Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Jun 1981, p. 35

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Chris CothoolSronsDi Finit there 'von wr, thon more sire, and ttsn mtusttyspporting pilioes AUtiah- ted in on any axis o advance vblcts lad beon, te Wr Hitory noves, proportiooed of0vii geiorekltt." fis 'vos bocked pw'ithsdog-io anti-taxis flans, dge nftomefiro'vero. and iniontrY reody te move frein trouble spot te troobe spot. Furtber bock Potiser teck trreta 'von poitioned and sigited to eadot 'itti onytislng cmmlng over Oe larizon. fie (Ger- man'ootd sosny ttock sitooietted ogointlttenky. Te 'vr isitory notas "Kensering lad tlro'vn te everytteog lealditeorder te re- trieve tes compigo froin on atamodis- asts.Ai]l ie coatd hope for were Oe otomo rein. ' arn confident you Wit add thie name of the Adoif idler Une to those epica of Canadien battie history '- Lieutenant- Generai Sir Oier Lacse Bt tise Firt Division 'vont te ond the boi- tte 'van won agin. By Oe steft of Sept emiser, Oe diviion 'as ap oginatthOe Rmini Une viict ed Oe division ina bitle for a ridge near the tovo of Frisoni. Int sua nvage ittte action Oe one on ioth aides were prodigiooo. 7fl'ernton Tentti Amy Commander in o report to, Kesering caled Oe Frinoni ri-dge action oa bitte of materiat othOe greotet magnitade.' Andina salnoe teOe bravery othOe div- teion oldiers, Oiot aine commander soted, thoogh not trong in oombers, Oe Con- odiasore rigisigodnsotdlern." fie Fini Cnadian Divioion loggod on trougui Oe Lomlardy Plain doggedty foi- towing up Oe sifulai fghittg retreat of tie Cennoooariy corps. Major-Ceocrai Vois 'vs, no dooit, sterling btiinis abot Oe part bis division noglt lealcolit ta play>io Wimston Chr- chilsitncierisisin drea otenas Oe EigliOi Amy itteuAmbla and Oe Blans in a Orit tosove theoorea rom Oe Rousions. Bt lisot vos not ta la for Mjor-enersi ChisinVoitsnissioho isn oevaleat od rmr and mon. In Holaod ncti o mon vao needed and lae vos sentisa Nortk West Eur- ope Nnv. t, 14to n ficiaity taise cmmand ni tise Caoadion Fourth Armored Division. Hie anumed commond Dec. t As Major-Generat Voitsn 'ent ta Europe. Lieutenant H.D.. Creror arrited athOe front Nov 9 alter recuveriog ram iitnesa in Britin Ho'as mode commander ut Con- odian forces in Europe and promted to the raoaifxutl teneral,tOie brt tino thiso as given te ony Canadio ai tier servteg intes fletd ' Croror>nd Vkea 'vuotd mme te vans very cSy togefiser. Wien Oe criticot Orut vao needed, thela coul d go ta Volis. Wtten Mor-Ornerai Vkes arrived i Europe hoe vos tuid to taise ovr Oe Fournis Armrednd res it fatiuinglis drive up tie nasi f Belgiam ond Hotiond. Ho arnived jui as Hiter sent Oe last nf tes tank and crack bSS divisions off thruugis theArdennesutffensive during DOc.16-26. fihe faoua Battie outhtie Butge vure tsetf out aller Oe Amerîcans fieldidt Bastogne xihoagis Voitsnad bi mon did st lave ta nas ta Oe aid of tieir oties, tisey vere oevertheiss etd von ia boucs iioîstîiug notice athOe tovnofutBute jutînrcase. On Jan, 7, t945. eements of Oe ermony Amy irougit sef-prupetied gns a arrss tie Man River andasetp a uie base" ai Oe tuvu ai Kletucise Veer As ttacis ta trnv tie Germant lacis scrusth ie Mos laited, Morenerai Vuis w as iuid tu gt his ammr reody and clor tie ton a il puted a Orcot ta ttanla ut severot rmies gettiaf ready ta crash iota tie Risnetond, I think Mont>'rubbed it in a bit'- Chris Vokes Tise Wac Hstuny naied Vkes alod a con- iereofnlit mnîoJan. 14îand 'ioas na' evîdent tiaioily a deiiieraie aperalionoan a langer traie orcludiof a greter w'voîgfa supportiofg ariliery onald distadge tie eneiy, Siarting oiha aniai assaut ohihlie enansvwuud espoctVo is al a fra adoubletfaoiog hupuaowaer The Canadian Champion, Wed. June 17,1981 D3 Vokos is ono of our Iast heroes borne attecis un Oie reor of thete'vn. fie plan iorked, and te qate Oie trar Hltry, 'visn Oe ttack s oove'no r- max ocepi priaonra remalnod olive aeoit of Oe mainnstreom of theMan. " Frein Foi. 22 te Mrris1lithoeFnnrth Ar- inored 'von prt ni Opersiion Blocisotr, the offonsiveit te hfisteeand 'vinch s-- ed Oie et o theOie Crinns sp teand cros Oie Rn.ne River The compeiuo o the 'var 'vas startimg te rhangenonie fie Foorth Armorod itoann nted pis onero taisen ater Oe igit for cantrot vi Oie T'vonte Canotl'vre 'gruisby, dirtystondor yostbo, boyn ond nid mn.. calibre ni troopa opposed isootw'vat itonedisie." fl'ere 'von other igisaiathOe Koton Cano, OverijnetishCano, Co'orden and Mappen. flrstig 0uito nsrOi'vonlertt eriny and noring Demuari, Htiero laid flird Reichn 'von tempod ot on May t5'ith Cen-i ral Vuktes teitg the nrreoder ni Censtan troopo tteisonedqsrters.1 niM p lpe trode crn i fr iEurope,. Ponce lad riebtthn' ssenaeofvi victory ason ue vtcised refageon ond dis-1 pinced pasons igting for a place o te eop and anytling toent. Durteg tOua pen Oi e Canodian Aciny blied ta iotp 'vîtis foin, and ctting ieood for fuet. flore 'vre instances ni clases istien ern nod diuptaced pornons. In Major-CAnerai Vois sectur there 'van a igis tteon (ermon tompe ieic lad ur rondered ood o grosp ot toeign (ilprms- edi 'vrlars, bt te qoote Oe War Hitry 'qivris' action 'van taies by our atlorition tecioding, 'veisnt 'vasneoesry, a severo rerlnnd toe Oie nior (trnan com- madriy Cenerot Voken 'vtecb soonndis- poedoftthe pruistem. " Porbinont lad croted Oe Cndian Ar- my ut Occopation Forces and Major- Generai Vakon 'van named Cenerlot Cicer Cammonding ai Oe flird Division ni 82M ut- ficrs and 16,83 mon 'iOi edqsrters ot Bad Zicbesala. Intet outgiving rders ta kilt Crmons, Mor-Cenerot Vaies suie gave ordere tn iep Oem and ct s 'amissadure ut Canada' In on oddress toalaitmon t in scommand be sid' 'As 'vo oppeor, ond os w'vo ndoct oursettes, su viti Canada la judged bothint Cermony aod te ny ther cuntry in Eur- tpe in 'viicis vo 'ay iod ourselves 'viether un dtyoroou tone." fie War Hsiry ntes tie amy ut or- coptio ptoyed a majur prt on saving mt- lions tram deotis and starvotian doring Oie ointeraof tO45, ne ut tisewouret orecord 'Your action piayed a décisive part in the initiai victrY'-Field Marshai S/r Bernard Montgomery fie histrs notes ibere vos 'nover ony erouas diticuties iOi tie Crmas pop- uaton wvideed snemed gtad ni Oie sup- port ft a tieand rder provided iy urcopy- ngirmop." A mesare ut oy Mor-Canerat Vuken osercised tes commnd con la nen rain o remarisoise decîsian be insis regordiug Oie deaiisntecefoa risataficei. Durîng Jane , tvu days attor tise Nor- mandy invasion, memlars ai Oe 1tO iS Panoer Dvsian murdered 41 Conodion saidiers, masy of visuincame fotrueOi Rayai WinnipegRifitea. Heading ap iis umît oaa Steodarten- turer Kurt Meyer. SS Stautirteotoltrers oece isoust for bing pricularty rothies prignsaofthie ryon ideoi. In Deceinlar 1945 Myer 'vas tinn iy a Conodion Miitary Court on Aurîcis ond fond guiy un ive charges ai murder. Ho 'vos sentenced ta la sit. Votes, rther ilan jusi ettiog Oe sn tence la crriedot s ise vas certaioty aot oed tu, reveoedthe case. He decided the cenponsiilîty fur tise mur- ders 'vos mre icanions thon o direct rdor, andruommoied the sentence o ie imprison- "fie fhudingond the sentenceofithe court were sitifin tie ao. bt Oe severiiy of tise sentence oas st, in my upnio, in iecping sittiConadion justice iaving regard foi e degrer ut rmsponsisiiy" OC Voiesiad n is commutation ai sentence. Meyer 'vos coeased Sept. 1954. By 1946 tie Canodion Cavernmeni isd de- ided it cuuid nu urnger mintoîn n o upy- Rady oamr Keelriang. talking with is sutpertc wering tise sweater. 'Though not strong in numbet, the Canadiens are righ t good soidiers '- Commander, Germen Tant/iArmy teg force te Europe and on May i5, Major- Goneral Vukon landod uvor ronponsihîtity forisa ana teOie Britishs. On Juteo 20, 1946 Oie flird Division van diobondin ond Maor-Cenerot Chis Voits, C.B., .B.E., 090, C.D. cameihume. Homo for Ctbln Vaises 'vas te la obvitie 'viere ho 'voo pot in charge ut a isarcacis 'visre Canodion soidiern rame lature monterteg autistte epeocetmme ers. fie Ortoa Baccra's Oite name givet ta Oie boue in COivitle 'viicis bunured Matjor-Ceneroi Voises aod Oie port ho ond tise Firnt Caoodioo Divinion ptoyed during one ai Oie fini mojor victorien tise people lacisborme in Canada rouis la pruud ai. It Oipont la vatcised Oie noidieru ut tOju-tOi drift ouitut becume insurauce stonmen ond constroctinmesn'visa 'uid touns tise laisy sovin, ta visonge this coun- try and inse itowitisaooo, quiet natioal-i fie cidren ni ttes era vauld nover knouo 'vur, axiy rising taxes, transfer poymeuta. and bottin 'vooid la foogisi uver pipeines and constitutions, sottse cionr cati ut rigisi and 'vsong, deinurocy versus Notional Sovialite. VS Oihroogililt, Chis Voisnretainod a tegis regard omong ail ronla, even ibuse ftonttegty flo'vntegOruugb tise OGoaoBar- racla. tI dide't lau' ail tise mon peruuniliy," be sid, "bot theyusureoai lae' me,," And thot persopes tis e mrion isy Chris Vokonvs s onsrod Jane t12isy ait bis aid cointrden in Oie Rayai Canodian Legian Broocis in Coisviite hcb bars issnamo. fuose onder bis command remember hum os utd bultet bond', a nicistame hocisad nover isonrd befrii appoored in a oectiy ne'vopopor iroina ormer entisird monnvisa 'vos peoising Oie generot ond enireating vti erond ta rame taOie nigisi in Chris Vaisa' 1ihunor. tI knesv they crotin me eoetrrîrhisisers ain ther naines butaitisa'as a sevone ta me,"'ho said posîg lafare ho talised aboat them,and those daysof 40yeors aga. 'fley 'veneatt o gond tut. "Andl1thoiskthe mastditicultihiac any- une rosi do is teatti discipline in a Canadîaa, bot once you do, yau bave a biaady (ceai soldie' Severot oomes came tayond oison ho thinof thOe gronis and Oie sotfiso f Oie Se rond Wurtd Wor. Ho atill rotoins gpont odmiration ai Field Marsiso Remoard Montgomery, Oie vietur in North Airico and Oie monder uf Oie drive inie the Rhsinelood "Hoisod Oie aoiity tu redore tise mua' dii bricut probteinoita t isimptistic mmi, "And once tisai oas camplted. ho oanted it daoe. "He didnt rare biiv yau did it, ho vonled idane, and tisai oas tisai." fie gonerot vatcbed tise matie Pattas ntarving Ceurge C. Seutt itus ume avmue- ment. In tisatilmu Patinoas tisesonfident. abont mystîcot, varriar ieading bis icaups tu abjective alter aisjective bhore Mant gumery cuuid get ibere. Chris Voitsn vs ihero darong tise ceai intecisngin latvecn tise twomen and " tinis Muniy rabbin t in a bit"* One outiser side ni tisecoans as tise cas- tinteng straggie vis Ottawa ta hcong i mure recroita and get tis onstatise front va Oie Canadians vauld lave enoags muscle ta forceOiheir vuciaries iutu trumps. 'MocKenie Kingwulad'i standdfor cn- scription ai hume. "OnedaytIvas sumeneditumyisead- quorters isy Oie Minister at Drionceofvitihe tise and itd tise morale aifnsy crcs oas terrîie. Tu isssurprise, Vais ouandanut tise mac- oie prablein stemmed rau thtie canstant ctaoringaofallirersformoreorcuits.Tis miîdster's versionuofsad marale, ifveemo, vos an extrapolatian aifiseung verhaiiy ossailted by tise mes ho vas sappased taise speoiion bisait afin Canada. fie Mînîster, Chris Vaises roemmbers, vent an to tise Euopeaa Theatre nifitpec- oiiunsoand gui tisestome treaiment. "He vent lacis ttawua and lise vrai hiîng ho vas ralifolacocauaiiptin. 'Neat liing yo naioaviso as gave. bo as saidEKingisepi tise ileti val cesignaalianio eociscainiet ministor insissdesh. 'flere vas no 007 ho oatd gonflacosa nrriptin o uRalesin isd ta go. Baitishe message visicis stacrd vils Chis Voitsnad tise Fursi CauadiasDvaisini ttaiy cruis o i guured. 'When il finally dug v., they isenaghin Aody Mocougstun tu ease conscription iv wîihume service." Tisai neont Canadi ans oa d ho called ap tu serve an tise hume frntland oece tld tisey ouida't lagaog ta var Soonrene inter, isavever, this cnpv'A-tli a' vent ail tu Europe or ttaty. Ilfvas vsbertfue on lie MocKennie King orale hat il s'.ocked. And curosly Vaisos cnald ot belp bat nutîce sunseiiing strooge. -Ioueditumakiria pontofiakin a(ch sew sldieeiaa a'slid voina.iiiis5iaiii' a "Htoasoneoai Inahings. "Eîtber thisor matier lisadtlaid tisons hey bil odot roisin tbeir son to b a soldier. -Or Oie vite isod said if ber husond vont ta Europe and stariing hoving album s t Oie vomen, thon sise vauld ai home. 'l didn't know aUit/i.e men personallv but they sure ai knew me'-C/iris Vokes And liseooircslouly otler Canada vos llly camoitird ta heatiof the Ais sud- deay -tiey weropcnaud teir snsandibs- band vre ocaîsi" C'uns Vahes iasseaere galion avec Ouit ose bat broyver forgiven tise (stectoont for naieeîsg dava tise satadian arony. navy and air focec ino euniiued Casadian Farces. hf bas heevstlalod lise ietrapolitan poice niceo Neo Yack Ciy i5 larger tao tise Caaadîaa Foacaos tla viîsChis Vnises says, -'Idas t dnnistihai aiali. Tise biggesl sianse is ltetiog tise amy gel sa smalit t's sa salnvw, tiaidvwebad anoooiogevyw os ndtsnpe. 'Il taises lis maniha la peaperly train a gond ilircat -Bt aeeouldit dotatlno 'They should have kept at ieast a number of e x p eriean cead leaders '- C/iris Vokes Aditheereason ss asada did oatiseep a fomvoaiseetesevce fise tiseUtied Saesowhee a pirapotan ai il yog mon vere catied up nuaaitvftacbaste oîiîtary traeivg. "Tisey shald have iepi ai aît a number ai tise espeiesaed leaders visa aaaid impori tise iratansthiey earord, - Me pnts tat sisarisa asdre of teuders -anaabtedsir.ety by tise Gomans ai- tee l918 and tisai hiusoied ino thie tongis and vois dilird Veeoasisothtie Second Wrld Wac. Hetfeis tie oi'naniaiofatheu80'soiay Fisa vr vit aceatise Isaontlece are proaily four ta tîve people in tise reun leod- îng is loodn, anmanitono, trnsuportotion, inelligence and medical beip Thonencocmes othOe ront. "In uay ime a grup vould lae obout 120 men, but ynanoeven octulty bod thot mony. "tiainsaos. sasulitîru and visaihave yoo uutiy reduard lise strengihb iy 30 per vent, soyra aciuoityoly bad! about 70ta 75 mon ai one time "fiai'slise esan vo ocre l'voys urreumîngifor rnorements.- Iiesoas tl oa i oudb ncag ufthOe Cnudion Forconstninarro'v vlithOie mandate to bring il ap tu an effective force vtieiscootd bulils o; ho rontiy odmits ise voutd st isnovisere to iegîn n au age otcompoterîned, megoton vorloro. Bol ho dues auncede tht any building must "start iiiitheibasic rîttemao. 'Wars are sit 00won d tuai oith tise basic saidier. 'fie mastiumportant tbîng 0t7 com- mander cas do is inutit discipîne n his "If yau ran ta tiho vili have tise dis- cipine tu vithoiond ood, raid, ieat, fbar and bouger" Cao rîgîd discipine ronly cooquer ler' "Vin, il con," ChilaVoiesi s thico victîon, ond ho cas rcrnnt 0007 tîntes visre discipline vos tise decidiog tactor. And vos Chics Vaisos.tise victur aI Otana, Oie Hilter Lino. and Oie Kuten Canai ve faid? "Oh yes, mnoy tmi battI iat taoue dis- cipineio overaame it." Mongomery, Pattnn, Cerar, Cuning- hans, Alesander, Eisenhsower, Wavell,. Bradley, Stllooili.OCnnor tiey'ce ail goo. remeîoiemed sy lise ev woasectedi andor Oern, brougisita Oie boby isom ggos raison isv ieleviued dorumnetaries. and eisisgonlyinvdeiilihaagisvemoirs and aficriatihistncies, Wtiat values a great leader' Isîitalear, bloceeye' Is t a ris h actane taise' tsii hsensvcofiseisg inthe presonreaof onevisa onn now otaniaise a decision? lis iute sensenottctvg inthe c uesosa'eof one yo nsn antvt' 'Wars are stiti won and lost with the basic soldier'-C/iris Vokes. biset issîheasi ai 1tarse.isautishere is soelbig erite Itlisthe iangiblests tiiiaig eaersao lnha'asiaistlesae Andadlis tvhi' i'si'vt" ,'essed iy a L T1fw n aogtetNljr(eea 'robaa aNijngn nMy510, hi osnrtmoto tise towo tilt IodEioshelpe rc tn ar fclbuina f(oSli nniveroaryof tise lieationMEtoe Jtea eo u Nnaruig wlcome and

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