Tisa Canadilen Chamspuon, Wed., Jasa 24,19MI C3 Fifth Wheel rolling along Pair of wins move club over .500 and into fourth Perfeel Suai: Colbeck's Darren Kucbmsch laya down a perfect buxt dus-cg is teoro 54- U victul7 over Mltowne Realty Thursoday, FiftJI Whoetmwono a pair to mova over the .50 mark. The wmas gave the club as many (fîve> s it won ail lant year. KiIbride splits with Chymr KiGbrida Mmeebnl came up wiUi Ueir biggiî in of iceir l-1 augural yeais-oaIply ilte UcIster-i Ciy Facîbal League iUi a 3-sawis over Waerloo Cymra last Wedesday ai Klbrida. It marked jaitthUic seod basis 13 s-let for Warlas and a ie iUi Camnbridge for-tba top spot. Walrloo releraed Kilbridc Uic laver thc olloiug igit i Waerloo by ieatiug Merebansa10- 2. Tie ecbange lat Kitbride iUi an ovesal 4-3 record and Uird1 place io Uieeigb-eam league. 1 Mue Curts-lw esl Uic distance an Uic moucd ad Urcm igisc airikeaule le laid Kiliside la tise is. Crialco scored Uic gumens iaiisgrcm i Ue sitUiniiig. KElbide brabe opes a coretess cantsai mUia pair ai ram in tie sixUi isisg and jumped Uic laid le 3-o iUi a single rao in lise seventis beisce Cymra cloced Uic gup iUi oses-us iinecigbUi. Rasdy Nykarais as Uic bilgaiu for Kiliride mi iscther singles. Nykrak inglad i miioneut in Uic alels and moyeU up mban Crin single iscoogt ihome Nybarois and Gave Veine drave homne mbat pro- vd to bete inningran one bat- lac lalar wiUi a acrifice ly. Nykrabos RBI singe in Uic sevenUi drove ihome Bandy Kosater ils île insarasice r ltiride managesi seven ita in Ue coneait Tise net nîgit, Waterloo gainai tieir reveoge trauniol Mecebanla and Kitiside starter Maris Curtis. Watertoo ted ailthtie ay gin aiscod 20 iotise firsi sond jumpin Uesoare toto0-i ater ia innings. LaI year, il leub $115 's5sieel ai 28 ieagueamai isciore Uic aqued wonles 0i , aiaiUi pear. iis year, iUi a large cumbr ailen- peoved players, Uic leaco moved avec Uic Mil mark wcelisîleifUi in ai Uic year le jutil l sainga. Ais immeoscîn improveil pilebli sali coaplai wiUi Uicheeod bail dalensive record le Uic Milles Facîbal L.eague bas esablcd FilUi Wiscel la be- comeuacanlandar in justl isasecond yar aI MFL play. onecofUie bey acquisitios udring Uic oli-ceacos as piser Oes Grdas rem Milles Combinec. Grdas mas Iiceltet maib, bllling and plisbsig ic squasd lea t1-O in avec Tise Raceras Edgc aid a 6-2 in avec Milemwne Realty Crp. Grdas uppcd bla record le 3-t asd dropped is ERA lesmiraipectable 1.68. FilUi Wieel mili gel al testlaf aisîl impreved play lenigist lWednecday) misai Uic aqued baIles rasI-runolsg Tiorabarroin BP Fuel Oes. In lad . eeka acian, Uic top ive teama lcasled ail Uic ballem tbree learos as Millemne, Tise Iaceras Edge and Lamile Benders a ccisad dis- atroasmweeba. Tise Edge, le paricalar, cailered thUicigasmfiny ofai elg faie gamesl Iu oncaive daya Sasday Tish de blasyddt taiteUi merilleg Gars-y Naytcr asd former lI- bride Mereiat Larry Scott mio qi Kiliside tast meeb. Racers (ot14-3 la ullera, 3-2 le McDaiie Eqipmeeo, 3-2 la Millemne and 1ltOleFuIs hWieel. In alier games, OGlere mon Imo bcdt- iog 'lhe Edge and 'Icbramay Mafilerai5- t. Tramay bad Lmvlle "- and iai MoDalfe 2-2. Caibecis edged Lamnile 2- t asd bankal Millemice 4-0. la Uic FifUi Wisel in, Uicaquasd made a fbar-ras ouîbural l e Ui Uird iasing saed op againsa Millamse asd mballopcd Tie Edge iUi a score ap- peaino iigier ian lise game iUi ibig inniogu near Uicesd o tise game. Jeil Heggie bllad a base-oasded dauble ta iighiigis a four-run iing lare wiUi Uimee wmile Ray Delegarde cisipped lain itis a pair. FifUi wbeeasiauai Ui eir ittlers aginal 'ice Edge psppicg lb bilesmisile Gardasniseld Racera le jasl Uiree. Trevor Rolerts and Paut MeCai lai Uic ascault miUi Uire bile aplece misile Kevin Smith, Delegarda, Heggie ccd Gardas cacs addad a pair. Heggie agais bsd a big bit miUi a tmO-ran triple. KeiUi MeKiasas lisrem a Imo-iillr ut Tise Edge asd came ap mils a key daouble a p bia record la 4-0 asd lamer bis ERA Il 2.07 miUi a 3-2 MeDuffe mis. Aller 'lie Edgebhad takec a 2-0 tend in Uic liraI timing, McDaffe baasccd back miUi tbree l is e liird le tais- t± mis. Peler McDuffe sarled tUic ',.thm ia sisgle, MeKisson lolrwed i miUa dauble. Deug MeLagii eceaion as errar and Dacag MeCatcheO delivered lise final ras miUi a cingle. Iisramay esgagcd MeDaife le asoUer pilcisera' duel mriUi Uic 2-2 lie. Gauthier stro,ng pq Wheelei Milles's FilUi Wbcel bausai leam loasd Uieir lacis ras eut astUiclubdaisa blaiked 4-.0isy LaCky ChinacResaurait ai Misclacauga l is te dalayed smmi- finals aiflise Palerma Faalbal leurne- ment Salarday. Hast Pales-ma mas UiechcampiamlaiP miUi a 2-t min avec Lacky China. FiiUi Wiset bcd advaiced to lei nemi-finals mils a pericl 3-0 record coarlaay ai a pair oaiI-0 mins avec Mil- tamne llcally Carp and Branle Legion asd a 5.3 mis one Hiames Elerlric ai Gakville. 'is qad tied wiUi Palermo for lise top spot ai 3-0 bat a complicalad for- maila scdle delermine Uic finals pilled Lacisy Chsina inle tise round miUi a 2-I record. Paiermo and FifUi Wbeet flippai a coin le dalarmine mbits team moaid play Lacisy China le Uic semis. il a it-inlag triple and came home will Uic tylisg rais as aserrer. Pela Albas bascked in Mailera' btraI ras ih a aecasnd-insiigs ingle aid Deug Wiliamc acred thc second ras wiUi a sngle and scared as as Tbramay bas bad ils dilficultica gel- tisg gaing Uila year batthUesqaad pu ils silence in lear and received a lbree-isit pitciig perforanace lrem Jerry Ual in thc wis avec Lomville. Maillera esploded for 10 ile an lise iaplesa Besdeno ils Warres Pars-oIt, Lii and Willicms hisiting Im a cci Mike Malins asd Tam Sargent added triples tale Ucallecis Glera jamped ailflise bat iUi ive raunis e iratinisng ccd lsas coasaad Uic real olflise way as Uic piltisg as-m of Tony Brossard (3-2) le led Tira- may 5-i. 'lbrscmay piser Nicis Gauliier eld MeDalle e ojasl Uree ile whise MDaffes Rois Amas limiled Mailera liree hile, ail figared sn tiesecorisg. Randy Coalcans RBI ingle bsacked in Peler MeDailemisa bcd tripled ill a Norm Momiray led 011r bittera ils tmo bits whiie Wiliams coslisaed les trosg itisg aitis tiree ile inclading a double micis etaup Mailera' onty rais in lise gaine Colieci'siDain Martin (3"--) laered bis ERA to esactty ase-bal a rmca per gance miti a sis itter avec Mlemsse. Martin asc addcd a sacrifice ly miicis drove in Cotiseci's Ions-lis ra. Derrick Neelanda pasched a tino-mon doauble le iigsigist a tiree-ran lrst inning for Cotiserk Martm's teammae AFenon fdid is mark witis is pitchiail armn and hia bat to ead Cothecis avec Lmvile Fenton tisces a ti-hisiter and knocised on Cot- beck' irstîru asils a triple. Dave Martin scored tise winning ras mitis an RBI double in tise luth. ýrs Iuck runs out migisl bave il, aimeuhst Uic game Tise conleal mas tise liird for Wleelecs le a space of is baurs aUloday. a CoachsChisiaHeaUi caïd be mac pleaaed iUi Uic play ai ic charea 8 especialy an delesce. Weelers coce- mital jusl u ingle es-or oner Uic four gainai le Uic Lusky Ciina gamne, thUi il- auga team corcd Imo qaicis rans off Wiseaer starter Gles Gardon aid Uieo uddailmo mmore laler le Uic game ail an1 oppoile-lield ic le accore tU i mio In tbe pair oit1-O ina, miici mre baUi pluyed Saturday, Wieelcre' re- reivedsi peclecular pilebissg per- formances froin Nicis Gauliier miso mas picisesi p frein Tbrumuy Maillera. GcuUiiec Urem a ooe-iter utaiti- lemne and lien tmo ioure lter alomed1 Broote Legiantut tino its ta pradare ics secand sutoat innsuccession. Ray Detegarde ncoced tise (00e ran agaiost Miltamne reaciing via a walk, maviof ap an a ingle by Peter Hamise and scarng na an err Tise any it lac Mîlttane wac a lead- ofl triple isy George Tcencs in tise sinlis issiug. Hoever, Tcencs mac tranded. Treoca tiseca a goal game for Millemne altoisg jut scx ile. Agaînst Branle Legian, Trevor Roaberts inglesi, mas cacrificesi le second and came home on an errer foc Uic aniy ras as Wbeelere mserai fine ils in tise game. Paiermo mon $450 lac tise iraI place mhiie Lacky China cariai bome $230. Filtis Wbect mon $125 allisougi tise ao1asd maud bave ieen gaaranlecd tice lisat amaast if tiscyd won thec hp RQyais bet Lockport McTrach mows themn Rlck McTraccbbasa lmayabacc lacamas- c valuible nmsbr nfMilles Opilila Royale 1r hisnba. Bal Salrdcy,"SklP" abomesi tba cluis and niasagr Wyse Machaid aieUir reao forbla ià bdsai ta Uic club. in as n hbitioneganesagainta c0god leacci 6-m Lockporl, NY., MTrCcb limiled Lockport o leJUil 1500ec-iand fBva bile ver Uic lut ialaclaga la lac iraI pileisg anqlsesl ai Uic pair. Ha catm* ptchisi lclamai Royale le besace back rein a 9-2 dladvatageaialer Ime and une- AlUougb Royala are lmce-deepileppit- cbers' McTsac'casuperlative effort againcl a top tecin tîke Lckpas-l. miici bacibad Royale- slaerMibe Cepp for fisc renin thraeaiscinga, aboud gasailer tise ouI- ieldar-deuignatesi itleaobt ai tise roatien. Aisge Tedt), Whoe bas isen plcying baller bail ince Uic birUi o is daugislam Amsanda une mnic cg, paced Royas' 18 it atack ils four ile aid fivc RBIa Gen Tus-nec atm bad bacc ile ansi tismorRBIc as Rloae ac camaboti avec LacisPat aller miso pitciscd imact ouI ai seves-al jams inctadisg a baaes-loaded situationainleUi loaUrhinining. akilte jumpal abaid 3-2 aller four snings and wmitie Fishses- mac holdleg Royals tua csingle rao the rut o tise muy, Oasaudt tieir hilcem uacekedifor Imo-r»a inisgs in lieheshasd inth acdwinbed aroasd a ingle mcm in Uic evccUi. Royale leancesi back le Uic aflarneun eocoaslam ils Cambridge to tabe ai0Mi in. Royalsoavercume a 4-0 diadvastage alter tise first hal-inning lesceore brecE balusunglasaceacc-c ccc n-c- flndiog Uc ey tle s quad in the thic iairendn"tbe-fiet, an e ib e econdland threec in RoyaI' oliser actlles Sunday, Uic club inn.mr ntetidt antevcoy apil a "daublehoader" lslag 8-3 le Gs, I- in le Coaty play, Ropuls droppai a Milton coonectesi foc il hile ils Ricis ville (abo lnac t pi. gaine beicce holdng ey gaine ill tielus to aGavte Binscît, Garcy Naler, Andy Hait and on lo et chapleas Cambridgle Prdtes "in Hemeves, tbe in againsi Piralas gave Turner ccgisteiog tm his apiece. a .30 pi.. stcl. Bals gainai mccc playesi Royale a 5-3 record and a ic foc second Noes Royats eturo Uic favor le Loch- aI Brian Bcdt. 'lie Ime gainaiilac day mre place in te laigue ils tie nee impovai port Jaly le isy travellinig taise Ainericas occeaitaleil by Uiechccage ai Uic Gavile Camnphalville Mhamb. Tbe tains mUt ity foc a contet. A smiatniber of peapIE date le accoinindale Leebeet. bave a aicsmdamn macls Sasday ai 2.30 attendal tise gaine. McTrccb acad pamver pllcblngag dgdbccl pi.mdltCampbalvilic biail pas-k iniat Roanrnc10LedaTsaays Lacispet for Uic irlshre lanlaa l poiioife iiasacrlg iliafai trtinDndn utmdy51 einacIca nTune nceohoe ei Ryls5611misovr ocpotNY.Saurana i-inis llIntand lies mesi 15cm damai oissto deaue:-crigwid faRoyatinDuds auoa a Gpm.u Bu ils a goal varialy ai jask Uic rail et Uic Againat Gavile, Royale c ieisi ldta Beil Park and pay in Campelli A tara td:RylsGe unrsie oewl oas 61 i vrLcprNY audya ay juil cisc hile by abvilte hurler Rois Fisher hunday. ahead of the tag as teammate Wade Bekar watchen in Brai alPrk They beat abos' team Here 's a sp unky group of gfrl soccer p/a yers IRS LAIN byainu adnsevecal coachses, lai ispGaey Flemmstig, hpesding moncy sa fooic5Iy is bad for Tise HRCA is paning a flprosa-ans aI ubat ans New Hampsir e and l aaSte. virtcinlmpeis da neais y me ~UJ~ alt cm inaI rmacîscMmconsig leChleitIe$2.5005miscis dam ng tise der-by. Tise a acin aat iestseathaes argacications Bt Ilerea aa pouls mwanî evcmy baase-eaigue ta o efBy wudbcsaval hy caiticga ar oudl + + + asena bas sera ait yeac ssncuding tise GmîAvtd bssre o recthe aafuyurmaathlkde inten) Tise bats nangeil (nonstismree ta fui Miltas girsleaccer tednmincis batllai qupped tac practicco. MMB pvlasi iscat cer s orlie lastame o Uierm MlonFyr Sidahodn - sx ons abyain Atnftesaineei L) ag U(. laisuffhe aItersith IesIin- iitiy iUcogarais Inaaqaet ain Sramdy,,ills Bno sa dfetit ituaaationnet eopFerly amener if 5e prgatiteeqipset raicinO ebicty galf toanames MondaY In a mimd, bruit, in aout as accurate a migfesthe rtes oa e iîi nmeilei a itponsaficieot, Aug. 17 atIindien Wels Galansi Tennis description ut tise may tisebouts iere Mastec Bakery cdged Acton Toreuids -i eqer os app itesi onitio andau aIof tise MMBA shiadmaas le no('lis. treae e cnire e- aagisnt ttaiaath ifikrons oi nctse. in a game miici ont ait ml ilell ie aI oftise rantesl an ihatl mstsmms ganse eqipaent. hinging il ap le salcî snisaYml '--darda.Ai tis ougais ere are t1cm c ofimai cO anappne n toustathfcestae tise eeautive oI MIta Vuls ScCeoth ficl gaine o tise ypaie girls range MMBA president Mihe Vickery s tise plaper' caiely m leguasanted i sevecat ases National Hockey Leagae boys' tcam fcsm Acta. in age fîm sis ta eigisî ears. exeratiaetmoulai tomait astit cet yaic 10 imes. eresafwplyswihTono 'evnta rgizdbDu Sih Caciscd isp iibt-eair coach Juite FocSOs. Faulkner, tie miote ycacsas ap tie eqiipinent mies lie organisation la addition, Uic Imo bagle ai equiprient refercea and1cm puera mitb ersanftMtn ev sent thgaie dyispeuinî the Fauller, as taer bave lies esa 1 br ieiaus p eighelcaWintaia grant muiCis isci ichitpar divicion, chauld le SupeLisai men-Hc tMîosiasettseapelngp1e Falnr enasurprise t cis nigisopt eigbe orareure t acm 0 Allumre invited to plays. The $30entrp tee aena ansi tien ilS a sinuteo reci ino mouides injtoaacobeeasa e1eHi cueching Uic team mies approchal hy aunera alls atceanll amo rahuaiy a scue al.dne ipinesheaat mli.tise ring$ansi0mon hic na RuaaiGila Leaue. The Bluasi bas wceels e Gil' Canvener Mike Raigmokin 0tise if MMOA paisi Uic masep nom (and il enscuceaitteaims anc tise oprhnt mith crmiesiutts 1110co iraI fine gaines wceilbiubaile ands eenm inte. She c ooia i-isr cOaciing chir c cari) il moulsi came cîcaigisi eut aI Uic banis use il. hudb e pwt rcp oe' tl lhuhi a h ael n Ueir ay te te overal cânr- ils la mac ansi pasaeins llysngcolons ansi eave tise orgasîzatian ilhsaiaît Thisidip.praclices uais e efpml i++îa raati'erstlattsoeragns l manic possiip. Nom ber Inerait in ceuciing (anes ler surplua.nofinal limeto akesurseomorasiakassiectahenauchan Tit ven janice lis alken te. aermatý-homisa iu.gsfomiard tothe rail oI (hic eax ana if MMBA wmoîrdunatil set pear il cossa shain tegamsuritp le aet ne sup hdacce ns mareet pweo er Tai anizdtesligotcks h are l hi cir eia ar, andbuilt a auit cet esam. hep esacîîp aîcuit ftisecouaIsfor lurtiser FînatIp. iosae-icaue coachses miosta hiepparsinea Yorulsil pairoal aI OsmegaThy culd mhisil'sie cslasttions uineuUiiy. 'liat "I juil love il, "ahe saisi. "Ineyer nie disagreceover tise map manep c beiug teg coc Vom neridshpd i tors, arise il oIl an tiseir espenses ansi astie raeslafolie gaine galst the thoagisIl'Id gel this iuoves ithstie girls. Attsuagi lies-e are eoraI avertanen nn apent shouat i n on meetingc and give a h mrofcbhesounr saoii Sisppai mrcs ulclisnose 5ycue boha can ich ncidentlyi ncuacesa iy 1Isought 1 i mgisiihae sarine regrets hall lisestuation conrereing lise uas ut for.th deans oin iouue laigue ca s ee ma ey "als ai Uic spar"s e teoinin g a i tetckt w (muie- tirsihen don') t dan')havesaae regret no-. -' n-o--- b.iBusetbout hepregaulansaad geoosiepforyilaiwntiseatcugist galneheentinhetsolamap maareicct-aumïtm msforses hsag palnditacrcepteacisbause- nsoment. In addition,ieenaesMlcn .....ý. i..s,(ibutd tu hss.SrInaglie ss, i iS hppssd iaished thearnsir s four BIssa r Omno inîn waîy s oinsaforsn a ar aiiaptd tothe hardernstyle and woout i i gasss)s.a1 s. ssnvcmfahcn.ad'tbiek the il 1Oyardsat the sta-5 Fr thssvisht meoesîe.îîsas coninin fahin.and nom they're tise ones -'ong the just five years aga oien MMBA alest "In the firs-i 10 Mies eUcbays were tacling and kicking. = = opfdiscaas a lack of finances and Th laagh," sbe aïd. 'Tfey lased lite lley -Thce girls give il everylbiicg tbey have tneele epe laraste srganizatios Th wold ras aay ilb lie gaine. in the gaines cnd lice praclices. WCet No, MMBA bac 415 baya Playlsg boldis "lice bays mre aggracive ad aller a 100percect lrnout for lihe games and aseaial ai a cecI per player ai jul 20FCO i shile the girls jucl lus-aed ar5U5d and almoaafai tamisaI loc eacls praclice. Ici Tise diamonda are bacy ix days a mach 1500 kicked themn baci. ore ofthlie girls aïd realy proad of Ibec." and interest in aeball bas neyer bes Autsol ",wbal rem ae dc.' abot Uteiigier. Tise illIsg and 7I18id tba Yaar jc glgTieeecative sn't a basban hg' 6.0a lo band il rigbl back'. 1 dsi like lsd astyle Ans asiarluaae and des-auctive situastion salaried bosaes. Tiyre vluneer whs 30p butal Ib ala icl e ad le do.la je currlsg in Milos Misar Bacebalilhich give a eeba maorti ai aspcid labr jasI le lice 'lie gila mccl as a bh quecly aller i llowed la cntinue milI esd tUiencsure acl 415cas play Uic game ccd ejoy liseced teir iniial pssr alcnd gclced contsls o rgansation lInosdlarray liemnselveis. regltr eHalles Conservation AUlseriîY la ng ile aaiuily sueesful ass og Derby tUila cecabcd aidUiche nt ai Moanserg Conuervation 1deby gela asdes-mcy Scturday dl cin Houru are Saturdapa 0.30 acm. le cim. ccd Osudaya 6.30cam. lin pi.. ederby lid en l in Ucgai.CO&l la Sdollara par cor wcar leludes derbcy iraliosfocrai le i tCan. one ufaice, iick-baaing may est sean 10 le ai esjoablc cay le match a Saturdap nght go by. Bt lus- sprts fan misa aijoyan ai cg ai lugb piyicai batllai, il mgit juil e ebaslai Uihe pas- Lat Saurday, about 1400 hoald fans jammasi Uiir cay lala Mamresal Aresa le mais nnea bouse belwemeiabecofait1e Jodln astand ccd k-Boxng Club ai HamiRton punch aid lack imbere of In thesndmU.nanp Milton natives cnupai anîgisl t tise igisis, scs baing style, le inlet c being lusai ap as un assuai event ut tise aena. Smith saisitise respenue in Milos mas gassi and si scsiig foarud le cemisg bath. "10e picisal Milton 1or Uic event," caïd Smith, "becauae ils a aman lemn mblcb stckscle geUier. I l t as'I for Uihemn mc ceadaI' have made il iappen. Id lice le Uaik, if t a, ail Uic people of Uitle."o