wth ARN COULSON Foxes out-foxed for groundhog L IFE BAS BEEN excitto aroundth e Daa INtuallata lately. A yoa ino, naturel- Jeatso not, kaawtagly, lutrin any tormofa cinle. Outuinete motoffice mndoc chicin arota ravine o couple ai fon sharo een liingfilaa baiof a ravine. One day an tiey looahot thUe ciaitat, mach intei sut rprise, mother foa came ot of Uneetdea leotilaf four yngnffon pappion. To bced foac ymng fý inthUe ntaictsof aolargo ity ta Onetlay, an ea mo iingtafth Ue in doand anwnmUnfitce rttaf ngpasaed hy a hanfry matiner foxandmieUnet01jot made il ap the tee. Then nOMencounter Ue ompiapeen catchent mon o enon i tatllon anti amatams on Ue prt nIDatity Fox. Ttere can a btg fat frount- hfo onanhinosacclent groon on Ue il- ot.fT1he ionmanage sn akninhoîeen Ue gromndinng andihia hl. 1l'e mother ion rtmhenl Ue grouana ogad Ue fouier ion meinenthUe groantihaf anti mon ntagf- mg Ilita Mahie n chon Ue emptoyoes la Ue office set uo accmmotton. Twoajaffeca mna o re pana- tg by happn o notitce fie groandinafs peenicamnt andironhont tatas in. lbey gai holti ai one ead aI Ue grouadio miile die ionxielti an tigitty ta tin other ead. Aler a lengtiny battie, Ue jaffors con and tino parly crcpleti groaniof raninen hack ta kms hle Titamay lho Ue ont y grounthintaOntario miichaoels ife tua cauple ofjaffers. Wfilifo tnt tiat mach titîtecot thon pople ta Unaf thy are mot-eters. Samethiaf nt Ue ne Unof Uey moy lire, jot ihe tin oxio and ther grountihaf. Tin o bya ram Ue club havent een 1410 chat ih trying ta pot op a largo building ta houseoaur pheaaant, chainiersand Hngarian patrîdgen he trying ta get inaono ishinafas colt Don Koaney, Jtm ales, Lorne Clliaf and Lamne Lyo ent tafOan ount chea lin' noar tuartea mre aponen. Don and Jim fol thior tîmt ai tace rainhoma. horne Cotiaf tat coco thon Ue lmttandt Lame Lyom cagit ica fin On theane day, Jita Smithn cao plako iahiaf onlUn Uree mon ram Elara. Thoy really han tut mrk bard. Tey flubent toc foac hoaca ta one spot annt got Uree fitui. Thoy caven tu astther afoni andigot 10 ishin haitaanaacu. Schîntînisina Don Kearney, Bill Shiellds, honny Naytoc mnt opiake fitatng anti gaItieir tdfni. Tino larges) fmsh a three Ibs. fut a Tiorobacy l in ee aly wmoto oI May, some ice Bin mre coogit minîciaverage 59 Ibo. Tiene are eautial otiaf fiain ntalf ce-colt water. Doiseasonsl takiniaf aler hs oint mon Jack anti a catctang f1m. Ho han hoor tshîne Wilmot Cronin jot ap hinifiay 35sand han caugit tan limiît erery day. Tino argesi fîin ho cangini mu l14îbo. - Jha Smith ban cafht sx apecinlen toiti Tino targent wmoil-/tinches lIng. - John lSmitUn cao fstoaf taLake Couchchîag anti tondent a five-th. theeoac pichet-el wch ist a larely itah. To o eehsao, BilShietldns cas acctaîmied ttobrtna nofte year. Psiermea of tino monti mre Bruce Grdon (6-lb splako), John Smithn 5 Ilb.3-an pcerel and Don Kacnoy (S1b lin- bac>. Dickens pays for missed good chances Modtn Dckeaa score 15 mautesn ter recreational soccer toato and thon qictoy tino aquandereti sererat teama iredone00apioce golden scrtaf Op- ner tino cloinof of tino portusttiea in Ue hall. Bokhy Neson beginning anti thon paint cocen lac fichons frtacUem a lter in the fickons tumpont akunt gome whon Britagton timnnaga ro i AE. LePagesankh iome 3M2oddeangal rton the ailS a 5-4 tata Poaday ai noao kandttecn thed BrianaBest Paon. citin Bartngionscing Diciens iadti tinoIcota Breintn sortont mae-pea chances t in e o trgi h e firat iota minutes and lucoscconedt he- lymo misnent ait ai Uem antil goal for fichera cîtin 10 Bahiny Simpson nettent o mirutea la go foati goal ifourominutes Hocener. fichons itthUe game. uîîred a foc tard Alan Cmocs iat nef p ibreaks n then et toc three perfect scoomaf minutes n tino Burlîrgtor opportanities citi nenOO ant BactimftoO Uraugi pansn but marcciedthtnoelin affinhe fichent oissoti anti ieId ta score tino cinninf Simpnpba Itthfie tni4e goal itin juni tmo Bulngtaa tienthtin minutes ta go. Tino Canaian Chinopn, Wed.Jaune 17, 1901 C3 Miltowne gets its act together Juat laon year, theo Rornby mons fatball teaul rap- anfili fhe team got gong tat wmek in il a pair of inn thon far to stand. taran thtie hamopîonaipof theo GeorgetownIut italto amove ciortu thepackn andi reopoctahtlity. Mdltowno reroîeia ice-it pitchmng performance Footinait League. Lookig for a nota challenge, Horo- Albeit itmoas razy woek nnttno teagne wîtin teamn froon Don Pickett agamast Gîters who evened his mark iy acqancotia major sponor t in ittoone Real1 EsItt sigotof anti payog playoro t romn leaguon of different cith a mach needent koot in the confidence depari- anti joned Ue Mito Fasthati Legue. calire in open defiance of a teoga constitution, bt mont. Homver, tino quati han encoantored aU inda of tino tmo itoame vctrtos have provîde thtinoclai Mitomne htatod Lomviite ot of te park mitin an proileons titaor and mon juonc inc a ven toies ers ia a virtoni tleadlnck for tine top spot tottowed hy 1I 3 win heforentlippiaf hy TharnorrowOn Glero 5-4. ~.. ~Cothekasthtieolyotir clubkahove.500. Fomore dtaia aifthe leagao ameetagOantiay SeVenf l ay rs.Bth Mitomne victorien mre prototed ky tin os-n hirin pannent five playera ant i dlqualiienl amen ing teams aeo f tine qadn tineof chat man fenon thr leagan. 500 follacig tai y ~..é ..A UEl tioagit at tino ttme ta h, ineigibto ptayero. Bt the ifosilt alter the fnac wk cof nhh league have teft voted oI u tIL f1I WIE iogoe meeting ailoment ait ronatta ni gamen ptayod McDutoF qnimont ardt Tinorroon BP Foolt Gît but results stand At a apctat meeting ai Ue Milton Indontial Fast- hall Leafue Sonnay, sevon playoro mre ratent out ai Ue tagae hy tino onctive anti teom repreenta- tiven. Tino nvea mre antaheti tram Ue eagae iecaone ~ , oi teagito raton mhiîcinprevota player inthlaUtogoe tram toma ta pay ta a htghor calitbre leagae anda playor rorm ntal -toma ta ptay ta Ue MIntPLan ceti an aUer eagams. lroniallotty one 00piOyerstarte theUnenataonth - ~ l Ue clubs tiey mre bainathed ram. Lat eeh, Mil- tatane Ral Ette an Thornorroon Oiera litteti ptayera mot toit mre taettgihte ibut hecaUe tea gao opeant oup playoro tlista onttl Ue mtter mon deait onth, Sandoy, nverai addttoaal payert wme anded. Gaae from Ue longoe are tino twoatyern mina cao- oit ailthen mayhem, Lary Scott andi Marin Ctrts. BoUn pay mitin Kttrtde Mercha;inouthe Uneter-City Fathait Looague and playoti o tom gamon clUn Tino4 itacers Eng, a aom etry. Other playrs ooted inctadeit Brtan Peavoy ram Thrucay MaIler, tie no ay orgnal starter tram nn opeataf day, Mke Loni and Andy rontes ram Mit- tamao and AI Foc andJim Fouier ontUn filera. Fine ptayern mre accoptod it thUe lagne at Ue Chinihm bock: Raceras Edge Scott Early chanes Lowvittes Dol Currie bock to the meeting. McDuf ad t nwo ployers, aociy ocqirod baîinùLovilie's 7-3 wjn Thtrsday at Brian BonI Park. Racros Edge ninffered another Frank Robinson anad Rb Ainmos. MtawooahonsWtt- aon, Norm Tappiag f tFîtUn Wheet aad Darrent se ack wlen the feamn learned if con'l be allowed to tuse either Mark Curfîn or Larry Kuchnocin oCothoicoco atnals accepted. Scott for the rentoftiffhe year. CTire turns back Charles By Locey Beaulien The thintot coaIMiton PIaf Font-1 hall Leogue action sac anotin or-o faceekoincti yt anatir uPaot This ceoins upaet cas pcovided iy Caradian Tire mina dompentdeadmaf leagao champion Tino Chartes Hotel 21-t 13. In otinr faces. Gatinger Motors won a pair o ganties deletinf Canant an Tire 20-260 hoocotiumpiaf Miltonr Tribune 62-19.lunhoimon, Mitomae ties! Etata inndent argen) arcs its tiird successive lors 39-22 Mondays face sac Galliagor Mtors m3)ut an excellettcaaehacin ta hoot Cananian Tire in tinolbat minute.1 Canadia Tire tarted qiciniy mov- irg tino hait aIt t taain o19-0 toant mto the thinrd quarter Galliager scorent eacty iiinoethini but Caaadiaa Tire ur eedonthiOlnet OoeaOIaa. Gary Kenaedy for Canankar Tire ant Beaullea for Gattiager Motor's cere fine games MVP. The second g ame soc Mdltowne colt oner aa andecstotted Sargent Forma. Miltamno otrocn oarly aad olten in tino liraI hall an they opporot up a 27-7 hoîflîme lead and thon cuasteu tol viol. ory Brcie Harritn, Mdltonaen qoncrtochacn, uaed it oflonce latettif- ontlyty hatcnathey neonlontaoscore il man Jion Manakon mina atoanttaIt citn tinree touonr earaîog hic tino MVP aarti focrfine game. Bruce Heohort Iatloced cîtn Ina majors mite Doa HuaI added one toocindomnanod tiree coavorto. Deteonivety Huai and Sieno Bracier inod interceptions cinde Gong Dfan inadnte0 fominte ceconecy. Par Sargent Forma Fred Bahea, Mmke Kendrick n d Wayne. J;2oneacin ant a taucindama Prom tha1 polt oriomvet.il as attcie tv snmmnannwinpu Gatinger as quartecinacin John Von conversion anti John Mttaîjanyn bilo Ceder cent to tino crf hall. ico connecta St. Johna atm hati one Par th innntg tooon hoccy Seautien interception. MVP toc Sargent Formas tant throo toucindomnsaond Bruce John- ma Fred Baine. oiTr son inu ne 00 cOmteJohni Eltiar bail a Game tre sac Cononin ue gi tconversion tn iorne couat or improsaive ffono andt iis inn-point ime combine il citin stiaf defenco ta For Canadan Tire, Kcth Summer- apaei Chartes Hotel. ci liant tn majors. ardy Jonron Canadiati Tire ed 20-7 ging lto tht and ian Brand eacinblnwt îtLee fbain quarter hboce Chartes maInt Fairbankn adiing tain couverts.scoreanotheor hum Il mos a rose fb ton oncerle arsoiod onOineretion. iteton aue Fatigue becomes factor for Selects in Barrie Fatigue qicily ieramo a tactor a Mlton Select junior ladies sotîhaî reps playentfourîacgmos ta eîghi Saours Salacday n lino Barrie Itetrcodiato tnvttiuaal toornanmeol sloecta dcnppod tino oporer hy jut a sngle con ieforo cinniaf ils next twoo aces. car- coiesroppod Selocta' topos nitin a i2imlii 10 hnoci tino Milon quad oui o tino highty om- potitivo ioornny. i as tcongnshoning forth linoJaor Sloecto cino noce ploinf n a senior agen tlornoy. Let yoac, attc Mitona Ofgat, the cm or tino ckam- pîonrnip. Barrie Army-Navy-Air Force droppot the hlecta 6-5 1 ine aponer lelre Mittnn ot Barrie Qaensolt4-3 aod '~METROPOLE INSURANCE AGENCIES (MILTON) LTD. PFPSO1%. 1, ,PPPlPATF INSUf4AIa.. -L A7;ý FORALL CLASSES GFINSURANCE CAR- HOME- LIFE* TENANT- BUSINESS- FARM 878-573 17 WILSON DRIVE, MILTON TORONTO UNE 826-0501 AFTER HOURS CALL PÇIER SHERRY 97"-774 Q Gilia 7-0. ScoarorOe it Sotecîn u in e teamas final game 10 ho elimnaoted tram tino dooite-hnacinoat taacney. Miltonr coachn Bob Stock said his beac ptoyed colt lhrougotthle tOacvey art con cotinalaf 10 impravo. Hoeotide t fial ho floti ins tbacshoatd ho neil-preparenfortichin Provincial Womoo5s Sonthaîl Association regoflal playotîn Jîdy 10- 12 ai Perfun. In lbague play at ceoin, Milton ilanked llve-trihoout pitchiaf nI Diane Gilmour. Setecîn comcitted jot a sage error miichi na ant nîf nn nI thete ac comninf togetiner. Caratyn McCatnoy ed tino iitera cth aasiagle and a triple ciit Carol Lawrnceroart Karen Vîciery addodtwIn singlea apîecc, Sotecîn hane a iuay weehupcooig ith fine games scinedate n sovea faces " FREE EstimateS " Custom Painting " Frame Strtightening " Collision Repair SANCHOR AUTO COLLISION lui Nlplaalng Rd. Miton 978-84 Caradiar Tire ibut rot hacaure nI lus calcinofaitity. Johnson repoatontty fol Caradior Tire ntalf troublthinon attenco ardoteenîce. By gomea end ho iatwIcapoints hy wyofnIponts atoaf cîtin Inn interceptions ta stop ooy Chartes comnekacin. Thint eacnontlion MVP Honora foc tino gamo. Koitin Sommervitto art Jnohn Stmuki boh IhianttoncidocnchIe Tnoy Scialler alan hant ose alurg cîtin a con nort.Bahb heshoy iad one interception deleaaînoly. For tino Chartes Hotet. Pt Moan art Glenn Biedermon bth an toiurhdowna cîtin Geoge Wiscannertirgone Biedrman caa voet MVP. The final cortesi ut thn e eekturnent tto a horror tory for lino Milton Tri- buae as Galntialvo Mora domolianent them 62-19. tino Trbune lent 13-10toigalft thin second quater Ufotuoatoly inta lu minre thne gamoerdent for tine Tribune a Gallînger MoIne's quarterinacin John Von Cedar docîdd ot flen iis tiroiaf arc ard mono kms hall clubn rotatînoty aI Wienit waa ocr LrryhBeaulieu andt John Eldon bttt ad tirer inacidocn witeî Barry Herderson, Bort Davis artdrocccor Joo Ctatono oach iat onem. Ricki boue playont a nîcouf gamne iciti neoroieldntgoal ardt ine connocto. Horne ant Van Coder morniaf a cllt- deserved MVP hnor. For tino Tribune, Star Rutchîman, Laccy Beard and Bront Ftocors att lad tourindocn nîin PFlacers addîog a cor- vert i itBocer, ino con the Tri- iunea MVP. iadne 00interception inlaa tosiof cause. djternce inoegamne poondiof oat toattoand driviof homo thcee rom includiaf Une cianiof cao la tino hottomof aItUe neveatin Wilsnnonn asploytaf has licolgamoe ctth Miltacae Ban yeac anti con of ahUnoplayors ralont altomo i t play. Witson atso ploascîUn Glen Wtliamn. Ban Gsbrneead Kîp Jaques otitedt ts a pieco and Toto Marchinant chippeit in onth a homo rua ta aid tino Mltomno attacin Tony Broussard (22) rot- fered thenosot Ia Miltamnes icolciaIin oin e, George Tronco limitent hocnîllo ta fnac binto on kis toammotea paund- edout 13iito in t13-4decimation ofBenders. Tcnc earetiisnirtci intfour deciaiao hlo hovittesRick ingia nomistarecard dtp ta t-4 Bruce McGee con Ue if offensive fan rappiaf out a siafle,,a double and o tripto chute Mmke Lenie, flon McClure and Marccimont addod toobiito opieco. la othor facnes, Gîtoco con thoîr second siowonc mtîachnoI tino noason citin McDaiteeodfiaf Ueon 7-6. McDuffe con Inn other gomon doabianfiPîlUnWherl 6-3 and hatiaf Cotinocin72, Trucoy Maflirn tiont Rococs Edgo O4-4holoro edgingF Pîtin Wkeet 1-0 Wieelocn badl o por coin lonafta MCDatlo and Thrncoy bhoare aalcaginf o il1 tie cîtin Coîhoc.In t tin o thor gamne of importance ta foltaceca aof the sandings ram tin o bttoon ap. hoccîlle deotod flocra Edgo 7-i. Theo 00faguehan hocomo o Inn homo race onth sin nogason lac and leagne follncecn troc thne top daca saoca potoatiot champîonahtp nrton pcOvtoc cher MDalle and Tonornroc long le n ta ior necond meetingouthteno eanon aitin Gîtersaain comnigouf or tThe cntest contained many dramatictin the open- isgîinnîngcwhon ies jampd up ith three runsin Une top af tfi îct hfoce MeDulto rcptîont îtinIn cana ta thoîr hall. Gîteco nolttod itacay cîtina ournaco bth hut MeDutto ihippont ocay cîitanwoin tin o laun hand ir- flocouns in theolîlUn and sccoati innings to moine il a clmse tcame. Nocm on Mary and Don Horna ced Gîtera onth t'on kis apteco chîlo Roy Tonlli inltont a koner. MoDolte roceinont a hoant wcina reooatty acquirent Frank Robinsone froc Mitomno)cret hbase thr timon and accent eacin tîco Doaf MoCtchesa added a coupleofaIbits ibut icasn't enaufinan ah obMrsac a tempfor is ilt ic ctrY i tco dcisions contby the boards. McDaIfe sondoniuinontthe tost Gtooilrsaroundtwin cins o taty ocre citin Thocahaoown theirce otr top spot, Pîtcher KRotinMcKîanon con hîs rcoard 10 3"0an MoDutto heat ifth Wheetlaoeardy Caulans up- pontbkm record t102-i citin tino vîdtry avec Cothecin McDalfo 1e4 FilIn Whect i-o tincaugfi linanînfo hoforo intinteama dincaveren t teir hinttiaf promena and scocent a total of eght ruas loc an oncitiagffinish. Pool Larmier ont MeDallo cîth tir is înludnaf a pair oI triples. MeKînnan tht-oc a bac iitier. Peter Racine managen twInaofItl tslofoc FilIn Whecl and badlone RBI MoDallo ecovecent froc a i-t1iadantate afaînst Cothock in hU a ton la tino 111h, tco mare ta the sixth andthreein the svnatn. Thcucay and PiftU Whect lochent in a ptcheco' duel 1 an Mulfers' Ted Moore and Wheclocn' Mark Groake altocen jot six ilo holmeen tSec Thcncay paf reof aI tirfr bilo togotner in tino itiird mataf n th Pont KinsmensRat-staglo stan- ding Mas thne decisie rn. URGENT MESSAGE!,-,df DAYS LEFT TO BEAT THE TAX ON TRUCKS 9000 IL GBW or LESS AND WE'VE GOT THE TRUCKS! 1pLDSMOBLEII SEE THEMI DRIVE THEMI il- AT CHEV-OLDS "~A Good Place To Do Business" 6791 Hwy. 25 S. at Derry Rd., Milton 8782393 %MMMui ma 1