Be Tisa Canadian Champion, Wed., June 24, 1981 E.A. Mitchell Real Estate Country eIegance. Cso ul nlei e ù ad nl a pnd and lntyftre,=eas --LndaKiry, ome je anme a ltlegdgifrent. ie oardein com ise ff iy E wi thebl àWl ebeee w t Of teste, i 0a tofae eld Wa.LbYA ei Ml/ton Campionbouse je the ideel home for the discriminatiilg fyr Ra ate~1 itn yolketeosny..The passive solar desigo of thie homeMitnCapo witis e love for the countryeide. Located 0023 acr----of ,ninea ecnomy with beauty. Front the livinromtreia ,argeous view of the surrouinding countryside. Ths ront also (tures a floor to ceiling brick f ireplace. : G Cou ntry iving A PAGE,,ThePnamefred T .EALTOP0 recminen with elegance Counry living with elegance is yoars living raam t ature iisar t la nm wils liis meagniicesl cunivm deined windows. iseailia felr Frls arte ats nl li ser n d h at la ea l i nm he is c wgo n . d ese en r Se .o3 a r es of a d liat sc u d es s sa lvi ar ea all i l w s I e i n -o iee d area a d a pend, its iiree- enterlaiin g, l osa ares w yar oid se as se s a long 1151 ai luder ibradaml-U Iepea saerdesia s Fora tca h sse ail. cied aisove tse laSPR86 -Lr i oain d e ae h e ki -4 CE OR O O M EX EC U T IV E a u i g SU PE R S O C O PU lace avsan lie isaîfa 115 hd vss id oîsse fairi od l4 ~ ~j:f~i4U5 A iOUALITY PLUS N IRlNOPOOL i ." f ml tis ae wn w area allers a pec- Prsned 10 sel.lie vendor hill also Tran Vou acm la tO th4-leaal daWa accie i e 5 au"c aa 5 . nvhu a n nehen s a e ia r ie w ilh v a a lr n id v s sss si in a ncoi na c e aia is c nl cO os Inn ferm iv n g ,a nd o d a is fo a in v k o o n y e s a n p fae a va o s o h ato w , brv c c d d s ss a a p ie i n l qal iiy oftisehe draritl hone , Tasîisone la ocaed a tam divise ma : si s b.I sIl a va hmf af earsceM.asem nvav veoanaaa 'o iriepcm anher oo m e cpi a an tre GaOa il a iod a lt l :ra o d 0i h o s a e s fr o s H ig isw a y 4 oi a n d ig isa p fa l s si o 2 a a s ci&a n d l a m ly r om m ah O O a h l o 2 ain a m c f l0o r fm i a fv am m f a l e a ocnf elarg e o a lo t cm e n h d r e f a a e A ar ny s m s ini i e' enkh, pe 1 , t i a tl o l m clfoofl ae l sf c e d iseat Py, .2 w h w $ à i g Ou ' laasanc 5n C avaTr in . h v lvacM nC ec uit Li dsa J saua odad seien n d ls a Fo25Oappies teal a e picce ihptt dc.Aiti ls8SU- bl m Vae& sig$129S.Plaeci a nSe forrlavda trhi copunetai esB r o ve r hM isei eEsiete otaeuiLsate 15,0>P ».1Bl u' ilron co Boasislie formaialdinng tres aod ai 87411 or ai ls homte 87-1535S isecssabadOOc~aniansaon AO PCEN RViE aTSNo HORSES PETS a SIAPPINESe I mv Avaiabl onthi 3 bdro0 RnchBunglowd-cit,.,èsaIea:na-i lonin oncaai ns e gado sa dsa s torefiaidas. O fe8mais n gsm ak a moi lea bd aval shom e h osial ne bcacnadeva m seaaloa1dad W onfn lelddclu-t w7i mhf1b.dcoonnaPammeiffltd sai Wl g 4bla 5 o maioa2 'h isn o forh moren h avaierdtoclomto Mileonand kiser vcaaomdifiaîrmaowih Wstn woindncontrc i coccTsao do )rialeyad d Ona ville.Askng $7000 Pna bae a ttis AilIfO dpa ponma oattra rse paymn acdcll sin, ansda for moredate,0.c nov aca opencspane.To vam .paisan Bale Ludo $97«. Pu- rail ll C'cie Aelocelf1185w0Svo a rgi nd beautiful. This ultra modern kitchen comes complo te with Isl appliances. Extra niceties are the solid oak counter tops. I% ,issesap.A cozy loftIprovides the idea Spaefrt craftsmafl in your family. This roam could a150 doublea td area. ERYCANADiANA Sai 84 cdtuoyas iltheaitdoal poiaha o n . pflaaindm. O n ýn anecd pacaililns wtsmstd teda. Lasga foeralI Ocefnoo,.listafl.plasndiica tara. brekacst c. 5hoiclstble. Ail oc10 antan a mis pond. Vnofml hla fint mocten. peau P laamah ga Wthef nr Jn BEAUTIFULNASSAGAWETA wOth or n etl sells 511.tasaiand cps/ces. ackma aloalcsatotrtha lflertdaRach. on crsanaad etuna S earseddcOam-, kthn h ais hm 'm, tar lvnghndsv ,o ad famlnîmona, hpan candaopen aa34ex30 stable htruliinPa Verdat will hold lageofinit aonae. Ackinca val i$15,9W.pis"oa n ge Winch- LoSte ast Oac home featansn 4t Placeinalivingbo, sconry icha bosanintabe, arelara mifl dinic GOya. la . nm antis m Pie."enell 1.9. Far tis le on saIoos ccd ship insay aJ. MnLsf w ACF onthis 3bdtvo lot. opaofflý m l p ci~ Canlo stnh.llý -FAN-rAaTsC FINAedCINO ALMOST ONE.TFIIRO ACRE RAVINE LOT -SO5EFRM ffincasho.cinc n sseia ii ia amh ove cas s dlaslnacanc2tail mfsc se HOCSEFach adcnc 2cn0 ac anad stnc4a d iuae nTme1 n filt lt o a on ha a onccandOaaOaaontancd dinn «oi imskhwloma5ufilee,03-i ktce 10ace oi tislvey outr "M. omatrdkiving isbrakcsterk and 3momaaisaRIO 4aeracad 24 ic. aatsfis-olywookeMchffl ma forncs emlvin acîaafrMont hna imacin looslandsy so akninamiean.eaahonti6na don ya in h aconr tfin ecncdf h aan h 5 n fld t s a d p d d onk s L o aai d o n a n o vem i zad lo t is r aacd af vm l cak a f 3 0 a85 l f an a I 9~ copIa buh.ary ocPivaaaaand sock tl mlaaaOaefron 12%%sa0 14%ie Verd ng acmohoanMmccacceinsa $s79.00. Pana nli caW aceua nlifiait mfhnma. Achinlg 13,9W- . caafYI' e 4aaPmcn da $19O liesCl nePlaaan all LndayOSJ - MnLasOc. JMcLarec IIEiCENLiIITUOR EXECUTIVE COUNTRY ESTATE SGSETTER SDESTI a ue tla v o n a a a ifl 70 L .n a d o n vam c & ri p o 8 3a~ c re s O a an h va c na a o c a a v s h anti hue îara lO1S asahs p mpay 4 wqih fisadfl8e Ealcp a l , Laita $17,00,si sanaE Billmakoi a,ilafoommlsth fiaplacasams haafml laraîuîcisa c a, l ha ras fO alkvafs n dek, pins camefonoBxfa 410i5H Oaa Ak 9 30,00. Mîinelatu41/25 Oa laa aî Uc tWnth l. eisai. D A L S IT U A T IO N 3 S o R O O M a i C SPLimture 55.505 - ot .th.,onoha.usligahncdlasOo h s lacaif aat, a l n eplacecav ppmce Ola a7000 Plaa ael l vinacs ii halo laser vIonaga a 1% PIonau. alI Sien$ Hall lo ail dtaIs. RE VACANT LANr EXILOS DRiVE. EN UNIT TOWNHOME Domahmace t'h lte oecnla Muetlbcacnld, nv aen$laaod, 4haniaan. pnnod ast $78,000 Serdat ocasen csuishe bonvao da v o sng P la a se aIlit v a n M nC vS hr a nî a o t e p eskla cd y e pnc as i cn l M skng pfiofv$52,900 Plienansi Stella Hall 2la lylnlOm1cd"'ar CaýpnIalie lcead Okut alt-n., .,.PP... an n Anksca 11g000. Plm alione00034Sycogoage de 1955 .Akn $106,W Pl aff 8i l@Pawailaîl 0.4 GOOc M8 Main St. E. Toronto Line 826-9218 Milton 878-8101 Milton iteBrnGen - O'NO 8ev Caaldy wy Vila Teey Sandeesofi. Ménager, P AI 1« BllCurri. Stalle Hall Inge Wnhr BinGe m8D'MOI70 070-7003 Mary0vide87080206878-U044 8784330 83-19900 070-8240 01.1kP 8y 8-7oan 0e $8 M oi Lwen tte rhttin Donna SYme,1 Caole Stonhill Doug Sawyar UndeaY McLare'. 8784M 1 878.001 0701844 070-18 88-12 93-70 0ê60020 wiclr a oEkrwog view a mea