The. Canadien Champpion, Wed., Jane 17, 1981 6 P/audits for mayor - The fleowlng la a letter addreaaed le hspta l e hhld ander th E A.A. 5ONORO PHYS. ED. Mayr GordKrantz, a capy of whch ti.h aa h aagL.d 6te determnatla ol itmHnrshyca wrtec haa requsateci appear i The wh.ce and how a lanfill ile wliieh Educatiennet Liiversity Champion. chea..etWsen ntr. e Dear sir: Yoarleadership la naw taklng a of esten.OanrMi. ane 1 woaldlci k la congratulate you an cautins apprsach tethhis quiestion, la lasno M.adMr.Rn pour stand regardng te thheatend the "-t intereta o thie teesn Milon aid T. Tacey o Milten, cort action againt th. teesaf i Mlton and la ac aprciated, I ams ur. by David la continuing tes by tii. Maltas ReglanalCasaell. a in . the thehegtlctlsena aof sacr lient graduate work ai maler ef resanng ti. agriclturai manicipality. UWVO flan lait. lanci a Trecane and Brllasia »d. Mc. Helen Poster for a andflit. 119 Coart St. N. Tie harlng an thla qaeation, .1111 Milton Continued service Dear Si: chalehearleci upprt of te.commun-. S!waaldllhe tataketiilspartnlit 1. co gauaey n a fiyes aa n ths W th msy 'i ea iclhen for yaur tan- aaalus c c aaln. tierfd saccosa and service lei yeac It la c.talnly quit. a miletorne, îl0entes Year of Pblcaton, andi la a relection Ymrsalacerely, l nf tii. dedictian of the. staff and the OttoaJelinela, SHERIDAN CiIAD MP, Haniton Mr. and Mr. J. Bauiier of Milice are pleaseci le anneance tie graduation Te/ecare thanks et their sn Jerry, fremn Sheridan Celegea Eiec- Sir: staff anc service, whlch answrs dis- trenice Engineerng Telecar. Brilgian cantaclei yen trans teiephsne calis, 24 hora a day, 365 T.chnaisgy progcam. several metha agni ankig toc ysur cai- daya a Jerry hn accepled a oeratlan la appealng tote publc for position with Norhers vlnt..ra ta lat au ranlgPra- W. appecat. very mach, te.fine, Telecom, Brampton. gram. =lli tat ftti,,de Jan- îhya iredlg l inte cammunlty and aaylaBrinln wlah ysa csntlaued aucceno. 711.Wa ta Y.arelfrta ad ilul ce- Sylt Lomden paa. e are happy ta annuace that Puicty Cenentte w.awhave 32 new vluteero ta hlp Telecare Blnneton Museum Festival June 27-286 fesival at Hatan Region laciade ganamiuhing, on sale Therei aine bc Museums w li h id lacsmithlng qeltitn, a whie elephant nae,. Jane 27 and 26. apnslag, carvlng, ru netaaet gih Meam Caatr Enla heehlng, andi chair .uppled iy uc t lien Brttata aald "ie Senor -onlrswiia have Cllectro dlapiay wlt Orchestra, Brfiigten HONORe BiSc. wrk.d hmcd ta laaent feature gac, modea, Diieland Bond, Senior M. and Mr.. Cet Jack ibis testival he. 700wlll hovea, andi crimahaw. Citzens Chacal Gresp, son are pleaseci le an atend and ci jainthte.Canclea, csadwor, witha o huaioetplayers, seence lie graduelles f exprence.' ptlery, andi paintings dascers, a taies crier and tudr daugicier Dn clown$. iMci EdwaucciFoiher- gi), frem the University eihl t of he et Waeloieecc ias lies YOU re in it d riendsofaI the osi fSc. degree insp Mueum" festival willieh.piced Chemiscy (C- the officai spenng of the epeatîse Pregc-,m. to th e lan o r feentais which w lie Densei has acceptai: a helci Jane 27 ai i pin. peisciio i a icm ine Halles Centennial Menr residens are heting a weather pecmitisg. Minisseuge Aea. lame paty and everyanenla inviteci le atend Satr ---- - - day, Junel20h.ginning ati p..t a - 11 n a n n a TIala 12h Anaa Laien Party tentures local ester- D o ATTElS latiacs, taood ire andirefraesesi 80YM IT H DS stand and the heptaliiy et reidenss he ilii have * VALUE FOR TOUR thec cratiitemsaforsale. ..cTie paty l aredlt emidaste esnd heir I MO E SM RT OL R * famillea and bre uaht its epen te the pubi"aiic ed N M O F O LR actng Mancr Admlitrator Grdon Timlecs. CliYeu, The paruy la h.lag held in cenjencticn miii Seioer IOKIL Citit-msWeh Jene21le 27.O KIL Milon Senior Ciiens' Bnd Adrey Meredith Sciiel et Dnc, Caciy Bly, singes, and gemiart andI eccscdss ployer andi singer Maryaen Rae are achedoleci le perface. Strsiling Mintrel i cli reesi the grounds uhcugheut the afieens I Laetservice cubs nclechng the Kinsmes eand anteers asd vluteens. Angiccen Church Aniliecy,Lesmianlti epryaselasM srv-sa a Beavers.a Oine pari of the laies part i ecors ciii st cent te mine la theIaensale hing spannred iiy the staff. ARC N IINN Aboui 80 pr ceai ef the staff memhrs have been D É hakingeli cwech, and fr a very specl prjeci. They are csmnmitted te papring and edecscetiig eanaa,.. the. secoand esithird flancs o the raidesce and the ss n men'aond wsmensspeciacre as.m mm m m 11-000.000 of merchandise must be SoId. Mil sas L SPR LG TIES CSs&CAR i c . l o f SL a2 - 2" sLeN-L HMC L e2 IMPOATMCARon 8784501 500uStEele ANIC E. YTOLS 1 T 4 <At i iy1 25) --- - - - - - - - 1 ý à 1