday; frencht, Lias Andrems. Jolie Campbtell mas valedit' tartan. Mrtia Sreet Tara Lyon Robortion mouseuaed tep stadeat and tep academici mare Christi Love amd Hai Huter. Mlcielie Hidiey and Ricitie Grrird reeelvad bout atlaete avards. irsabvie Grade 8 stodeata retatved avardsintesaab sabbact arm, isaludhttg isagoae anis, Anna Mueti; mat, Tiumy Harvey; social sciante, Stepitanle Brgsai; science, Ritaiie Monte; multc, Brad Stenital and Layia Jazaiy; Frencht, Andrea Yeiiaasi; pitysitai education, Deisie Kennedy and Kevin Bradiey; boue aconsmies Basnee Howard; tedotriai anis, Citris Mctlooald. Vaiedittarian Montas Halier vas gîvan s tomuermorative pis- qute. Etaine Elrtcti and Chita Lasi ert amarded as tep academit atitievers. Jas, Desyes Grade t stdest Jeramy Urmin mas naied tep tsdent and Bey Wirb mai reagnissd as top pa- ticipant. Maie amd tuinle atietai5ofte yesr wmou Gary Francis and Sandra Beascitatp. St. Petr Parta Rager mas recogolasd ai mail iupraeed atant amd Michael Lame and Harissa atted as vaiedictorian. Studeola mou asima various sabets te-i eiadiag, iangsige anis, Liai Smillai; mat.unatica, tdieitae Good; scise, Stephan Guanig; Chistan tehiawutp, Dons Lilte; dtery Asitis dols Haritdit mad Caoity Vansa. Hly Rsaany CAPE,, meaniag Christan attituide, atiiveins, partici- patin and effort amenda mre gloeta tadeata represenllng te scitools tre Grade 8 ciausea. Tbnae amandeti mere f MSte Hangaith, Mry t Osocit and Liasc Waterhtose. N Top stsdenis wmou MUte Heooeiterry mnd Annas Brra, tep r basitbaUlpayou mou t Aadrom ar an d r Jenifer Puces, top j voileybaii ptaers wmou Kevln Judddns and Anast Barra. PereyMarey Bsta Sitepiterd caine ta te atitasi ta riat a ispecial imard rdeoutdt te scitoi y ity l'ie amard ws givon ta, Grade O stsdent (Dennis Augutine 1or balag tep all round stitdent, ex- celliag te everytiig tram, citizenship te, sparte and acadetaits. Ctlseouip amande mere receved by Bsrntte Bals and iarren Drywaod. Town wants control Miiton Counci]lias sel- flad te Niagara gatidelius asel ilfte fni- tan Reglon Conservation AtorlIy makai ap- pie tuote taid a nom dn atiton tbuilding mont of Caupbeiivtile. lThe NEC ban boan teid te tameresemvon tbe rigittela comment an aoy fture pians ofthSe HRGA bo botld admninistration offices ai aoy futuire date wbea aittb plans ara sait- mitted. file ni oete HRCA la rnng out of roum Ia the ofIces il renta, on Main St. and HHCA ex- pets terentaI tee for tia affice space te rniseia te futu. er!!! Hunt expected J a a m W -,usisma thSe ait report oun is siydba. lithe. ela de daitter m fris on apsede wae ieln tiaa b. aiiswsd. wasara onisiais ai t teamasbtanmaJPo t.iti imm tide todd reuast outalde teluits on s w ais esa.W boaaadt tsar a prina r or isd" ba lanit ad aftlethe entrate t pr -rtbtir ,.*Rdssr iîd, Tiisreasmasaddata ier oni. UprCs But cSmmeli ady w miiwaids0 e utaqueliil Tib bitS d lhe Hates NarvL dot lie aisaeibit e id e te 0asgratntaauses gla l dhsr iousa. a Strd tamUondatlo aSt amgsa dnsb mIIIIiWII ni lte tassiittsa, ltaitacrapo by, e l in ta ovooa0 itheMtry "coader usa mpsctsdte be very Np*Otd OU a 90 Pipe Band is funded ..aml'a MMt Mitnanmd District SBiadmsid te nstP titraUgiasthSe reglon," lf . 1 Pipe Baud vIS recilve a moe money to mmen. inlie.dI $200 grant fromthelit iso "lite vaot uijarlty 5ofGamfiliam vise tolti GPO lit pe= bondtmas ur mambers are tan tx odteolyba 13Mh la pr aIHitonR~a taieaReglon amd are bersand bu ttne wH i ani b.raevi I daiiald. tat liair tmpetilsas,87M4 =te--mdit otlnets dedet 4 appoatt lSts CuinS a $ mIOU giva te bandi $000 ram I l i r»aa= ii ir amd traditi-onf tite $22 It buoadni ai e dsa bond areryJldgisd activitios n-s yar for g*d ol asit- Ttsedpy Memorial The Carrier ADO Fox services laA P AT;PrGMs Twmmuriliservites toaii l aitue. Il tein Fuel Costo In The Enorgy-Tl ilii b. b.id te Misloieid ai 5 pis. ttordnVa= ha Tbamdiay frthe S te ais i lt te 2 Y.m. oua' Terry ~ ~ ~ r--r aMaIo iveieig tVa' OROERIVOW ANDOGET UPT Hope ranoar, wb. dled couver. Sitaday la BC. N aeaPrb- MlinlteriliAssociation ta (Guelpht Line, ml oldIb itnad are 5Skeodjs u f 1 8 0 1 planning a 5 pis. vigili tmamorisi service Tititru- Holy Houary Chtireit, day ail 7 p.m. Ai are MartiniSt. whdch Laoffl maicome. *£ _____________________ HURRY! 1 s FOD R eI FN *CI * aring ighl I >ta HOW ITWORKS: ht ln etTheat sPump 055050 s â h an pucopsi o aSs.oi D hotsas ter, itopi sha o'i 01 y00 1,0eý Ad nS o aidd O u, *Ossed O on xmumf»daa omevnet gua Suueg the "OFF OIL"-pragtsuv. CallugtoodaeltI EUnsIas ascis lllton t50ttaasiedtaoiapt Appance Refriger.Uon Commen Hoatlng 605 VmI stE L 7lu For your new building Stran could weII be the way to build 111111 [~.I rnjob Stran Th.way to buildtday- Pro-Eng Buildings Lt. P.O. Box 244, Stroetsville, Ontarlo L5M 2B8 <46)270-0747 <41'6)854-2780 gitan-Biset Bai mni==velofti WatelRt e n 811 mt iCantadiaen Campay lose1= tnad MI, e Yd 4 V(416)1884-9117 rnzi, Lm Leadmg lte and fotrces. Mms. Dcbbic Kilmor tof Limehouso bold te d.e h.an ptbllc mcigSe reassus suggested by thecMhnlabry of Natirol oesnironfor ang the hunt arc baaod on onimates which arc probably inaccirate. à

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