A peai evenlng. At the fina meeting t"i sesson of the Moy Rossry Cstholic Women'u Lae, seversi members were preaented with service pins and certificates oif menit. Front left to rlght bsck row; Aima Macintyre, Hilds Rigo aid Pat Keane; middle rote, Marg Kubinec, Via Hendrick, Helen Gunglck Agites Caaidy and Norma Serafini. Menit Certificatea were given to Mary Clarke and Agites OConnor, front. Bsicycle borne cop squad nixed Wth te rùlng mat ai thn unsse Ihere le a policemen in patrot car ganline 1lufilpssihle os.d fortem lu alaeor en fentd trot' SBut Oakvillie rasidensin alipark ares atarewa e vouard n10chas. mm ha tcaated 10 lthe prse snatching incidenta soene on a icycle.A slshtofpolice on regular or indecent asaulta, for leatiaenofflcer laona irycte patroin? eape"Piinclethes font ptrol, ha cen radio Nt very Hlikelya- ficrshave bhauses!ai in and set Pcd= h mordingiin10 Halte n frlt. ya fl- patrol carmd mtionsa RegloalPolice CGilet v tialonalu ii.past pursuit, ha aays. James. Harding. Whle ha polin out. Bu in Wsngo pi.enocll Icentt hetofa need laSpolice offeice nl ________ lilyclnin11epas, 1 et ai hU ime fer officero K= soaeiog lO'eed innecnanl bsi fraon icycles. I1h hîbiyces.for ra 39se CINCH QUELTI tehlaeswl itch 10 1ogh, 1.hacaas etfpatrels intead et % CONTINECNTAL1 icylen aittis lime the mobillty ai criminals crusers for a saling. ai Whie visyl headbi tewe lnt tP"h for todsy you have 10 have $1,ens par menth. buttons. Qill-lop i Sheridan's Porter bids final farewell Mmerdsn Colaeanad divisions recelved oer CO=lss have toadig Ps.dati eha iar dpiomas and pinyed a -f fcant rois X~ Preaddrsae 00 crifc ts.aifor di- In tha atnoi nirsd graduatsstiis wassin lu trent coovocaltion social tabriceofthis1 i let cenvocation ceremoola-two on Jane province' h ait].d addrs.u. 3 ai the Bramn Bard uf Governors' Mc.Pele 1 lsvngCampos and Iw ouJne Siver Med"ls vre se colie1 05sfi the Oakvlle Camnpos. awardad t10 53 tudenta N lidosr fe 3 iru Mr. Porter no Sud t oruttedls cdeiei ~ i adactise 14ai wlch h 110ysar'a graduaies. wW ahiaveme nl ef opent ai Sherdant. iveli the ranka f ut Uj- pregls. 1 Mr. Prler told lime pot-sacondsy Prs.ident Porter graduaten soensfuth1e Sheridan gauis 0receved a wari ovation Ingrdiein a taisîî,se d 0td toau ha argad graduaIes. 1 rnfrlhit tuli and k 12,adt a udiniclis 'hovit' 11.5 lies. veli, happybt li n a ulasm ndt aes ofaith nuaf d pointitduteth11sf h hapy ile;,fy. 1 enuire 10 rolagen omm itimoflt as gradualing hapt e dehn.ty aifuhtlgena arescal 11yenr. h nst an tibtin o àlare a. Graduaisa vite have 39 INCH DOOKCA deirmanalien. "lb. ecanoisoia s am Ored 1er dlktiao MATFS' BDS H. ~ ~ ~ n id eaaeget dcultural impact e oefitpartfume tudy 3 t emprant book heolu a og10 upain11.e p,,pi,, elutyod lu 1eCemmanlty Sac- hiahrd.2 dinwe haie ~ rosâ« ditretauataa mesue a ar etvices Division wlli have a hane. Solid hardwien lifere wven oget e w s cie ni a erysparaie covocationefor mapic finit.Ma it fri ataiels dy1e hial ap1thfinai haei110year on Bn t a npoilure toar whole. luin.seraiign June 23,sud graduaiesa ai 149" GraduaIes.fren70 thn 1e Scheol ofiNursing vil pregraninl 14 chools "Sheridan sud the graduate Juy 28 Whiefinih. 1-A - $59 Catho lic Women'sLeague. holds annual mlb. Holy Ressr *1.h ofhight eii Catolle Woena,'a Les- «i-imuva 1. sentatilen efservice pn and certificates aimenit. smmner Wsdn"edy t ASc 25m arsrvc 0w Lad futviciory pins e sctdedicîtion- Chrh in Mion lote i.Lagne diming thet Heigitta.lie vare: AgneseCasa- 11v.Mchael tuaelie, ldy, Helen Gundiacit, Val îein and Hendricit, Mars Itahine, Spiritual' Mina Maclntyre, Hilda Otrector, ballon the even- 115,Norma Seratint j avent wlth . u anltPalKeàne. Unablte, .ia.tOf etmai. attend vers: Lacile Offices entered Tva Milon machine Faitener Ltd. at 470 ehp intainan offices Harrep Rd. ai ap- vee rauaacked and lnuninately tesmine dat tdvr hie ime P'lday. weenre oteetoln Police mald entry wua Reglesal Police. galned bypCyn open a Wvdld-ha 1ives. vldOw. Nohhin1g wu apprenlly 8s te ta iken alltugh te sltop teck e01.IdM c tu 10 as ranaacked Bruwers Machine Ut ai 446 Harep Rd.:?.lyReslgning P'lday morning. An s.lmaad $100 Halions Board of dnage was done, but Educallon recently nohhng an laken, sald accepted the resignallion police aofte following leachers lIte saine parties. are frei nWMUon higit icheel: hleved respenible for Wayne Balour and Jane $Wi dammage 10 Preclelen Baruet. honors nsght Brad YolVeande OloremseCoundil; and McCan and Jean Agne O'Coneor for bar O1caonr. dedicallen in writing par- For the firit finie inlte Meal grEetingia 10 ali itry ofthlie Milton Leagu mernthes Coadl, Ive memheru ef hoepltalized evyer lthe lte CWL were awarded yemi. certificats of efit. Mary Min Baret Thene ue.ZMryClarkte hniefly reperled senlise for ber dv to theii Diocese Convention Leasgue in her capaclfy a held in Burlingten June 5 Prealdent for sevral 10 7. Atleodîin. front Mil- terinis aioffice on the.tn ver. Icoe Teneli, Parluh Ceuncl, and aise Ada Scllaizui, Mina s lremaurer of lte MacIntyre, Disene Ml- r" Bo:Sx LE3 NNTLACAR TheCanadian Champion, Wed., June 17, 1981 1er, Mary Anc Barrew and Mary Ain OsYonn. Other memberu came for soenof the ess.iloeson Satarday and Sseday. Ama Malnlyre van elorted tremuacer cf te IMoen eCoenli darlng lte convention elorlionu hetd se Sanday. Site wuu ta'eaenled witit a pan and itonred with a cuite viten te ladiesofailtoe Heiglits served refresh. mntsl. 0.1 Most Etaîsejul, Fail, sitplestiSyseyuain ilî for Cottile tef Iai aff fIiq. - ff EU tai1 h binNu5w ARM.cil (519) 856-49271 5-nch thick foam, polyester wrapped seat cuohions are revers- ible. Foace filledl back ciishions. Coml'ortable foana mattress inside loveçcat section opens into a double bcd wiih adjustable headresi. Beige olefin cover. Beige toned. 54% nylon, 46% olcfin cover wilh reversible fosin Seat clishions. Inside sofa is a full-size foam rnattress. Sofa bcd tilts forteard for easy GI .'XLAU On-the-spot-plck-up, delivery extra withln 48 hours. 5 5 C s eg i n ia o u l e SPiao OE.W. & Guelph Lune ntrchange AioSaeOn 't uplmOPEN DAILY 19 AM TO6CP M Als Sae O :- Ifl5f'&PPuWSTHUAS & i lTO 9P %0 197 MAIN sTr. 87-93 3S" Milin .f Fmue - Appliance Waoehouse and Showrooms EXCLUSIVE WITH LEON'S IN CANADA! MAPLE FINISHED DUNE 550 ENSEMBLES! Captais Quartait offers a fulI ii. chaul, a vardroeeh nit tlid- iog door and a boohnase accessible frein lit lover had, per- fect for books, a lamp, or a llvso Luddetanod fll-let-eih innetlrai.RoIlioui SA01 MANURE TRAI",eM PISTON PUMPS .1 GALLINGER MOTORS LIMITED