CIO Tise Canadien Chamsplun, Wed., Jasne 17, 1981 Homemaker Supervisor. Mar& Bundy operaten the Homemaker servi office in Martin St. School. She co-ordtnatdn the activities of 14 Ni makers and is kniking for more. The certifirate she lu displaying wtE nual Supervisoro', workshop deigned ta bsing new information, Hi quen and generl education roncerning thin field of patient rare. Red Cross Homema4 Juliettes of ail trade. By JaerMuiller ((dec of Nurses in carîng currentty 14 P Tboy aire cci cleanîng toc ptients usioso need Houembkerin North i ladies ornurses or ovon cac't bsmet onancot- attnsecviiga variety baiysttors. bt patient basin. and tisse f needs lcluding tiseH Hmemaes coOtd usio cac tenefît roustishe cr ftedigo easîty te mistaben for service cn otier usYs paliative cre aoy f tiseo Housouakine o1nder Homnemakecs are Wienovoc tiero o oa Homo Coco sa paîd by ocitibte usekdays trous ceed for iomeusoine. a Otario Hatti Insurancco 9a us. tu 5 p.m. attioagi r Homousaker ult t Plan and ils prîmary ust patiente ond l tier, arcording (o lied fonction s (c boup ceoico a fe ou ors of I Cross Homomakr ptients at bouse nstead iare per uscok. a Su=risr Macg Sundy. f in a bospitat cito aid cn Mcs. nondy explains a sutyan iltness in o ptient's reorcy or Homemaker usuy te tise fausîty ronstîtoiOc a iebilitation. In al requrnt in a bouse usere vend for iis speciat cases Homoe Coco s a a fauity meuster needs soivice. combination f constant cure Tie Hmeakos can betp piofessionat medîcat Homemaber given oteers to boup ptients at bouse services and iv tiat famdly a chance t10 usio usuld nrusatty te Homeicisers usiere beave tbe bouse te vaun admitted t tc cpital acd necessory. eccands or jot relaxt onsure tie ouseisctd Honemnabers cent a usisio tbey cen test continues to con an vriy gond nderstacding asurndthtie pttent is lu normatly as posible. f peope asd bave tu tîke gond bauds. à Under tise Haton p0010e0 Tiey go ntco alot "Tie abr isatu ave Itegînnat Hatti Home ot dioroni homs and amîy filecoonigoas i Coco Prograus. doal cith yoocg and Otd ati uas usoît souggests Houemokers uoclin cpope and thosho ai-n (ho Sapei-visor conjorticn ustis me sirk-Mrs, Ondy soid. Ths contnityrusnes prolessional medirl In a iaocd, a ito ptay, esperiatty service soc h s homomrakoi- neods wn a motieis iland tierapigts or Victorian compassion, ThooO ai-O young rbitdron n ctre uhito theso mtbei-needs iest. Hosebctd duies Start Manor eceusadey 1 Patîents may tie improvements of Hmmkr hog tsir dcctocv. Pubieti Wok i-50((biginonoîmplemeingcîa list of Helth Nussor-05iotisOi improcruesor ,iHalltonetnntl Macci- (bat pcotossicnat genies cvrs 50pages. chite HomemaberS may Tise impccovii-v15 ce eci,-tomuondi-d fol- sou ho e ndt(omako lousnga meeting othefRegiona Heaih andcd-m roter-ais ta hsmo al Services Ccmmttie i irton Criocvnial pcofessîcnatv for their Manci- Moy 2f.patients. Poroc nfeeo(cOs(d-îi>oii WhenoHome Cace, f 42 -defirîrnries-coed ic o 1979 Mînii-ry ci ho Hmemabei-5 uons Comniyad oil evcsi-nspection oi ail ilosly uitis otier parmso te ndbr. teprotessbonal services Recigthem etionin Meotuy r vcolved W oattuc s Peittflouse, hi- cidi-cipauct ol thrM dcccrom- eat- Ms u plex, and the onemost ncoclîg cpgradcg tucr-- ted rentMinitry tandrdsWhero a patient or is Whi- many ci tise di-iiiovsi. havei- lîrdy amity i iacal hi-n or -c--tnt. mac>iackc trri-ma c cicm capoabto f irîcg a pli-ird homimakrnd theoeed A litiof>pi-iritios have ur ,ii-dy hi-rn cocc for-one iv apparent. rci-mi may task romaituchci-cmpîcii-d. arrangenirntv ace made A litif cicorit(ieson cari-hi t, hi- dore oas c-o (((ber agevries(ise tise tainedin othe o--mmcditicc wfonm (heo incm Cnadi Concrer Soiety iltewhclaw povd meina1c ci1 a y atvo poy for tfcmnemakcis here tise Milton shows support for boycott Hy Lsia teby wtdspred lnanty m,:ers overdlute tise gousp ieaded by Blter RussrY Facias teorgaintien by ess Cucre bout salt iee addeals. fen estrete il . Helea Kelly ogtee support tse te beCT t:y Netlepout injustice,' Misetssuga By thse time iyt INFACT, whiicis iss resident Dorotisy Rusatise motiers deid tse grus htab a wrdwlde decided slise wuas gotn e formulainle t worttog organtoation, le do snmeting aiset I. properly for thien, tisey demnanding a stop tea au Bshe bad ttved lu are unable te go bacis ta advertlslug of tise baby Zambie for four years breastfeeding. prndut u ird word andusssubckedbYwb t Atougis Netie luntcotiesî teie and vusentoc"mils whnurseas ube described asetise tise nnly coupaLnyusof"i.1o lan expoitatin outhtie distributteg baby for- an end te tise dstrtbution coontrys peoples sud tise mude producto, il lu tise ut au free saupstin tJ- apparent luequallties lu largesteandisin empteyed motiers end bealthinl- trade betueen theisel- "milS narse" to titution. dustrîiaenuntries asd promote formutla sales 'two ueetin ugo tise N developluf thicd wold trnugb bspitals, wrld Hesîtis eontries. ltulcu, dnctern, nurses Organisation passed a - . TndaRY sie lu tise and mtdwtves. draft code recom- chaîrmen o INFACT, In aditioîn te tise"milS mendiof gnvernmente te wick stnds toc Iodent nurses", tiere bus been adnpt a reelution on Formule Action Coalition uide distributiono ta infat formtula and Neteigning against pcueel of tree simples but tiseUnited State cmoFonds, coupon- =ssii are uaed witb voted agalost i. sibIe tor tise promotion nt inants. Ac n e Mi. isîsy on rouers ian Wben tise iotter does Rom, tise boycott of baby twormla piunre lu not broeattent ber chisld, Notle produrte must te ttedwone ntriers. Rsa ber iseastmilk '"drion trengtisened lu erder te caedtoeaMci os et up" and se tison bau en matie tis e crn- Werldng together. Sister Helena Kelly of Haly Hoaary Parish, cpamerteaithen a onty option bt te use tise mendetion bindluf, or chairman ol Action by Choistiann Together (ACT) discusaes the spae theise ont formula. . eisen sie fonte Nestie et .~îa.î~pout withDrtyRon hima fTrn mengOt AtienMlteO Accocdiog tetMcs violate utis olution . Lutt of N Ct (Infanuts iF oraAtion Rocalio n of Toron -e Chisaer o A tion Ross, tise formula lu Apprnnlmately 18tOs '-"- C Inat orua cio oaito o orno) (ctitan gt). sexpenoive and msny membere nfthtie Milto a meeting in St. PauIns United Clsurch lenst Tuesday evcning. Tise organioatioo, S o c l c iu vicefro ths sail compriued of membri 4rth Halton Hume- front diffeceot cisurcis S o t h l c k(fi ras carned at an An- intise Mitten district, lu Ton membesco f Scotech by tise members uas Wl on Juse 16 for tise supporting tise boycott Blork Brenris of tise-Comment on an atitact Royal Brauris et Wo- lomemaking techni- and iopes te rlly ad- Women'n Inititute oi particolar ontecont te mens ntitute fron- ditîonent ommenity tcavelled tiscougistise yoo neen dorme tboe Guelphs. support toc tise cause. tovety mustrynide te tise teur- Standlug Committee Tise organoiatioon la HatteitCoenty Museum lise mi-cteofothte treor s ere . eceived conceroed tise Swiii- t Rels on Jue 10, ter meeting uece coud by an a motion te cn k e r based company tieir regutar meeting Ms. M. Pteun tribale te tise District knoususgty distributen tel usiicis begen uitisa mctey Aencil e-Women'sIlnstitute Fends producte lu deveopi'B conducîntter f eeot uas ry. nnt by e- wau approvedi FarLS I A i oSI j A coontrien uitisoot lu- Museum, tii-. C. Johnon, Cnmmittee" weo ap- ES TH strocting conumecn of Tise bunsmeeting, treaincer. pltdtc mmbr h î F he 12' 111s h Re d tise proper use of the ise dcs tlowent tenihs pitd-hcous Th ie f h 92s ehr n produet. cbaired by Mci. J. Hop- Plans ere tloalized bmng: Mci. M. atr ptient dom s oi qusity Thse resat bon been km ,first vce proident. for tishenis biog son; Mrs. C. Jobnsion; youconlomse It for Homne Care. 00w motiseri are over Mcs. Hopison gracinenly servaditsy Scotchs Block Mrs. W. Laweonn 36 usontis net f-ose fe b 'Aoyooe con ave a dluting tee baby formula uelcomed evecyooe. wtus75C0km ure Homemaker if tbei'e in a wite drty uater, cousine Tise colt catI aseced r- mu o4tennerod coud,' assures tise Miteac-adi Hnsoemers make il 5M ILTON Ru5tlrI (f g vol nce vl udedperl possible for tise elderyin te en m eet at o i ic u td 2f 5 2 d*IU tiscoogis ueekly visite, Alsadr qiretpu:atnai te epwt erp a/ton M useu ml'878-7978 ransmssion, power sîeering sport Aimtndi rrpsntps outo st and een asist t w isus. lghs ng, steel-bleted rod ais and pont mothers ith heir Httes Region Museumm 10cm ut a dap ini centre POe Orflete7 tie babies. sntise location for at CamptelIville Public 'Tisey get to bnouete Campisel Se Womens' Scisont lamily and gîve support. testitute Jone 3 meeting Spn Volusteers for ikitîs," Mci Bndy uelcumed 14 ladies wbu McPbail, August - Mci. alo DrpI suggests. were tien taten on a Parker, Mci., é m Sise sitronnes tee fat most uslecontînf tor y Wieelian. Tiere ta s* a 2 tisaI Homeuakers are guide Mci. G. TuiteiselI. posibiity the eiolr Co prOu ve Pi sà V S. RA ON412 0 ot in il foi tise muney. Tiere wnn maris members ut S. Davidis Tiejobs is a prt time une remioiiciisg ail alune tee Sondsy scisool may ielp as woris couses onty oben uay. uitis Spn lu Septembor. tieir services are Tee and mufin wece Panwc ai o required. Humemukeci enjoyed. tolowed sy a0 Pbais esae Padietteoa mot bave tieir ousn car short bsiness meeting ampses ine rer h e but are embursed forcocndocted by Mcs*0"CaO p Ju lvile- cogrnert mileafe' Vasiokie. Craltste l 02 Ag&1 Las> Octoter a piot Treasore toc Milten FaO Mci K. H =otiingboccyA D prugraus was ofteced for Fir Eniibit wece reported oll iec tise training of dscussed. Coerence ai University O isoemnakers at Seridsn Lions club old Hume o oWaterloo and tirs. J. Colege. Tise one-montis weou-end Jone 27-20 usd1 Wieeiisan on Dstric course wicb oper ate eture displays trous Wl Annuelt Meeting May 21, daity uas attendert by sud Hitercre Society lu in Acten. ommkr. Tise Dance fit course at Y progrous enploced nutriion. cmmuniica The Miten YMCA is Tuesdsps and Tiuadrys tios' bumac needi. otleing a five-useeb rom 9030 lu 10.30 eus. basic firt aid as ueit as dance fit course lis aod an evnng conrse otier skisîts requed iysy ummer. ai tie -Y"at (alto on Tesdsy and Homemabecu White (rite Flaoa. Tbucsdasn(fronm 7.45 te U T B E SL tirs. Oundy in tookng 8040 pm. toc mon and usumen usio Eacb dance fit clars Sotis connses uitt bogin I are intereted in provides an enjoyable lune 23 and end Juty 23, B F R U E 3 t iecominti tIcuemakeci bhouc of gond ecerclu ise Tn isla$20 Everyone libe may le reacbed t iased on dance move- is uetome. the Red Cross office, 878- mente. Tiece uitt tie a Call te "etst 87-81 1 626. usocnng course on foc futeer information. j * _________________% TUE GREAT ; IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOVER UPS L PLACEMATS, POT IIOLDERSeSf uis F ez COVEtOS AND APRONS 11005050 5dSOLID PRON Peo Moder oo rT ' 7 oeneni s c2a. liiccits a RoI n ture ilnd i. or c nendesCoe cosse, at.aii - vlv- 'tf i SATURDAY JUNE20 4:00p.. MILTON YMCA PAEIT WHITE OAK PLAZA 371e LV % 327 c For M:oreiformlatin and A Camp btm, lcei MItefiiiI878-1333 rohr _& te Y t8788711 spr.o 22 2 24 25 6i2 106 06 16 10 10-.10 29 30aULi. 1()6 10 Mriur n 1