D2 The. Canadin Champion, Wad.. June 17 1981 Battie timi CotlaaedtroaDl> Bouide thse maay ton Couty as the pr- Canadien and Britiis meaont borne for is unit flemnetinsoho reeivod sehini s em 5 erome MoJr-GeserIl Oris Heaqaates central Vokea wua awarded the Cor:d.a Ditissguioed Service la Oakvlle b,, to.sl Order 10801 for oser te Canadien 08- gaflntry la thee hoUle o masos Arny Corps Leonforte in Sidiy duriosg covlescnt orene o 1943. Bod Si. wiichwas pro- Hooas oppoistesi a mptty roarnel the Comsandler othlie Order Ortono Brraooh othlie Britishs Empire Fottowlng four yearssin (CBE>and a Companlois Goakvlie ho we,t 50 of th,, rder of te Both Edmonton tlabo Generot 1(C.. O)ffice,, comman8ing Ho wos owrded tie Westerns Command. Crois de Oser,,r eti la 1869 ho retursed to Palm bY the Fresteisin say in Oakivlte sitislbs addition to bolssg mode ltt sese Contansce. Hinaas Office,, of tie Leglon tos ons grese op Oere. o Honneur. Fred recentiy reitred Ho re,,eived tise Greoit hioselt from tie Canad- Order o Gallantry and ian Arsned Forcot with made a Commander O the ranis of Uàeutenant tie Order of Italy. Colonel. Itsas seeislIexeeco- His olier son, Michael, tive o TIe Generl Clris s an aislle lao'yer. Vokes Bronlo Bracit 486 e leader aatotf Cabicet MinisierJbo "Use Id gssycomnm sSas oand tobkvile Mayor shases, i smyadelded la Horam arrett mimad haîd a ngt inieia onr. hlad werdebut erhaps And lat a ietlottbIl er:ss tr l Omto Jeliseit From Han. Gilas Mr. Jeiaehksswn the LaMotagne, Miniter o1face of war ad he aald ho VetacanoAfaira' lis, understassis thse opeea audiesnce wu i'd wods ion of a mlltary dis- sucs on "he wso ack latoroitp selicis stili set commander" 00105 elobqinlahlm native tise lacluded and deesset Czciosovahis oday. tisoosh from lise IderaI e sald ha proiddly gaversment. cls blmsof a Canadian Conadian Leglon Paat and one reaslos fr hlm Dominion Preaidmt pride ta hecoume of mon Dougla McDonald usalIfs. Major-Geseral Obolo 'he led uswell". Vore Who fosghttnop' Legion Zone Com- hold denoracy mander Jack James "-You'ro respeclad. descrlhed Cria Votes an Yoa are adered. "one o! Oe famdaless You are lovesi by stonea of Othe Lsin. " many peoFe rommany Vokea Brancis Presld- cusstries,' Mr. Jelneh ent AI Greenwood sald. descrihed hlm a "a . A is famldn, Oe General himef had few semaIs la say, prohahly ocase Oe enussti! tornootn a is hosoor coldd ot ha enpraoed la sords. Aaone ofthe men in Oe sJ' asdilence, bedecked selOs medols of is own said, o«it .aednderauck ni ser.ed a nd er Oasatc to, have had hlm ase h eader of Oe dvsion." When ho spa thoy sul sten e M a 'orGe ol okea toldteauineghrdfote nght held - i. hibnrthatlugraetpiewlfwahangoderwohoakdo Witls hi.oisAIGreenwood Pridelît f the Bront Lgio rni b ocotogn HARDWARE Milton Mal Honorfrom Miltons Milton resdent Gus Goutouaki, Presudent of Queen's Own Rifles Legion Branch 34, presented Gneral Vokes with a specially engraved plaque. On il the general was deacribod as a "magnificent Canadian. " TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL BAPTIST CH URCH 0F CANADA HALL 4272 Appleby Line GRACECHIJRCH 306 OtarioSi.N. Rev W. E.Fayer 37 MainS,SIMila, 878-2=2 SnaJune 21/i8i Sunday, June 21/81 Chritian.,sftheie 94 a- -8Bble Sho1lfo Trinity 1 I Lod JesusCist5 ai[ ages 80 o HoIy Com Sunday, June 21/81 1 100a0m0 5700oo1. M, m.10001 n.koon die,0Hodges of Eh,0opia i1030a...-H.IyEuc.,t Il 45a .0-Sunooy School th speakra oSir, servcleONrsery Facl,100sAvalable 700 pom. GospelIService mi aThursday Wednesday Al WsIooo 1000 a...-H18 Con B800p. - Payea.d Bble Tuesdan ST.uOiN- S Radi 01, 700ls Club oolI a Nssogos (Gelph Lote. TthiseServices N,00ai0 N011 CamTheso hngs hve1 wi ton Wednesday June 24 09.3 000 COo- y uno ou hI bleoîn te 800 p-o- Poye'Meetin1g Ol.c Shcl eoef th So of Gd file Eible Study.Past., E1I Cvah, moî y OknoOO htyevei Hui-e of EngI0nd. ,piool ST. GEOFIGE'S t.alif I ,1Job 513 speaker 1,iIsll,(Gulph Lne and _____________ 110om- MooRdl aef THE il 00o on- Morh ool y, PRESBYTERIAN BOSTON and OMAGH RyCalsMasrs CHURCHIN CANADA P R ES BYT E RIA N Rctr 8784384 KNOX, MILTON CH-URCHFS 17 Mm S.E.,878-6»8 Rev Lr,,8A. Welh RevoTvor J. Lemes, 878 3m8 HIGHWAY GOSPEL Mniste Sunday, June 21/8iC CHU8CH O,g.,ooî -Choo ,,irect. Pc,,î oooal Aso-bie0 Mî,s.ooli BOSTON o Cnada Snday, June 21/81 3d Ln,.. 80180,, 81115 Coner of Wkefield STUDENT SUNDAI' 161 tANNIVERSARY and Oman.oSs. 9A5 ... -Samaol 10h 1100 ao.,,Reyo D Hll. Paso1,,,Rev.M Chisesen cllShool Gu et Speaker 878 2004 1000 o o- AOl Bibe 70p.m.-R.L.tWelch Sunday, June 21/81 Sudy 9.45 a .o- So,day Sch-1 (11 00 ao.o- M-ning Or-0 OMAGH 1100 a,,m Moîv-îg 000,hp Gue,îorspeaker, M. S,îoe,,noWes s,p Mrk Lwis B80 Bos,., Ao,,ooo0y N. se, NAKo C,,irl Ch,,,h Ad,,,S.pe1,cd Nursery v,,e ,îOmgh 600 p m- FoooIyPayer Al000100810 700 oo E.n,nîg W., sh,p CHURCH 0F CHRIST On Wednesdays EMMANUEL 1412 8,do,,,,0 Rd, West 9000 o o- Lde Poo,,,BAPTIST CHURCH M,01sîoOBlano,, o Mc,,'g 24C,,,,îOSt. 878 5696 Fiday Pst D, J.R.0,Armstrong 7 30 p m. -Fooiy N,g81 878398 Sundon, June 21/81 Ci,,orodr o Vvg Penl., Asa0oate Pas0, 1000 o.o- Bibi. Schol 7 14 vas- D, Kn Campbell Clfor aloage 878-660 1100 - ~ M. i .,Sundon, June2l/8l ship and the ord8,0 Spp,,, ST. PAULS 10.00 a,,Sunda00oShool 7 30 p- - P,a,ng hof OF THE UNITED oand0dult Bible Classe he Gspel1100 aon 050001b1 and îhGoooI CHURCH OF CANADA Worshp Thîîîsoay -Mo,,Si .1 Jamais t.I Saiioo 50,1,,,by Pasto, 730 p , - Bbe Sudy The Rev ,ET.JacikOOOh Amsrong"My F0050, "Th., Ch,,voh o Chrsi Chistian,,Fam-iy Sunday Tagh Me" Salute Y,,,-8,Roans 1616 Su,day, June 21/81 700 p.m-v eoo,,,î,o 5,0 10 0 , m M111-1 W. , id Bbe S,,d0 CHURCH Vediesday 1700 Robert Baldwn0 &30Opo- Flloh,p Ms,, 7 3801 -M,00,00018a,- PubicSchoo endWoshp vice withodon, & 00108,8 1800Wilsn D,0 , 15 Ip.- Ltrgy Bgns Wolfram of 0080. Eq,,odo. Ray. Thorons0 P,ool, Ail 0Wei-0-1- Nrsery Service t aIISOtOdO 87-262 Noooy Fciit,,s sorios Sunday, June2l/81 9.300.. -Sndy S.hoo MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH 10.300a.01 -Frn,1h000105'p Pastor: Klvin F. Mtter LWMati,,, "T he L,thooo t Hos," on Suodovo 878- 8.00.0.CKOC 1150 Sunday. Juflo 21.1M0 12.0Op.. -CHIN 1i08 "Conne and G,,w WIt Us!" amos.asolvoaob LooaOlOnAuditoriuml of Th. ai.Coneomi IJUIioR «Cklstiro- aoS. 'UJ01001510 , Nsamy Aomli5hI. MILTOWNE CENTRE *çlu PIL Ep4 JUNE 26th-27th 6* ~J§; WITH SETTER THAN EVER VALUES TO BE HAD SLICK BACK YOUR HAI R e OVURDANCING SHOES 4. S IN-THE-STREET GRAFFITTI DANCE FEATURING DUKE AND THE DESOTO'S Shop Milton's Downtown -There's Lots More Than Just Great Values to Keep You Coming Back.>Â -CALENDAR OF EVENTS ' SATU RDAY JUNE 27th 12:00- 12:30 p.m. THE OFFICIAL FLAG-RAISING CEREMON Y 0F THE MIL TOWNE CENTRE SEMI-MALL At the Flagpoles on Main St. Stores or) Main St. wilI close for the ceremony Mayor Krantz, DBIA President Barney Henderson and a Representative fram the Ministry of Housinig 00111 be on hand t0 robse the flags. n riÈ~ Fridoy Jute 26811et 7:00 p.m. Satarday Jute 27th at 6:00 p.m. Matn SI. from James to Martin PLENTY 0F PARKING AVAILABLE IN MARY STREET PARKING LOTS Dont Miss Out on Thse Fun!!! FRIDAY, JUNE 26th aMain Street (trom James to Martin) Closes at 7:00 p.m. aGraffiti dance - ln the evening - ln the street -Stores Open TIIi Midnight SATURDAY, JUNE 27th -Barbershop Quartet serenades throughout the day eArts à CrofttaDispîsys @Antiques on Dlspiay *Conteste. Games & Booths aCasting Dlspiay & Conteat eArtlst at Work on the Sidewalk *Police Dlsplay olri.stoce Speoias aang wsl i lusuil4oO Frlen diyService & Ouality you're used ta aFREE cartoons et the Roxy *FREE Swlmmlng at Rotary Park eDunklng Machine eaHACA Dlspiay aFREE Bus Service *Boy Scouts - Lending a Hand In The Ysear of the Disabied. aStreet Re-Open$ et :00 p.m. 'J 1