<1.011.10110.0904 0011. a11g euh t11tbe USW1 ot- o 0. .bg 116 11111 th, . g bt0111W01.W«td 015ia t. garu .0*11d1 s.tit.hm W110.d 11 J&R pithffl Mil.0001 8ks .d1 il. m.t001 4 . 01 o.l>o00i0tt1Pla-0 theo1 1.*0J.5b11 m ommtin1,,r.1r-10010 .-'0,10" 1.d. >p. wo1k0Ch- 0li111W wz.K0 fietwo t10bI. it> Oà11" 111. Clark nd 1yl Ha0t. l0010.>004'lu40 -â l 011 'W411 0.un.l.10 14.4 0.11Y-1.0. 1.05A,"1 ..0tM.dandu«.T-.14 5b.oii-110.1.m-00 1-r4 st- f51. t. i The Canadian Champion, W.d. June 17,11C Casarin's great defensive play saves bantam reps f irst win 00.05011.0 0110.>. .01. lIe.. .1.g. Pul0.11 0.11011 00 t- .1,41«1, fl0.10 .051M01 1.114101t.lb Il-. ep:th0. 6L00111 0 M140,040001 i>0.- t.1.1. 01 000 it>.,w .i1410. 0.64W >-d0.1-M1.000 Di. ith. 5triplet1-d 001 È1rtt 1Gervaiso1.W.0000 A.e B.11 000t G.t.01 . -S-a.l.wiO4t4mb* o. -l1., D-it>W. mi04la t.ww. w ilot.a0.00 tWilson it> triple . .1 .o.. Tt pla.y by contre 4-2 wla Sozdy and MU1.n Lions be baichal>reps ll. vlct.ry of te Yulr WIt tebau I and une0out, Co caugbt a fly ball a StreetavWle and 010 catch and r.01 p. 1. tow 00oua On t.e plat.olttep te gancs. It mark0>Milton'. wlo of the ycar ait coach Peter McC>t uayo 1010 >am l provingaund eamr 'Ieir copcrlosc oter eams) t. i te dittcrmsce i ga000, 0gas 30 cbeon. "Bu>t our te - wigbttcr o bacpBts and comlingtrotgb." Inla 0011.01 tce of te wcek, OC maor b.ntamOO flvc runo 1in>the la sem la dlalow s firet loadsd med hi& rfctly 0100' at M Yna3 l t Sias rccod now t1ands a014. proc, LUonss ced foure rOi, t.Bnp . tetird led 10 attr te f.11 lunlofi a..d 01 te score 2-2 lt B single run in t.e topoftce tout. Lions 400.0 abesd -1 mSiod betor. globE waY 1. Dret. 0>015000the final >00 out@. MccoOchoO01 >unded ute10bases olOb une ou11t r0. Orco entired Jay McCac0l1Y 1. fly out 1. Cuarin wo came up lh thbi bg Play to get the double pay and ocre cOgag0.d in a close1 0-4 baigiste until OakL- ville brokc t> ocnwlOb twu run. 1 I lc . and.0 in tesevosbl>. MocCutcbOO o otâme in two runs obile ClOBeit Lions still roaing RB> singleg. >010111play83in0an 16- C>eley " 1.weeket.1 before osîortaining 0Oak- ville minor banams once opain Monda1y 41 Brlan Boit Park JUNIOR 0.0100000d0.500. - ." m lis.100>.0 mDerb11Moll s11gur.I.....ofl 1O0qd111J*00 tmâ.00. ce H-"M' Crie .10s'Cd grise. iat s à0 &]Os- Curet.11 owI ba~ie aerg s. BrsKah . wi Ge.W.be..tt.001. Dm".tori.t .1141.a r.. i.y1-Y 14dicut oit- ,fo Millai l"ilit ad taisMail1.01&M04 rt.. BTell 101114 iJ& - (11111dtur.0o 1111U1. .-,th4011 .11-00..00 0101010 .tb 1 tans 0.110àtripl am t doudré0 , . %ratiOre . Tue 11 s 119911 . . bt> sc100 tOAdi.1tMiel Ot> Lm .o..ji jih ril, oudet oit> is roa u. o uots, Keip. lm hau1ts .14 MgieK .. Mr 3.iMaie rt y 1J. oog n it eo . - .0lth.à tg1. ottril isewt . h-1ltdm>. . trpl. ivre dm" raid - Moitne M 1011 ..e 10 tariMoreht. . dm"00 and.yaoyV offisatut Wi1d01.t. 000000101.an0J-0-0 hotie , s ripl an.ddl ie. tha ob.d.00aci ft.ae. emtb irais m0. 0 le mici.thm .0<10 ousio, au dols.rple-,. .0001 J tIi1tt . 110 001a.. 'cru dmon Mal kB.. ..00 joueuse,0 a... Rb. ais <là . tdbt... leamb.db...5a.lh 5100.015411 sd 0.0 1..1.. W., 11014.0il-0 0001 1x o.y.tlIl22lus awas i t0rs lir .0 T.J 041,0>01118... 0,.î>1>o 111=.e=b, 1,0=e .. Z uc rils eaS tUin.. gd.b or, tir am jultal 01q b* Russe Ha1du 00B 0te,.Joues0100> O hut tMtir .1 lit o1 1111 0... . = .d. .. d m bqolotot .y.1' 220t0 o Lgi e a l Joj eseu witO . dwM sud m - suNm iO<T-O Cadtall. OtOb O t - Malls.»Y.i>aasé.boamtu . GW Pu,8.. vrer Itcu D.0 . to...8,tdriple00> MI>ras, 041 T000dOyla - 1t0 *7Ib. 1 E A.t tso Mugies sud Jais bobu.1..tt'T1 04 . il. 1 333t200B Mm oe.1 urui 0051 Passe,<Md .p .i.dthOMa 1P1.$" euh wi.t..0m tYJt10 .dod>-0ad.Y0m40UN T43ALL USW ipa. 3.01.1101.3 O4W*. D.T'ass, Pise ls . i b111t01t 01. 10 W L Pet. 9.Pissarro. Jo Es It010111. i Ummt 6 s 0 1. 01Iltft l. t> .l.n0011 tt aie 1.1.11 lm 00. . VAN 0...y-41t01 m R 1% UO .1.1sitt = fur ..11 D1 otOt.l11 t..a.y024l0 Au T2 .t>tt.tJ.0.1.t41.va Otttt onbo.ttt 1111 ti O00tres laser0.0tous,01>1 .o1Club, Mt. ctt am. tsot>mebÂtI...Brt", 0.010015 2 10.m 1 sac!4 t1t00 K-1000 0001 >.o.br 5ot>.1001 1 . o0o. ood 7 .001 1 04., ~ ~ ~ ~ Fas G11.P0.O 1 1. .. . 0 ..«1.. .e1]0.1 titboumPaul0et litué,ct Il 'P"'-.0 d10 10ub.td ai.. m.00 job.1101 ecobwithSa duetteit>.th tepi7..y M ~i 1 8.tdO tri. .plotudJ. co. tit tt t 10000..B>115010 10.1.1.. i 0.01h .10.er 10 00.1.ittg oui 11.1t >O0ttlt CanodiausTMrr 2 1 9 isadltr au lvymhh toride 743 .53&trpl 4o½astig U3 -hgittF drxbnl Mgies NU.,>2 e Mpoite 10464000 :n Hrd ..tIbne 13 7 13 . Strttt' tr 4 7 pair6o Gallogo28,.a1dioTirg6 icrldo'.re Nuireb. m i GalboERO2, Tibue T eam Spoites o t.wurs3,doub ol dhi .. ria 011w01 0020 L» Emotnuel 4301 .075M GolbWkL42361A1MPpeGv W L30.Pe2t.B Miltowne 3 342410921 6OCambridge 6 100 100 0 Mharle oel t3 16 0 3 Waterloo l4031 .121 4 GiOB0fge 7 I 442.28 101 4 Bul Lgoo 9eek5î .444u5V2 LTribune 49123 79131278 MpIatf e.9, 11.P7utlO'5 Lait eor o res10 Guelpreo 8 14, 2oox.Pr 50. 7 Wcdoner 6 ldinThW.ir aero26 KI2, ilcrooreta Gadlge2, Tp.i.; eDu19 qupo e an1o1ySpors, St. Pauls 3 ThriwayMofler 8.0p.. Kox ros 20 MoL T ve. 3 Tlooorod8y6M2O0>W .75BOB Emt anuelO 4 3o0r1G .875 Colbck 9O> 4 Bt 2 3 o .611 1 toWBY eo.y6HOI 3 0O .50v0 1 MhutflevoLlW 3 3eB 2»0 5W 2 0P01 c00; 1 0 .503 , Mo..d.YC 9Ib 3k5RoI E DBte St. paoopyS t.4P0ul3v1 lion2Pro Thoarsb rroto701cr,4 p...2 ae .28 mondLapt wvks reAngica Fde.hutoyurer, 8.3 Hp.m. Mo14,aKnoxPlesAe sHiire8 T.odoe"y- MeDut hev a 0010000 7S E.mPoue2, ls rce Ao; mm19 pot.; vLovioflh W0eers, 8.30 p.m Bopîst v OI Bo. M tia > Ibe Ra s:aev hrdyS.Palsv nxPe PETEOT! DEAIJTIFY' EN1JOT!e BRAND NEW 1981 FORD F-150 PUCKUP -biolcol 13. O e..,stp>bltO>e 5 - 23l7505001.,.11101 010.1 Mgo 91400.0.11 UsI $9571» Stock No. 107 1001.EVAB1.b PRICE ALSO Sam t9w SuTmalas um usa3 M ucyluka ai t GALINGR MTOR iýad ie nt er00idrcto tI [Caàsto building centre mi doublud. Carl WWauma Altougb scycral Mil1- d.y. 1.1.> Bt Alderwood, while Debbie Blair con- 'a lonc slngled hlm intird. and ton girl' .oftball rep L10om und anthco bg nectod fr tbresingles UtB0gh Paul >oOCuthenO .lo>0> teams .are havlog teïr i100., tt. ltime a 14-rrn and Baborner. Simpson ueon James home. Wgilamo troubles îdaptlog 1inte ltt, tu, run up te score dded tr0 singles, Hor- in.m h o is.11.horne o un a- .010,4e.competiton n 10 gî1 23:. loga puncb0> ouI a 00g t. tempteol doubl te.> te Pee> Coonty Leogue, inteirt gamtt, Mil. double and B single, Car- altoogh McCttchOn tat can't ho .ald of Mi- 1.0 burler Shbon michool it a pair o ice (t.ewu tronout ai te ton Los bntam reps. Har10ga shoo0> oby .1e singles whle Jonet maklog plate. Lion. oocpt a hock-t.' in condred one outhUe Drnoon hit a borner. in tho Miton .cored lis final hock mcies oltAider- boat nt hor position by McCot- bou rtoo hco Greg woo lut occk .aaily t1. lilk1.g ou> t tfinit six Elo10e Vaodeobeuvol tutu,1l rco oalked, tolo p lierecord tu, tour olou Alderwo)od htters hotore led tce sanoiIagatoot os te sc.ond and tird and aîd aîlitin10flo.gamne.. glv1.>g w403tuKelly Alderwoood ontesecund w're came homc on on crrr. Lust Tucsay ai Rot- Corsichool and Lise gante oilb tive its in- Later in te nlng, ry Park, Lious cxpodcd Smpson. cludteg Iwo singles, îwo r aeJames sngl0> home for 20 runsa 10 te funst Dcbble Allen l0> the triples and a home>. laole Grant Zikosan w1tte 1n10ng and coatodt.e .ttack wît ive its Allen and Jo-onne Van scored inouronce rus. rest ofthUtc oy for a com- 1chud10g a homer, Rooyen bod tbree its lt two McCttcbso n wcsix.10 ortablo 29-3 olo. Two double and five singls apiece includng a humer.