jyjRoy Welcome, newcomers ta Milton: Mr. and Mrs. A. DiPaînta and Mi'.. P. Asheberry from Toronto, Mr. and Mm. G. Harnett from Britishs Columbia, Mr. and Mns. J. A. Frias from MnisagMr. and Ma. 1. Slintmon from EtabiZk, Mr. and Mis. G. Clarke and Mr. and Mns. T. W. ILidtone - fromMiaisaiuga Mi. an Mn 'G.Robin- 'onmfrom Peterborougs M' NdMn. K. llanos from Nova Sci, M is. J. Priagle fromn Oakville and Mr. and Mn. F. Castle from Erin Milis. JAso a hearty welcome to recent arrivais MW. and ni. Chudzinaki and Mr. andi Mn. D. Cooper fromn Misalssuga, M. M. Van Goolen from Florida, Mr. and Mn. T. MorIs from Brampton, ni. P. Ashbeir fromn Toronto, Mr. andi Mis. R. Rand.71 from Etabicoke, Mr. andi Mn. Jollyntore from Halifax and M. and Mis. D. Mac Donald from Mfisissauga. Mns. EUles Misrdock' neice front Glasgow Scotlsnd, Pst Lavery and daugiter Karen are visiting witis Mn. Murdock. Pa's fatiser Jban Keen couldn't malte tise trio tiis year. due ta a stroke, but lie aya "hello' toalal tise frienda iere he bas met on prevlous trips. Among tise 100 ;ho received under- graduate degrees at 'frent University in Peterborougis waa Jennlfer Ruth Silson of Milton. A number 'of swsrds for service were given out atie annual meeting of tise St. John Ambulance Ontario Counil in Toron ta. Among thoae ionored wos Mis. Helen MWler of Milton, who wass warded thse tile of 'Officer" in recognition of ber long years of service. Tise Gosel Messengers from Bryan Col lege. Dsytan, Tenn. wil isare ina apro- gram of sacred music ai Emmanuel Bap- ist Cisurcis Tuesday, June 30, reports tise cisurcis panIer Dr. J. R. Amttrong. Tise student singera are on an 1t-week taur tirougis Canada and neyeraI States representing tise accredited. inter- denominstional Christian liberaI arts col loge. Th. Canadien Champion, Wed., June24, 1961 S Waterg-safety taught with demonstration TECRIRHA UP For lite lOitcon Recreallon Departant aespulchioots at THIA RE E TP M secutlve yeair, Milaon Mm. Scitmllz averse- tlnft~nlif1i a praclt answer osoarîng : para and Reerelon thte nwlrnt togratwhich wit the end o h ainit Departient taa s ravlde for thase at any Ciildren wseitar-p 1- * cotnsite snergy-tight yoars ahead* prnola seaafetY flevai fproicency fron ticîpate lante prairant CRDERIVOWANDGETUPTO * atlca Uoaamt ia tata ta adaltta recelve a 11ais.o tie fer summner i. e alar nafety ReloalSaiety Coaneli vacaiona. Jaigrani la affered ta ail a e. LaI weeltsammer staf vlateered luer inte taVslit Pe"c Merry, Rbrt Baldwin, 0' Sam Shrraîl, Cantybeli ville, MainlaS., . Desyesanad Hly 100.11 aisseanld gve thelr santnter safety mneellge. De ti in, MargoaiM& Cadntare, Debie Dorsey p1 and Maaa onMcBaraey SO0 0 h w pefsned b tanmii Zmi.- -e aaraed m r sanginte. water pragrantc- Y c . T.. ardinatar Plise Scttntita, Sm el Il. wtacb demnantrated te C ysaii : To thse rescue. Milton Parka and Recreation auimmer staff don't dos ad donta ai saera only talk ta local acisool cbldren about water safety, tsey show safety. ,.,, them. Alinon Burney, who played tise character How-We-Don't is Filns are ise, oed in Graduutes engageu - , .1 ' ý50% M r nom 1 by Margo dudmore a the lta -ntnte esen- i.adMs .R Hne r lae Y. g fe y (tan e ow-We-Do-It wile Debiie tallnan ad are geared ta randunce J.the ena pe of ter 'RYOUR ETMA EW a 1, g blltMwl Dorsey who aedSWy Wily leap to aafety. Tisaerformance, te vantau grade levais anuc h naeeto hi FRHUOLGTO ~laed asp~eentd o Hly Se ofa siadmta waciing te dallghter Donna Lynne, ta Michael Paul,aa narrated by 5iie Schtitz. Was tdt oy oaySho progrant. son of Mr'. and Mra. H. H. Cri pa. Tise wed-* tudenta Frlday. --we do titis every year ding will take place at St. Palia United : ic to promate satar iafety Ciurch Sept.19~ 1961. Donna recently K U ire nle y'in ld aiy s ed andor p,.an," salit graduated .rom leUniversty 0f Toronto W I W SPaal t iiver O ltone witis a Bachelor 0f Science degree in î MM Atoiianst id 100.1 in 11*4 Edwn Krantz wlli mlii a riition Painaa id Recrestion. Physical Therapy and Paul gradtsated Ckll ua wtacitsen i' rsit DTiIialPr t ao calYoi . i t.Over wu afrom McMiater University with a uîsnnaaaga8447354 Badîsnttols independant dafry (Park Part front ite dlplay tit b.i severai referrag ta te s'n Bachelor of Engineering degree. Both a Farot Iairy) a buioptiling. Part Tarot Oîfry bol- progam~ at Roary Park Donna and Paul are former ttidents of -- wedudy, Jotls i as itapei ai san Jaty 1ties, caps ad ater arli- pool seiichi l operated by Vý,11eN.,Ioe&Hm lz '111e Crstry, - a and Mayor Gordon lacis, te local Parita asd Milton Ditrict Higis Scisool. ^t t . issag contitttiinsaniquean ad glft stop beieteHarrop Roue Ave, sas bitt in 100ase a mili sited aad for abaut Museum break-fn Thieves, caseean esinted $2,000 datil ta te lalerio M olaerioonAgriulýLaa Moamin o oe n aller breainlg Jieth ie main biltding tltaday olgit. Effort recognlzed. Carol Kerr, Campaign Ciairman of tise April fundraiaing drive by thse Milton Unit of tise Canadian Cancer Society, received a certificate recognizing the achievements of local vohinteera. Tise local unit experts to top tise $27,000 figure, well above thse predicted goal of $24000 in thia year'a campalgo. Cancer goal topped Ftmd raling effrsiy Pii sorrlly broagitt la namnt ai .C. Drury te Milonui ite $3632 iludlag te sleScitool lanenory aifte Canaden Cancer Socety of plastic daifodill la laie Costatle AI tapped te prodcted various stores. ttaeteni, former objective ai $24.000 for A reprt by campalga preoldeit aifte local tite April campaigil. chaurmait Carol Kerr, Police Association. Witen te final cauntla prented ta mentiern "Tie proreedsofa $177 laken thettal ta eapert- drlag a meeting aifte tas e-Iita lite Mlto ed toclbmblaomoretan CanadeaoCacr Society Unt tabemued in cancer $27,000 due ta te res- Milto Unit, Jane 10 ai researcit' sald local paseaite commntly Miton Disrict Hopit presidet Joit S tewar. ýd local itsinesoananoaancd thte campalgn tailg coatribation$ ad tapped te objective. Ite enecalîve would drisg Cancer Math. Hallan Regiami Police lite ta titanit ai sebo have Dafiodil miles con- gt io the fandraiing elped la anoter soc- darlod iy tirer toaotirilt iis year sen titey resafl ca.ipalb," M. ciapersof ai Siigma held a valeyhati tour- Stewart said. -aie Pabnicland Dsrlbulors i last.ad1 announce tha lsckyI drase sinnors nf h. 'Acapulco Sunsiine Conlesl mend h OMEGA' S.wîng Machines front theîr rodaI Coast To aCoast' Sprîng Sale Ptyer. 0 1 . F,onens Evans asîsetis Mon a 2. Jannls Godbamn VacoveC e 3. Ruth Laegdaln Rchmond H-il. Oas. a 4. A. Manit Tronato. Ont. 0 5. OslitlsRonan 81. Joh's. 511. 9 8. Lcy Lroux Citoiada, Oae. 0 i. Donna Filaya coqoîsîse, .c. C2. Eahi alo csmm Sskatoon,5sèsk. n3. ln.sMamwilis Toronto, Ot. n4. Mmr*.. S Ons PeteubooughDOt. e 5. Manie oss-Deslnssa St. Lamber, (lOn.. I .Mm. B. connilla St. Lamerst, Osue.