lheaOrlanàduf hampaon. Wad..Jueil i5 Bayley MacLean's Disalmg Elegance. This truditionally styled dining roonu offera thse pesfect spot for entertaining on those upecial occasions. It in- cludes a large wndow overlooking thse sade lawn. Sp)acious comfort 1Iis Ian trey centre hall plan home otters spacios, coafortale and cosveieni living. area overlosklng tie suasen faailly Also losaled on thiemanosara Located in Milonas Dorae Park poai0.r rosmanda d om area, the hoaae la close to al of thie On tie second level are three bright tains metes, ncldng a separate ani roomy hedroomi plias a master sud publie sclaool illilo walking hcro id al-iscoe n distane lhaee-piece ensaite. Entertainisg s made simple wtla tieF large living roomn and separate formai Fiandis assistance is available dniais room rom the vendor. Tlhe kitclen ia meil designeil for easy To view liis home, pleaae calISensa meal preparalion wItlota o cuphnard Parn ai a Bayley Macean Real Estate and casner space anid a large eatlig Ld, 7&0565 or 62-1122. Kitchen blis. With plenty of cupbourd space and counter top arcas, nobody will be able to complain about doing kitchen duties. The breaL5ast area t one end of the kitchen also makes it handy to feed the fumly on informaI occasions. 1 1 1 11 1 --Linda Kirby.,f ,-bdoo.home locsted in to-storey style, Ue baisse is designdto provide Milon hapio Mlto'sDorset Park ares offers the many con- comfort and convemience in a spacioua setting. Milon hamion veniences of town facilities, schools and shopping.A A. ~n E.LPGmTenne fiends TIWID.IIIIEIIIitA LwL 8 Iu11m randsl COUNTAT EECUTIVE Iocaiad on 1s'/. as andlsiieai:21W sq. 0. o loun saca Ilquielvng lc wh5ainsi 000ore looki fo,, 1011 n alSraisGîsai liar lailhai deils. Askng $167.9W0 5IJPREME 5PLENDOR T ------- --@àbrckhot -- huPnKO Os&IW dbrick baungalow wmOh 3 bedrosa.2 bToalos oaa ena i sabnt o 101. miai aaand3 bts -nkilciios . ciailo0ble liaanu 04deindi vsùd nloaid psassol aia ihn, argeliving Oi 001 iilald 1Mc 10001. dec loctinOla m1ature oon aquialClss5oailailaiaa i ensd tmng oiaoimin fOicq aiîy oSn, i lngoîiad cooanod superaiî%i inOîin ii u îasc, 2 balis, laePis-Saalot. aiCaloe luas Akiag $10.900 Piss a nl Lidsay J. onis nnd saiopin Askng $1 17,W. Pissai colt Lidsay J. McLren. ATMOSPHERIC CR01156 TUDOR acealo, aiis xcutiiosaineoooOai3800 s0 l. o "agntliving ala pca 5 badîooi, 4 bahs, laivioomaithatiueaaslsilacai, lage roosam wimailebaet.aiNuaiias ea$.aMn- utes0rom401/25 11ma. Ashaia $80,00. Pisai canlll IaseWinthe, o.1.3 cias Miut U,ai, acIl hair.. Akclu $106,000 Pieauail Da noîs.v 5-LEVEI. ACSPUT -SUPER MOsTOAGE ganeroaalnaaiaacondtio, 4bediooos, naia flloîSr aly roo nd laudVlrool, Plus Olsc 'tegaisanlf-8al-AosAikcg $1069M Pisas aail Mary Vils VINTAGE VICTORIAN Srilasedo0,35 arsciaiaas ld bick beaaaiy o05,. 3 badiocmlargelusklha,spaisa edn. irg =n,lyolbRal cgcl.-.h fi lO,lfa- ly rS0m ih ficapsc, paloui,,estra asiooll pooi la cluslto o ciloaidal Locad rvi-lia loom o, nd "a.dit d$149i,900iPle.ac»nI soia aifllil10 are loi. 1114 loslY countriy home futur«: 4 OhdiSais.2-4 pc. balhais-u plcecm 0liigc'îiaiand lamilh 10001loOaiy country kocaio, min1 0001 isoodit 1000,si bonsailstniale, bmddtiulfields aid paddocks suriounided bai aipis baia sto ey rv sat en sei.Ashia $79,000.Paessani ous«Wn 4 BEDROOM. AIL BRICK HOME - $16000i A caassialalonshow, pi Wel igcozy i iacai, 2 soper decsf oi oaidoSf soaiaslavinPiesa aai Juano MccY ,CaîlsSîoill. RURAL. RANCHER, stoctomai1 0001 ghin inaeciniaat 14%. Ty mom amiisll On this welkepiî3bdoio hoon aio gadlds-05 Pailactinileaisa scmilelnal sisars. kachaîl aillaibual-mlving ac'l0.iel ml loisai c oeînd poio and tilelagasaesais. REAUTIFUL NASSAGAWEYA Woilnagentcle ollîlo lals, tleosanid sprlous, makesa lovaly ssOlial orllhlnnlscadlrancher onbs5 ci«andioslaioou Godasad bediaOs. kicllsaomulbeakastimmolali aoaoudainia manod folly loon ohcpaiodois and open fireleSoi. ONew34n3tsials buill inoclos. Vsodoî, wiiiho la finlii lonoosua Askaiolty $159,90. Pisai cltanal ou Viilli 4 balisrn aiZiiy lasais lsaiio Oisiind lai aonl 2 biha, clos breakfasoosk, spcicoils asodecped bock yrdckin oc, 00paihisad end caiaid palan. Shoslotpcion.asoPlis ai l BrBas avise SI M l J ý l IDEAL SITUATION I, Fnlrlths vaaue cooscaossbayaimai n oaSis 4 ia badionais 3 baila. sacoas loing ed dioiag aom ith ftîspisos. 5ati oktcaisouChis 1 schois aid sýiascî. Only $709.51 Paseana RAISEO RANCH - DORSET PARK Quelt îa, bus cioutei00et cl osaeliaacaioc1i Et1Go Tain erinlal, 3 bldrooms. lae aain ktchen aithllaîkoualIo l0i.20'dack. beaiall pool sd teck yrd mi1 cîiaco lance, las 1000, denEl h siidly r10001.i,« fin iîishilili 10001. Piced ai $56.002 Cala ni1 ONeil b lscosi ALE BICK TWo0eTOREY - as53ARO 3 5550 M U ALOW -578,9Wia 11 inîaocig unil 1984.3 bedianaiadiia ScolauaihomwllllchilinIakiallcdai 10001 nastiiome. oblaiiasgaaePisaiDosetPark, Sngleiarîoage. Onodol ailla hlc oeil Jan McCoyor Carlole Sionaiil l a i iîoaning . Pleaaaical Carolain 0i1ill o TRY AN OPPERI cENDORS HAVE 5OIiOHTI Tin spacaos iik h litIle11 adallisuiiOf 8UXURYTOWNHOME 110%MORTOAOC dsiacaad baime iiaiiadt1e000001 pie 4 bcd CAN VOU IMAGINE TILL 190 iaiclau.. 0isaiire6«h ikîlho, 0main o, m ome ioîsna3 bedrooaia.il% balas. 3 bedroovi,lîlaelvigad diaiaa ooml. ment, looiaoodic.aapgraldd blodIoadicilY ssi.aokiioainsuapr iviiaddinioîealosa lS aivloomaioenoilac ndsîolasn deatoraied. Askini$W,9.tCala Shsals P*Yos invilyo 1001 ith i iiipce.Monuaga ail 10%. waskoil to onîy cîi al aiSiuaa no Askia 529002. PiancalLindsay J. McLSIaI1 dasiblea ano Wilson Aenue.Cala Saile Hall 00180. OOINO. OONEI AG foaldetis 71t a j Ilr a ha.ai ou. 0ks4 bdi-IafVENOOR WiLHOI.O IRST MORTGO oaldl4 ,011iaaoinm105p, nfi0l1la0,ifastinc olodnso you aaocasidaiedligina l2slniaiif4bed- utin kalala, 00ia10mont, dffingîontv olai 100ortebick hova 1100 laslosdsd Wtmai1 aiacl, ISHERMANS PARADISE -naall iise acornih's hnlookiuaisaadu nkli o o rtOiOilialcldadaiatlin $s5oo - go cresmwils10 acspinialsd fireac atmanainer!dllo.d OOsad PalaO ' k110001, oml iaaaoioae, livigalasm ila pod lae oissbarn,nexceliletonielfor t lîi0d 900 Plnscaî-l BIl Clo ail,,, 1,ivly naov, "pcaanaie ,îom, 2 ecldid terreaui 35ain y olant1Totlon garage..llh a,,d a matureoahall 0-r, 11 Pîcoîa. .l Oail ,Lawicl. phe- oConai 2 caoy wh i .. f01 .hahO affihaOV -i0l- 3 M R 01 rdoIL 901 îanaiCoiî OalalyllOiuldlOiliiO01a vicallsaldoiomtll aîeîcnooLcaa1acC)Raaal.lhis 4levai idesnsPl i amoal vg Other fe0il,1clId living montily cornosoih fflble imPi-an acidan aaiakicciaolormiat livi olcoit od oiai4baidîoo.2 sahOishodo.8,uolosaalisoL01a2h.dî Nunnenaias eirls ihroaiaaiaaiAslaaoo$225,000-tO. l mm 'osi trdiniescm oasgas aiasL ai îai - . tac îor end sucer liargebok lard .Li illo 5 sa liIsai i ..a0 Psas a Pissascapl naiWiiai.$14,9. .Plaissan ilsli oasi. et 99,9. iPism a l Bilri o 81 Cia Milto 878-1019 Main St. E. Toronto LUne 826-9218 Milto 8788101Milton 8811 O'Nalll 8ev Caaaldy Mary Vila Tery Sandarsoal, Manager. PAI. Bill Carda Stalle Hall Inge Wlsllsar Bran rsas 878-m»78 878-7002 87&M0818784M 8878-4044 878-43390 883-1980 878-82M SisaNa 1111Pays Joan MCCOy Doasil Lewrasea BatteBlttla Donna Oyane COate Stonhil Doug Sawyar Lndsay MCLaran 8784701 8784018 978-1044 8782196 08-311l2 883-2718 804-2247 8783388M MU%-,,