D8 Thre Canadien Champion, Wed., JunO 17, 1981' IOeT ITWD SEASON RESTAURANT ILAURIER CENTRE - CORNER OF LAURIER b ONTARIO STREETS Sunday 10:30 tii 2:30 Adalsa $7.95 chud-de $4.96 MOHIAWAK INN Cacopbelivflle-Gmoelph LUne at 401 neephne (416) 43-16or 834!-2277 th c FI\Pmhouse PIZZA PARLOUR b0 SPAGHETT PLACE FL L YL/CENCED UNDER L.L80" NVI %orKestauant S & Tuversa Lunchesandinneni raîitinaaal Germnn a t-saphennFri nvtiaService Cninental Ltse t» cteeset fethO Saqý aeOcltOboa. . . Uddlusa WeksOlO 32 steutaa Ae.. MitOse 78-t1110 *0 FAMILY 0Rest.usn b Taveon OPEN ti7 ASTA 0011 Il am.tte lp.. FOR 5100 tiMNeSAD SOCIALIZINO PIEASURO m0 MAIN STRUT EAST MILTON MSEELA8 AV-, MILTON 97"15 "ALL HOME COOKED MELS- restaura ,)t & taver,) FRESle HOME MASE PIES a Chinese Food, Steak and Seafood GROUP RATES FOR PRIVATE a Business Luncheons FULL YLYCJVOCED" a Fuly Licen:sed und:er LL.O. 0 Take-Out Service S Cam oesd edm laiMbffAN T.MITN 17l1 Festival of Countries set for third season @yaiaKeb it for SMtuday, Sepit. 19 batttar the kWbm lait e Mies Iir aau i od if all gcess plannmed, yaa c ordi t PFEEEDGE Oui,îy 101 -our muaici man saiofmhemore 7 "raalfla popular fetîvltie kW«e 1 My business te t Japon= 876-1358t oad tain Feihvlet eunes cfl. aotlt as aita, Ib M&U iwtIftûi t turgthis yW( La raeraftnan Lvag aecaliesn vat seksa F estia pval ishea i w If yuve aver enjaaad an evaring of dining here Sfr, ypavre rure ta remamber the decr, the food, the service and ya, aven the pnice made àra nuly memarabe eaening. If ara havent petn led a chanca ta sampe aur Itaianrcaisine, drap i atin. houe u iapprecnane aur higttstandarta af foad and service. Ucenced DiflgLoung Under DOOT PAU5 PLAZA. M5ZT I LB.. 4785T5OLUAVO..075-72 ' z Phono 878-7206 for ,eeoosteas DAD abte e D edwlloe ths rsd ie Sav ie mashienday,=Oe AdiastebIe teck fteaf ol hl@ foeeiO goldnhieslthe ed hosesDixie L»e Cei. LAURIER CENTRE Cennu of Lecrler là Ovto Ste.. Misfl ý a s fll"LI Th. Lariar Sports Milles Teesniai. &soi neract Cntre wlfl bbm uuhe ts W.e MewShinoa "lisat la Oer atm, est fer a combinaie d in ltaio eiesas, iti mate a lot ai mosuy."1 paviios teatoring Welsb Mm. IHarrison, adMtcg Pauprt"-Ibm i- and Saotttil islays i d ats 'usaackat 10 vioit ei ac he b mutic, fosd soidance planninsg invdatpvte-tIgoscl Performances. tdumee. tfor 83 (up trais *2.50 luit Herp, choir and ipaNattes fods w eti opyerparais onymi- badmue suic enil la- offred aisslai o Acgusu adwHI be chvimd int dt pregrom. "geai" prtces.ai.tusaki avaiable ai vartusu Act tni te e ad mes y oaihegd u pes ctetmlinlatees. Harni ca Ofanaihope 1 ta ffr I-le rmig mre tibas 4,esteram due planlingcoessttem. ctartatemat, aàp out tfor lat ymes'event Ibm meves in Loer Aves. raeing card for Insy lturested indiviuels Ares u e cary te ailoi et er. eablaglaovolctear Ibete accommodalea agreeting "IW. r yse kup hmtp vors aedintecontact ousher of parttetpatteg it a- purly m Unte ariston ai 07& gresPe.celerattes. 21es, Marg MeNe ttIa F.ot«ce in the du isotheta bm cy ime of 918-MI0tor Cathy Gbbosa traditt ionofpaut yecro, Ibmyear tdu dtffarmst ati070401. an csgetsg pregram of Une ---- patrmsesi oSmokers Anonymous club lisere are masy Lutsg Asocation ia smekaers web a stteinholding meetings break terbabttbut tud Tcmselay evenings Ibmy ca't sod Iis lathedubgtcslast 7.30 aithIb reaice a s mokara Optimiat Centretfor Ibe Anosymu ccb te bes tterested bu jetenins a toreinisMilos. local ebapter of Imoer CaIbY Oens, eho te Aaoymou, orgastates a club tenise greup wtll meel Mltn, wanseitekick dueoco a weuh te sitar babit bersemitansdfaste seraemtte Iboe support treom o ta tryisg e ett sokintg ber prefilcasset -sY and te oaggest metteedo hlp. o f qutting. SIte eceld l dun er She ccetiara dute troisl'nultosdy peuple gotsg eftect ai a club te who are trylDE tee, qut hobe eciaS aed ues but from Ibea ho aoy interosind amokere eady haes. -orrettrmed staskera te .Isot teqý ut tiai cSlber at 0MR7196 or a bard Ithng te d," oho attesduhe ettmeeting naid. Tumcday evming aithdu CcIby Owensa iecou- Optimist Cestre os dunctice eitIb dueHates Commercial St. liaiteRegceCes- The 50 cooeprnt re servaito A=hrty bai charge os due=e.si sts a ee chedule o ai euthedpoo l stey in tar ue ai te Keho eet. tacilities. Estrasceftto ted Met hee ei Imfaclity illbe $3par car erppig ci atfe for ue croneks and ionisoeuha. hepedestrias doisi e ekdas ndtee wilS be 75 rensar decision to osaoaiiIbmw semsor oiecoage SimTh earsdune ca- unofU po. C le $evm a a- carwill rha 20. lise6= ve-dy mt- On athpased u -We- 17 18 M19 .et $20u ai 15 tefr a seond- ~ I - Campng rates wavilI 87.50 tor oue t ino - - peeople; $2.0 forosix tet10 Sun 21 fMon2Tm23 peped; 22.0 for6tte20 S people; asd $27.50 fr 21 Vebicle estrnscetee oa duhetet irewaci wtC costinusote hoemtra iLus oteducompteg tees. - Fireud dl ha esald at $2 spartbushel. Mi. TO iIURsa OU id. aies applp aithdu Rat- FM. bSAT. 790 P ft b mP.M. tieseuhe Peint Cen- i Il ffl+ WHCCL TRJCK §CO-Pý