82 Th Canadien Champion, Wed., June 17, 1981 a, cpick yourOWflqý Q Qstrawheriesq QVisit our unique Yarn Market- VoPmebakiftfgi Ham on a kaiser, ice cream, juicess, honey mapte syrup) 7-ommadejams 1 and more starts Jhurs5day! i QWeekdys8a.m.-8p.m. Wekesds8a.m.-5p.m. 7256 Bell School Une mton 45kicr orw fviHwy25. Y, ile nih of PICK VOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES NOW OPEN ANDREWS SCENIC ACRES r Bert and Larins Andrewss Miltas, Ontario 8785807 r.PICKINGON841IN QUART MEASURE 6R per Quart il Quart equals 1 Y-1 lha bu. 20% Discourt uftci July lsi D- irectiosta are. Orice Nrth of Miltun sn Mm. 2.4 mle ca 101cr Sldired. re.et u0. 06cr Sderoal 1% rmlle. Wc a,ecoccas I3d c.d th lise. mATCH F08 Red Raplerries aiarting July 1th r Ohrerrope tGrien eSwm cCrorn, Blebasrirferrileiilc U-PIKSTRAIUERRIES , Hisaki Farim Fourth Lne of Erun Township. 4 miles North of Highwuy 7. 1 1/2 Miles South of Highwuy 24. 3 Miles West oI Haton Roud SEASON OPENS AROUNO JUNE 20TH PLEASE CALL (519) 833-9974 To Check Pickng Condi- tions Open 800 arn. To Dusk Daily Pick Your Own Strawberries Pine Acres Farm 4th Lin, 8-tdRoMlle 878-2016 e Open Juer17i cIW Pir.ir1in au". Oviv 18 ACRES of scanding 5e. Rckmcadr 5601118- arcs. filYrstlacre., MAY 45ace1981 r 3 oif Tf masry mixturre, MAY for&%ler toi cc-rty efls, allfc clIvrs, balsa In 'ho MAY forisale, 40 acre. gj.ocdn erclcala. 878. OIIAIL W sale, i1 de ofli o edulc lif c.or ,re""al. 85e2530 or asu- for sles Lrer i ueccîie. eslfsble Sc chose, PogOii mecco. 878-7860 afefa3S.m. 786 cre cf Red Cio. l as cndlii cre. of A^liit&lap. Ose NHM718 Fore. loister wior 2 row Cors le.aar cml pOVl3. ii 5W CUSTOM SWATHING hep andl gran Cei John 878-3660zc PICK VOUA OWN STRAWBERRIES JACERAE FARM locafd 3,ie.rh o Sission Av.vonfheflton Hiiodih Lin,vo bafss5 & 10 Sidercd.i Opes Maodcv o Fdey 1e.m. 5p.m. STRAWBERRIES PiCk-Your-Own and i -Ready PiCked at 'The Farm' (fore.erly KItelsyrel 1/ mi. west' vf Trafalgar Rd. vs il Sîdeovd. -firssoiatse peso second bride vs nvrih sîde. lhcbarb v isc uo vufabie. 877-7976; 877-9603 uacgar27 STRAWBERRIES Opening Set, June 20 Pick yvur vws ai Grd Grigs 1 mi. msi of Trafalgur Id. vs 15 Sidrvad, fissi uns pasi trrcks vs vvrth sido. Gord & Paukuitte Greiti 877-7632 STRAWBERRIES Pick Vour Own on qearts orSô quart anly. 6202 Walkera Une il mle South of Der"v Rdi STARTING JUNE 17 00rl2mcrvinse Folletspmi - ECZZ 888M h81 d d6 "* c6,8ltl6l dIrect cl, 118eissUmal 11, .66 51ai 11801 fer »ro gUroom: eîîls ale §HP 16.888V Ferec CMSNT Mre. nac.iise W« Immelletaper, MIl trcacrmdh l Mca. AIu m .e, 'z T~aI- 20 ft. lac cîdve, 15. 8 285 falm fri r--troll 8endendrance a66v8e rol. Cc honte- 621-1626. HUNT JUM S.PLEASURE ENGOLISH RIDING INSTRUCTION Cornoplece faciccc. rsdoocraton Bagrssm r o Adced Ciârdis&bAdeir. Aisbook rmifor smmor progras f75 ochv Jcwa29 -Aca 7 Hose.Et Tais for icie MOUNTAINVIEW FARM Mrs. Uster 87-35981 HUNTERBROOK FARMS Engllsh RdIng School *Certied lraInruclm ePcclom ccc Poe Fscor ae.lIstction loal levait simIl cilsi ,h f RMhii. Cali 88-32 b8i FirniUne.. etocceeonc.ac Sdlne ic, bFit Limé Touch Et Go eFeI Farms *oarcllng, aml e Maire, baurded doge only Hen aice Jumpos. WOLFES LAIR fereala KENNELS 86e-2391 877-3118 03ivrif Poosrasian Pvppies aLACKSMIrH lave 01 For Scie epormit. Normal edslg2 Corrsei hoIcti 86 5, Ge.rgeiocia4lW-e?.CAIRN TerrIffs 59 6617. miefls, Podîsi, PITOPAINT MSillon miirc ilvefOr 12 stdl secrvice. o.ks. Germens ur. cispsifo con- tudr poiters, 1ce.9Mie. flîeils 8s Qafiie.Normlgicc efkouaosd, pascal dos ii foule501 fM 00511. SIamm CIssamas F gcrs. Pur kiilims Il regisiired, toecolorIsn our bars. vaeca, iie.ltcp. Cali 5198».4146 sockwood, (f1i) 856. asycIma or 4168782324 8. MoccasFrlla,9ioS. DOBERMANr l.18r3 TME brao av la.omc vYerr. -fa1c srOsi5tfront tre cmit miav a smeli 1 cuntry home ii om. 10 Yse.r 01cr pîasr. Mst soif. 878-7795 aftci rîdIso. chmsut-cofoîedi _____. __ mrc In the bars. 878- KITTENS-Fe. i. a 7603 an.er 7p.. (No aolhome.,879-NU3. dealers) LHASA Apso Fcplesli, 6 TWO lors. iref icifor me.cu, 014,2 ma e., 877. sale' afto ofMis board 7398. and hersa. eecasalu WANTEO home loi 1 875.3,6e. _ Ysrodi Ge Orment WEANER pies. Coli Shopcceil, preerabîs cn 87d.23R@fier 6. thecountcry,878-7461. YOUNGa rder ii shorea bocidiso 808059 wlt 0 mi=Oc f4 h.h. pocy, kepi i ciet com. Robin Mill scabese, I cortr acrvi.. Fo I l Kom MARIS TRANSPORT LTD, Requîres Class 'A' Drivers At ioast 25 scars ofiago Acrvvgo pfsvingvreord c scc v yocs plue fulf coisparf p bsffcvco For eppeitiîmot lcali Personnel Dep. la Dekvle li t US5-1695 J BUSY TRUCK STOP RaqS: utce exch. cishot-g COO s: uirtefovpsrien shrt ordsr mark, abie 1v mvrk shifts. MAINTENANCE WORKERS: Ev- pteoncnoncosoury. mature, capabs indivdues preforred. TIRE PERSON: Eprevcod mîch mrk- îsg with truck tires, must lhave drivers licence.r Cc-li Anne Teather et 878441 to ar- range an interviewe. FIFTH WHEEL TRUCK STOPS LTD. 40 Chiehole. Dr., Milton, Ont. GENERAL RECEl VER Fnerqel peSOC 5equir c o cee pckagin7 1 oz -.1 Zc0Il *ki reuid.Appyyin pro iv ~ PAVNE FARMS MAPLE LOOGE FARMS MT. STRAWBERRIES PIKV URO N 6H LINE WEST 0F BRAMPTON PIck our Omc cKYO ROW /4 MILE NOPTH 0F STEELES AVE., Stsrtlng Set. Jone 20th PEAS - Regular à Snow Pod (Wîstofl Churchilli Bvd.l an . St ue 0SALES PERSON Chas. Grele Face Sarîn St.JUe Bcalaof moosycl»enad eommobliesro- Bat,& Mabel Devolîn Open 01111YS8 &.m. -8 pmr. qle caonsaniom bdlsld ifoecaget full. 158 Sideroal. 1 clle mmesat Of ilcuposiinc. TrefagarRd.- 2nd drveway i T1,NO. à M".1 mvbW5lr 3 CIe btomacetlai oad coiy besets waat OC Rtracha.dmZrBe &m onr e.N Silt 8, aplsae 4 aSetrai semtoIo:5@m wM 01 FIRtrecks ffl tirait N.o YihCmmi..lon.eer ho W-77414 T181 iaiu E Om 1111 0309-4 rftea-ati "79 RodIy Wadi- Ca"oc if ycu are interestedlen a Pro<almcalalCareer.. *desre substantiel financlal opportuities * iimceacdmanagemenet opprtlnlies *freedom from limtations *gudance to reallze your persoeand po<aloe.9"a *Reaty WorId'somillion dollar Realacotepepgam enables you to makelmmediatelIncomne if you are presently elilcg Real Estate ... " Have oubeen dlsapaolnedin theetrainng yol have recelved? " Do you want Inodracnatlcaliy iecreaae your listinlgasuis? " Would you hâteto have1lid tetedcontnuons Pr«ofueal Training? " Do you wat toearo In exsess of ,O00par year? Let Realty World show you Howm1 fliursday, June 25 1981, 7.- 00p.m. HOLIDAY INN BURLINGTON ELECTRICAL FOREPERSON A grawing Comspanyp lcaled ls the Brampton ares requires e llcenced electrician Scpervlaaryespecience lea8 muet. Suitable applicanu ehauld have eîcperiesce with electronîce Yeyles. Excellent cvmpeny peid benclîta. Setary ssgatiabili Apply ta BOX 2867 THE GUARDIAN 30 VICTORIA CRES., BRAMALEA, ONT. L6T 1E4 A medîum-Blzed saies asd distributios 1kmr, relacatisg ta Erlo Mutas, roquires an ecuperlesced bohkeeper/accoonlanl. Must have ability la heep a fll set af caopvcedized accounitsasan mallan prepere monthiy floancil statemnente. Dullea mlIH aiso :riclude purchaesg and merehaualng reîpar.sbiiies. Outatsnding apparunily for o mature, canscienllaua Individuel wantlsg la participaie ln a gramiog campeoy. Evcellent saiary and benef il peckage. Send reeume la. Chattem Laboratorlos 6441 Northmrn dVe Mîselsuga, Ont LUV J2 WOODWORkING SHOP FOREMAN/WOMAN Paly sopsrienced pereos able ta taks fli corotrol aof pandinli waodworking shap. Shouid Se Iully cvnversant mith ail powser shap toole, able ta hidieand train personnel. Muet b.e aherd marks,, sel-starter, and ahie tv operete mith minimum aI supervi- sian. Write givisg dvilhofaIseII, ex- perience, and salary requirrmeots ta: Woodworking P.O. Box 104 Georgetown, Ont. L7G 4T1 042gm24 HALTON REGIONAL POLICE FORCE l cvcsptivg applications for tle fviscrsng. Scvfvv semer-ii.657.52 (80 rate). Aitrniviiv ehfrtc. Lmoci Oisrict 2, Ookirciiio Ont. Applicationscareacaiiabisuri t41Oi Si. Bufvinrgtor 68OOid Mill Rd. Oslrcilie 16Kisg Sir Miltcv 411 Miii Su. Avros 217 Gcelph St. Gomrgecws Applications told bc fvrmed.d te Hehn Roglonsi Police 129Whlteoaka BIvI. Oekvllle, Ont. Atn: Civlleci Adminîsrtrator Truck R-efrigeration Mechanic Euperisnced Rstesr mecheoîc rsctulred îmosediailily, preierrabiy with svperîsne us Thermal ',King and CCrrier eqipment. Sisady afiprncon shîit MAPL 6TH I /a.Mi (Wi LKC nm l 801880e RMEDNTIAL COUNSELLOIf Tii. Northr Halos Aie- oai.. for cthe MercOly recdealiel Coireetor foc c Comniunsr raides.. for adule. Apph, Pcm iWllea Reeldeslel airisior Trafalgar Rd. N. PART-TIME SECRETARY tp.m.-l p.m. ecldev. llivcirid by local gainerai InsuecesiAencv. tpir- Iasce riclid. Tv r rasgeeint rieplu»pia cliPter Shmr. METROPOLE INSURANCE AGENCV LTD. 8B78M~ IMMEOIATS SPARE-TIME INCOME Youfroiimrnbulres.. No isciuebsas. Bond for fi.. Ifirmalios. WriUfta Depc. 69, John Frira PO. Basx3M7, Lodor, Onstero, NUA4W2. SECURITY PERSONNEL Nights and Weekends 878-3794 ENOINE AND TRANS5MISSION MECHANIC required for progresive fers Phone fer appoiirime. 878-2122 Mlon Ecdpmt Co. Ld. 313 iescAu@.. Mlton PAAT-TIME OFFICE CLERK Fideaye9e.m.-Sap.m.i eiwday$@.m.4p.m. Apply Syere Floogrlng 310 St1el08 Ave. Mlton upîe f00c an ra 1w- i eoolircfo.pmature paI goo ldericai ekii cand mhc miope publicon tacr. Tour exp.resvcri For apposrrsssr pice Mr.c. CZrge 878-4;73 MALTOFli ELPINO MANDS ioefus ,pportforci de DENTAL RECEPTIONWS Art lisit a 0lade aohgffl .roomeU, usdu- damppla mpocmne? 0014y05enjoy wcoldsg si mreof&da'.eltom? IM no lde.. fcmsed ltte o &WetIlo n t ie Dr@.Ww Bali. lleesl. Ulcdéoo R7 Lysas Uae,.Sste Mt Oeksele.Ontarlo WELDERS - FITTERS Experienced. Ability ta red drew- ings an aaet. Good compenly benefite. Georgetown loction.. SECURITY PERSON l'cmedlale fu-lime Position avalable. suit"ble ppliceot muet ha wling la mark e posable lalng hift Raledpersons eppicalon eceplbleApply ln peisan ta: MAPLE LOOGE FARMS LTM. Sth Une west of Brampton 1/4 mile north of Steeles Ave., (Wlnston Churchill blvd.)* Milte. YMCA Mion YMCA The Milta. Joole'Y' Dy c6& e asc 5.0.1Coec cequkreaque tacllche for eepteibecl(Full 6 Peut-il,..Poesitios Apply liii retourneta MiltonYMCA 327 koflSte Se., No. 9 Attnolens ccceobr, PARTS PERSON The Ideal candidate shauld have Heavy Trucit Parts exleience. Dullea wM Include -mahlniolg Kardex System, Inventory cantrol and statlatloal reports. Exceent mages end cancparry-pald benieril. Apply ta: MAPLE LODGE FARMS LTD. 6TH LINE WEST 0F BRAMPTON 1/4-MleNlh 0f Steeles Ave. (Winstwi ChurcIlUBvd.> SET UP PERSON Inectan mouldlng rmInIosl Brempton requres experleoced set up personnel. AppIcanta muet have a minimum af 2 yeara' relaled experlence. Good campesy bel fIls. Cali 10 arrange interview: 457-5300 RECEPTIONIST Required lmmediately for dental office in Actas. Muet have baakeeping experlence. Send rrllume ta çtou81 C/O Actas Free Press, Actas, Ontario. DENTAL ASSISTANT Io i limefor a chngeif vvu re aearm emOpathetifi, reeurcfI.campaent xpmrced den ssfistantv conti rum miv us. Pla.. fomrd isfter cf appica Dr@ Balfomrc.Bell. 9.0le,.Rclhardes 627 lys.Lace. Seie 400. Ockvlllc. LJ 6&V LEGAL SECRETARY intetcd cppivans epleophone JOSEPHI SERVOS for intervilew 878-4149 LEGAL SECRETARY rqucsod by Miton La FPsy, Mnimum r2 vefrs eper laceinml fa. ,arsciclegalsecretry profarred. Saory comntvsucrareftvcoeper:srvce FLORIST SHOP C~Ufloral deigner, m . .nie ai-oie.pca tiensc noceaiv Alec RN N îî P,-tintebookkicpsO ig f Grades& hvr diy LE 1006E FARMS 11. cr. Ibised acy LINE WEST 0F BRAMPTON Mue ri5fdm mcaf. No LE NORITHl0F STEELES AVE. Pt.c Ci M.. Clocaofront INSTON CHURCHILL BLVD.) 877 tB2Ooliteml d Cmpst.e -c . 4 p.m. or Icceilm cou: EN8ED T1ANSmMGN 4Pre84ser8 HEDILDR cqolel o lo.14cyCOLD HEADER lac ~ ~ on a1 hiccmlccgsaosa mteu OPERATORS r uzrun the801061111 tetaMm dom mo .e, Bile ilcou par. r >msm etnars 839-'08GI01Jerry 470 I4arop Dv, 878*M Mon For a cedelsoalInteview bt-mmtIF4 M721 B.. 2481, ici Main Si DESK CERK Pistieals mtI NIA Apply le pacson, Mohawk Inn, Guelph Une end Hîghway 401_,.~ OFFSET praem.r manc u ea-mlas Mersl.Pincl.800 Fri St e., A~o.