Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 1981, p. 7

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CE Whee Amy (Mes. capable jobhabedid an she flnwerl Percy) Merry of Dram- ad Mayor Gordon acmau qalen opened a baik O- rante hared ribhon- apprec coant at Mines hanch cttieg chores at the Disir of the Bank nf Nova BNS' newest branch le Cockwg Scoia 60 yearn ago, she the Laurier Centre, raech dide't hnow that thin Ontario Si. Morgat week h'd hie vilod tl, cron help the batih open is «'I am jat thrillodlInhe pointe necond Mlon ranch. hero," the 93-year-old Nova lld hank officiain, nho ervii Bt ehe wa, ad a prononted hier with en thed Station robbed agi A ynung gs attendant Mite handed over $120 Miltle6 nan eldi np for the aller eleg held at gn- two me econd timo le a year point. nylon1 when two masked mon According inl Hallon their la armed wilh a rifle or Regional Police h Bt nhtgn waked mb oMil- armed rnhhery wan Ue havo r ton Sunoco Service ai 432 second le one yoar at the the na Stolon Ave. alyMlen 24-heur galnollee nection Wedenday morning. ntation. rohher) Kimherley Jenhn nI Police naid Uey have lUneo Queens Students score weiI 3.30 1 Ino Eocld and Ue David Brewer, oc pecsn Decare, Mathomalicn chool champion in Ue gray Competiion, spnsored M.A.A. Contet, wan maItch hy tie Univeriy of second and Ian Plolemy of a Watrloo, nere wrillep avn as t-. en.Wlen April 23. . Thomas Lauri, Barry Ellin and CGm Van Gemerden neeounr het three contetants, leadig Milton in a fU- place finish en HaItne Other competltors wre: Amanda Finlaynon, Jen Fran- cken, Lina Grazian, Peter Haller, Mike Hine, Julie Anne Hll. E A Jeannette Machin, Janet Rerecich Anita Roncato, Santina Seminatore, Vaerie St, Danny Watt, Adrian Zuian ln the Decartes Competition, Miton, for the second straight year, hail a nîndont ranis numhr one overal e Haton. This yar the bonI tudent Wan Tim 10h io Canada AROUNO' THE HOUSE Bd McDa.ul A th.- h td t" ' EVEI Deficit budgel for noon supe 7. Another Scolabank. Wben thse Bank of Nova Scotia opened its second Milton brandi in thse Laurier Centre Monday, 60-year customer Mm,. Amy Merry wasasaked to help witb tihe rbbon-cutting ceremony. Sho la flanked by District Manager Bill Cockwell (left), Mayor Grdon Krantz and branch manager Terry Morgan (right) - Sixty years a customer she snips bank ribbon $4999 $999 t1i0 ST. s Pl F -aIs a.11 o aFrea Srvica sLowat Monthly Ram Rama 844Ml1 *sui sfrom " SPORTCOATS " SPORT SHIRi' DORSET PARI 466 STEELI CORNER OF STE 876-1474 MILToO4 erand opened a new et ie her maame ie eciation for her help. strict Manager Bil oei and local h manager Terry sen asuisted ie the mny. Mr. Cockwell ted outt1he Bank of aScotia han en Ing Milton ince 1903 idowetown location. jain descriptin of the oen ince they neore 1stockinga te hide faces. tpolice said they reason tb suspect mme pair in con- on with an arnned ery al an Enno gaso- statin on The msway in Toronto .m. Thurnday. ce eaid the eus- were driving a 1979 Pontiac which hed the dencription avelnicle roporled ýfrom Pool earlier. 'E RA S from USfro, K<PLAZA ES IVE. ELES & BUTAI Me. Morgan han heen le the baekieg iedmstry for over mes yearn asd lransferred le Mite from a Hamilon ruech. Maried, he han already moved le Milles. The bans staff includes boan fficer Mary Jea0 Darroch, accoutant Vicieo Zoffranieri, teller- lodgern Hlon Lombardi, tellr-lypisI Ilaron Loch, and toler Drhrah Prince. Tho dunes hail hardly openod, whon 1e fiet hal a doen culemorn nhuwed up le open ac- rouets, Managers of neyeraI arm hbranches were alun an hand for the opeeieg, including Nies Gauthiee of Ue dawn- lewn Mlon rasch and former local manager Rleg Dicola, 00W managing in Acton. The 2,000 square fuel branch in locatod in the centreo f 10e new Laurier Contre aI Ue corner ut Ontario St. andl Laurier Dr. For Ue fiet lime le île leslery Ue HaItne Bard f Edocalion may face a deficit le pay for noIe hon- supervisian. In spile of accusations of "irroaponsible hadget- Il" " y Oaiville trstee B Herd, Ue oard agreed le spend appran- imately 8241,000 a year far sclools and com- mueilien le sel ep and maintale a luoch saper- vesioneprngram, hogin- nleg le Septemhor. A commiltee was sel np le March le invent- igate Ue suggestioe of paid superviionn. Yoaegtern sitlleg on gym floosloestal Ueir lunch, anteachoco sing liseir lunch heur le pro- vida Une needed nuper- vision were concerna of parents le anme Halan communities. Buringlon Trutee Marg BultocIs lld the hoard se did not lot paid snpervisioe wan necesaary when Ue com- milice, wau firsl frmed, hulnow aller looleeg inle Ue mater, she han noon pointa of view 00w previously considered. Toachern, Mms. Blloch said, will ho doing Unir own joh more adeqmately if Uny have an hon-ns rot and relaxation ai lunch rather Uan looking after the childeen the on- tire day. A laIter sntl 10the Board from 1e Pineview School staff onplained Uey mn many extra curriculum aclivilion durieg 1he noue hon-. 'Tomse furUer erode Ue time during wlech aey staff memhr may have an opportunity le relax, et lunch, mark papern and propare wr.' The lbter tated Ue Pineview Parents' Associaion approvon of the ids oI pald nuper- vision an an aid le tea- chers. "The contribution of a toncher who han had 40 minutes in which te eal lunch, gather thoughts andl regain Uer equilhriom, wilun dautedly ho reftected le their worh wilh and attit- ude lewarda each of their studenu.' Iho tler concuded. i Herd poited eut Uet needed ineda nere et included in the 1961 hud- ge.t Flnonce Meares Of Burlînglon, noted Ue notion nas defeated dur- ing badget negotitionn le the upring, buI Ue commiltee was directed le seek aternativesnle Une itution. AlUnough il lan"com-q pletely forige la Unhe board, undr 10e cir- cuanstancon Marm fait deficil hudgeieg was Ue ony mute. "If you have a cr and ranI eafford tise ga, 00w are you gong 10 rue il?" Herd dauded. "This board han always udgeted le a rmspoeile fanleon, but lis à emmpletelyt Use disc T'he Haine Board oft Edocollun may becume at memhor of communily urganitalionsai Ue dicrelioe of Ue Chair- man of the Board and the Dirocler ut Eduration, il wan dcided ai Thuru- day'n mootieg in Buringlen. A bidhby Mlon Trustee Ivan Armsrong e have an nid policy allowing memberahip in anme orguinations dropped fadled. Hoeid the hoard nhnuld behoug le al com- mueity rganizationnin Halo noch as Chambers of Commerce or none o them. The ranI of juling organisations lenot 10 enceed $U0 a ymar, although according le Dr. Helen Howard-Lock, Burlinglen trutee, il han aiready cml 8$230 tle in the Oahvile Chamber of Commerce. Bill Priesnnr, nep- arote uchoul trustoo from Burlinglon naid the pur- pose of juînieg 10e vatiaun organizalîoms wau la avoid hecomieg inoteil from Ue com- munity. Chairman BOll Lawson, aln otfMilles 00104 if nu policy exited, any organisation coud un- mcite Ue hoardn mom- tof i' i'4s>rons 14 " SWEATERS from 99 " TIES trom $o OPENZ ' RY WEEK NIGHT MTLL 9:00 SATURDAY 'TILt 0:00 tti ~The Canadien Champon, Wad.Junol 7,1981 7 irresponsie",ho retort- napervioms, syieg il ed sas toomanyThe guide. Chairanan Bl l awson lne nated 16 uis naggested hadgetlleg for nopervisor, 61-120 pupila, Ue program in 196 and 2sapervinors, 121-200 picleeg up defie t from pupils, 3 nopervisors, etc. Trustee arry Mo tnuteer bit tht if ail Ue TranelsaeyMoronlunch studants were - Bureleglon, polted outtng in oneobig reomn,a Uere nas oaly four lot of nopervieorn were moethn le which il wmdldnotn eoded. She cnld s00 nt ho hudgettod for the nmany napervisors if the onlimnated pcogram nladeelo eat le varios woud cot $50,000 in Uat claanrornms. ime. -eogelawnt TrsesoAir Betty Fisher pointed ou Conditionars Uere in a provincial English Riding Schoda iegulation prnviding 40 minates nf lanch for 1he staff. -1Therefore ee are goleg against Une Iaw and we heter put lesper- viaors for lunch.' s Fisher asn ojected le Ue snggoted number nI Lassons foc Adaîts cretuon àCh&de hrship and lley (Ue Summer dea1 sith each case le- C m dividually. JULY & AUIIUST OsFan u ilr DR. R. SROANOM F.,ong t-eFan DPTOMETIST avo tv, 143 Main St. E. $60psl" k mAnles. Mito $60 arweM31ASe 371A... Mil&on TO REISTER S Eo 88af Rasidanca 8274678 0 nH av 8 65 3445 Duvias Si. it- M offn, 4 4 Wednesdeyv" P.,. (Hwy. 5) Sg ., -2 o TOasdsvS-94.PC. Jt,esnîeot, 252na Ftd5y24in.e. Oos C/Cair Clair 0 (t tîtîrt oltttntît (t'd, u o t jmtt't A-! in -,rtt-, e iiti ttt- ieg. 999 Royale O il-Base Stain 88ddCl r A penetrating stain thaf rcnew i preserxt , ie.795 dgl 1/2 Prc- }Itimnafe Lnseed 0,1-Base Acrylîr Finish Stain ilIu liîilt ijm t hi hiiS .4 Iu'U really ike our style, at St ClJair"1 m .J u* Ilune27 981 The paint and paper péople MILTON MALL 878-2629 M4on-F.- 10:00 f0 9:30 Sa.- 9:30 fai6:00 UIT lilY à F-

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