The anadias Champio, Wd..dose 24. 1881 83 F14104886winod 5a XPERIUNCSD. M 0r ilton *, rfalo dapoaro, Froratul 878-3146. __ oempsiali n 55 Fo i8rNet Ca osUnd Car 870-3 rutedrier ansei, g- 90000f 588E wl4010ot*5mollet777.7en lwrsice pontil. reqird ou n T x, on BEVSLESSOR 4916. luisRobart.B8ldwin and SLESSOR MOTORS Si6.5. PtrasSastacs. 17A Pincsît MitS NURSE or St. John' Inlats' d oS fdiles cerfifiatf o baSin for aIsons. Rfoocca 878-1797 lune 1Indusiel "aoa.8040.Theacourtin lassr 0lidoy roliefSTn 016589 I erhoe Swpisg .xoueonee cMosock n fss catiî Ciras nupraidd. N6cr Ssrrisa, 8"444,5.09 Sans sarrafo Sf55. _____MOTHISBR tiS i bby"t MLO rwnfo 775. pr-tn. BRITISH CAR PARTS issaaso . n ' ortPark Parts os Jagaar Trumph. MGa Knw 1 *«Anisas 5597-1». t Roseso (tt liepts RRlttensy me, 878Ml1 Daas ~finsîdy fr 2 MsSdayaoFrdey9oStiiO Duyér :* a3& 8* sur.- sotutsys t,s12 .. 3, Mton Wee Care mo roCDoR Club CabO. 178 CNt D aycare Centre fnsello.runsi oil, drivc, auotsole (4614rtLdi 7local557Clns 0, ornsdition55. 7558 07sf Grea arkucoletsf.Lis.NU 2U comeralssit, Miltoc ol?ý r urofr Cai .org.l Pol nursaty sohol pagress Ago8,25 Li. D K . Coli Hot noon 7dissat pus 2 stridousosnack. Nsp GorgeowansChrSilon. 1t79 OMN u,.4Aor. aitsYser. 1979-pie ~.2-door, A aiX fnse Latge5700 05171050 playgtoo d.Osasen ~fronf wfol 'drive, bis. mStaisi. NMc Mss .Fs .715-616 stadard trasnsission,.honnstîl c. NTS Epsrsed, qsltfiad soof. GsVmoomtstilSsos£& .scollenftiltape. IoCal Ba Moteni. iso.std. Frech ptsgtom. For fur0707 informafions s. une05su1per. Tny 286 7557 allen. Li. NZU323. 1974 PIfTO10 ola oei: Cal Goreton 3A0 nuleso, 871M55 Pnier57.5101. nasuaalond- 043pq5 1975 PORCD Vo fto 8119.87-1797. aliskse. Sa stansafIC.1978 F7610 haieSb -. SU85-032A. nsint stsaiflsn.4 The Milton Junior' i to Picku le4200 A5A00. 81-345tt Day Caro, Nursery Sahool wZ. drvstr~ior1974 F150660 &Chlldisence Centre oo oIntocttge2!Fan o 08770d150 .01 et the teadiro.-0774009. gifln. oWitsus ly. 1977 GMC Jlnsnsy, - A Whkets 4mPissa as drovarîs. ai-to1975 FLYMOI 32711BoruiteSt.No. S daoar87-3d2t0l1t072.XSCn . auisnal MOton. Ontaro Va. Fron7 esd roue air 1 tossotients 878 711leaut:- E87020. Ci Foaf DisCaca PIcIBIOFanMC io p es-Gorgetown ht y DeyCre FIXUMPIUý-we877-215. iNrsry o.ossidfltri9,ni 1977,. F150660 07p0 ;s 27à v oirc 4door, OoSBy Chil Coae byamOroaiisatis on hr aut58 ies 42000-17 yi ar, -i weci.gfao oe 126fIraent. A GOODYRAR radîial, sowrns nenss 43o 15"1, sn Ciscs rIns, Co. 8071 new 150 o S, rîil.Grat s so,12anbut Li. M68000 i21b.,oosottcosoo 3[ir~iV 877-9459. Gorgeowan5 Chny tuck,3t-asi.-'P'1974 PONTIAC Ga CARPENTER ASIS ç3O%çdiaiscirtiuio.Pix7 " 0005089. ,,nsaoaaN9PECAL 0: MONDA ACIcd sollenst sc sos2 Roc oces reuivalon SPE IALS ýlk n 85.0,95. e. 781797. .oldMoà.ou, - agi. 1974 Chcsr 4 dsm, 8air, 07i-797. 001150 IaYUdc cêdicO Ooos. bathu- L. HON91 1977 MO0600 Cie. i s-s, pyc morace. soSls. t1870laHndo 2 dmtr 4 sftatsfîbak,l 666A-PM Phonec8c1-0e, Oai No jobsg.obig orsinsol 0070 LAc. KMX251 - Stres radis,*gcliest Mris. condition. Cortif1S7 pogcTî,2i S2A.i878-707. dOciSs, A syl., 4A i Cati Dive 1c0 MONZA, 2 dean AM radis, rnos 8 cou305pe, 8uto, 4A 5l, , bckt $es'$. tf M radio, b8505.7 ss.cohamspion. Lis. LIF ________one__ asssr, 5nshod In Cii 000700 FOA AL voUR Mai2 g Sam9lic lo 071t7n MsNaa, 877-SMi. =meriRopai-Srio nton or, Make off. 1 9761/-TON lokupF c tisiu, repot"rosoail LG. RDP509. CIl Oaa Cbauo moas f Phtof.ripBic! OR 5HAVE MANY Mtan, 77-520. o 1s 0,70. Eqiesot, ronef 04 501107F88055870 197660OVA doa, isba, 6osto. fnny asio Cupu,AM radio, fissoi0sh S 107060 S2 i RIshr 44 0474. ECONOMY CARS m o clîs oiSfety 35132V 585 bru Oosrifc Careroas,. eneoo.a sd rcadyhoao. LIs. tsoesp, runesoo,a Rparrî Ossue Street LCC52. Ccli boatsone. 8711-3594 North, troitsrlllc : S<E GnorgetnSowndi,877..... 7,9,M0. Otario. _5286. _____ 197,6a557, 90 FyobreakI,Con sesis1750 OLOS Tresuios irl63,Bit l, 657811'rpair loba00nd 2,000 mulsai, isi Stripes,____________4 woldis dos. Nsnsstrot. sras-o lotriselat rionsao shitt. Sitorom iha.a wsokeSs. Cal Jury gnfmt codio.1178-0984. i78.134. ________- USEO asnitrosks for PAINTN G-ite or sl.Cali Gary elNiiasn. sO55i5 and essor. o 977 Astin Mansa .1 OS"'@' r88-87 isimortes ditolBob 17 aad hase a.Ldy ~tiM cuslO78-4274 orbeutsinc 5,0. Ssîatfcis GIMMINO i1uss i Asaic, radio, ici, ,tlng515Jîssi IAsiq ss450.0. os- por1/o our. iO4 Lader qulflsat"Capric 87-767, S48 Trifîtgaé 1970 CNES 8t'S R. Ciasalo' 2-Asr. oir uifl Mihoilistines. 6,395. NEVEITOOLATRI 1975 C4ES5LGR gaopotaTikgatheoLsd Miton s MlIbuIlA0-1 cosditin. . wthcuir .OaoiyBSkusO ' 751aTtslg As5isB 1200.00 or bat , Esyday Sale Fcal ssSo f uodg Ofr.sCertfisiS. Ciii870- Spoiaissc i Math. 235aftr6.ns Oammal,. Cpm. 1940Cheo Impli Sper pthansî.o, Sîsso, Sprt, 2 doosnohrd top, Typiîtg, Lagoags:, boolses suis, con7slc, Gidaî1 -l3îindsss. Va- LIse un w ss codition, lIldc :nd Cslii8785m ou at. 32950.7cetfai. t 046,1a63-M2A. PRIMAY im 1is 971 CNRS Malibu, 2. XI0Gctoteii tsirids Sadsr, crtîiod hliires hasina dis. astsrnsitis,878-43001. fissty olitGrade i or 1951 CHEcOIET, 2 Y - A Sa il prorom.0870-5ffl. dssr idas. 6 syl. o e sasdard.57,MOOrili I ot2sl ios. 82,005.070-7dS1100L 010587 asa afraaidsoàýr, 6syisdcr, Fr hl eipsli 878-8555, àOUatomtis, poooeIr 24hU oor cisi Ilse or707 t0071t79. 0907bcs." abff omsses. ioatm AOino 177.CaI87,:0- 08NTRST., MILTON 87842 Oose'iPisala 5an 8379. Ai tolil cheCkld îyCDdiIiilobiet avlasefr abois Lscaros, t door dom. 17 ass ZD* samfles ndA ter OSits cQSIPPed ith AC, 19W Honda CT70 idc-)o...... chilatas sn MtHinSsruiîa, power on osi scahas. Ail caliare .75707 lthin M0/as01978 Suzoki GSW 0iiooladi * .. 2M9 cosssiAesrtuil. oaot, troosPuso mooh gNATTACSEC7 DOs ms70. Prise 00.'s 1978 laYYsmsha DT125 7 SômittîIso smo.câlsoublos soW. Lic. h Resdcavoss ais RMK42 Cal 111e R D '- Lt-Brmspton (41GergowssaCtrylcr , A E R E 9 307,ll .m.-sp-m. 197 COsOAR oîs, 3288RONTR5ST,MILTN 884 sussd 5console7. R5sc graP Ise o fr 199 8SA, 270 O-. W.e , l TRANSPOTATiONqolos sale. Lic.LP8790. u07755771918AS. 50As5 îlà os os Ciii Goorgeosns or Stcso 078-4735. scedtd ltu CNIB offis.C hriir 1 57. 197< MONDA3500 sors HARD op77oi S Drie s Aend Cos, sus nMsaisaooa 1970DOtsUnSttiso lais. 100miiocg, Maocnisk, Plus ai 707 KarnsMsF04lza00 oaoCrtii% 2M tsmusse.36 carfonSt., 75557. Phoec878-276. andsing avgoy t' miles gssd sssdlSistt Mitsn. HaSsE trailler lesSa. *orkiIt ouro 8$2600.0853092. 1977 HONA 7010,4: -Holiday, sloips 6 8.30 om 4030 pm 1912 DODOS Ctargîr. k10,00 o bac. rus.tieletcSodition, 50encîongoJone 2. O oyl'îdor t P ti ed, Ce-lti.,$15.00 tas 69638 00 120a 1BRUCE WMETHAM oe c Jas Claude Noîmasd, 00196MarnSt.,MilsrnOrt-3920Oak St., MiltoniwcH le a.o , r Ot b. rliio-pos 50b.esposîbforîasy le csie ias ydots iso - MY .0 mb y Y.wft;For..c. a.' a o r- Wh earm i an n, si.1myams aller j fe o to h Oadae o Ne 6 Oths dota Joîs22. 1981, 1981 thoutmymsites e thoot momî,îiteî Ore Wh= wltosSans - DON COLLING Ale Finie AUCTIONEER Iper, Uscsa»d Ausdsssne Ans Plau SI i F000 Houtoahuld 163. Poe8838 .1 878-91818 0MM 5 . 6, x g, R.Na. 2., Isoby El Ns. tMiSs, I878 chas I tos idn -1t7t 4~îs Is. piles'7 H-a. millio. a.r ]on M.j5aSomaa8os mm«.EZ CLEARANCE SALE ' tFola'b5F5r,iss oit CacA aasod boat Peak- troisen CesaCaon- Sasfon $3lMW u-sortil opte,. 73 ad.14hn riddi 5,80 oasfos .P.JaOW- esotor Mn Ai's Matise tOgO lm FIBRELINE Birrocoda 1tAf. Ski 3-fl boas. C90 HSFmars oe&a7 Osbocardan troll , MERCUY ff~ 4 fo trrso'aoder, stades oh et taSt. bot, Oas. 075-53 asi2 l.9. utffr&U1@ * Eaenglucieboxs is0se0b 1e,$30000 par yuatou r GUARANTEED BUY-BACI< CONTRACT Raiaes lsatt. ssfootoitbalfess7in s soobattment, gaaor sbarn, o<tetpatorfoll time Inesirena7t rqsitast- 03M9.0 WRITE: Dlis, Essloiêal Sytmi O633MisaisogoRd., Mioaoga. 0sf.,, [01706 OR PHONE' OrorsatorisnalSor Dorsfhy H510o86-3217 roj.h e85.c jle iEcmapfttdaysl AutoonotivU Service Baya For Lme Prim e gisbaliclocas snh~.. olJohnJOBs t: 1-527-2961 day:, 0459305 eveNSq. ANSIWEAING SERVI0CE NRESsRETAofIAL5SERVICE COMPANY Comniso a Milonsi utfat.llBosineis e etaain 9a..-4p.m.. as.n sristollas Milfo 5osratiof.Asocaioa M33 or5712754520 bsnes it cers, isnd i t Oga SAIT losa, 001 i ts""yn .isabiliooîAîI ft(hstltfio Pms«esesf ge- sLOTA0ITOFNMN UT thefoin tst pope ptsr ublipchaîs aoesst a 200pm.oo.Wdoosay.Jolî15, 1961. Thc ptopen afl8ostttpsgcd of 29.806shectatesi173.70 mm)olioatecilIn[ot 1, Cocssion 4 N.S.asdis ol y descrbd .mPart i, Plas 339-5554, Toms of Milor. Broken frotaggeofappeociSl8tely367.3mairs(120 fet st ons m taeerh sde oS [50057 Basa [ino Roadt, saut oS Hihoogy 25. The lands a.e împoed1 A repotassabofethtititry wiba osite ftom 12' nnta 4,92 p.m. onThotoday. Job 9 1981 t10 ansserelan't questos. TERM5 ANDCcONDITIONS i. A dpoitofs10 ODcashqoaquetarqo5ed on theg deyof Sal. Chques made payabla ta the: Trogsuer f7trio 7met be eed o et5abi im- mdaisto poonclusios oSs.Tho balasos i payable ins60dayss 2. Thgpoperty ibig aoin"s i'o.onto.sThe Mistr icmscnom.araty rssad orimpied as ta ths potposa SoorSiioNths ptoperttomay ho omd. 00an sg and lardouise frmatont may be obtaiad front thesappropriaisMuiciepalioothorites 3. i.., tasbict te a rtteaO7 piOf atabliicîd bHloh, 4 N gmplosof ethc Ontar o00rsmartma.yoro iipatciin 7h.,sluthot ptîot 00577.7 aithorzatio.l frtnt hiihar Ospt Mirst ers qocdset. NOTE- Fsor oathe ifromaton pasa cont7act Mr Alar Wsbbh' Miistty et Gevog.mcst Seric,omToon. ta, Ostaio' taTA 163. TsIephgm1(416) 965-4770.- uoieeFle: 3-620-77, Mltnr-4. ®Mcofnrygof Ontario Rd. aresca t7ssos d Gaf amiiy Car. for part, Ai i550.00, 7757rc 17775. 78-2N01 ChitA. Schoulos Saisail tI-as shoSOss Aout20 ptcis.00 pomsi Oiai ,0 Tomke) Arriveî8.0-2 Sommer sali spaial. fur, bot. as3-1391. ale5 . O E & tobdw i .m InsLovea5.15-5.30 LG. 000363. Cai I oToseSkatos, miniI 790 te AICRAFI UCINERActionsm,.osose. 05,«07 spsssible orse0 MV 1000 051irnsis No pst,. 00DM ha rst Ci p. 078-0217 efer 6.00 GsoacS57R Chrysr, bise. god osnditios. Strnstchrdfop tet SolesoofAI Typeos520 lihs70frIlOscloO Aoeoî Ci soitsOt sy08tf rdrs pM. Akssor S5are.. 8775100.05777r outgrs.. $20. trillers iimp o edh 2 SlsMo C uct .8.3 Gorgoss N yBoovv .k.d ai s7eitnlnA 7.8-3Tor std296967 F«. P1 Any exslhaoioner. 35 0ssris S. N. *nd Ia sscage. SI 4 or6 yln r pe,197 à 07 sossl ne5-Geod ins, ossellent con- Asy&ittî ostgsesR: pS. auofsmtls, elfS AC, runRîna cnditionaSM ISIO. $sa000. 17-695 l Teli t78-2576 Jinsnsy Frboan, ît0l77s __ni____ COSMîC rme, g ed 095787 doon lobas, tilt. inso. Cli 11M-2431. &fierS5.30. -W r rwrde04a2 ceoition. alomisosGudoaomiceofansliy 1Q19797 ,3 5TARCRAPT .. 3, MilossOnst-MATURE ysponsIihlo Otaiois., Miiha's GENTLEMAN eqirs m~s5im b 260 so.Li. 1L5145. Col îrdtop camsper, ia»ps *IWMIS.t557857 5 ins ipartmcss, two n s180 or7 un oooieoo2oanu mLoioAOsst,, H Waidgot bcroom aéparsosso, 50475557 patmens, ri.rlishoA rmont, clsemh 075 707-eog5 sa Chyi. s seiett s oxdsa . Excellen sonditio, a j P i ves Lsok 5YOUNG esassIve aSd RSFONSISLR co p reobsy ls 8h : o. ayixtra f9atrs, dottuaMitos. 078. 877-5156.Osmer IFeH n o bsRseto seto.Ej5oa9oe Il ymOy as oampasy oasd Ilk o tntot- os ii offr a p-m. 870- isludisg free sausa. 6074. t970 COOR Arroo. A mootd, ,a no 8707495. r- ossios te 'Mitonst sa, snsibngaow, 2569. r«cruetin75557- hobby Gie... r, sanodrd, hiop msosso.2 hmiso'1971 WINNISAGO TNTtaielorquols. Furniture Sales 70907834 boroetosartiosorh1 00171,ns.rkio. 117-5-35 dthIa.. nj îi33 T2R soos, tde sa. soto. torpni, hoo 78610 whioa 085curebmeasfor mo Tht bejro tsoemy car 50660Rasil assif$1. mar Ope 800t Gogbi.11501r5but0000er878l048.Aclant 0.o mionusreoresos ie239v ie 81 855 s 77510RcadorMnChye. 87-8. oMs for uu 219,01 elfe..4MI 07477751 85 3585N nspes- 30u2,o mir pm à , m EEZZ~ M....EZ"tforZ.,e-_ AUICTION SALE HOLIDAY WED. JULY let at 12 NOON 'i FOR GORDON & BARBARA At their property, Loatod is ths Village of CHELTENHAM, appros. 10 miles. N/W of Aucfion Sale Bampton. Tairo Hwy. 10 siorth 70 Vctoria, sauaùy Jun 27Uî tors let 70 3rd lse thorî sortS for appros. V M. mile. Or takoe Missssaoga Rd. sortS, Icii681 27 Sido Roud, tors ight for approxt. i mile, Esto!toLeMaMPhso thoensorth os 3rd ise right int the Village 2235 SothlSeSroice Rd.,-2 i.î sofn Appisby oS Cheiîesham. Sale acrosthe roadfSrinm [se, 1/smi. orsi o Oronts Rd. (Ns ortOuers oho country store. Elizbtsilily, atch !foisgss (in front &R QlI SALE sonslstlng 01: Ail refîished antiqos Rstlsely>ý Srsitoro; gluasslà ohîsa, sul lamps,. 50. oi tactîs, somne iarm machlosry, hoy & stîso, Crasberry hasquot lamp. 4 Aaddiss, etc., gtod hlOCtits 71 hoosshold & astqus ies, primitives, braso, copper, ooleloabiss etc. ltOis, etc & car Atoull sale vmith spproo. 250 items. Tr.s. M Eqà 9111 171 mi4340glasaie.,20650 tlrsgiol FUONITUsE Ecellentash horvstîtahls 0"xO30: sisalis Cl0IsC A t1121101 N14 lhayîrah i3 Set ot6oadehais;Pissdr tale-fcaoped PlTH Soîapprîbatties5rilp rooll I131007f 85ît;sexcellet stanldingSllOstand -ihack insert;, lOi 3P1Kouver,071211ifailair,Seto0lodragoicrale Jamooupbad, Pnsblaskt bsshîahNstt frd Ah 'olîl3froîoordîopoglsowgîo a1ikl groin ohast o e ,mar ithlot;571,P15055H 5brick rr; iniie. 200Ilhyeaol 7 cet01 451010'banIstallesP0îHîtabl Nrsig rokrhlhha;Pse6Opanesmro;Set of Ja olnHIglourd driverîopîade i! cutter. îLas,,no &f spisOiles; Pns bgh ormt,Prs asholasO, ;AsO ir cr.1001 7PotiacSraeChel, aSti wsshsta7d-hsm baok; Opnfsort desk; ah Et ook eoa&loS tIMW:ppîos 4.000 taleso 0 loy. h00 AIs' 0of dîsîsg table; Lage h.rgsng hopboa7d: Walsot H4 Ise whaH adSha rllS esISodinotsh. nrSylthe bai drawardres. eîssuh& son bed; snashshtasd. HataiaioIdOSoIq.aIss: olnoîlonntceil (icorne) 5m.slpis siboa7tl Iarlm opad more ot 30pace 50171011570150ro sit>hane7rocker,Hro .lunep ised. baîSO 5sbo. sSoe urnroolae ins > 0p0 007 ost tle51 OLA5O & CHINA -Soyal oltor -soieîsplots, Sors' 12 Il. h Pîooo ha o chairs. 0801oker, rllrgelslor H poffentîo0.Fl bloaplates; lge blos &Swhitescasme o0ses dracs10 1-O!nq omst, oH sioolwstanOd. 'soi borii;Porsy 2 ps ssmwrsd mortset; Excellet Benrî cia ute,2 Enli7sh'iechairs.lIrrait 07001u isgotr 77pot. Oiedgemood 1M ohsrso7sr pite,: ro,, poîiie ta17ble.iî esoi otable.Chesteildo& Bsadod ODm Drop osporto1(18);heo. gobisoschairsoo ari57 toobrs' d.olonisb000c0spesos oîl Osaoabis0o.OsbemtoI lOsO an"oîl, 2 goobokcars, pns aoh stand. Banordo bchuspeisa,;pikîs o7et, sookîs bassi, Ahbsy pass7r Hîhos 7 I, hslo7O lobbe,0trio ok ol Od Coss0v07100 plat; Idin eeplats &othare; 01000 Worch5sOer. hSeulIeosos.lre acooo SoneturionrH7 cie.10.M; basosîoi l hios tfled leforads poochsî & 4 h10 f an ohaos eitshe107MPheîoo,00n o 517î glosers; Mr.Gory blutebio blIrgssand esfai plat lacaîoo51a îqcos1tHîHlSI mml eoh, , tomsetc.,f4po eoostsursmaihstt. h 0 es0070items51self utaill1asm LAMPO Ca0h77hr0sanqetlarp 4Cansaenil rems7Cas7horChoqe75lIpncitrI lampa, matel basa lamppat. 1872 irh ssals amp. Lnhotion000lool barnlanSn;,lueususu lmpstc.JiIflMcCiitiey, Auctionser ETC.-Ecllnseatmto large Fencohficelas, hrus 089-8778 Watsrdown pans.; 3 quite; 2 hreuil rSo; apptss. 1001 olTels inc. ploo pase; tavaillmr; haro erooght T-s00qu U TIN AE UC I 575. B roas eg iNtg te. ms1905; 12 5057e efet007 00 AL!5UC IO gor, Bossr psst;Os dike; Weil 711071, 000 pin s o~& PEA FrKlodn hargisg hcildaî osigsýal trd; hit of 3 coodenRO & HT FoKeln nkà mesrsgssd. Bssa hasgîsg lamp asdo3 GOOOOWIN Contracic shadles-îîgsied Oîlsdser10; WOtltlocase a Bote 10 hohsId aetîirirhOmsand Leonarda Thti boad, oosal 0011.0 pctom sd ato, 000 122 MiIl[îmtrethEst in ACs St. June 27181 ait onpots;Iross, etc.; Brais oompartoî smt; heosîol 10h cooks; Sap Pail; Olihotlowpins dohk dOO oyBam O0N TUES. Location: To be ombellesad and muohhmotl 700101m5te1 mentionEV'G.. 30 JUNE miles east oS Fergî TrarcasohrSchaquecmitb proper tO Lnch AT 5.30) F.M. 18, match for signs Noe ais and aenlamnk TeI nksalas APPLIANCES -S C.A. South end of Fergus put.; adniaîasofeio acse.e ok55000 WhiOpoo' solo 2 doo' Patcl :007 'hofotcIh( psot DoiOseonsstgDthadîm W ou01, ol Rfsg/Fîeessî 140-0 0 Tmp, 10'Amles oth o Lak ootaOmsotyiay y Frgdie1eufi5 hfa240slIlbrc ugr Owsegr tAontr osssO sponshhe racciades on ~dîlo cs a200 îc o5 selsdey. Up,ght Fs,îý,00001 OH-m, full hsooetlt, 2 bricl tesssî20uo hl.W. lockdrilie0mi, o oîl maeeand Chris A. Schouten lpstd Gofe, Spi, jThrme 17ppro5.01ces0. Auctionoor 000007710057 o Sth . iaI ymsk. Ptoos 878-2576 hîmplîsity Dîyeî,FEVo Tsl Shed:.30333osthm6îa 005.257 1h0105 bob 1074 Prpîfîa;Clllss spak7î 15s oî Piayle and ho.sS oompoeod o thai 5py 57 001 , Coro 06,01es70 Oafrass AUCTION SALE Z-d. in good ooo.tîîoo one insgsty Off.aZoai MRS. W. P. LAIDLAW <Plus foîtheCHolîlrsaîorlO Trme: A dspcstof$10,000 Additions) Ai Jolýsoî, .FîssilueLtne, anod $2,00.00 mepsohsng psr han0 071100Aso 517 ts hqcdy aSr as at the Laidlaw Fanes on the t Lnot sePoole,1.iot spa cAhofsf dcoqu7he37day eanîdak oa f8mite sortS OfSteStto. a33,0lon ply5 Absot bafîodoethle 3th llrdt FRIDAY JUNE 26th5at 6P.M. Parasosc Raoo îHoîîsy seIh prHpeOOOIIr lrg subhH FOSNITUSE-Voc oak mroîedychinlahacabnt and 0ly12 El55 Coooul.tHg b.d1 dask oomtone; roundoPak pdstaI extensionîtsha, o, îge 1ohoIllaestd parslepasshco p, oicabufts.5000010ih41500575. 20001007an ÇîDattir W.astaosmensîî, hOOHO7îohl siîîoî5heaidsîsg chas with10othingSamincirait; gîr aAreo.hIbooem,12" 536.bhisoptey ho tebis p,70~5sh5î0ooMo70hsr;rmhsk Cos ssl00oîh Costroctios Et FmmEqu hghOchair;2 psObock chairs;,pr. k0hsîchairs; olO hsî/polishsî W, oooh1 os ot powertroîHossilhth hborsschar,mshoSaOHhOdIiromse 5 ha. brihodItsl pomp 1lh-2 in. utets.h 4 drm7, ldîsur wthoifmor; ommode010070001 FUHNITUSE -0Uniqe5kit ylgss35 h.p.;MCoIrmu. dawar,2 dorsand hstP;oak commodtdn3 ohs.tabl fomoth ld7, dtam7s and 1ldO,VH O 6dae.aîpneshst;alol Csolîomw.4 hairs îait pite t05010151n1excellen sdbosîdItop;.sIohm dOooIH8dte0sH0O achsd and mllslohoî0 tuck, "ries 0wsdomo dobl aroisstiadek hahtabe -"aisoISed00Hh00ssltou d. ijsKoohi Drioelp,rmgsohoiatsdtoo.1 sprgs, martie tmalchilgO4damrcsIiSShb00 epoîoogsLsyOBo tonîae;5tonîflitulsî p mth boxsspitOs &monture; b10 'and orantge char.Cadatîols, 2 stop rak.2 fuotreetirealfi daooposswth 2lathiIgOhairsand foloHel i oyl endltablso Choekt ipnlo onsuohm2 we oir osImd lpaHomîokeadomalhing arliharOom hsopspelol paeot neoîo,Ih poop Irai. er m.o hîtoîmagzinebEtîecord cabinePlt; fsSosIvblîHh'. sol. r, domposdh horst; iaperai tahles; hookoss.9OdIawecabint;I mol'oay sdr1Aoeî,ooîhglomoalornao 1H Pl ltypes hometrie0 char mnt, Thîo os, machine1andîhitsîels oflY. MISC. TEMS -5ga. Mels îok wihle;50g01.jtempsAssoit, 0007110 t71chauds clok; ai.Medllacrok;1 gai oug. 4pacoq 505gae, 0h05m e lwl oeJTossEt Ms..Eleolîîo drill1 Oorm &Benet lueloal tolSt st.Hgdon;oI.o FIHH, 1p Vîshtaboy oopgidesbooooblaes oskif e .Id o,oinIs, obhieso îppî sel;lsamer loI0, T'rid,l,TV, rocke 005000Et112.blsfsadin e om.-ad dmrthraicgod ones boterype cothes Codltahisebs dîsosoH12 Isysi2"gri rack, 'a nityht IHdbooks and bootlss appouio OLAOSECiNA -- s boîo; ore0s nsa"; h oeoool 0.t.g.Ijeunes;odlfrigso.070i00, 000Imm05 a ,r Setj oi3rhpjoslîobbe oo6îd10o bîaceoferlingp01sOPHs .0e ncui g 010105055 oo nd adsaceO otHId l s 35 pJvlooIdoard o i witO MOP.îop;,Aa ewNppon and Noîooos 07055 s;MISCELLANOOUS Su . Ox0lhtruck ties, 2 11 X1 bssotul lol ake plats;gas05china0ad luteffs0 IbooIllsobIdsî1O"Fo rd trkosoIoioaluiHO APPLIANCES-EI7tlhHo7 60010 o' - sysl, 1980,1 bobooo18'olos Pirmosd E& Lomb. :1001771 o071i.a-0, e1978;.Vick0515 oci5Hcabinet modlsso SyoToor,OBlacksand inyly00H2001ohes 2X ogrmachie; AdoiraiI2, inchcksnd h.iteTV Doîke, oooH 1100H' 000d, qantity fV l I records; CoIdSetIdOooidifie5' OoooHIsEtEuokO thoîytells,0o l ou' qo ,ooîoo20X6's;binolh vacuum ceas; lare i055lacPl0uit lli l ri xld.,6 - o hoot;suHOX4's8ltslIong. met;lei iî7 spsd rdc,dîandlthe sual smalf p ste ladder,60125 110 201soyd caOoldîoo 922 o001o55 bsloooOandtale übi fis . NS s terni ho loo Hdqs; Olp 'es;52 OmIsnHIr orocrn e, lo ibeIo f, orOes sle 01 ,Mocoi' plor woy".. 6001tsorl H 1ipiooo h- sorOIg. 36" x48" oody tyîîo, elo OIHo7Ho1O TEOMO 0177e0casho chque ooIh 010001,doîl.,,.l1yo IWipopesî poSîablie .. TERSI CASHOReCHEQUE WARD BROWNRIDGE ifclHagsiles (.Id),1010.HO womro tootms os Asotioneco ps, ssolt,l iOî ersoOli pP.te1...odyîof ai.. Phono 878-6730 items This asnexsllet le0.w oUNS for 'tls and oqStsme HATiCOLLELTOR To bo 0010 Lnch Iei 4,01 HLON HIS a00000000577 osol Ail 00 Auctionooi AUICTION SALES FItososîlune ,î,rnno will Se holding an77 1927 Cooodoo CoîîsooH, Address: R. R.P ANTIQUE SALE OSet.11010005so, migto t ilsasroko308 .._tnnit rfl TtftatodNsb 10No 340,1 lgo' 2 Sunoaydosad52tb. 1558 10' Hiruomaic rhifle Serî~ Aoi aspsNo, 34 Wichester C F., tien PartîilLiteg: Chao ap 71.sot1 - b l îallsat;teea1 Csoîsîîal 303033CLobhres APA5TMEN1 foirT botfts.baskt box: obles7i ocottssios Nippon;t. 100701 10,1 " & net pets. 876 ap i-'P '0p of l OH" oIleoo ,l 1. o I pttsatith saineaIn tre ba4tssts fulyfsrnlshad 55775557n710777.COUISub8, Large 3 0147557 tssStly Pluso tilîtIos Mllri7sS. cIlarest Mrcs '.ef ersroqoir877 Mil-1sa. s ornseteI' soosit. ll7s Mai as 0510. Rd ofsetln Milton, large lo822clu No778 ags p8,88sRpl hBoa.foiyTheoCanade Milton. , Ontaioh87 92îE d oo o- Ail s'sso Milton ai. oIly. Rfrne Choufrait. Cosîs1 822-211 &r osLt. il AM. i ots nCunyquRpd. sery on r Hwy. No.i6 's. iaio ci 1 ,,o 5, WsIhaslas All osaai, halollos bs ylo..Alsdh.m., ss5a5l *hrgi WHMîo oster.CParg Ph-I I0SH , accepIht ba io, sohiSaîles o - h5lHhapprsca75 5, ost AllWestCaafrax HA- .t Hoo0 h AHIa 3 hkfilass,hp 3'oosm ai poi07nro hS oLselot p00 00 bsî 7,100 parce on id, 22lance on siig onks, pîssAo , haiHI:51951 HO aese oooolhopprhSo7m7ol anIlos, sllldo 4 iHt, Hox, hlln s ils; HIlOi type; hubseltirait -g' &5 orsîSO 200 gl ful taks 000 1 bl-lo our Stlle .llId, Whgmot,;0100 "0 .. s.b.; i c rso .c to ff. gr: on rah ame No.d;. Gran Voie mle, Ontarlo -n5 e rs m 8 b7 s. 6tX24hct.rplieoll4 sd-isly X8X11 1