...........................................c- Here's what's planned for you on Canada Day Isa isggst and bcntCnada Day clbrineer preaetetSill ea t aery Park i Oic ed e 0 c1 iaetdicMiic drmlhtr icikenseBrcer Dunbti gBooth; Oie Milten Senior CiinenaClub 88 psnclfr Milic e cricisiaseng aet10e cmraces. Tnc, :ailtnLissClb OeMiltn Jeycece. and Dieptey ced tanine "nt:cd ie Milles Miner 80dwh l k tffial0t Noon-4.Ia p.m.: TIen Milice Parks nd Itcrctorany eibr chcllr:ngr. Banchait Auiiary Food iBooth. Piese nte Rtary a iacewiltiscislpcforh crsvi.eluba Dcpret it aoffer btreiiminitatienee 02t:30 p.m.-4:IPs.Miltes Jayeean bout Oic Park inidditoniteicbove wt alsohaOite ceefor andgeutwncpctheAlo0 cedastisark nlesg wlth mfty dlapinys, penny dives, and a bubbe ChOu-ee cand Fnmly ea ai Roacry Park. lnctud- appt. habbicg, tudge beOit, charceal sketces ancd Oeut a brnhsaeadtdinilsctstO vltisa thOpol Tis ahll iRotary Park. ..cd ara distance race i age clan, Orcc-ieggcd, msoic courtany of Mayor of Oie Maket, Gerge widup lsteVann Ji ie.ayecFireWerka et p.m.:TIe Canadien Champion "Claiemo l" bharcew, ncck race, plggy bock, cii tous, tenne. [ ~hDhpsnycathlceumi .tae.or tise Mille.C« CuntCeicptebles" in a betiontoc",and frisbee Oirgw,.0 7 p.m: Tb. Hilton Optimint Club iii sponsor Iotlle mtgli saheevonisby isse and descrp- a tisch tbhabnamcat Rotary Park. *4 p.m.: TIse Mlin Sprlngers mit pertorce a gym- buOiiah raceacrecOssiit e iod. tin I : 3 p.c.: Tbe aatleCup Tug of War ioitent nulles dispicy. 'a p.ss.: ilse Milles Jnycce Jase Concert tester- a 10cam.-4 pmce TIse MiliceKinames Club miitatore Oie micerniftant yer agathnbon s t race Nore or: MOltos Rota"yClub Bfoon Race isg Oic Eccetsor Jazz iBand fres Onterio Pince. SphxDerby. Pinc S. bctmce Chalce ced Cee- chalengers. ced Bechaque mlithOie clubs car dram i a: 30 p.m. 0 Dunk; Tise Milles Jeycees miltpresesit aiclusa uis. .,0ibh.cioas for ibis avantTrneby OSargant FermaFteg Football Tente it go and dmesfront 7:30 p.m.tne1a.m.; Mills eeCu ireworsmwindup toCanada Day. teete-~aunnts ionN2lYrP > onpi rluauL. isiUIIIr-S ervi heCommuivfor 20-- - - - -!] VOLUME ifiS-NUMBER 7 MILTON, Everything lé riding on 0MB-Site F ruling fly Jice RoinsOnR W ah a coternpt of cor iennf loornlng Fnlday 1lm90MB iearing evdence wiicis prom pted tise 0MB rnriiq at 10 arn., Miton town officiais are ho « 10 declare 246 acres of land near Termaine and they wlfl Bt sione word on a motion t have tise B mani Rda. a dum ct. dilar ias order to tart rezoning Site F an a garbage It te tisen expected tie earing officera will infonse dannp. tise town by tomorroinwisetiser they wil consent te &M.defer tiseMrcis 5, 1960 order 10 Btat tise rezoning; or 0MB heanlng officensA Mf Chapsean and EA tiey wli conflin tise order and demand thse town Seaborne are expected to have re-retad ail tise June 15, ment tise 0MB wises. 36 PAG.ES-ta CENTS 9ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. 1981 BIg attraciln. Tier. were not msny chlcren on Mamn t. tatuiraay wno did't have a baloon ici iand. Tih. he *um-ftled bublons aold on tise street made for some decision making for 2-year-old Natalie Crecca and her stter Jessica as they looked at the many colora offered. The perfect awn- mer weather made tise official opening of Miltowne Centre a well attend- ed event. Semimalisurpa9sses& hopàes.- of the DBIA Ey JaseHuiler Evcrywtsrc aieg tha siraci pcoel coutd fi bcgas wii hundreofetMltanlans hbcembncd areand an avant or dancing inte isrcandcendcd wth a day dJnpay. tttced wiib avens wblch aat d the anme Ter. wn=pcin tedu an watt tcluding crowdl astngt e SelgOdsmblng afiadniOche onClub dusiking Thecoapo f MüLlwnc Cntrc wu Mt oot h. anly blcmcd wttececloent wcaliser Frldny tenystnpfucatao and atsnday tiba sertoftcconmlly Hri tt ,si pfu saso mansisrs ..scass.de fa Itforce intbe Oisrt cernplctiwlth a raishaus f point nMahcetthc long awallc avnt a vicec"&n clra and btrusoas Ciildeon wiosaici Ii»abseniceoafcm ns Si ma efr lhir cratitvity atis" pnpuar dlapicy wera i frnceteait ca" wicb avanta wo cas givon c prisa. co t h e Oi atct inlcis' h' m lsrmor e.activittn od te Oice mnecdw t'a sili- s yaecgaicee ieci a cvant-inqutat, Sgonin -on .csieoed ilion agioas ced W h ic balaci is contea rganleers kapi thc tact wclll bdton as Ï cvoyihtawmwuaaou u" d cortahdly cnlmog. enehainng g. Oe toms ced jseesosiderad lte havecramiica- tonsfr gieter Oies jut designtief tend an a ianllery anedilsite. iihusid M. Cbepne cend Mr. acaberne dacida te dater Oe rder, an hilotes lue- quetinil hsueunsethe tememillne longer ha le cetempi ef Oe oMB and Oic auprece. Court herisg erbedsted toc Frlday more- ingwiithadropped. But nbteld Oic OMB derida lisoMarcb 5, iato odr la ssil in lefct, ties Oe tememil ntl ha is cori.mpt et cour, an Hetos Ri.eecoteds,ndOiecu'cet cStcti n prccdent-ettle titint icch carrien And (oIIowig thering hafone Oie OMS lt eWdnady, tiseembae necd have tise vey reel fer Oe OMS wtt epi for tise ltter Mr. Chepman,' Oe OMS Cinirimen tetei fer the record tes etreme concert Miten l hatng oatisani ote epannieg precen cesd la heisg se respect ftOe tam or Oie Os- tern Municipal Board. Milton Mayor Goerd Kesiz eteeg iOi Clrk C-ordiater Roy Maie and Asisant Clcck Bil Roberts el n hfore M. Chapmce mha said it yen ha epinion Milton as tel]- ing Oic OMS te "ehove it" le soi ebidini by Oiecjune5, ts8tdccioioe. Mr. Chapransmnteon tesay Oie 0MB as hiegenskeil to exrcisc discreton inevry lts decision and ha qesioed sby Oic OMS shoutd ha granite Milles a fevor le ligt ot Oic tomn's dcfieecef tOicoriginal order. Mr. Cheprnon's concerna wmcm piekeilop by Edgar ettes, mho le represetisi Haton Region or ite F i inot Oe OMS and at the contempi cousri hearing snted for Fridaymornisg. Mr. setes said he tiuesitoncd mby Oic teme an deervise f0fatvr mhan OeY mcc, in Mr. etns opinion, dliheatoty inecestecepiof ,Oite rdr fromthe OMB. He aico questiened ilMolensubmiusiee Oic teme ceseot nt becaeilts gevemnei by Oic Eevirosmentet Auesiect Att (KAA)wmicch staeene dsigntiee et tend cas tehe place teesn ares coerrd by Oic nct ui Oire bsbe han eEnviresmentet Asesment Board heerinf. hottes cotonda Ouit ilreccivcd thc OMS ruit inu Marcc of 19WS and stertcd rcenisig mrk ortithOece mots aIter, mhan Oic KM caese to efiecc. Milton too h Ocet redeigniie sectesn tteralty. Millensasy it dee noet boom mhnibcr iisbeuud haecfotlom- cd thecomB and veteted Oic KMA, or feiiom- ed Oic KM and vioted ihe order et Oic 0MB. Mr. Sanicod Oe EAA scetesn dam sent, in hie opinion, apply inte Oiodcrteking 'te Oini approvul bedealready beuceives fr Oie proecciand Oic recet action efthOe refin meu oly itecetorceOiheapprevel deis. Mc. eton cornpIled hie eddrcss tletang Oe tee hearieg ofticcrc tantifthOi OMS con- sented te very ite rder , il mmtd le feci ha regrdieg Milton for cesierpiuos actons. BoOi M. Cbnpmae and Mr.Beberne said they eetise Oic urgecy aitecbcd te Ohicr decietes le ligbi t oe Fidcy heering eithOe Oterio toprcme Curt. But the imprtance te Oic regies, Oie tome uand the )MB meant attthe evidece made. M. Chapieoe tolil heib Oic tome and Oic regios he moetd ntemptintehave e decisios redy prier ite Friday le rder te avid e ppnaernent efthOe cetempi mton hear- i. Miltn Chrk Roy Mainid ililahoedOiis muha eforlicomii hy Tbnrsdny ade ddnd ha didsnexpetenhear a3thilflihy ldny. Milicea legai ceusect Ped Utccbanke: Oie OM, when ensidcing mhai ane dec: sior mit h, t cenisdcr Oie ltmg btloetdemi- siesaendeorder of Site F. He nnld Oe toms basn s awntedite ct byinwa te resese Oie 26 ncen s caenuin wold lenve dmnsite zceedaaea fhit he i officiai plan aven if tise EKM the Oie. it woed sien, Mr. Lellh aid, crate e preociet mierae there weutd deman son- icg changes. Market--s lOth birthday part>' Milton Farmera' Market celebrated an important Chamber Secretary Margaret Burgeas servea up mileatone Saturday, aa it waa the lOtis birthday of the cake for young viaitors Michael and Catherine Kemp f ounding of tise popular Saturday morning meeting- of Milton, who'd juat been to see the balloon mon p lace. Chamber o f Commerce orgamizera had f ree Jason Lawrence (sow n in the background). alloona and birtisday cake for market-goera. Oh deer! Hunt expected A Hetten rcgleeei ceessittee han rad- nîmilar number et heeters and supervtsoe coeimittee te test abot ut in revenue trmed ilie dectetos te hld netiier cen- a n ilm8." tei mareuding herde ot dccc. Heton Ag. troiied dc ee ut ein i the fali, bt the Tbis le the same recoiieendtiee the Hep.iHeery Stanley told the committe.ane hatte ever tiai decisin i expected te cemmittce recomesiiedite couecit te estimete et demage donc by deer te tarie resusse ineul fIttry aat tmerreus hen Mey:At t O i un ecil decideil te hld n cropa meetd sarpase Oe $itOttmark. regleent couneil site te disecestise cern- pubic meeting te hiser tremea numher et Bt mosi et the dctegatieee mccc eppoei miii. recoemmandatien. detegetiten wich weeicd te npeab fr aed te the hunt. Most notabe mon Mms. Dcbhie il la expecced eyerai oethOe Hi1peope egainthOicdccc bort. Kimer et Limeheuse mhe eeid the bort ts wte igned a retiien eppsini a "Oree That heaiieg tob place Wednenday heieg hnsed on Ministry et Nauela day, conrettd' deer bort wtt ha je Oie eveg te Hatten Ceteneint Maner Reororcen etimates, mhicb inetm are audience tessorrow when Oie Panning andl auditorium wiOi 2t detegatileus peakinil. baei on Oie nuseber et dcci sht. Pubie Works Cosesitie ante for tfor te addition loe OicH-sasse asti-bort Mrs. Kitmr seid ans accrai. conof thOe recommeedatilor te ha approveil. petitise, the commitie man aise glvee a sambereof deer rorming Orougb Oie regien ils, bey recosmandation je "Oiai the it3-nasse pro-bot peiiioe. bus sot bee teben in il years, Oirfere Oie Minitry of Natrat Reorcea ha advieed Among tOe c avoring a retore et tant actuel nuceher ceuid ha fer tesOins Oic Ot atitne hasnse ebjection teea trec-day, Nvembers deer bort mas appt. orchard Minitry is predicting. ntroleddee hut i 191, u iheetva ewner TomsChudligb ofMilton.He tdOihetCeonedonnPg. 2) Play programs ready Mitons Parte and itecreation Deparimeel han n iut t ofsoner programe toc ait yorngters. lise pregamu arc ready te go ced aithe Oicscd are yorhida. try ced picture Pg. 2. Baldwin Bonanzae double what the school had hopetl tor Stoc5 and picture Pg. t. Hospital 0annuali Mary Banihan bce sceced thescie proideni ofthOe MOltos Hospitetalsard iary ced picture Pg y. SECTION ONE CoumsilaBries............. . ... 2 Mltawncis peturen ............. Editerina, Coluuin ............4 Leticre, RcglorRorndup ..... i.... In theCouirts ............ ...6 Qlt nndisptny, s...... SECTION T1MEE SprsNews and Viesm .........CIt eC4 The Cisamber osf Commerce Civic Study neutlines Tise Greening of Milton., Fuill story and pictiires Pg. Dl, D2, and D4. SECTION FOUR Clvciedytl erspctive........D Omaji, willo s.............. ïD3 Enter tin eant ............... 7 Speuiiutpplemets:K-Mari, Tieelm Alwcys loat yur ofl faidte baere yen critecise aihor continues Tcrry Fox, maraton rueser aed cancer ighi.r, rashie ait mile l"Iftoni Unit oethOe canadien cancer iiocieiY reports many people mode "ie memriamt" et Tcrcy's death. The MaraOion Ford remano ope and doatise eau ha made te Audrc Brorb, Trensurcr, ai Mlthia' Town HallOr maitei te Miten Cancer Soiety, BsotmHilton. Lest year Oic local Bcecol eitci.d St hic eFoxnd. ihanha tue Oiecfforts cf l" groupeanad trdlvlshnl wha heM - p nelMIS te raiseneny. A le" Fox Day wM»hbe ldinh Milton B&"dY, flap,1i and aneaher "oiFa Ror" lasptenncd that day. comme am nunt in mi, uut wiui uiuy a mm- - 1 i memai M. wui De An inianci uommunny New3paper- oulvil.w lui 00.0