The Canadien Champion. Wed., June 24, 1981 C5 Midgets explodo Whe you for first victory buy ineurance... ExpIohfr11 th;:e Ui~ e:~ Wijn. the key word is ege rndget sein wua die standettce wih RNCOLSNtheir tiret inin teiegit =eho tcver for starter Thons ore lota of Mnarienne comporniez starta, sitti a 15-l cornte- Randy McLad in thei n otcs hyoeleosnso fro-ontd wte ever tterd teoteg and hctd 0Cnd.Te saitoadao Sa/m n s allBrampton Ttesrsday et Brampton te Just tico Inaurance pollci". But hase do trou S i o ielBs-ian Seat Park. rasa ove- the luet four flnd the policy thart le the rigitt ana for Milten as-nom Itetld and two-tis-ce imis. you? in th e fait ~~~~~a atmect un tvabte The victery Put Uic o ske ruane rke.W n fou b s-allyteg 5-ona 9- squad on thc min conait n o Vas oye ofi an y nsurance ritr.Wear CCOIObING TfJM sl il ihf tvantagc atter 2% wth a 1- reod de lo mlyc f env i franc . c r teclub, lte 'atnrn bs IIII tntega wli censecutive tentures action Titursday Parny. We sihop the maria o o.T ha aati lis deiarseea Pl-ninga et Ibrea. tour asd wilt a hmec gamni et flnd tce right insus-ans-e ... frotti the eit amios s lii he- patd t tis C- dt elgitt ru s te the ird Brian Bout Park agateet rtght insus- ce com p on y t the R ai e a d 1 7i t i r a n c r B ro n e e * T e s e - i v a tr u h f f h a s u e C a k s n i h r c e . . f r Y u y-tw et r ar ee litrer ftehi pto td " survivai Q uick stairt spels Andwvie help trou vihon yos have a tec s-cae fl ted e olya.bcat alt Treel Fruits Ioss of thc Insurasice Broiter Asoitn tok eaie etUsnd r f hi liea. eite Ma, the..truhv dcpa-trnt put 130,000 fiait inia the Credi and yuhv DixienBsmie t s ntirai t wo Atter D-iste hied 10h00 àà 3,0nBot.unanswered goalsi te te Uc2-0 tod et the haitl, L Theres a cubintOntario wtichbscontea onl iret hait and ten hctd on loUts tek acta longmwayinthsetauttew'scaltcd Musee «Mm-Il eto h a o etegptasnl Caid sc.PO BslO.Statien L, Terontta ter s -oc et n Us avoi t w techce teseels Canadai. eu P..n t-t wte, u neoal w ih a WcSs I fHO ICE Its e in-satsottadistkddctdt Stien base: A Milton mtdget baserunmor advancee to second and on to third after a Miltan Otas-l Tiroeusestdwt od LU~1~ Us sor tategts-muheiati n lts-os eludos lte Second basenal it rep baebll play Thusnday oston Bt rak sst ie eqlestittli t n se oc t u N THE Canadta. As pas-t et thes- = tsey as pro- Mit erupted for 15 rus in tits-c innings ta lais-c o 15-1t win oves- Brampton. se--e-reslieedy Dse hsed las-htal ~ rnuskio te mas-gin en a hs-cahamay w R D rnotlsg thc tîne releasco e e et routs- theat. two-gmi es-des- ta perpetitate a iltd misate mushie stock preont and futus-e gesceratiosi. S l c s e j y p ro d u ctiv e w eot othapses lar for 1114111 A mein teafr tee valusitte ta la mated Os- a ndi ets Uireced ih a cAugt enieCmd rrelartu ttanlng oecsere SoP.tai Asus-ltli anit Glioses struask md Longhcat boitedt tme hile Jauine wey, Ms-Cartncy goal tram Steve Truseet reglosaiki andaprmoe prataseses aarne btese deis Uc Gircn s-apd tne mhlUe a ietglbu n lcue h relau d lth 5ownnur c Uiey es-e ces-laily oet agalout auigtsn wehouep initial ps-ees ptaying Jetna ladw s- e Mtu las- teou-i thes-ini o nr e iti an pais-fsinge eittrle sehouned hîse a omsot n ua Limited mushie tey couder tu ea trepity mitetier il la as a tearn ourty inte ic 12 ilt lOasimyt uai Cainti a. eYesg i -c- leer taieso 5ttitS Mito iteuPs-rss Dlle Kim Weedbdit and ats-eig Pitchint. ettach. Nis-hy Van Zetphct had 2M8 N St, Mila, Ont onetac hua gotki liaad as-taeste e i Giror and SuecIHarvey Cas-isn Mccartsey, Aglaint Burlisgan, lHas-vos- s-eos-ded te e strmig game et contre eau ef a"shc hy Uic fiahing ts-ateraity oa b- ltla its-. ti§slwieMlunhalwil lnInsse titicote. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t coptered tw iai-es- e k tsurh rUi- hile ta MUten didat get an striheouta iUs thrthtmtcsIo eo ie8 8 2 9 ettes-ing a fice speciat Reliease Amard Ces-- - costteee Uicin tew . he poes-a mile Deithie extra-halea hitbut rappod piishan ast ts-cc tt pteyed met at tait hait 782 f agio mtes-ic rleapty hrsgt ividud liegst scpaig Mobern atdeit a lame mit 13 singaea encsetai eiiaiaddaCeePtipLs-tot g m w Aeo OtDaa tegig in 161 mias-me rnkemig me- ulss a es mach mUfork girlsatesi. sali t a ae single. Uic easy Win. huerint Scies-ta min teea gond game irctmacn ssvsaMush i o es fora a patise, om Aelemant Ce-t ificte lu- ncalai ig aMtes s-midi Boi taks-k thUe nigitnal, Santy Chistie Langtast. oes Hamoiton. Uic poate. ms-ting and statlng te telitimg information: smpetaduitae- daoualaegt mim, aitrsepieennemcr.touUtet masie mUns t in aly spirite. lisey ase nkgLE U S Q O * tcsam a neks , s-eg ns- mskity MUteso hiashat Port seome excellent pies-e as Sciai Utie data ta, ts- edireso et Uic sta-t et ibis Credif O- hetara are ouges- ta get ta Uic as-ts-te. tumpteg their hesto wli PWSA ptiaydemne. lTse ite you ae- tetiees. mhercis nem, net ents- e a tO-t romp. Eas-ie tn big tact for ts- ltin, ladgeor certificote fer cets-ite e tres-os finit but Uic mcck. Sciacta heut tugle, mlB corne eneattefr rcleasng oes. Hamiton 7-t and Tuasday (lta nilgit - * . Bertiagian lt-O te agateet Oakvle. iTscy'rcA gels hutte- lil kecemen more ditflsefft ta coat lise inp-vbed Wpias- butm mes-k Uiey'v fiait. Yen lave te mes- hlard-s for ynor dinner. comaes ati gend limie ter Selciet) laprotred." s-sy fistang et duaste ilarger fiait touve teis- Sclecia. lise uad Selcct& stracit tes- YI deep bllesund gcscs ta nitore in seas-ci et trevein ta Fergas e tmn hile te te toehSrade- mincoma mite aten souk thirs fend aimia te macla te, plaasi te icsmep wnite Uie pitahteg $ shoeie. Provncial Woenn comitnattnn et Hlarvey Fer lase, trnll stemty 50 Yerds front shoeaned s-s .oasd Ucksc. Fairview first again Eve- hees- ef a fiait mith tour cyms? The Fus-tce second yaar te second inte i tgk Jitrp laakep.e, asamait finit et trnpical Ames-ica hon succoeson, smrien and Jui- Stirten ma cyou mhis-h proect eave and hetove the mates- Feirvieve Scirent cap- thirdin tebaUt the40 m surface. lise tmoecyes enta ofite mater lave dis- turcd Uic West Itatan and kigt lump. tant vision mite thc imo eyou hetem Utc surfasce as-ca tracst and fild Inte tane ycare and seemide-mute. crea-e Dfect shampieunitip. yone gs-nup, Saraht Fiats- memzing rauf Difrnpenirn lnder Uic direction et iterme- saptured a pair posen physicat traite mii-i eabke Iserti ta fû cms-e Snpieia lpment ut tep spotsei te ic (à cnes-y poseible niche tram te toupoult licous te and Tut Oickeantrim. matrs-o and long lump tce surfesceofth Uieatar. 1. Fairvieve reched up 176 mhic Susten Woods ma maerc ere mure titan 17,000 splciuet ofliait in pointa mii-i ma 44 firit inte ihigl lum. temortd. pointe ahout et second- Ts-icia King ma second laced Stracona tant ite c75M mii Dianna T.caday. King mes seconnd intei Obier s-huais eneitn seftail Uiram. mers- Rolling Meatum, Oves- un thc lays aide. Pteand and Elizabeth Fals-ntcm ma etrcmely Oas-dans. sts-eng. Thc mcci mes dividadIn te il yeare and inte trer groue: Il eider coteges-y, John yaan d eider. 10 youre Ceprma tireti tet esd niait ys-ars andt ilup mite Rbeiie youuger. Paey mu ire tei I l "Fus- tce girls. Jedi seftkall titrom. Dave weit BOB KENNEDY meompon ted Fatrvicm Rtchtaritson hait seconde CPGA Ps-o ite11 andtnider g-up inte igh lump uni thei Inie Wll wt first-pasce fletoirca 100 m. inin el tet 400 matrs-cc 100 in the nte anit s-egr li a Golf Cous-se ms-trou and long lump. te girenp, Uic rolley taent ofetV the mimte giroup. Tammy DurrS-olOet., Bs-cst Propor s-e ofet Uiedg s-an shans- mos-c abis Tus-ers mas tiret ite ta slop, Kcvin Job, asd off yeer gamc ton yo neear Uiougitt peossible . rs-g Tayl or mua Yeu mu y ns-ver emasht drivea anit rifle is-ossibt& i tei 10 yeara greup. aditinm 5o ma dnnee Illc Uic prou but ts-s-c os ne rease'u yeu crmot Dease Davis mas fis-st inthe tfield in taO e a, tous-sttehe as-curatemit e -tge tce nufttll Uirem. Davit Covoritate mu uP $ 0 me-e la nult esat dent et str-egti or s-o- Dcktec Bradlcy mue ttret ite i eli tsnm. ordinetion scedeit to ue ibis cluir ps-eosy. test s-onfidene and tce cmpieyment of a letm basis- tseitarentatn U T I t, Use anopoe stance tuohorten sming. 2. Play the hait off yeur tetttt hel J N 3,N 3ý Strihe te hl a uesending hiow. 4.cs- Kepyusl sed vrth al(o' Now, great Canadian patio doors troM Daohwood Ns-vs-ty tu tomedgeflt out.f Itasafins-ose are avoulable ai great money-saviflg prices. s-tek. Ifs-ou oreel mos-e distaece, kit mos-e s-lub. Many~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ plyr *yt sopth al h Open Up your lîfestyle - and save - with the You pay 54fo-ahwo' grouod anded updigging acefls-ir Letts-s-luitb-ecuie, k m k *e Aw oi$~dtcDscod do th o tws eindt o.Patc uld xlsv as.swoou.. ai-wea5*.er, to MILNU bolt modet. and s-ou gel a confidence. Ps-as-tus-e mutir your medge ustil utl gliding patio door - wth: $25 rekata tirent tront the ates-asy. feel lie a exenson f yur rm.MILLENIUM --Dashwood's warmth and the lIght of the Your cost: ail weather vinyl clad woil sun un Comfort. - sasn patio door -- lot's you bring And. of courte. MILLENIUM ue-. - ~the outside in. year round. in $en noms- antnr M iCOrntort and style. ever. BYE RMMILLENIUM means extra summr fn wth ool Special savings today Similar savivgs availabie on other MILLENIUM su me vetlain Snw ig cool h energy ssvings tomorrow ... patio door modls Deal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P " * an W h1 ""r vîew for yard parties snd and sunshîne season after D S W O ees telgsmlr id~~~wl MILLENIUMinulai R h wyinto umm ero einlt ou enjoy ftr e l ailm now andd lmitd wooepaioil do R EEZW .ak«it sy u id a- On Hom reaine uýDASHWOOD ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS AND 198_STEET______ENUR OA5HWOOOD CLASSIC ENTRANCE SYSTEMS. Ile 82 -O 04I I MILTON, ONT. STORE HOURS ontrol 0 iR L,« D JesuEst oeMiltnMaIl Ms-n (o h u n Oa. m n --"--s-- 87 "l. 171 soin O O- M-7M CHARGE IT'1 -- - . l if01044 -