95va ue yu ce useyouradmission ~9. tcket MonaytoFrlday June 1 to o accmulation :R 9 5 ýâ ue~~Se.pt. 4, 1 981 0 -*ao cash tapesA The Canadien Champion, Wsd., June 17. 1981 D7 fuldtal at Loblaws * Loblaws reserves the right to withdraw this aller at any ima. *grounds admission tickets may flot be eschanged for cash (noa cash value) *customer must -surrender portion of cash register tape show- îng the total value of arder ta obtain ticket. Ticket holder has the rght la upgrade the free grounds admission ticket for only $7.95 ta a special ONE-DAY UNLIMITED USE* PASSPDORT, provîdîng grounds admission plus unlîmted use of ail attractions for one day. Regular retaîl prîce of the special ONE-DAY UNLIMITED USE PASSPORT is $17.95. ubetot availability; food, games and merchandise nat included -1 .m n 4 m e Cho .b hnit Ubby'WS gardn silcd beeta ocktail nftyP." M. W" y 1wIU O10 lO le pineampple siiced - in own I juioe or in syrup ~ ~flfor cocktail [11111 pne necr "Y pr l» 5ypy As M. iy My 1M 1302191. 00 Vabitant soup sbtmarganne dlsr mori diot Imporiai Monarch sot Bedon XXX e ng n e M e n e moza 9lace3 mSI sMgn S 2f T Jerg~lnsvhand otio 900gmcl botie. M bS5Mg bx MW 8 . 2 pkg. 60 w to Ca il Pl it bon verachst SPreme di tissus G fiadsWapcej5PO1y.cIh» toodhpse L2j20L1Q0W",L"e QO LLQ 1.i 1 L" MO PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL JULY 11iTH, 1 l shampoo SaMel On/o cnt Sff1 20/n co itioner Sml 10 un-Maid raisins Si On/o ~tsJS&' lU iii.jti.~, ,1 Ot5 , ý;cA I.k ....... . . .t HOap si 16 V-H saucutu on, Savel 1 mitolet99pme6 Lo.o 501 n t-"5Oy.. nofin2.69, lam v0c oy oll) ox Y-- papi1.3 snow crabmeat saul anlumfoiwrap Saf1 0<% soft ganolabars ol11nloo0k for 36 additional softgrafola arswonder dollar products Lnnys 225550ii5 youft .29 Id nild n tr. seasoned sat SM1 3% dtfWisoe 2 litre tub fi a me"0 36 oz. Uin regular or Venetian Vantla <12 s 1 litre bIles.) California styecase put hans svv NoIlsn iced Neilson minerai tea mix lce am water wtty psy 4.59 vh pay 3.29 everydsv lw pnoe 350 gtUn 8kg bag 5 th.box - irzen Noilsait Kert-L Ration no nsme"' counry cisp ry mist tenderized - sold counly csp ry mist orly as packaged chunks 'n nder chUnleS Mdp lon or be peants dog food 16 steaks wy pay 25 why pay .99 evSwyay lmWMes 2.3317.99 19 8 prices effective ta Tues. June 23, 1981 except bakery effective ta Sat. June 20, 1981. We reserve the ............ with purchaseof any one of these-extrà bonus.products. prices effective until July 4th, 1981.