CO The Canadimn Champon, Wod., June 171981 iàmTàm-Tdàm i Product of U.SJL db AProduct of U.SJL Dombdon ChMby, kkW for Conodu No. 1 Grcde Conodo No. 1 em" Borb«» POU Regular HecdLettuce em" Tomatoes 14fpâyv' GroundBeef 3$' _______________I I ears .lb .7 Cale Saw b. Hananrss , £.99 Fresh anadNol /8 CSntuash '.68.7 S.t.s- y f U 5 ¶ 0 Prd,.t of U.S.A., Cana"a Mol1Grode Peaches lb. *77 Prod,.t of U.S.A.. Si.. 138's VlendaOranges 148 P.o&dt of onlwio Bunch Radishes 3/rin arf ~ Sailad Dressing >4 iracle Whip bunch I."7'y C-sd. Fs.,Y Apl-. Granny Smith Sa8' Goerie Reailemon 975 .29 Pîfeci 2509 '~ Crystals 1.29 Prunes p- 1.39, NOW Ck ., ,NOW General Milîs M I 0 1 IeTe Cheerios kg.' 7Mix 3.49 NOW ~ NOW Garbage 14 f, Posan -.f~ .1.09 ~J7Carrots - ,.2.89 (OW Lt*v'., NOW Foodhole 1 f . .5Bots fi218 NOW o r,ýC- --1 NOW PwS l Cani: .2 stems con? 7 NOW NOW Pancalces anJ 11 SOUSOgO 4.5 09 g'.n in Px .85 owp"NMOW icz NOW Fruit 14 .8A R siIhelo 2 .6 Cocktail .8951»w e _.6 0-ez ." - ow ýf - mm 1 - IM Ail Purpose Cookies N0W159 R.,1-11.NOW PecelNMW tVogetable 48 Maxwell House~ 6 Cof.. o_5.69 1 'ni Sirop., Oronge, or wîua ..rry Alens Drinks NOW7 48 fi. E c w i'k"'NOW 8%," NOW W eo 12-8.2.5 E 88 - Tray 18- I L Ilmit: 10 Ibo. Cnk per famlly Bye *ffe Sem ~._Light Tuna 129 18 , lc Grind '~hase& Sanborn Coffee 1 lb. bag _________________________________________________________________________________M -W Mr 1 1