C4 Th Canadien Champion. Wed., Jun@24, 1901 Violence fin youth games becoming serlous problem ~ Pttaote &Wbu't rouba lb ny aBu ram tat n vo 1 un r Yytan duit làtht obinetblth5eItloach iIn eyt Wth lt my son plyfr nd if .lbie c una1t odntr &h JOHN te-i yiO o ffOI itheoualii MORGAN Fora m&Zerycf a, itsCrotian tloues. ai MORGANa= inlaIbiea=ma ut ert i hey amiot adml thd lanbgue and notfer have not boutay 'W E V E A L L IE A R D o f th e a y v ioe n c e a b ai t a b o ta= a k Zacl b la n p il e at t h o bus afiocted sccr- tRuin .10muy tatiahat beou. piaces, inibors are aid atk 10r Forta natIonl ftayer's prbléros bave in- son ta prolooioini gumsandgangs of0 1 vlvd dMton Youth SOor Club anddthclubof- hooligan rua flot sar th1e gosse regardleu ofai cialsanad coacheson eta o conpllsnttd ontae aboibor tieir toan baoawon ornanst. bobavbaur of thor teni. Lekoop I hedt waey and lcrtunately, profesionaui occr ia Nrth continue tao njoy our acrer. 1tcmn sadmitand a Aeicis a murb more gtaoi aliir. Thista l pro tain bag dlaanpobintd e ai alf, patlcularly babty due ta two factors. Tharo ta on ttoiala abn toeytini t at ty haveolboat robbed" by riviry tatwea tannis and th. clubs are haoed 8thedureferas ,bot canot ou abat atsfaction aoy- lac aprt, vecy 10w fansn lotisaUtir taa oalaey oeun gt fniagaintatoends in a rit. <neses. tadeed maoy tennis douoni haveooaugb fano ai borne <urnes te druas upua gond rnat. 1laitesttink Tis u aekend s- duheiri of duebg minor aoc- tt te sotesi job in Toronto beong ta tae police cr taurseooontta ta Ontaro. Bot hanan tadue Rais- ollîrers assigned toteBizzardbhomfe gniou ie Touzaoamnt ta Scarborougit ahici taua Hoaever. althongit bbeaviour ai protoulonat Insinulroi aial vorNort Aneircaand Europe. <urnes do notappesr t10h.enaproitiom, ttanot Fortdu iri ta tmi aiD ho a Milton tanim ta tee ie yonutgames tim yenc. Thre have theRobbietisyar as ou Mlco Data Squirtsgo ap boon ai less tresrion occurcenceson ta t aglntduheit induler egrouip. acoitansd severni ieser problima. lTae RM abblo ecatad qlsta i ttiubl.tbtCty Ithi Tbere have bee tree caes inaOkvieabmi du yhe nr -ove d ctroveroy rogadnigirta plavinfi games ave beeo buodoned by tdu refermeItanana alt baYaon tesni. 1 betiova duRobbo cmniit ruse, an a Okilie refere ad ts cr peltad alUt ta raag taatiaa a girl ta play on a baya' teaan. lTae stases by un Oubvitleann ad inanotor cana a tannis newaoaa thedule rat aihe tey onlmied vsiting pinyer swtrbed oailtdu londliUJs aller h. and tmleraagirRabbi hld latin e uor. lied bee ejeted rom tdu garne for uan outl IWbealt ilhappootifIa anan lurnup for due(Girln langagne 1 tc ure mofficia. Police lied ta bocal- Rabblotheby ondheteamr Iodlao resiore order. In Uitsarataetise reformesaa Rd 18am crtalaly nol opponod ta girls playing enlecor Keitoi s sn000f<tdu mot rompetet oficiai ntata blu"tinsdtawhoraeossibltheboyanad gils iis ares. ntuldd have tduir oaa organiainso. Ifyou labo due Almot al praitioms nise don ta dleugreeans boni girs taptay M o aaiuyst- OU tend ta retrici ailb te<urne ofiriels. Sometimen adodttadly, tdu dude-lOp oilfdthegiro'lea-s. relero rales a rnstake. Ate ll e l. a idy u-. . . rn. However, ie muey ruses due roach and spar- For aay local occectfans laokiag 1r n gond gaine tatars did not ses abat bappend or dil flot ondr- tisaeakead, tere la due(takvlie International stand abat appene. Il is quile ronison ta ear a Toroamneal alcb colrsor erboys toau naitdu relerees doisoneoe a crime <-sida cati quotionemd rnar age levels roesn imbe atanitraugli miner by a cocb t tetber ed o e duild abero h. bantas. rould fot ponuîbly h. ie a position ta sna abthedu haro are nonMilto tenistakin< pari, tdu otry ptayer's psition aunlittetime. aus very beavy rni top cloem tenia, bt sevmitl A colores exporta ta lake a uitle gond ntured local referema are hoiping ot aith offilritng. aueontrm spettors occastuauiy bai h. des fot Galnsuare 10100< place on seerat hablas Satrdy expert, and ai col put upait persitet diainnofai nd Sudayaltht iale ta Sheridan Colaga Mon- bts deision or will lae pul up ait ay olacoae day. . . . i arn uppaiied ta red ore oaitdureporta of abatLet andafou" dedprlonet:Oneof0<tdu minor bas be said ta refere by coaches und parata ci pmeweao t a grey swauer, aithU.S.A. on due egitI and iao yesr-oid plnyers. Il ta 1111e aondor front, a aom tant Strday ai Brian Bot Park. If wo ave prohiems aittese players ahes ty gel anyonn pickad ti up aouid toy plasa givo ni aa tala i15uad 16. cai. Tbe Pesi-ituiton tiercer Auciation aiilbo rom Lat amai 1 plckad tp a bag ai lima Bot Park ing daae ard os sfeadora ie order ta stamp ont Saturday moring ahlch coltaned a coupla CE tese preblems. Te playrs ad tlai officiels con ilemsn akicit somoeso anid proabb i ah.ta gel espori bon n upensinsanud ta addition ofianding back. I you cati me uit US-6570 and ldestify due cltasai la required ta pot subtantial crouit iems taiti bopledtodrellodstons scnUIac 0 1for t i . O . co - J Sutitiot. U nt n amila *A'o041nnl terses algiaisentcrir4 nP" ota iat.t G rW L ivF P t ic n i.int ter tes, nu lan i orme e ivPsSan al.il 5 3i i5 i us2 1stteat C oorrsitý :I l i 1u i9t101 tut ci.CosO cu . . i, Oe i a , roi- rirait n-e Bketi51 i i î t c and n psal tir CsC lu o li ai«. iieselski=s 3em 1e5tt a 3 Mtdinc asis net patin ait ooitiaa isail Mach 144sle Miton l u.t 5 -d i .sountinileeeaus W.1d.g onda sunondsr i nTa s to i i i t n i il e G a t s s s a a ssi Sh an d J a a .Mt Wsitsing i i t s t aat = w. iitetet,2 C OTi,l HTiis u eo onou eat is, t, Voit.lani t isseMt C - t - I> Â - t R te nu 9 1, m tA i Bb. fe ri in aoi- ti n u1eoh- n- k i -ss - h tnutostlsrtetflatiselniii.IL tenuifosanite luItaoi i Oan -r. Ot(i.b.i R uI- tt recU. sciex IL. isit t e r t iicith a x -oCtOitui crs ps te ge i ai nais lcss sid Hima u wtiitai n t .=flt naa tiitat wa weoi Ai ab.,D mtiuoatoa OteeocisO Cos Oteu iaSaieo ani s te otaticaoa g ':g t iby-lt Siotei o at OM r 9 eoios o iewc -hfl 1- 1l- 1 1 1s 16t a 7t gsiceU tenotes ý.pi.y tin O.u5 conn . ., .. S 5 ti'5la ' a o asd , SisDate Md tst suit stii g toltl il nu uneP an tu tu l eyit Pnhstau ,sA.guF Ctnaolt and oto cs 5 1 4 t u i 5 210 l .san Zaoby Json Itîeîi Coach H ,o t. .Itîtlpage 4 1olsiU .2 ar nit-_ O,=Z =~Sm te vuetii l of ac , ilton 0Sî 33 i a Ceseso a Ind tu o W.d.gh on cfn ,g a .t .i-Os -1. sis-Unfor lair sants,i Goa-1 oe lOîl.- ' 10,0 1 . 4SitoPtOss s a' gei 1i o .. t-ami 0 3111,0 ue ilO o.a Dceîîî,g awstes pi I.to ta Gu i . rou Wi. in taînu eto . ouii e ti i' i" "Cto' ur ouI 01111 i i " tIcao . 0,00,.ut Wles i, 10se iccnl! 'IanailC = . i acot .gi it e l iait . Goi.t Z fmt Ickd yU stocîcoalbalu. enees houkas. Badecolti, îsdluh Iwasn CARY'SNSEILSOON TE E S45.164i PM37 sas siseson staos, tes atm non Ouctani goot 5e roui pa- vSetoh- soitth sti- as pa",ulseI sos.. osit tsoM . pattf«rseosisesio m b""e rlnonse anis ta mos nou m00 0 htusatiib adus Kg 7o so ph. .s t. l..u .ýf- OOes1 N.a.sis«chtet..oitt. ici sor foielNd" ai tiaia W iaonj tottui t botinTr..m. dotiroi aw Woat mottai s9-dot JUIfp Doit OplitClubs Pameln Simons goen up for the bail tigainst a nebrof Georgetown -Red in jeeewee girls' sacrer action Thursday at Kinamen Park. Opimista won the gumo 2-0 in tihe battie of flrst-piace clubs. Belvederes experience high and Iow in due agony a ofMet con bot demorlheduBlvo- de-e major tam reps Thie trioaiviciaiy camesoab e s uqlbo bb b o ly tbum ta bot Mlaima, ha anded tom tduir monad Ionsby delmtiagtsom t- ad glvlsg gosa se- Wakmy bue oncand sbutd agani htlnhoatga. TIe irai hall na aesulnu0oSMI L osAmit . oui Os.eie se St sot sý e, Ct.Plita Toflr eBNoro noS OnoY-. fa ta sosi 1. itaOcn s u 7%.nfal sai t n.ieaecs te tuates .u«i pi s ou 0e sue WOWanth olie isyos tait Gwoon nere t ns linre dsuge seba0est K-o,. FrIe, Mis9pluesi. - eeu oiopbO00th. .. Haolds Oua, Gros q brem ccîsnttai fot niaW à si sysos lama sWic pie th. teso tm inà ossisi10 n a qin Bito t Mod or .b5te it a vengeance ot atioatag Mtas a sh.l as net. Earlyiy th e hall. Mlsislnonqa oaa awurdod a penalty kirk wbicit an asuiy plcked up by Wakeiy. liîor- luuey Wakely moved bun on d taerefere aaarded Misslnanugu a second kirk. Agan Wakly carne up aiib Che Hnl-bark Muark Harrison, abo playol bts trangan <urne oltCe aoason, ans greatly crrodled tait epý Miltouinta he hbl- trough ie lstrosg ni- lensive mnd delamsive endmavourn. Fiat-bacit Ste aroaneas strong kirktag made nverai Minanugu drives lutle. Broane waus aui crrdlled iC preventil0 a goal itykischag tae pr tngll otuljuI bfore il rcouued tCe lino ta end Che batiloa lise aboie Milton teum r laed a0100o< fnst bal urnae out in te second bal ait thlie cealloallon tCeir irsI ata e uver Mimsisunuguwaus tot ta Otboe but a ronuui of dueir abilty and itatC seond baltCey prove Cay bnd dut ubfity ity piaytag a a sro0< daggronolve garno Shan Heniey. on oce ni bus tree bekaaays ni Che al, sbot aida of Che gontie, bt tScott Devit a athra tu tnp Che bh ai inteempiy d buf aide ta end tCe game n bç agoey o dotent play rame bntarday lenea Ontarto Clip gamne aganmt St. Andrews. Milton dcoa St. Andrews inst yeuî inthebo irsi round sf theo Ontario Csp nd bon tp tbom 5-t. tielvoderes onlortu- ntly drea tlamn ageta ibis yenr lac ibeir tirai round. Elitlte memory oflat year's gumoi stili in titeir mindu, lte eqond aeet in aitit n defeist attitude and St. Andreas romplied by sreriug tac goals inthedu iret Iour minutes. MUltan settied, doae ulter ibis and bogas ta play smme ceai serrerligbtig oitftSi. Andrewsan ud uiorned enlysoc more goal ioed tbe balf i-0. Earlyeinte second itou. goalie Wabeiy rereiced aniejucy and a replured by Sn MrCstism Aititougit MrCullam came up aitb titres ftce saves. St. Acdcea stili munnged ta breakithtbcughthUt deeceand score laI goils, batb dillirnit abats ta suieý Camoron, Kay tops 'ite Ccmmercial Street <crnu oece actie ugele Moedny citb asote aek of urtioe of tCe Miltas lancboaling club. Kny Fostec 100k het 1ladies' itonors nbesd ai Bncbara tionseil nt tietty Muers. r Cumerce Macsball ont the tap muenbend of Roy Henry and Ceci tCbinbolm. e I . p Ié XlielpyoureTmnibe..witha - colou àr portraitpacliage 95eDqmf $195'ItalPacage I 14 IrofessionaI Colour Ibrtraits o-~ C)- JUNE WED. THURS. FOI. 24th 2&h 26th NRlO ST. NI MAIL BAT 27th PHOTOGRAPHER'SHOURS 14 041 04M 1"- Undermannred Courlers nearly Pull an upset Porolaor Cooclr .ould blanoua 0ethuor centr. Itenoby Rert Ahant p= ce et M mes f t e vn Groot a m n ln die = of :t = 0M a du Lt evcoeonvch ovl cJua aan y. .. totéothér nms exiting pleysaman althnonjy 1tImon baya ta have ta pley lau oali ram Cou-tam playod dsr lg os=h dfls atacoale effofanioi bout a Outemsiplckougalatrframdut d the te" lin. by vis tain i do 4 tplymisan atipyed Grointoeouotad fr tdu *th arouplle of< Utare t w m ost 1Cure g".l pleymeraîy nehasehoai turnod tateir pasnal Altough th U toy hed ca' ac od upsllmonibut performance, gaone duCaset em pl-Eyfnhoroynas etias Jay Cocoon, ila1goal f.the Parkalt titr tao mmi ah 0jdui ondeo amesohtaib lo z boedm laid blgh and ot h. ow=no tatosaseuand eortalaly kopt laeklog lorseard ta np uCurimi amit hie tanina tgazon. ropeatiog dueeffort ta lo ave iletaon asn lanfbont of oosonduheloe play. duy ant inIoa aat defmwu0aenormd by lirtin tahdu amb, Antony Lar.rse ni Cosrinus had droppsd o Pooklattaslangue gaon M~ frp trm Goorgtaan, bly toactola by 4-2 aIter sujotadby Jobs Auger ioadlag 20 n t irai Gmsc r nbvd- ofcitad. Toexeln gasb Mlaiboi Obotter ts hon L ýywe van roote arly einte ni due soanon, mBtin r aznue dthaeh hld on tao ega Plton pleyad flor Uoo. Courim amit up=e di sucoo Data sui ta db mdI=ilDavid tiretsinof duheaa o serrer reps t-o moaday licOltire and Mie"l anmes lopydnlcaavo uniorlld tododpay 1ddu tlon Thiesqnid loouksd moci valiannly, mblg Fiestila' le nthlad btter ton taproviasiasumro nclatseondl balf atioaoed giâmes sud a.n olpad panama troh etir Armta incame hock fer out by notadediltions orarslthedu ahi Ravin Fontana and lias loaars i lt- Idns aeek tduCourbera Davd Smit rOm boula lGrog angea la du travol ta Brampton. longue.a .0 , Miscon minneda e I ota R OUU VM gond chances and aller applyiog mont aofduh - prouami lotuth-du uni n untanlo up play alan Erta MUtae coral on n h.eakaaay. oueing Port Coatourne intea vertima pas- Playl0< gou< gamaity-lolck shoadoan, 11111100Kouki Gai major mou- ler Msicoeaaere Darnet1 quta iSoccer reps advanced ta due Uird round of<Ont- Veerban la ol:md roCup playalth 54altnSunday. dafedme Cola lta scomi, anstiod allterregniation time and omer- CetSaood, Jomy ime beomith du i e nmtis duhefiva penalty-dk Meltyre and Abble shoadasen. Cruae abie arwarda Paul Starkion led tdu ttack alt lau <galla abile biko Con, Jtammy Wood, Bernard Vrbss, Paul Aianaund Doug Drannasn ddod Gino DeAngelis, Fontana singles. and Smit as pultat a in in -un action l aawek. Orageoile strong garem. beuit = 2 whiate Misasaah.5 end K" t-i. HAND POOLS Deal DirectiF saisi tige Osvmers Ca tu man ppamssltodsy.. Awsim a nte aock duàOn à 644-6665 HUON 0I99I0 HANO LEROUX 17101DlfdIs St. E. sdn saorns4"4KERR ST. 624-4101 ld sie@ OAKVILLE You Get More Mazda For Your Money At Achillos Motors VISIT US F-OR fIHECOMPLE 1 E ÂAUA L4itL Tha mars pou Io t h more yau lîka SIALESmialdSERVICE 347-361 Ousen Stast Actos 03-200 m 1 .MmýLmblAým lm mdmimý mpqmulw