Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 1981, p. 36

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Nintieth birthday surprise Get Wouei" in aMU.1 Raby Rutherford wholaiI bor use clstwcls gb PrebyerSits usday ue7ad taeatlendsdi the Peaeock Faesly, Peunon at Boyne Centre.1 mur-' 7A 1detlul sa blrthday party wu hetd athe bouse of Mns. Erta I l . Love Treusaine Rend on - l i t Moday atternuen wbus I'- Jen ~ 'soboentertatned tle bosr è - ber grandnthler Mns. T. , BSnew on the occasioof bk er nlnetlelhbibrtbday. About 10 etgbbors, relatives usd tries gatbered le bestaw gond wlnben and gifla on Iis Mns. Snow recelved llowers, on ber speclal day. A deliclous luncht wua served alsng wtb cake and icecrearnter mnay friendu wsb ber many store an- niversarlen. AI.Mr. and Mrs. Wn and Mns. Andreto This home near tise Derry Rd-Ontario St. mtersection was onth oeodyoanw McFarlane of Detroit, .ocation on thse Lower Base LUse. Though the home was put on a traiter last week, it w Mchigan, Mr. and Mns. flot until today proper police escort could be provided. Wm R vioynr we r. Mrs. Percy Merry cuts bank ribbon Friendo le bis district are sorry tolebars 0f the pasisg ot Mns. es lograus o Norstood. Sincere syuspathy a eslesded ta er busband sas Jius of Lodon andi dasgtar Mns. Dorohy TyrelI o Peterborough. NM. ingraus dind le Peterborough Hspita os Friday and bad been Wt bealtIbfor susellue. A seusorltservice stit 1e held in Norstood os Juee By Dos Byeru Mayor odrey ausounced by vides- phoe laul igbl Iatetformsat opeing ceeuosien for the Milles Intratol Airpor sil take place os July tS. Intaeof Ibe tradiional ribbos-cut- ing, us Arsted Services je-igtar sill usp lrsugb five mesnof comupter print-suta provided by Revenus Can- ada, of couse, t sinimtal cosl. Tbe city ban bees prudent, if et fort- anale, le bave acquired the services of the agisg ob Hope le preide an ustar o ceeuontes. Digitaries t tasdisg inlode: Primte Silister, The Rusperor, Pierre Eliol Trudeau, Prince Chartes, DoUy Parles. Mibe Douglas and asrted detegules rous seigbboring cities sucb as Toronto. No nomesn. No packt dilt ta is umesage toth1e peope, Ie usayor enpressedi hio cotoîaioig con- cors uver usedia reporta o patronage to do stl ipr srction. "The tact Ibut usy brthe--loy wrecetved the 0sPajoro osructuibsstrip noIbig usure hon o coucesce. Investigutive reporters give usea pais.'- The opeing oth11e sest arpsrt. us- forlsnataly, overshadosts other davelopusenta couing on strenus abot 11e ste tiste. Tihe Milles Hillen, for exeusple, open Ibeir '0-roou sisg os Jaty 011. Ealenss S-strey shopping and ban- iness catplexne osesenk ltaer. stite 11e Olyeîpic taiues sears cousplelion, stell aht-ad ut scbedule Iis observer i ttC besring cous- plainsaabout1the mssoive slopping mailt sticbhus reptaceit Main Street. The bg beet is about thee1tons horse stalls sthich ave boe ubit to oms odole shoppers. -Hett. cars sere bad eogb. n 'ne irte citizentltd use,."bt Iis io cruy - Franbty, vhes yoo con- siderbnv nnosy pop-scoopert bhave gaised eusptnyuent, tbis criticisus seems astee bit harsh. 21t, t. ntgrants body was doueled le science. Mns. Percy W. Merry taok part in tbe ribbos ctting ceestony on Mosday Juse 15, for 1the openisig of1the sew bruscb 5of1the ak of Nova Scoia at Laurier Centre. Milles. Mns. Merry bus bees o valued cenleuser Sof11e Nova Scoia Bank for over 5M years. 'Me Juse umeeting of Other eveota i local sesoinclude the recent sigsing Si Goliath Attilain lMuid- de lnebacber of the Milles Maers. Coch Crachil bruike Ibe sews ut a stedia costeresce Tuesday tat. "Yoo ksot, ste swonthte Grey Csp last yer' 1e sutd, "andste plan, you ksowt l bang ona t, yoo bso." Turslng ta isancial news, ilises an- nouncesi todoy by Ihe Bonk of Canada Ibol 11e Casadias dollar is usst sorlb 13n in purchasing poster. This, of corteueuns brd istes for the averagestrerswtailuckYleo kc sitooo pr year. Wer's the ecoususy gong? Gad! I dont knost Os the iternational ront, Agansatan slt resolulely refuses le gve Rosia bock le Ibe Russsa, des- pile pos by the USA, the Canada- Cuba Clistte Agreemtent bs ue vitb opprovat ut bouse, and Ibe lirai sip uents o tropical steather are due le cousuence tibi couine Noveustar. Bol- tted Arctîc Air is ta bo transporled 1a the Caribteau, bgiisg Jese lot, 2001. Te trode-terroriosa progrous, fis- oisesi ose yesr ugo, botees Norbhers relasd andîthe Middle EsI. appeuro 10 be a sucrent 11e aasot violence bave neer been sorse le either res. On a stre positive note, recent oeglotiutions teese in bave IsstailetheI Iresteneti invasion o Great Britais by Icetund. Mon-Icvetters gotoa break Iis steak stben iocketa Iteatitonal annoueced a testporary fore redoction le a store $500t000 ose stoy. Its about tiuse. tous stll paystg for usy toît trip On the bockbubrner: investigations os the disppearosce o thoosands of pIes- noe bota on Ontario tubes have titesi to contirus tors tht the ocisi rain as bot gottes cousptevy out nif11usd. Fat- ber Dvits std. onty tus)st eek. "We bave the probtein onder cas- siderto." Se shtolbas really cbnged By Mcrs. Cecili Paliersos Bebel UCW wsn bld ut the bouse of Mcs. A. Bail on Juse for a Pot lsck soons ueal with 1l ai- tesding. Mcs. L Chamsberain president read a pocus *'Loobile ibis Day', a Ibank yoO vus rend rous Ms. S. McMlillan for flovers and visita whie nbe was in boupitat. Ms. Vilusa culver bas reigsed ai secretary of the cradie rolS and the UCW asd55S are lookisg for a volueleer ta carry os Iis vork. Tbe rongregation vHi bold a sale o quitta dosateit by Mrs. W. Fenluelen and astique articles os Sept. 12, causuittees bere ooused for varions bosIb. Mcs. R. Fetberslo condocled te wosbip perod-tee We llve by love. -" Mcs E. Bail and Mcs. gauses and contenta for entertainusent. 1The eusbers stilihave a hiliday break for Jty and Auguntst ostin and pasnle useet again us Sept. O ai the cborch bal. About 150 stodenta trous Grade 6, Mootlcair Shool Okville had a week's boliday and edarational lear rocently le Wasington DC. and ast visitad Wiliams- ibarg. Virginta le a pioseer village and museus, Ibere tencbero and parentas store cbaperones for 11e tsar bus tnds of citdres. AUt bad a uarvellous liste.- Mr. ad Mns. Sturt McMillas stere Sanday vistolros wtIb eir cousin Mr. Blake Fleming t Palmserson os Sueday. Mr. and Ms. Gordon Leoie are seRing Ibeir benutitul bouse os Britannia Baud and stovingsa800 leos apartuset le Meadotovale ares. bey sitl ta uuch uissed si the district. Eight Life Memberships EigbI tfe ueus for oultasdisg service 10 tasbp vr a te 1eauxibu a sadIe 10 steusers of tse M! ton igs Royal Casudian Legion Tere stere severat gonsta Brasch Ladies Aoiiary iscluding Zone C.ous- recenlly usander Jack Jame~s asd Tbose bing bosored is bit tu, Legios Bruscb stere: LArruine Shutzn, president Frank Jean Hsseltelt, Edilb odsitlband is vite, Pattersos, Etva Hostden, asd Legion Brancb Milie Thomsas, Aice Padre, ley. Ros Lewis. Pope, Jean Couso andsi Asslooiog sin be Erica Duncan. creoressy of givleg Ibe Lite estborsbipo are Ilite stestalpostwao ot gives for yenrs f Aoiliary Zose Cool- service bol are ostordesi mander Rose Green. LEARNING TO TAKE ON ANYTHINO S WHAT TAKINO ON COMBAT ARMS S ALL ABOUT. Oe-napfo-sn . . ct y nd î c Nbn..he r s,:h nen ,pdttk ,j acY -e r .. tr, -d , ,k, , g .1 otds iFl Cb, -.sî . nptnh.1kspînn -'pp_ I Mnvd.lh.-shvnitbl'il.v -ut-ni YI .snI vt inibAv Y Hv cl iiuvlMiin. naiv t- ..d vnlci.Ih oOr - hllthehaliIIVInnpii MWd fausty. Metbers nf Onagb Preubytertas cburb asd ) Susday Sebool s- sblpped et an enldoor servîice a eta n us y Mn. CcaeuPsiiersos fin attidnc. 1a dinser esait wu Ep S Thse dscendansaof the annt lreusilus t Boyne bffet alter Wbh'b te M.and Mn. Fenler Cenre onSunday June 14 weeenertalne by a Brownrldge betd ibeir wltb a gond allendance. clown uagicen trous Misissaliga, wbo detlgbled everysse wtb Crack shots bis bog of trcks and tun. Mns. Joan Behoke of Pestbroke la vlsting wllb ÉVA ber brother and sistar-Is- Z q t i q e inw Mc. and Mnl. Howard Gilse, loster bane There are a nsisber f ie mestbers were given line. Hatos ReglonAl Police o plaque trous the Nia- Th1e useies of wbo cousider tbeussetves gara Prontier Police Pis-- Ousagb pOebyterlan as crack sbots, expert toi Leause. Cburcb are boing aus usbme. auctionsaene on the Tbey are tie seusberS Meusbers of t1e Halles cborcb grounds on of the local police force insu include: Sergeant Saturday jue 20starting pitai tenus and were ro- P.lck Klvell, Delective ai il ast. cestty presebled i wtb a Colin Vroonan, of Mues- Tiis tirett ibe evant plaque for unir ability. ber One District (atins bau bed usany donatons The lialtos nsusa fis- HMi and Milles), Con- of wasbfing machine inb e Io 00-8 yenr of stables Peler Mclie soves, vacuums cleaners, couspettios ied for so- Rd Burch, Barbrai cbenlerfleld and cbars, ond place witb 11e Hast- Buckle asd Detective us accordion, dinhes, Jar iltan-Wentworth Regi- Ji- Cbapsnan of Nusiber of jau and usany other osai Police wtb 8M Tree District lBunling- articles for Iin sale, pointa. les) and Sergeant Peler Lunh cousier and bake Due le a higber aver- Wittaker Sif11e Crimte table. Ouagb cbrccb is age score the Hamillen Provutio Unit and Con- onsBrltanela Rend- jusi leaus vas awarded se- stable Paul Terser, Peel east of igbway 25. osdplace bal Halles pot. Reglonal Police. mEZDai5e- FWD THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON PROCLAMATION We hereby proclaim the week af June l3th ta June 2Oth, 1981 as "Hire-a-Student" Week in the Town of Miltan. G.A. Krantz, Mayor. TEST GLC AT - GL3-o ,s s turnaI n t fL Y : etandGosipO L csenie-it. MiCvtY M INTRODUCING ANEW SSE FOR NEW DRIVERS A SAFERWAY1 STARE: Ontario întroduced lise Probationary Driver Licensnig System lune ItI 1981, as a rie highway safety measure. Il's designed 10 help reduce the high percentage of traffic violations and accidents by new drivers Statisics show tisat in Ontario, new drivers, regardless of age, have accidents and break thse lraffic Iaws for more than experlerlted drivera. Tise Probalionary Synlem is designed 10 make Ihese driv.ers more aware of tisetaf- fic Iaws for everyone's safety. So, new drivers who ignore tise lawu, or drive careleuuly during tise two-yesr probation- asy period, wiII have tiseir driver's licence suspended for 30 dayu when aix demerit pointu have been accumulated. A clean drîvttug record la nomething lo be proud of... but it's up to you. MinistryofTransPottiliofl and Communicafon (5) Ontario Jmes Sroxminiat Wi"n DavAurdu Ise usul escire partY aI Hornby Centre wsa held Saturday igt June 13 wth 13 tables i pay, and the folostlng prise wlnsers- M. Peacsck, M. Workmato, Lithosn Sapley, Phil Lontry. Walter Bernard, Garield McGilvrey. Fash prises - brs. Myrtte Cun- ningham, Hold Reed Webbs prises- brs l. Reed. Ws. Green. Milton, year 2,000

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