MS TheCanadian Ch07 19 O !e jUgr UIT SACS AND ENJOY 441 Al the1 lui1 ýk end 11411 11t4n44la4dons- Tis.4 11.11144112 1144111.gara1ge. store 1patio, l.14.d Yrd. 1111111l mm wih sile firpl4411. 1î41hed M 1114wm 4111 $110.000 ne 17, 198 e. s ô HOW SOONCA* YOU MOVE? Tis b,..ld 2-s is ment4 11.41111 .111 14. Moe 111114àIspol11114 h11lh 44l4arg bdr,13 bath1411s, min1 $117,M0 110111DONdT US R AU tai he f-44L1 us tak yu nsde thi4leveih14th44 yo can1apreciaithe1 $105,M0 FOLLOW THE SMART HOME BUYERS e%4TO MILTOWNE REALTY 4 114411141111 th1 .44111414111but 441111 tn hw 4o the1 3 b.11î1ôo41, lmodem1??b.1hroom1, 41411 big yard. CHANCE 0F A UFEIlME 1 b.y 14141144 home wi41. a 10 y-% m4444-1 11119Z4 Thîî3b.11 $78#500 TINEO 0F MODERN? Ten 4444see11144111114144 2 b.11141 home4 lcate1 l- t.doI4 -t41414î 144 I 4141411444 441,II ppteia he brick f4114 111141141 1144ans 44h41 4144111411441 work1114411144mature $88»50 SmOUSOUAmICAMTWm01110411 $4.00 44111111 4'l141il ail 4411 1in 11111 brick Iswli-maintain44111141h.- 141111113 b111111441. 111111 111141111, Lsh111441 1i414g1-4111n 1111444and1414111 $114,500 THE MOVINO DUC WIU. BITE 4hen vou see, this1 roomy 4 drom1home. During your tour note the boards, th mainl4lont fmlyroomwithfielacel1403 b1141144?l11privacy 11encin1?and1attractie ladsap- in4 12 h4% 4ona41 t11 43.Gt moving fo $109,900 DO YOU USE 141150N111i M, 14'II 1value 141 Victorien141home1b4111 bout1%610h.mC1 and 441111 411444 41114441? 1111 114411 4441144lk hou"14Il 1441411111a47i 1444 444111living4 ares1plus42 spart 41144 There is a parkg tires ad massivu su dari, et the test Why don'i you contact us and wIl 111brate on a1 the1fine41114141114 IFVOU WAWTOUT -4Sy like a short ride fr anace o. E???1 11114ith fine det111lshîî hm 3 bd 141141, 2 b.11111i,place 11in iving oom111,la 14144444111141111111and41111lT11111.4111111118014ll fo mmdet. t111 4111 $132»90 WANT A RAMin 1?4441home1 414444 spirits? moodft1 Inc1luded liste11111.;2 b.ahh.. 2 41111P14411, d1s1as11 , in41 un1 oo, 14 441 g414 nouas4411, 411111 fen414g. The omers have upgra11dd and dî4s many futur« hos. Botter cmaou11l and14 ses1l14h114 for 444rse1f1 centrai vacuum441, 2 b.1h1441111. 4141414 1111141111 $102,M0 and aluminum 4b41111411. Located on a large loi in a d111114b14 11'14 11111 14414411111 1home11futures113 b.11î444 and14111 4 111 111441111111. 441 main41Off attractive l11111414411. 144 1444, 11144 have411t. 441 in.ida. 411114141414044114040 $135M lý';is 1 SU THIE CN TOWER 1144 44111 4144 444114411 Ths 14441444 3 441114114home4411111111 444441 trees is locat6 ' im r- s,,apmi,,4t od1is only s114111,,1114 . 41 F441411 fo14144111444144441 pisasure iriclde: de., ..d4 . 11111444î444. 414114a 1444 111144411411, 1-144 ...41 d4Pool,1 4shed, 4041 1141444h 1441 home C.11 1.14114114114Moi. $134,500 TO PMT 44 SPLI.4l f. sply beaut41414Thi lf14t,î11 3 bedroo, 1.3 111h, p41111r444 1h bd ,o . frrly - ilh Il-,1 1 o Sli1.g i,1114144 Outdoom 4yu'lIl k lhe Patio1and g11.11 shed.Ail $104,M0 1 411, 41111m 14111 Il" 11414ICll"1110 'na14 usI411u114144114lledYo'l eP«O 141e144d44, u1. - oom aml 1 1 P Ba411 o o, "I*a49,90-cae0oc 411E SMO0F HOUSE 11t 11141 a honnit411411111 @cm 4114h ba& on41 là Mile Cm11k. Corrie - tN 3 11111 b.ra.1111 lh41111444 4411 , 1h111114141111 Brighon up you1 future1to $134M50 WOULDNWT 404USIE AN 11 % 4444441141111 114111. 444'Il .11444gel1-1at-i, 1114114414111411111411 tc pti,114411 inng1ornen csyIMg 1S wit trelac. ai fr e apo4t 411oay *85,90 Gary Th.u PVOL Ju. Smd Jodn h-n t.M au 'r Jo mws SM* vD pq 878-2365 Mur lDdma 878M0 87"-110 BrimeHOWi 878-2713 878-3155 tarinGudiuc 81423 878M5JJn omutun 811 7210 141"485"M Po A. Popi 878-299 MM 756Tony M l M 8.MON 878M 29momi mw .AU.818600 àâiâââ