* D10 The Canadien ch5n~piof, Wd June24, 1991 Get the pick of 'Orientai Garden' by Deiloraif tax exempt if you shop by " Junie 3oth. Hurry Suround yourself with a wealth of beautiful bed- roomn and dining roomn furniahinga, You'Il dîacov- er thaf the aophiaticated lnes, rich Oriental embossed trimr burled oliva ash look finish and heavy brassa acents are a joy to the eye. A pie- asure ta own. Shop now wth your Bay Card, Masterard, Visa or American Express. 22%/ to 28%c OFF 'Oriena Garden' $1,9M Our reg. $2,785 9-pi«e Tes House dining roomi suite #.1 qaetbe(oe ih2"la)Vs (A-S50Ol1) Consista of: hutch #81444 buffet#0isqaetbe(onsih20ls) #(Al 3miecais'287 rnchair #82186. Use your Bay Card, Masterard, Vs or Amerîcan Express il49ýUu.-, 4- ;Emnparor bedroomn suite (C-5Ol) Consista of: armoire #82239, headboard #82242, triple dresser #82240, mîrror #82258, night table #82241. Extra nîght table each, $219. $3,299Our reg, $4,448 i1-plece Imperiai dinfing room suite 18,lgtdui#28. ro 839.bf (-501) Consits f: 2 china cabinets #8218,lhtdut#218mirr839,bf fet #82184. rectangular table (cornes with 20" leaf) #82185, 4 ide chairs #82187, 2 arm chairs #82186. 4-piece asarriors ueuiuui sorh (D-501)I ConsiStS oi 2 hig h n itlhs #8224 *ricrcg d Furnîture, dept 501, ail stores, except Lawrence Plaza and Faîrvew. the a BABYFURfNITURE IS TAX EXEMPT TOO. EXAMPLE, CHECK OUR BAYCREST CRIB NQW JUST, 155.99 ................