Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jun 1981, p. 5

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Tue Canadien ChamnpionWed.,Jue 4,18815 Former residents wed 60' years Other side of coin 1muet labt o ynta tank fr youne para- geaebheaidd Wuted*56,1100inle ur Colloctvouanu dted Juno 17. 1Iqueto, lThe crrent inng narbt la Mtro Tronta dicate taI a fanliy nneedo*ic,000anuelnlacune taon talc hune." Flrtly, il ainecde ned taItt e. fers to amniy lacun, hte atae l- cens o u nand enad, if e cinld laa jointeuner,hine or br lcune. Stfl 1'Dgrat ypue tat *5,009la n gond fanilyilcune inp nycon eandordo a et olfr 1tsa i Il naph o erty lIen la19M, l in ici cam pag 181 pieen liinaine hue eepaymnta mare ibagatlla n I. S=ocadl, a fcmllplacune f 150,000 mili l tfpti al for tarfetlmort- gage 0ffmou,00085 ut ai18% par cnt. Opelag te cenrent Trontaofin Smtala Hoeseticeedomnlate MoIre Wonlcactluu eut f 30, t feund 1lihoms ise olifr aineieluw $10,co, oft tu eevene nlia eto nlole10,01)6a oanel ietau*76,014. fiale Mer-nelta veeY scclntffic analycîn, beut adlcation ut taeuenc utf huome t peu do o bave it a eues$W,00o e ear ta bn. lt'lokui a Itan. tanlino Canadien Chionolhea cane dtal1 flad oma 406be ne t rban ardu u ton leadurlsei mt 0on f teltua, 15n i e- n bcLJ "o, 2 re -Jeu menaW and nine ietau p7,iB. Ltls luokai u bopegaetheo edreen bunglow la Dorset Park advecticod la pouer papr foc 7,90. Auune uil et aifulat prlce f p7,gancdassune an unenuallp 10w don peynent ut tO par cnt or 7,900, lhid mo e abalance 01 $71,000. A $71,00)fint nertgO et 18% Pr cnt wulli mdul 0laYopntsOnif *1,127.41 rlucîpal, ltaraît and tains. Tino fanily lcune roqedrod fr icis l $0,00. Mout peuple bnylng ticeort Outbhune mili peubebly bouee leegw o.- epcy- ment asa e ennt f halgmade c SUD- statci tan free capital gala unea pra- vobus hne. Tins, if toey put dume 12,06 rush te qaifylng femily l- cumtela reodncd ta $»,M5. ln a ncasren aie bomen have lastlag nurtgen wilrcao bo tabou uvr iy the penranr. -sgle Icled ai *8,96 ced ed- =oetandla our papr. Aaeeoills etabat PIre utf*sU,»o eed asumanoc 20Con paynt, taeibalance in*95,96. Ilihman ce nletag fiet nortalle of 37,000aietl1/4 Pr cen and cpamentsarn $466pincipal, lteent ced taen. A sconed nurigugo la oeeded lac Ene ail2opar ceut ltret rta for tli e cond neelgage tae qeallfylug Bersl, itu a I ail gn lcnetn wtet t each f mny famile. Hnnuin a nover beau ciecp, but One tling ta fouer , 0il ii une hob chnaper ttn new. i appreclate i0 la none deattet imply tat ninedy can ffrd ta boy bSieeancd taI nu e ndathrte on u drana, bt lts nsn bot idu cof te coin. Yorstruly Keou Neunl, Home l MEAsne, Milo. Not avoided this time Doe Edture ei par and mot f te ime te Jut e short nite froc tic office ta cmunnty ppere sean toaevid cicfr npy teankuin u anie d or staffrnme reacce. te ruvocage aasisyelac rulddOece aga thaninpou and 1Im urno ai tae LionCluin dance et teeeatel te Lious Club le gealehu ta have May 29. youc late ccnmtnity. Te pitroruIlat apee inef ancd Setcerelp ou, I earlie il te bl? froc yen cedtDavid M. Paevor yor stff. Peevr Talent Mangemnt, I do iundeedu f concertsancd dancn Msnlsana. O.A.C. OSAI> FACULTY 0F LAW John, Grac, David and M. eed Mc. Omr Sit MrKineou f VauSlikle cf Campbnell- Milon are pleaued tai ville mre ploased toanc- annre te graduelleonnerne theo graduation f f talc daginer ced talc deouginer Parcia, iner Nacy, fron fron the Farlly f Law, Gclph UnUevaitp drnjlUnversily f Weten te cunvocaltio ceea-Otaro, tandOn. Pt le mneluee2. Nanyle a articlino uitin a Tornto gaduaie f te Otarc ien. Agrlrudtrai Clae ceioe a "gl-os-Festival ne. Bieaine received theo Stadoul Fadoatioe f supported O.A.C. Gld Mdalaitae amords lInceoc, fr Tie ton conecil hian arodomir ahievecout liron ltafut support and ievlveet utie, bhlad te third annul an melail noutaido teuni- Milicuen Fentival f vunsity. Ncyr la Contrin wchi liibo peeneliy empiopeil by baud Surday, Sept. 19. the Otario Meitely f le addton te makicg Agriclue d Food linahecounecil chambere Middeexu Ccmty, oviliablu again, curt- Lonedon. Sbo la o pet cOllon bhave flly eop- gradnate f Milice Di- prteda creclicu ht trict Higin rcl.ltha evot he fheld. ANNOUNCEMENT curofcsetBokieadGeorgeown. Dr. Taylor iii bo arliouiy oogagud nili AIt Ceaîren Grea and Smll ... VETERINARY CLINIC oupanoaam 1I8eUAPmuT. n2 111101vflU RA 1,u.cAMPasLLnLn 854-21S iny Jîn Robinlane MltanClan MRoy Muet bas nggusid tare la uclag more te tawn ruelaaiy du la ctop mni-bibe ridunr troupessntoand rdlag one private pccperly. Mr. Muein au ked te flad wint cuid ha doue by mep f blew fiec cemplalata mre ienced aboutrcii-bine rideru ce prcpartp nerThomson Rd. ae Sel v Aufotina parica ho. nmifibo ntallng ta bo ccctructod thora witin Iomweabo, 'miici nhould eliinto te prohlmien ibtises, ceyueay. Bol ha naid te tawn WATERLOJO OSAI Clifford Mone erootly gradmated roc Wifed Laurirîn iversity Wateerloidii aohonocrs LANInCAPE ARC5. Bocheler f Busine Michael Joseph Terre- Adminitatio dogrea. lhue, sn o f Crlo and Clifferd io c trcer Jeaneete Terralicu of geodulte utJohn F. Roue Scotchn5Blorc, MR 3 CDlegiate Guelphin cd o Milieu, gadnated May 27 tae sncoetMr. & Me. laLauderapa Arhitec- Gffeore of RMcrbmcd. trai Terinnlcgp, fan Ha la pesnulip empoynil yenu Plytecicirl in Toronto. lttte BEAT THE HEAT AND TOM. MEATINO BILLS WITH A SARRIER CEITRAL MEAT PUMP SUSTEM Thoi Coufic wcithormcnler IIIheol pomp air conditions 000e home in sommer and hecto il vn mntor, living flou yucr-roond comînet andl reucod huclevg coule. i yen prusnvly havu on il-f irud trcod ie $800001 By lnelellleg e CENTRAL HEAT PUIMF SYSTEM CALL US NOW FOR A FREE N-HOME ESTIMATE IIYLOR I4EATING & AIR COP4ITIONING LTD. 121 jINVCARIVoEut. OIL.i.ONTARIO 845-2202 ucu bac Imu bylame. Onea un a pblir igbuey in a r etconageicu tut a vlid lcence. idetg cctarlnod varilu Froc te renarrin on idemaibo ced pt-unedertabon, I wunld mayn. Theater le a deem te cuinetel peohbitio egnnt tee mlina cipelilp la nseuof veirîs n lapeblie perieta go beocd perka. lthe prount bylamu. Oter ta teibt, thra lineocpeatiee cf mai- ea lina Miitry cf ibou and otoer Truneprictlce and rerreauice-typa vhirins Cmunication route- wull niue t e a icton that no ouecou ride poblen "hae aîd c iise uneaveey uponll weeboed utf 1r a former maton couple. Slty year ago Moley and Elele Marie Wason mre marrlad by ev. G.W. Barber et Trlalty Moteodiet Parenge et Brlington. Tiey cetobreted their aeelvoreary thet year mt a large fanily dieor Satrday evoniug and an open hciseo ai Nelson Uited Cbuccbie Burlington o un cday Theormureideelu f te Miltcn arns ecu lion et 48t SprlnginanlnCrus. lu Brllngten, bt tbey mre meti bnoume tete farmnlg cencmnily ln narlier years. Mr. Wateon, ubo wun raieithte Cdar fprings Rd. vlciulty, began dalry farmleg efier narryleg EMaio Mrle Dynes f Dynon Rd. et Briluglen. lThe couple purchened a fermo on Higinay t et uhal mn tae nboumean Nelecn Township and cpereted it mit blmoene 25 and 40 head cf ratle. Tiey ralned talc taon Thirsty Milton HMl Reauarant omeer Tom Kotuepecine eprted te pelirste thetof c20 caeson f heer over tae meoeed. Halten itegetnel Police naid te beer, veiood et $24, mue tabou fruet c garage ai 171 Maie B. oser terentamrant. INVENTOR' CLEARANC £0 150v mrapeey Sheeà rs aORCe .aWD! """ 45 lI15cLm Pemeîd iBatiste Ac e.so aZD, 45 115 cri Prertvd Hopsackeeg A ANccaco L 45 lIS cme Cottage DrapryuA Ficua#o " 54 137 cee Ctage prolstery fo c ccc e 48 122 cm Antique cter $19P 36 90 cm 45 115cmn /J ri 1Asseelvd Soeesuchees areeco 60 150 cm Tceicaro eaefFRCciAca 3 9. £0 150 cee LneerSoter g AtuARene icAS0 45"/IlS cm LneotoLghteehît arraaaeou 60 >50 cLr acostePrDubleeert 4,Ara eciAoa 4 60 50cr e OlorfEnds0 6,1 150 cm Ster Ie ery A aRCJasaO 5.1s A 3690 L dlodSrpe erM FAoRC aue ' A N 45 115 cme Somme; tordere ItS FIOeCe ace o2?9e 45 115 m ri ee;> SeeRNoii eA ncRYeAW M OI 4V/115 cm Popler Soteds -Ar eceeriAcû ANT 45 Il5 e> Prireel crtt ors ArA,ae ccue e NA Y 45 115 cm Striped Nase'>' 45 IlS cm Prielced Nashie. SATIN9 INA4S VISA Mien un tae feen end it mas nul celil 1967 mhen et theaelf 7l, Me. Wason doclded te retire, tel te couple gave ep teir frm and oed intu Burlngton. Bot are cembore ut te Nesnu United Cherch and Mns. Wateon heu beau invlvedin etNelson Wume'n lutilete and tbe United Cbrcb Wunen. Mr. Wateon, mbo lultha oldet living nember oI ha alec eu a cacher ot the Brllcgtcu Leilge No. 165 1r the peut 63 yeare. He mec aine the former seuceeary for the Tenaloy Public Sclunl Board and erved Imo terme an peideul cf the Haltue C.Oty Hlsoitein Breeders. The couple have five groodîhildren; Jue, Murray, Dubbin, Jîc cnd Lynu ad oudromgent grandehildeen; Ben, Jouie, Chatet and Jolie. cloue 10 60 fanily mecheen, friendu and uighborn tcrued oct for o pivote aneiveenary dinne cI Nelson United Chmch, Iba couple mre peueoted mth a portable televicio unsetefom famly neeme flue follciog day Mr. and Mro Watton melcomed oppeoimoately t5f goutu te ce open homse ceoivereary ,elehealioo. ulue et Neson United Cherch. OFF NOS RE KODE ITISED ros ri' /115 cm Prerîrd Douze aceie 45'/115 cm Mecin Eelol Border Prersîae;;co4 45/115 cm Se;ss Dot aaacao 15"/38cm- 30-/1h cm Canots SolIds & Sripecucsevao- 45"/115 cm Spottwear Soido ..ArAaBRCiANO e 36"/90 cm - "/115 cm erycteth -(SPECIAL> 45-,115 cm Reoersehee Qullev aos cu 45'/115 cm Creyes & Porgees (SOLIDS) v.aeo 50-/150 cm Prneevd Interlockn A.o, .îOo eAN 45/115 cm Outord Shirtngs SOLIDS & STRIPES) AIeaovAEoII- 45-/IlS cm Ultra SueUr envyvnien <ompue $90 00> A, vRAIC11nO e 60'/150 ,r Imported Ave> lane> (nfilii oce $22,00) our pocece Acauvocc 60 ,1500cm Fon for v AI Aoo.aec 54" 140 cm Jogging Fîece PreetsueArcAvRILAuo ho >50 cem SoillioeetSerads v.leueuve.ce hO"; 150 cm Assertefi Cahard1ýeeAI ArI eAaao e 45' 115 cm White Topoeht uA,onvcili 45 115 r6 0 150 Cr e e Fee evt 45 lIS cme ueeeeg p.. cul &pre ycckcgedt . 4 A#Raiiaco 19 60/ 150 cm Soft Sude . . AI erIacaN - A upeclal celeincalion. Morley and Elune Mcrie Wetson celebcated 60 yerc cf mecriage wilIs lwo parties avec lthe weekend. TIse cou- ple ere forere oidents cf lIse ?MIton inea. No way to stop mini-bikers - Clerk -lump

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